Wilmer Paulino 29baa12254
discovery: synchronize new/stale GossipSyncers with syncerHandler
Now that the roundRobinHandler is no longer present, this commit aims to
clean up and simplify some of the logic surrounding initializing/tearing
down new/stale GossipSyncers from the SyncManager. Along the way, we
also synchronize these calls with the syncerHandler, which will serve
useful in future work that allows us to recovery from initial historical
sync disconnections.
2019-04-24 13:19:09 -07:00

367 lines
12 KiB

package discovery
import (
// randPeer creates a random peer.
func randPeer(t *testing.T, quit chan struct{}) *mockPeer {
return &mockPeer{
pk: randPubKey(t),
sentMsgs: make(chan lnwire.Message),
quit: quit,
// newTestSyncManager creates a new test SyncManager using mock implementations
// of its dependencies.
func newTestSyncManager(numActiveSyncers int) *SyncManager {
hID := lnwire.ShortChannelID{BlockHeight: latestKnownHeight}
return newSyncManager(&SyncManagerCfg{
ChanSeries: newMockChannelGraphTimeSeries(hID),
RotateTicker: ticker.NewForce(DefaultSyncerRotationInterval),
HistoricalSyncTicker: ticker.NewForce(DefaultHistoricalSyncInterval),
NumActiveSyncers: numActiveSyncers,
// TestSyncManagerNumActiveSyncers ensures that we are unable to have more than
// NumActiveSyncers active syncers.
func TestSyncManagerNumActiveSyncers(t *testing.T) {
// We'll start by creating our test sync manager which will hold up to
// 3 active syncers.
const numActiveSyncers = 3
const numSyncers = numActiveSyncers + 1
syncMgr := newTestSyncManager(numActiveSyncers)
defer syncMgr.Stop()
// We'll go ahead and create our syncers. We'll gather the ones which
// should be active and passive to check them later on.
for i := 0; i < numActiveSyncers; i++ {
peer := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
s := assertSyncerExistence(t, syncMgr, peer)
// The first syncer registered always attempts a historical
// sync.
assertActiveGossipTimestampRange(t, peer)
if i == 0 {
assertTransitionToChansSynced(t, s, peer)
assertSyncerStatus(t, s, chansSynced, ActiveSync)
for i := 0; i < numSyncers-numActiveSyncers; i++ {
peer := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
s := assertSyncerExistence(t, syncMgr, peer)
assertSyncerStatus(t, s, chansSynced, PassiveSync)
// TestSyncManagerNewActiveSyncerAfterDisconnect ensures that we can regain an
// active syncer after losing one due to the peer disconnecting.
func TestSyncManagerNewActiveSyncerAfterDisconnect(t *testing.T) {
// We'll create our test sync manager to only have one active syncer.
syncMgr := newTestSyncManager(1)
defer syncMgr.Stop()
// peer1 will represent an active syncer that performs a historical
// sync since it is the first registered peer with the SyncManager.
peer1 := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
syncer1 := assertSyncerExistence(t, syncMgr, peer1)
assertActiveGossipTimestampRange(t, peer1)
assertTransitionToChansSynced(t, syncer1, peer1)
assertSyncerStatus(t, syncer1, chansSynced, ActiveSync)
// It will then be torn down to simulate a disconnection. Since there
// are no other candidate syncers available, the active syncer won't be
// replaced.
// Then, we'll start our active syncer again, but this time we'll also
// have a passive syncer available to replace the active syncer after
// the peer disconnects.
syncer1 = assertSyncerExistence(t, syncMgr, peer1)
assertActiveGossipTimestampRange(t, peer1)
assertSyncerStatus(t, syncer1, chansSynced, ActiveSync)
// Create our second peer, which should be initialized as a passive
// syncer.
peer2 := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
syncer2 := assertSyncerExistence(t, syncMgr, peer2)
assertSyncerStatus(t, syncer2, chansSynced, PassiveSync)
// Disconnect our active syncer, which should trigger the SyncManager to
// replace it with our passive syncer.
go syncMgr.PruneSyncState(peer1.PubKey())
assertPassiveSyncerTransition(t, syncer2, peer2)
// TestSyncManagerRotateActiveSyncerCandidate tests that we can successfully
// rotate our active syncers after a certain interval.
func TestSyncManagerRotateActiveSyncerCandidate(t *testing.T) {
// We'll create our sync manager with three active syncers.
syncMgr := newTestSyncManager(1)
defer syncMgr.Stop()
// The first syncer registered always performs a historical sync.
activeSyncPeer := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
activeSyncer := assertSyncerExistence(t, syncMgr, activeSyncPeer)
assertActiveGossipTimestampRange(t, activeSyncPeer)
assertTransitionToChansSynced(t, activeSyncer, activeSyncPeer)
assertSyncerStatus(t, activeSyncer, chansSynced, ActiveSync)
// We'll send a tick to force a rotation. Since there aren't any
// candidates, none of the active syncers will be rotated.
syncMgr.cfg.RotateTicker.(*ticker.Force).Force <- time.Time{}
assertNoMsgSent(t, activeSyncPeer)
assertSyncerStatus(t, activeSyncer, chansSynced, ActiveSync)
// We'll then go ahead and add a passive syncer.
passiveSyncPeer := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
passiveSyncer := assertSyncerExistence(t, syncMgr, passiveSyncPeer)
assertSyncerStatus(t, passiveSyncer, chansSynced, PassiveSync)
// We'll force another rotation - this time, since we have a passive
// syncer available, they should be rotated.
syncMgr.cfg.RotateTicker.(*ticker.Force).Force <- time.Time{}
// The transition from an active syncer to a passive syncer causes the
// peer to send out a new GossipTimestampRange in the past so that they
// don't receive new graph updates.
assertActiveSyncerTransition(t, activeSyncer, activeSyncPeer)
// The transition from a passive syncer to an active syncer causes the
// peer to send a new GossipTimestampRange with the current timestamp to
// signal that they would like to receive new graph updates from their
// peers. This will also cause the gossip syncer to redo its state
// machine, starting from its initial syncingChans state. We'll then
// need to transition it to its final chansSynced state to ensure the
// next syncer is properly started in the round-robin.
assertPassiveSyncerTransition(t, passiveSyncer, passiveSyncPeer)
// TestSyncManagerHistoricalSync ensures that we only attempt a single
// historical sync during the SyncManager's startup, and that we can routinely
// force historical syncs whenever the HistoricalSyncTicker fires.
func TestSyncManagerHistoricalSync(t *testing.T) {
syncMgr := newTestSyncManager(0)
defer syncMgr.Stop()
// We should expect to see a QueryChannelRange message with a
// FirstBlockHeight of the genesis block, signaling that a historical
// sync is being attempted.
peer := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
assertMsgSent(t, peer, &lnwire.QueryChannelRange{
FirstBlockHeight: 0,
NumBlocks: math.MaxUint32,
// If an additional peer connects, then a historical sync should not be
// attempted again.
extraPeer := randPeer(t, syncMgr.quit)
assertNoMsgSent(t, extraPeer)
// Then, we'll send a tick to force a historical sync. This should
// trigger the extra peer to also perform a historical sync since the
// first peer is not eligible due to not being in a chansSynced state.
syncMgr.cfg.HistoricalSyncTicker.(*ticker.Force).Force <- time.Time{}
assertMsgSent(t, extraPeer, &lnwire.QueryChannelRange{
FirstBlockHeight: 0,
NumBlocks: math.MaxUint32,
// assertNoMsgSent is a helper function that ensures a peer hasn't sent any
// messages.
func assertNoMsgSent(t *testing.T, peer *mockPeer) {
select {
case msg := <-peer.sentMsgs:
t.Fatalf("peer %x sent unexpected message %v", peer.PubKey(),
case <-time.After(time.Second):
// assertMsgSent asserts that the peer has sent the given message.
func assertMsgSent(t *testing.T, peer *mockPeer, msg lnwire.Message) {
var msgSent lnwire.Message
select {
case msgSent = <-peer.sentMsgs:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("expected peer %x to send %T message", peer.PubKey(),
if !reflect.DeepEqual(msgSent, msg) {
t.Fatalf("expected peer %x to send message: %v\ngot: %v",
peer.PubKey(), spew.Sdump(msg), spew.Sdump(msgSent))
// assertActiveGossipTimestampRange is a helper function that ensures a peer has
// sent a lnwire.GossipTimestampRange message indicating that it would like to
// receive new graph updates.
func assertActiveGossipTimestampRange(t *testing.T, peer *mockPeer) {
var msgSent lnwire.Message
select {
case msgSent = <-peer.sentMsgs:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("expected peer %x to send lnwire.GossipTimestampRange "+
"message", peer.PubKey())
msg, ok := msgSent.(*lnwire.GossipTimestampRange)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected peer %x to send %T message", peer.PubKey(),
if msg.FirstTimestamp == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected *lnwire.GossipTimestampRange message with " +
"non-zero FirstTimestamp")
if msg.TimestampRange == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected *lnwire.GossipTimestampRange message with " +
"non-zero TimestampRange")
// assertSyncerExistence asserts that a GossipSyncer exists for the given peer.
func assertSyncerExistence(t *testing.T, syncMgr *SyncManager,
peer *mockPeer) *GossipSyncer {
s, ok := syncMgr.GossipSyncer(peer.PubKey())
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("gossip syncer for peer %x not found", peer.PubKey())
return s
// assertSyncerStatus asserts that the gossip syncer for the given peer matches
// the expected sync state and type.
func assertSyncerStatus(t *testing.T, s *GossipSyncer, syncState syncerState,
syncType SyncerType) {
// We'll check the status of our syncer within a WaitPredicate as some
// sync transitions might cause this to be racy.
err := lntest.WaitNoError(func() error {
state := s.syncState()
if s.syncState() != syncState {
return fmt.Errorf("expected syncState %v for peer "+
"%x, got %v", syncState, s.cfg.peerPub, state)
typ := s.SyncType()
if s.SyncType() != syncType {
return fmt.Errorf("expected syncType %v for peer "+
"%x, got %v", syncType, s.cfg.peerPub, typ)
return nil
}, time.Second)
if err != nil {
// assertTransitionToChansSynced asserts the transition of an ActiveSync
// GossipSyncer to its final chansSynced state.
func assertTransitionToChansSynced(t *testing.T, s *GossipSyncer, peer *mockPeer) {
assertMsgSent(t, peer, &lnwire.QueryChannelRange{
FirstBlockHeight: 0,
NumBlocks: math.MaxUint32,
s.ProcessQueryMsg(&lnwire.ReplyChannelRange{Complete: 1}, nil)
chanSeries := s.cfg.channelSeries.(*mockChannelGraphTimeSeries)
select {
case <-chanSeries.filterReq:
chanSeries.filterResp <- nil
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("expected to receive FilterKnownChanIDs request")
err := lntest.WaitNoError(func() error {
state := syncerState(atomic.LoadUint32(&s.state))
if state != chansSynced {
return fmt.Errorf("expected syncerState %v, got %v",
chansSynced, state)
return nil
}, time.Second)
if err != nil {
// assertPassiveSyncerTransition asserts that a gossip syncer goes through all
// of its expected steps when transitioning from passive to active.
func assertPassiveSyncerTransition(t *testing.T, s *GossipSyncer, peer *mockPeer) {
assertActiveGossipTimestampRange(t, peer)
assertSyncerStatus(t, s, chansSynced, ActiveSync)
// assertActiveSyncerTransition asserts that a gossip syncer goes through all of
// its expected steps when transitioning from active to passive.
func assertActiveSyncerTransition(t *testing.T, s *GossipSyncer, peer *mockPeer) {
assertMsgSent(t, peer, &lnwire.GossipTimestampRange{
FirstTimestamp: uint32(zeroTimestamp.Unix()),
TimestampRange: 0,
assertSyncerStatus(t, s, chansSynced, PassiveSync)