In this commit, from the PoV of the SendPayment method we now delegate all path finding+verification to missionControl. This change doesn’t materially affect anything, it simply expands the abstraction to make way for future features that more heavily utilize mission control.
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package routing
import (
const (
// vertexDecay is the decay period of colored vertexes added to
// missionControl. Once vertexDecay passes after an entry has been
// added to the prune view, it is garbage collected. This value is
// larger than edgeDecay as an edge failure typical indicates an
// unbalanced channel, while a vertex failure indicates a node is not
// online and active.
vertexDecay = time.Duration(time.Minute * 5)
// edgeDecay is the decay period of colored edges added to
// missionControl. Once edgeDecay passed after an entry has been added,
// it is garbage collected. This value is smaller than vertexDecay as
// an edge related failure during payment sending typically indicates
// that a channel was unbalanced, a condition which may quickly change.
// TODO(roasbeef): instead use random delay on each?
edgeDecay = time.Duration(time.Second * 5)
// missionControl contains state which summarizes the past attempts of HTLC
// routing by external callers when sending payments throughout the network.
// missionControl remembers the outcome of these past routing attempts (success
// and failure), and is able to provide hints/guidance to future HTLC routing
// attempts. missionControl maintains a decaying network view of the
// edges/vertexes that should be marked as "pruned" during path finding. This
// graph view acts as a shared memory during HTLC payment routing attempts.
// With each execution, if an error is encountered, based on the type of error
// and the location of the error within the route, an edge or vertex is added
// to the view. Later sending attempts will then query the view for all the
// vertexes/edges that should be ignored. Items in the view decay after a set
// period of time, allowing the view to be dynamic w.r.t network changes.
type missionControl struct {
// failedEdges maps a short channel ID to be pruned, to the time that
// it was added to the prune view. Edges are added to this map if a
// caller reports to missionControl a failure localized to that edge
// when sending a payment.
failedEdges map[uint64]time.Time
// failedVertexes maps a node's public key that should be pruned, to
// the time that it was added to the prune view. Vertexes are added to
// this map if a caller reports to missionControl a failure localized
// to that particular vertex.
failedVertexes map[vertex]time.Time
graph *channeldb.ChannelGraph
selfNode *channeldb.LightningNode
// TODO(roasbeef): further counters, if vertex continually unavailable,
// add to another generation
// TODO(roasbeef): also add favorable metrics for nodes
// newMissionControl returns a new instance of missionControl.
// TODO(roasbeef): persist memory
func newMissionControl(g *channeldb.ChannelGraph,
s *channeldb.LightningNode) *missionControl {
return &missionControl{
graph: g,
selfNode: s,
failedEdges: make(map[uint64]time.Time),
failedVertexes: make(map[vertex]time.Time),
// ReportVertexFailure adds a vertex to the graph prune view after a client
// reports a routing failure localized to the vertex. The time the vertex was
// added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the view after a period of
// vertexDecay.
func (m *missionControl) ReportVertexFailure(v vertex) {
log.Debugf("Reporting vertex %v failure to Mission Control", v)
m.failedVertexes[v] = time.Now()
// ReportChannelFailure adds a channel to the graph prune view. The time the
// channel was added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the view after a period
// of edgeDecay.
// TODO(roasbeef): also add value attempted to send and capacity of channel
func (m *missionControl) ReportChannelFailure(e uint64) {
log.Debugf("Reporting edge %v failure to Mission Control", e)
m.failedEdges[e] = time.Now()
// RequestRoute returns a route which is likely to be capable for successfully
// routing the specified HTLC payment to the target node. Initially the first
// set of paths returned from this method may encounter routing failure along
// the way, however as more payments are sent, mission control will start to
// build an up to date view of the network itself. With each payment a new area
// will be explored, which feeds into the recommendations made for routing.
// NOTE: This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (m *missionControl) RequestRoute(payment *LightningPayment,
height uint32) (*Route, error) {
// First, we'll query mission control for it's current recommendation
// on the edges/vertexes to ignore during path finding.
pruneView := m.GraphPruneView()
// TODO(roasbeef): sync logic amongst dist sys
// Taking into account this prune view, we'll attempt to locate a path
// to our destination, respecting the recommendations from
// missionControl.
path, err := findPath(nil, m.graph, m.selfNode, payment.Target,
pruneView.vertexes, pruneView.edges, payment.Amount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// With the next candidate path found, we'll attempt to turn this into
// a route by applying the time-lock and fee requirements.
sourceVertex := newVertex(m.selfNode.PubKey)
route, err := newRoute(payment.Amount, sourceVertex, path, height)
if err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): return which edge/vertex didn't work
// out
return nil, err
return route, err
// GraphPruneView returns a new graphPruneView instance which is to be
// consulted during path finding. If a vertex/edge is found within the returned
// prune view, it is to be ignored as a goroutine has had issues routing
// through it successfully. Within this method the main view of the
// missionControl is garbage collected as entires are detected to be "stale".
func (m *missionControl) GraphPruneView() *graphPruneView {
// First, we'll grab the current time, this value will be used to
// determine if an entry is stale or not.
now := time.Now()
// For each of the vertexes that have been added to the prune view, if
// it is now "stale", then we'll ignore it and avoid adding it to the
// view we'll return.
vertexes := make(map[vertex]struct{})
for vertex, pruneTime := range m.failedVertexes {
if now.Sub(pruneTime) >= vertexDecay {
log.Tracef("Pruning decayed failure report for vertex %v "+
"from Mission Control", vertex)
delete(m.failedVertexes, vertex)
vertexes[vertex] = struct{}{}
// We'll also do the same for edges, but use the edgeDecay this time
// rather than the decay for vertexes.
edges := make(map[uint64]struct{})
for edge, pruneTime := range m.failedEdges {
if now.Sub(pruneTime) >= edgeDecay {
log.Tracef("Pruning decayed failure report for edge %v "+
"from Mission Control", edge)
delete(m.failedEdges, edge)
edges[edge] = struct{}{}
log.Debugf("Mission Control returning prune view of %v edges, %v "+
"vertexes", len(edges), len(vertexes))
return &graphPruneView{
edges: edges,
vertexes: vertexes,
// graphPruneView is a filter of sorts that path finding routines should
// consult during the execution. Any edges or vertexes within the view should
// be ignored during path finding. The contents of the view reflect the current
// state of the wider network from the PoV of mission control compiled via HTLC
// routing attempts in the past.
type graphPruneView struct {
edges map[uint64]struct{}
vertexes map[vertex]struct{}
// ResetHistory resets the history of missionControl returning it to a state as
// if no payment attempts have been made.
func (m *missionControl) ResetHistory() {
m.failedEdges = make(map[uint64]time.Time)
m.failedVertexes = make(map[vertex]time.Time)