Wilmer Paulino 29baa12254
discovery: synchronize new/stale GossipSyncers with syncerHandler
Now that the roundRobinHandler is no longer present, this commit aims to
clean up and simplify some of the logic surrounding initializing/tearing
down new/stale GossipSyncers from the SyncManager. Along the way, we
also synchronize these calls with the syncerHandler, which will serve
useful in future work that allows us to recovery from initial historical
sync disconnections.
2019-04-24 13:19:09 -07:00

589 lines
18 KiB

package discovery
import (
const (
// DefaultSyncerRotationInterval is the default interval in which we'll
// rotate a single active syncer.
DefaultSyncerRotationInterval = 20 * time.Minute
// DefaultHistoricalSyncInterval is the default interval in which we'll
// force a historical sync to ensure we have as much of the public
// network as possible.
DefaultHistoricalSyncInterval = time.Hour
var (
// ErrSyncManagerExiting is an error returned when we attempt to
// start/stop a gossip syncer for a connected/disconnected peer, but the
// SyncManager has already been stopped.
ErrSyncManagerExiting = errors.New("sync manager exiting")
// newSyncer in an internal message we'll use within the SyncManager to signal
// that we should create a GossipSyncer for a newly connected peer.
type newSyncer struct {
// peer is the newly connected peer.
peer lnpeer.Peer
// doneChan serves as a signal to the caller that the SyncManager's
// internal state correctly reflects the stale active syncer.
doneChan chan struct{}
// staleSyncer is an internal message we'll use within the SyncManager to signal
// that a peer has disconnected and its GossipSyncer should be removed.
type staleSyncer struct {
// peer is the peer that has disconnected.
peer routing.Vertex
// doneChan serves as a signal to the caller that the SyncManager's
// internal state correctly reflects the stale active syncer. This is
// needed to ensure we always create a new syncer for a flappy peer
// after they disconnect if they happened to be an active syncer.
doneChan chan struct{}
// SyncManagerCfg contains all of the dependencies required for the SyncManager
// to carry out its duties.
type SyncManagerCfg struct {
// ChainHash is a hash that indicates the specific network of the active
// chain.
ChainHash chainhash.Hash
// ChanSeries is an interface that provides access to a time series view
// of the current known channel graph. Each GossipSyncer enabled peer
// will utilize this in order to create and respond to channel graph
// time series queries.
ChanSeries ChannelGraphTimeSeries
// NumActiveSyncers is the number of peers for which we should have
// active syncers with. After reaching NumActiveSyncers, any future
// gossip syncers will be passive.
NumActiveSyncers int
// RotateTicker is a ticker responsible for notifying the SyncManager
// when it should rotate its active syncers. A single active syncer with
// a chansSynced state will be exchanged for a passive syncer in order
// to ensure we don't keep syncing with the same peers.
RotateTicker ticker.Ticker
// HistoricalSyncTicker is a ticker responsible for notifying the
// SyncManager when it should attempt a historical sync with a gossip
// sync peer.
HistoricalSyncTicker ticker.Ticker
// SyncManager is a subsystem of the gossiper that manages the gossip syncers
// for peers currently connected. When a new peer is connected, the manager will
// create its accompanying gossip syncer and determine whether it should have an
// ActiveSync or PassiveSync sync type based on how many other gossip syncers
// are currently active. Any ActiveSync gossip syncers are started in a
// round-robin manner to ensure we're not syncing with multiple peers at the
// same time. The first GossipSyncer registered with the SyncManager will
// attempt a historical sync to ensure we have as much of the public channel
// graph as possible.
type SyncManager struct {
start sync.Once
stop sync.Once
cfg SyncManagerCfg
// historicalSync allows us to perform an initial historical sync only
// _once_ with a peer during the SyncManager's startup.
historicalSync sync.Once
// newSyncers is a channel we'll use to process requests to create
// GossipSyncers for newly connected peers.
newSyncers chan *newSyncer
// staleSyncers is a channel we'll use to process requests to tear down
// GossipSyncers for disconnected peers.
staleSyncers chan *staleSyncer
// syncersMu guards the read and write access to the activeSyncers and
// inactiveSyncers maps below.
syncersMu sync.Mutex
// activeSyncers is the set of all syncers for which we are currently
// receiving graph updates from. The number of possible active syncers
// is bounded by NumActiveSyncers.
activeSyncers map[routing.Vertex]*GossipSyncer
// inactiveSyncers is the set of all syncers for which we are not
// currently receiving new graph updates from.
inactiveSyncers map[routing.Vertex]*GossipSyncer
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan struct{}
// newSyncManager constructs a new SyncManager backed by the given config.
func newSyncManager(cfg *SyncManagerCfg) *SyncManager {
return &SyncManager{
cfg: *cfg,
newSyncers: make(chan *newSyncer),
staleSyncers: make(chan *staleSyncer),
activeSyncers: make(
map[routing.Vertex]*GossipSyncer, cfg.NumActiveSyncers,
inactiveSyncers: make(map[routing.Vertex]*GossipSyncer),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
// Start starts the SyncManager in order to properly carry out its duties.
func (m *SyncManager) Start() {
m.start.Do(func() {
go m.syncerHandler()
// Stop stops the SyncManager from performing its duties.
func (m *SyncManager) Stop() {
m.stop.Do(func() {
for _, syncer := range m.inactiveSyncers {
for _, syncer := range m.activeSyncers {
// syncerHandler is the SyncManager's main event loop responsible for:
// 1. Creating and tearing down GossipSyncers for connected/disconnected peers.
// 2. Finding new peers to receive graph updates from to ensure we don't only
// receive them from the same set of peers.
// 3. Finding new peers to force a historical sync with to ensure we have as
// much of the public network as possible.
// NOTE: This must be run as a goroutine.
func (m *SyncManager) syncerHandler() {
defer m.wg.Done()
defer m.cfg.RotateTicker.Stop()
defer m.cfg.HistoricalSyncTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
// A new peer has been connected, so we'll create its
// accompanying GossipSyncer.
case newSyncer := <-m.newSyncers:
// If we already have a syncer, then we'll exit early as
// we don't want to override it.
if _, ok := m.GossipSyncer(newSyncer.peer.PubKey()); ok {
s := m.createGossipSyncer(newSyncer.peer)
switch {
// If we've exceeded our total number of active syncers,
// we'll initialize this GossipSyncer as passive.
case len(m.activeSyncers) >= m.cfg.NumActiveSyncers:
m.inactiveSyncers[s.cfg.peerPub] = s
// Otherwise, it should be initialized as active.
m.activeSyncers[s.cfg.peerPub] = s
// Once we create the GossipSyncer, we'll signal to the
// caller that they can proceed since the SyncManager's
// internal state has been updated.
// We'll force a historical sync with the first peer we
// connect to, to ensure we get as much of the graph as
// possible.
var err error
m.historicalSync.Do(func() {
log.Infof("Attempting historical sync with "+
"GossipSyncer(%x)", s.cfg.peerPub)
err = s.historicalSync()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to perform historical sync "+
"with GossipSyncer(%x): %v",
s.cfg.peerPub, err)
// Reset historicalSync to ensure it is tried
// again with a different peer.
m.historicalSync = sync.Once{}
// An existing peer has disconnected, so we'll tear down its
// corresponding GossipSyncer.
case staleSyncer := <-m.staleSyncers:
// Once the corresponding GossipSyncer has been stopped
// and removed, we'll signal to the caller that they can
// proceed since the SyncManager's internal state has
// been updated.
// Our RotateTicker has ticked, so we'll attempt to rotate a
// single active syncer with a passive one.
case <-m.cfg.RotateTicker.Ticks():
// Our HistoricalSyncTicker has ticked, so we'll randomly select
// a peer and force a historical sync with them.
case <-m.cfg.HistoricalSyncTicker.Ticks():
case <-m.quit:
// createGossipSyncer creates the GossipSyncer for a newly connected peer.
func (m *SyncManager) createGossipSyncer(peer lnpeer.Peer) *GossipSyncer {
nodeID := routing.Vertex(peer.PubKey())
log.Infof("Creating new GossipSyncer for peer=%x", nodeID[:])
encoding := lnwire.EncodingSortedPlain
s := newGossipSyncer(gossipSyncerCfg{
chainHash: m.cfg.ChainHash,
peerPub: nodeID,
channelSeries: m.cfg.ChanSeries,
encodingType: encoding,
chunkSize: encodingTypeToChunkSize[encoding],
batchSize: requestBatchSize,
sendToPeer: func(msgs ...lnwire.Message) error {
return peer.SendMessageLazy(false, msgs...)
// Gossip syncers are initialized by default in a PassiveSync type
// and chansSynced state so that they can reply to any peer queries or
// handle any sync transitions.
return s
// removeGossipSyncer removes all internal references to the disconnected peer's
// GossipSyncer and stops it. In the event of an active GossipSyncer being
// disconnected, a passive GossipSyncer, if any, will take its place.
func (m *SyncManager) removeGossipSyncer(peer routing.Vertex) {
defer m.syncersMu.Unlock()
s, ok := m.gossipSyncer(peer)
if !ok {
log.Infof("Removing GossipSyncer for peer=%v", peer)
// We'll stop the GossipSyncer for the disconnected peer in a goroutine
// to prevent blocking the SyncManager.
go s.Stop()
// If it's a non-active syncer, then we can just exit now.
if _, ok := m.inactiveSyncers[peer]; ok {
delete(m.inactiveSyncers, peer)
// Otherwise, we'll need find a new one to replace it, if any.
delete(m.activeSyncers, peer)
newActiveSyncer := m.chooseRandomSyncer(nil, false)
if newActiveSyncer == nil {
if err := m.transitionPassiveSyncer(newActiveSyncer); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to transition passive GossipSyncer(%x): %v",
newActiveSyncer.cfg.peerPub, err)
log.Debugf("Replaced active GossipSyncer(%x) with GossipSyncer(%x)",
peer, newActiveSyncer.cfg.peerPub)
// rotateActiveSyncerCandidate rotates a single active syncer. In order to
// achieve this, the active syncer must be in a chansSynced state in order to
// process the sync transition.
func (m *SyncManager) rotateActiveSyncerCandidate() {
defer m.syncersMu.Unlock()
// If we don't have a candidate to rotate with, we can return early.
candidate := m.chooseRandomSyncer(nil, false)
if candidate == nil {
log.Debug("No eligible candidate to rotate active syncer")
// We'll choose an active syncer at random that's within a chansSynced
// state to rotate.
var activeSyncer *GossipSyncer
for _, s := range m.activeSyncers {
// The active syncer must be in a chansSynced state in order to
// process sync transitions.
if s.syncState() != chansSynced {
activeSyncer = s
// If we couldn't find an eligible one, we can return early.
if activeSyncer == nil {
log.Debug("No eligible active syncer to rotate")
// Otherwise, we'll attempt to transition each syncer to their
// respective new sync type.
log.Debugf("Rotating active GossipSyncer(%x) with GossipSyncer(%x)",
activeSyncer.cfg.peerPub, candidate.cfg.peerPub)
if err := m.transitionActiveSyncer(activeSyncer); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to transition active GossipSyncer(%x): %v",
activeSyncer.cfg.peerPub, err)
if err := m.transitionPassiveSyncer(candidate); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to transition passive GossipSyncer(%x): %v",
activeSyncer.cfg.peerPub, err)
// transitionActiveSyncer transitions an active syncer to a passive one.
// NOTE: This must be called with the syncersMu lock held.
func (m *SyncManager) transitionActiveSyncer(s *GossipSyncer) error {
log.Debugf("Transitioning active GossipSyncer(%x) to passive",
if err := s.ProcessSyncTransition(PassiveSync); err != nil {
return err
delete(m.activeSyncers, s.cfg.peerPub)
m.inactiveSyncers[s.cfg.peerPub] = s
return nil
// transitionPassiveSyncer transitions a passive syncer to an active one.
// NOTE: This must be called with the syncersMu lock held.
func (m *SyncManager) transitionPassiveSyncer(s *GossipSyncer) error {
log.Debugf("Transitioning passive GossipSyncer(%x) to active",
if err := s.ProcessSyncTransition(ActiveSync); err != nil {
return err
delete(m.inactiveSyncers, s.cfg.peerPub)
m.activeSyncers[s.cfg.peerPub] = s
return nil
// forceHistoricalSync chooses a syncer with a remote peer at random and forces
// a historical sync with it.
func (m *SyncManager) forceHistoricalSync() {
defer m.syncersMu.Unlock()
// We'll choose a random peer with whom we can perform a historical sync
// with. We'll set useActive to true to make sure we can still do one if
// we don't happen to have any non-active syncers.
candidatesChosen := make(map[routing.Vertex]struct{})
s := m.chooseRandomSyncer(candidatesChosen, true)
for s != nil {
// Ensure we properly handle a shutdown signal.
select {
case <-m.quit:
// Blacklist the candidate to ensure it's not chosen again.
candidatesChosen[s.cfg.peerPub] = struct{}{}
err := s.historicalSync()
if err == nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to perform historical sync with "+
"GossipSyncer(%x): %v", s.cfg.peerPub, err)
s = m.chooseRandomSyncer(candidatesChosen, true)
// chooseRandomSyncer returns a random non-active syncer that's eligible for a
// sync transition. A blacklist can be used to skip any previously chosen
// candidates. The useActive boolean can be used to also filter active syncers.
// NOTE: It's possible for a nil value to be returned if there are no eligible
// candidate syncers.
// NOTE: This method must be called with the syncersMtx lock held.
func (m *SyncManager) chooseRandomSyncer(blacklist map[routing.Vertex]struct{},
useActive bool) *GossipSyncer {
eligible := func(s *GossipSyncer) bool {
// Skip any syncers that exist within the blacklist.
if blacklist != nil {
if _, ok := blacklist[s.cfg.peerPub]; ok {
return false
// Only syncers in a chansSynced state are viable for sync
// transitions, so skip any that aren't.
return s.syncState() == chansSynced
for _, s := range m.inactiveSyncers {
if !eligible(s) {
return s
if useActive {
for _, s := range m.activeSyncers {
if !eligible(s) {
return s
return nil
// InitSyncState is called by outside sub-systems when a connection is
// established to a new peer that understands how to perform channel range
// queries. We'll allocate a new GossipSyncer for it, and start any goroutines
// needed to handle new queries. The first GossipSyncer registered with the
// SyncManager will attempt a historical sync to ensure we have as much of the
// public channel graph as possible.
// TODO(wilmer): Only mark as ActiveSync if this isn't a channel peer.
func (m *SyncManager) InitSyncState(peer lnpeer.Peer) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
select {
case m.newSyncers <- &newSyncer{
peer: peer,
doneChan: done,
case <-m.quit:
return ErrSyncManagerExiting
select {
case <-done:
return nil
case <-m.quit:
return ErrSyncManagerExiting
// PruneSyncState is called by outside sub-systems once a peer that we were
// previously connected to has been disconnected. In this case we can stop the
// existing GossipSyncer assigned to the peer and free up resources.
func (m *SyncManager) PruneSyncState(peer routing.Vertex) {
done := make(chan struct{})
// We avoid returning an error when the SyncManager is stopped since the
// GossipSyncer will be stopped then anyway.
select {
case m.staleSyncers <- &staleSyncer{
peer: peer,
doneChan: done,
case <-m.quit:
select {
case <-done:
case <-m.quit:
// GossipSyncer returns the associated gossip syncer of a peer. The boolean
// returned signals whether there exists a gossip syncer for the peer.
func (m *SyncManager) GossipSyncer(peer routing.Vertex) (*GossipSyncer, bool) {
defer m.syncersMu.Unlock()
return m.gossipSyncer(peer)
// gossipSyncer returns the associated gossip syncer of a peer. The boolean
// returned signals whether there exists a gossip syncer for the peer.
func (m *SyncManager) gossipSyncer(peer routing.Vertex) (*GossipSyncer, bool) {
syncer, ok := m.inactiveSyncers[peer]
if ok {
return syncer, true
syncer, ok = m.activeSyncers[peer]
if ok {
return syncer, true
return nil, false
// GossipSyncers returns all of the currently initialized gossip syncers.
func (m *SyncManager) GossipSyncers() map[routing.Vertex]*GossipSyncer {
defer m.syncersMu.Unlock()
numSyncers := len(m.inactiveSyncers) + len(m.activeSyncers)
syncers := make(map[routing.Vertex]*GossipSyncer, numSyncers)
for _, syncer := range m.inactiveSyncers {
syncers[syncer.cfg.peerPub] = syncer
for _, syncer := range m.activeSyncers {
syncers[syncer.cfg.peerPub] = syncer
return syncers