This commit will allow the general public to build lnd without jumping through hoops setting up their local git branches nicely with all of our forks.
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package uspv
import (
func MakeMerkleParent(left *wire.ShaHash, right *wire.ShaHash) *wire.ShaHash {
// dupes can screw things up; CVE-2012-2459. check for them
if left != nil && right != nil && left.IsEqual(right) {
fmt.Printf("DUP HASH CRASH")
return nil
// if left child is nil, output nil. Need this for hard mode.
if left == nil {
return nil
// if right is nil, hash left with itself
if right == nil {
right = left
// Concatenate the left and right nodes
var sha [64]byte
copy(sha[:32], left[:])
copy(sha[32:], right[:])
newSha := wire.DoubleSha256SH(sha[:])
return &newSha
type merkleNode struct {
p uint32 // position in the binary tree
h *wire.ShaHash // hash
// given n merkle leaves, how deep is the tree?
// iterate shifting left until greater than n
func treeDepth(n uint32) (e uint8) {
for ; (1 << e) < n; e++ {
// smallest power of 2 that can contain n
func nextPowerOfTwo(n uint32) uint32 {
return 1 << treeDepth(n) // 2^exponent
// check if a node is populated based on node position and size of tree
func inDeadZone(pos, size uint32) bool {
msb := nextPowerOfTwo(size)
last := size - 1 // last valid position is 1 less than size
if pos > (msb<<1)-2 { // greater than root; not even in the tree
fmt.Printf(" ?? greater than root ")
return true
h := msb
for pos >= h {
h = h>>1 | msb
last = last>>1 | msb
return pos > last
// take in a merkle block, parse through it, and return txids indicated
// If there's any problem return an error. Checks self-consistency only.
// doing it with a stack instead of recursion. Because...
// OK I don't know why I'm just not in to recursion OK?
func checkMBlock(m *wire.MsgMerkleBlock) ([]*wire.ShaHash, error) {
if m.Transactions == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No transactions in merkleblock")
if len(m.Flags) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No flag bits")
var s []merkleNode // the stack
var r []*wire.ShaHash // slice to return; txids we care about
// set initial position to root of merkle tree
msb := nextPowerOfTwo(m.Transactions) // most significant bit possible
pos := (msb << 1) - 2 // current position in tree
var i uint8 // position in the current flag byte
var tip int
// main loop
for {
tip = len(s) - 1 // slice position of stack tip
// First check if stack operations can be performed
// is stack one filled item? that's complete.
if tip == 0 && s[0].h != nil {
if s[0].h.IsEqual(&m.Header.MerkleRoot) {
return r, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("computed root %s but expect %s\n",
s[0].h.String(), m.Header.MerkleRoot.String())
// is current position in the tree's dead zone? partial parent
if inDeadZone(pos, m.Transactions) {
// create merkle parent from single side (left)
s[tip-1].h = MakeMerkleParent(s[tip].h, nil)
s = s[:tip] // remove 1 from stack
pos = s[tip-1].p | 1 // move position to parent's sibling
// does stack have 3+ items? and are last 2 items filled?
if tip > 1 && s[tip-1].h != nil && s[tip].h != nil {
//fmt.Printf("nodes %d and %d combine into %d\n",
// s[tip-1].p, s[tip].p, s[tip-2].p)
// combine two filled nodes into parent node
s[tip-2].h = MakeMerkleParent(s[tip-1].h, s[tip].h)
// remove children
s = s[:tip-1]
// move position to parent's sibling
pos = s[tip-2].p | 1
// no stack ops to perform, so make new node from message hashes
if len(m.Hashes) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Ran out of hashes at position %d.", pos)
if len(m.Flags) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Ran out of flag bits.")
var n merkleNode // make new node
n.p = pos // set current position for new node
if pos&msb != 0 { // upper non-txid hash
if m.Flags[0]&(1<<i) == 0 { // flag bit says fill node
n.h = m.Hashes[0] // copy hash from message
m.Hashes = m.Hashes[1:] // pop off message
if pos&1 != 0 { // right side; ascend
pos = pos>>1 | msb
} else { // left side, go to sibling
pos |= 1
} else { // flag bit says skip; put empty on stack and descend
pos = (pos ^ msb) << 1 // descend to left
s = append(s, n) // push new node on stack
} else { // bottom row txid; flag bit indicates tx of interest
if pos >= m.Transactions {
// this can't happen because we check deadzone above...
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got into an invalid txid node")
n.h = m.Hashes[0] // copy hash from message
m.Hashes = m.Hashes[1:] // pop off message
if m.Flags[0]&(1<<i) != 0 { //txid of interest
r = append(r, n.h)
if pos&1 == 0 { // left side, go to sibling
pos |= 1
} // if on right side we don't move; stack ops will move next
s = append(s, n) // push new node onto the stack
// done with pushing onto stack; advance flag bit
if i == 8 { // move to next byte
i = 0
m.Flags = m.Flags[1:]
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ran out of things to do?")