Wilmer Paulino fca0df28e9
htlcswitch: fix periodic calculation of satoshis sent/received
In this commit, we fix an issue where users would be displayed negative
amounts of satoshis either as sent or received. This can happen if the
total amount of channel updates decreases due to channels being closed.

To fix this, we properly handle a negative difference of channel
updates by updating the stats logged to only include active
channels/links to the switch.
2018-04-02 21:23:55 -04:00

2055 lines
62 KiB

package htlcswitch
import (
var (
// ErrChannelLinkNotFound is used when channel link hasn't been found.
ErrChannelLinkNotFound = errors.New("channel link not found")
// ErrDuplicateAdd signals that the ADD htlc was already forwarded
// through the switch and is locked into another commitment txn.
ErrDuplicateAdd = errors.New("duplicate add HTLC detected")
// ErrIncompleteForward is used when an htlc was already forwarded
// through the switch, but did not get locked into another commitment
// txn.
ErrIncompleteForward = errors.Errorf("incomplete forward detected")
// zeroPreimage is the empty preimage which is returned when we have
// some errors.
zeroPreimage [sha256.Size]byte
// pendingPayment represents the payment which made by user and waits for
// updates to be received whether the payment has been rejected or proceed
// successfully.
type pendingPayment struct {
paymentHash lnwallet.PaymentHash
amount lnwire.MilliSatoshi
preimage chan [sha256.Size]byte
response chan *htlcPacket
err chan error
// deobfuscator is an serializable entity which is used if we received
// an error, it deobfuscates the onion failure blob, and extracts the
// exact error from it.
deobfuscator ErrorDecrypter
// plexPacket encapsulates switch packet and adds error channel to receive
// error from request handler.
type plexPacket struct {
pkt *htlcPacket
err chan error
// ChannelCloseType is a enum which signals the type of channel closure the
// peer should execute.
type ChannelCloseType uint8
const (
// CloseRegular indicates a regular cooperative channel closure
// should be attempted.
CloseRegular ChannelCloseType = iota
// CloseBreach indicates that a channel breach has been detected, and
// the link should immediately be marked as unavailable.
// ChanClose represents a request which close a particular channel specified by
// its id.
type ChanClose struct {
// CloseType is a variable which signals the type of channel closure the
// peer should execute.
CloseType ChannelCloseType
// ChanPoint represent the id of the channel which should be closed.
ChanPoint *wire.OutPoint
// TargetFeePerKw is the ideal fee that was specified by the caller.
// This value is only utilized if the closure type is CloseRegular.
// This will be the starting offered fee when the fee negotiation
// process for the cooperative closure transaction kicks off.
TargetFeePerKw lnwallet.SatPerKWeight
// Updates is used by request creator to receive the notifications about
// execution of the close channel request.
Updates chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate
// Err is used by request creator to receive request execution error.
Err chan error
// Config defines the configuration for the service. ALL elements within the
// configuration MUST be non-nil for the service to carry out its duties.
type Config struct {
// SelfKey is the key of the backing Lightning node. This key is used
// to properly craft failure messages, such that the Layer 3 router can
// properly route around link./vertex failures.
SelfKey *btcec.PublicKey
// FwdingLog is an interface that will be used by the switch to log
// forwarding events. A forwarding event happens each time a payment
// circuit is successfully completed. So when we forward an HTLC, and a
// settle is eventually received.
FwdingLog ForwardingLog
// LocalChannelClose kicks-off the workflow to execute a cooperative or
// forced unilateral closure of the channel initiated by a local
// subsystem.
LocalChannelClose func(pubKey []byte, request *ChanClose)
// DB is the channeldb instance that will be used to back the switch's
// persistent circuit map.
DB *channeldb.DB
// SwitchPackager provides access to the forwarding packages of all
// active channels. This gives the switch the ability to read arbitrary
// forwarding packages, and ack settles and fails contained within them.
SwitchPackager channeldb.FwdOperator
// ExtractErrorEncrypter is an interface allowing switch to reextract
// error encrypters stored in the circuit map on restarts, since they
// are not stored directly within the database.
ExtractErrorEncrypter ErrorEncrypterExtracter
// Switch is the central messaging bus for all incoming/outgoing HTLCs.
// Connected peers with active channels are treated as named interfaces which
// refer to active channels as links. A link is the switch's message
// communication point with the goroutine that manages an active channel. New
// links are registered each time a channel is created, and unregistered once
// the channel is closed. The switch manages the hand-off process for multi-hop
// HTLCs, forwarding HTLCs initiated from within the daemon, and finally
// notifies users local-systems concerning their outstanding payment requests.
type Switch struct {
started int32
shutdown int32
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan struct{}
// cfg is a copy of the configuration struct that the htlc switch
// service was initialized with.
cfg *Config
// pendingPayments stores payments initiated by the user that are not yet
// settled. The map is used to later look up the payments and notify the
// user of the result when they are complete. Each payment is given a unique
// integer ID when it is created.
pendingPayments map[uint64]*pendingPayment
pendingMutex sync.RWMutex
paymentSequencer Sequencer
// circuits is storage for payment circuits which are used to
// forward the settle/fail htlc updates back to the add htlc initiator.
circuits CircuitMap
// links is a map of channel id and channel link which manages
// this channel.
linkIndex map[lnwire.ChannelID]ChannelLink
// mailMtx is a read/write mutex that protects the mailboxes map.
mailMtx sync.RWMutex
// mailboxes is a map of channel id to mailboxes, which allows the
// switch to buffer messages for peers that have not come back online.
mailboxes map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]MailBox
// forwardingIndex is an index which is consulted by the switch when it
// needs to locate the next hop to forward an incoming/outgoing HTLC
// update to/from.
// TODO(roasbeef): eventually add a NetworkHop mapping before the
// ChannelLink
forwardingIndex map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]ChannelLink
// interfaceIndex maps the compressed public key of a peer to all the
// channels that the switch maintains iwht that peer.
interfaceIndex map[[33]byte]map[ChannelLink]struct{}
// htlcPlex is the channel which all connected links use to coordinate
// the setup/teardown of Sphinx (onion routing) payment circuits.
// Active links forward any add/settle messages over this channel each
// state transition, sending new adds/settles which are fully locked
// in.
htlcPlex chan *plexPacket
// chanCloseRequests is used to transfer the channel close request to
// the channel close handler.
chanCloseRequests chan *ChanClose
// resolutionMsgs is the channel that all external contract resolution
// messages will be sent over.
resolutionMsgs chan *resolutionMsg
// linkControl is a channel used to propagate add/remove/get htlc
// switch handler commands.
linkControl chan interface{}
// pendingFwdingEvents is the set of forwarding events which have been
// collected during the current interval, but hasn't yet been written
// to the forwarding log.
fwdEventMtx sync.Mutex
pendingFwdingEvents []channeldb.ForwardingEvent
// New creates the new instance of htlc switch.
func New(cfg Config) (*Switch, error) {
circuitMap, err := NewCircuitMap(&CircuitMapConfig{
DB: cfg.DB,
ExtractErrorEncrypter: cfg.ExtractErrorEncrypter,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sequencer, err := NewPersistentSequencer(cfg.DB)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Switch{
cfg: &cfg,
circuits: circuitMap,
paymentSequencer: sequencer,
linkIndex: make(map[lnwire.ChannelID]ChannelLink),
mailboxes: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]MailBox),
forwardingIndex: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]ChannelLink),
interfaceIndex: make(map[[33]byte]map[ChannelLink]struct{}),
pendingPayments: make(map[uint64]*pendingPayment),
htlcPlex: make(chan *plexPacket),
chanCloseRequests: make(chan *ChanClose),
resolutionMsgs: make(chan *resolutionMsg),
linkControl: make(chan interface{}),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
// resolutionMsg is a struct that wraps an existing ResolutionMsg with a done
// channel. We'll use this channel to synchronize delivery of the message with
// the caller.
type resolutionMsg struct {
doneChan chan struct{}
// ProcessContractResolution is called by active contract resolvers once a
// contract they are watching over has been fully resolved. The message carries
// an external signal that *would* have been sent if the outgoing channel
// didn't need to go to the chain in order to fulfill a contract. We'll process
// this message just as if it came from an active outgoing channel.
func (s *Switch) ProcessContractResolution(msg contractcourt.ResolutionMsg) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
select {
case s.resolutionMsgs <- &resolutionMsg{
ResolutionMsg: msg,
doneChan: done,
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch shutting down")
select {
case <-done:
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch shutting down")
return nil
// SendHTLC is used by other subsystems which aren't belong to htlc switch
// package in order to send the htlc update.
func (s *Switch) SendHTLC(nextNode [33]byte, htlc *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC,
deobfuscator ErrorDecrypter) ([sha256.Size]byte, error) {
// Create payment and add to the map of payment in order later to be
// able to retrieve it and return response to the user.
payment := &pendingPayment{
err: make(chan error, 1),
response: make(chan *htlcPacket, 1),
preimage: make(chan [sha256.Size]byte, 1),
paymentHash: htlc.PaymentHash,
amount: htlc.Amount,
deobfuscator: deobfuscator,
paymentID, err := s.paymentSequencer.NextID()
if err != nil {
return zeroPreimage, err
s.pendingPayments[paymentID] = payment
// Generate and send new update packet, if error will be received on
// this stage it means that packet haven't left boundaries of our
// system and something wrong happened.
packet := &htlcPacket{
incomingChanID: sourceHop,
incomingHTLCID: paymentID,
destNode: nextNode,
htlc: htlc,
if err := s.forward(packet); err != nil {
return zeroPreimage, err
// Returns channels so that other subsystem might wait/skip the
// waiting of handling of payment.
var preimage [sha256.Size]byte
var response *htlcPacket
select {
case e := <-payment.err:
err = e
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("htlc switch have been stopped " +
"while waiting for payment result")
select {
case pkt := <-payment.response:
response = pkt
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("htlc switch have been stopped " +
"while waiting for payment result")
select {
case p := <-payment.preimage:
preimage = p
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("htlc switch have been stopped " +
"while waiting for payment result")
// Remove circuit since we are about to complete an add/fail of this
// HTLC.
if teardownErr := s.teardownCircuit(response); teardownErr != nil {
log.Warnf("unable to teardown circuit %s: %v",
response.inKey(), teardownErr)
return preimage, err
// Finally, if this response is contained in a forwarding package, ack
// the settle/fail so that we don't continue to retransmit the HTLC
// internally.
if response.destRef != nil {
if ackErr := s.ackSettleFail(*response.destRef); ackErr != nil {
log.Warnf("unable to ack settle/fail reference: %s: %v",
*response.destRef, ackErr)
return preimage, err
// UpdateForwardingPolicies sends a message to the switch to update the
// forwarding policies for the set of target channels. If the set of targeted
// channels is nil, then the forwarding policies for all active channels with
// be updated.
// NOTE: This function is synchronous and will block until either the
// forwarding policies for all links have been updated, or the switch shuts
// down.
func (s *Switch) UpdateForwardingPolicies(newPolicy ForwardingPolicy,
targetChans ...wire.OutPoint) error {
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
select {
case s.linkControl <- &updatePoliciesCmd{
newPolicy: newPolicy,
targetChans: targetChans,
err: errChan,
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch is shutting down")
select {
case err := <-errChan:
return err
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch is shutting down")
// updatePoliciesCmd is a message sent to the switch to update the forwarding
// policies of a set of target links.
type updatePoliciesCmd struct {
newPolicy ForwardingPolicy
targetChans []wire.OutPoint
err chan error
// updateLinkPolicies attempts to update the forwarding policies for the set of
// passed links identified by their channel points. If a nil set of channel
// points is passed, then the forwarding policies for all active links will be
// updated.
func (s *Switch) updateLinkPolicies(c *updatePoliciesCmd) error {
log.Debugf("Updating link policies: %v", spew.Sdump(c))
// If no channels have been targeted, then we'll update the link policies
// for all active channels
if len(c.targetChans) == 0 {
for _, link := range s.linkIndex {
// Otherwise, we'll only attempt to update the forwarding policies for the
// set of targeted links.
for _, targetLink := range c.targetChans {
cid := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(&targetLink)
// If we can't locate a link by its converted channel ID, then we'll
// return an error back to the caller.
link, ok := s.linkIndex[cid]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find ChannelPoint(%v) to "+
"update link policy", targetLink)
return nil
// forward is used in order to find next channel link and apply htlc update.
// Also this function is used by channel links itself in order to forward the
// update after it has been included in the channel.
func (s *Switch) forward(packet *htlcPacket) error {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
circuit := newPaymentCircuit(&htlc.PaymentHash, packet)
actions, err := s.circuits.CommitCircuits(circuit)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to commit circuit in switch: %v", err)
return err
// Drop duplicate packet if it has already been seen.
switch {
case len(actions.Drops) == 1:
return ErrDuplicateAdd
case len(actions.Fails) == 1:
if packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop {
return err
failure := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
addErr := ErrIncompleteForward
return s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
packet.circuit = circuit
return s.route(packet)
// ForwardPackets adds a list of packets to the switch for processing. Fails
// and settles are added on a first past, simultaneously constructing circuits
// for any adds. After persisting the circuits, another pass of the adds is
// given to forward them through the router.
// NOTE: This method guarantees that the returned err chan will eventually be
// closed. The receiver should read on the channel until receiving such a
// signal.
func (s *Switch) ForwardPackets(packets ...*htlcPacket) chan error {
var (
// fwdChan is a buffered channel used to receive err msgs from
// the htlcPlex when forwarding this batch.
fwdChan = make(chan error, len(packets))
// errChan is a buffered channel returned to the caller, that is
// proxied by the fwdChan. This method guarantees that errChan
// will be closed eventually to alert the receiver that it can
// stop reading from the channel.
errChan = make(chan error, len(packets))
// numSent keeps a running count of how many packets are
// forwarded to the switch, which determines how many responses
// we will wait for on the fwdChan..
numSent int
// No packets, nothing to do.
if len(packets) == 0 {
return errChan
// Setup a barrier to prevent the background tasks from processing
// responses until this function returns to the user.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Done()
// Before spawning the following goroutine to proxy our error responses,
// check to see if we have already been issued a shutdown request. If
// so, we exit early to avoid incrementing the switch's waitgroup while
// it is already in the process of shutting down.
select {
case <-s.quit:
return errChan
// Spawn a goroutine the proxy the errs back to the returned err
// chan. This is done to ensure the err chan returned to the
// caller closed properly, alerting the receiver of completion
// or shutdown.
go s.proxyFwdErrs(&numSent, &wg, fwdChan, errChan)
// Make a first pass over the packets, forwarding any settles or fails.
// As adds are found, we create a circuit and append it to our set of
// circuits to be written to disk.
var circuits []*PaymentCircuit
var addBatch []*htlcPacket
for _, packet := range packets {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
circuit := newPaymentCircuit(&htlc.PaymentHash, packet)
packet.circuit = circuit
circuits = append(circuits, circuit)
addBatch = append(addBatch, packet)
s.routeAsync(packet, fwdChan)
// If this batch did not contain any circuits to commit, we can return
// early.
if len(circuits) == 0 {
return errChan
// Write any circuits that we found to disk.
actions, err := s.circuits.CommitCircuits(circuits...)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to commit circuits in switch: %v", err)
// Split the htlc packets by comparing an in-order seek to the head of
// the added, dropped, or failed circuits.
// NOTE: This assumes each list is guaranteed to be a subsequence of the
// circuits, and that the union of the sets results in the original set
// of circuits.
var addedPackets, failedPackets []*htlcPacket
for _, packet := range addBatch {
switch {
case len(actions.Adds) > 0 && packet.circuit == actions.Adds[0]:
addedPackets = append(addedPackets, packet)
actions.Adds = actions.Adds[1:]
case len(actions.Drops) > 0 && packet.circuit == actions.Drops[0]:
actions.Drops = actions.Drops[1:]
case len(actions.Fails) > 0 && packet.circuit == actions.Fails[0]:
failedPackets = append(failedPackets, packet)
actions.Fails = actions.Fails[1:]
// Now, forward any packets for circuits that were successfully added to
// the switch's circuit map.
for _, packet := range addedPackets {
s.routeAsync(packet, fwdChan)
// Lastly, for any packets that failed, this implies that they were
// left in a half added state, which can happen when recovering from
// failures.
for _, packet := range failedPackets {
failure := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
addErr := errors.Errorf("failing packet after detecting " +
"incomplete forward")
// We don't handle the error here since this method always
// returns an error.
s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
return errChan
// proxyFwdErrs transmits any errors received on `fwdChan` back to `errChan`,
// and guarantees that the `errChan` will be closed after 1) all errors have
// been sent, or 2) the switch has received a shutdown. The `errChan` should be
// buffered with at least the value of `num` after the barrier has been
// released.
// NOTE: The receiver of `errChan` should read until the channel closed, since
// this proxying guarantees that the close will happen.
func (s *Switch) proxyFwdErrs(num *int, wg *sync.WaitGroup,
fwdChan, errChan chan error) {
defer s.wg.Done()
defer func() {
// Wait here until the outer function has finished persisting
// and routing the packets. This guarantees we don't read from num until
// the value is accurate.
numSent := *num
for i := 0; i < numSent; i++ {
select {
case err := <-fwdChan:
errChan <- err
case <-s.quit:
log.Errorf("unable to forward htlc packet " +
"htlc switch was stopped")
// route sends a single htlcPacket through the switch and synchronously awaits a
// response.
func (s *Switch) route(packet *htlcPacket) error {
command := &plexPacket{
pkt: packet,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.htlcPlex <- command:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// routeAsync sends a packet through the htlc switch, using the provided err
// chan to propagate errors back to the caller. This method does not wait for
// a response before returning.
func (s *Switch) routeAsync(packet *htlcPacket, errChan chan error) error {
command := &plexPacket{
pkt: packet,
err: errChan,
select {
case s.htlcPlex <- command:
return nil
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// handleLocalDispatch is used at the start/end of the htlc update life cycle.
// At the start (1) it is used to send the htlc to the channel link without
// creation of circuit. At the end (2) it is used to notify the user about the
// result of his payment is it was successful or not.
// Alice Bob Carol
// o --add----> o ---add----> o
// (1)
// (2)
// o <-settle-- o <--settle-- o
// Alice Bob Carol
func (s *Switch) handleLocalDispatch(pkt *htlcPacket) error {
// Pending payments use a special interpretation of the incomingChanID and
// incomingHTLCID fields on packet where the channel ID is blank and the
// HTLC ID is the payment ID. The switch basically views the users of the
// node as a special channel that also offers a sequence of HTLCs.
payment, err := s.findPayment(pkt.incomingHTLCID)
if err != nil {
return err
switch htlc := pkt.htlc.(type) {
// User have created the htlc update therefore we should find the
// appropriate channel link and send the payment over this link.
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
// Try to find links by node destination.
links, err := s.getLinks(pkt.destNode)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to find links by destination %v", err)
return &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
FailureMessage: &lnwire.FailUnknownNextPeer{},
// Try to find destination channel link with appropriate
// bandwidth.
var (
destination ChannelLink
largestBandwidth lnwire.MilliSatoshi
for _, link := range links {
// We'll skip any links that aren't yet eligible for
// forwarding.
if !link.EligibleToForward() {
bandwidth := link.Bandwidth()
if bandwidth > largestBandwidth {
largestBandwidth = bandwidth
if bandwidth >= htlc.Amount {
destination = link
// If the channel link we're attempting to forward the update
// over has insufficient capacity, then we'll cancel the HTLC
// as the payment cannot succeed.
if destination == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("insufficient capacity in available "+
"outgoing links: need %v, max available is %v",
htlc.Amount, largestBandwidth)
htlcErr := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
return &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: err.Error(),
FailureMessage: htlcErr,
// Send the packet to the destination channel link which
// manages then channel.
// TODO(roasbeef): should return with an error
pkt.outgoingChanID = destination.ShortChanID()
return destination.HandleSwitchPacket(pkt)
// We've just received a settle update which means we can finalize the
// user payment and return successful response.
case *lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC:
// Notify the user that his payment was successfully proceed.
payment.err <- nil
payment.response <- pkt
payment.preimage <- htlc.PaymentPreimage
// We've just received a fail update which means we can finalize the
// user payment and return fail response.
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
payment.err <- s.parseFailedPayment(payment, pkt, htlc)
payment.response <- pkt
payment.preimage <- zeroPreimage
return errors.New("wrong update type")
return nil
// parseFailedPayment determines the appropriate failure message to return to
// a user initiated payment. The three cases handled are:
// 1) A local failure, which should already plaintext.
// 2) A resolution from the chain arbitrator,
// 3) A failure from the remote party, which will need to be decrypted using the
// payment deobfuscator.
func (s *Switch) parseFailedPayment(payment *pendingPayment, pkt *htlcPacket,
htlc *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC) *ForwardingError {
var failure *ForwardingError
switch {
// The payment never cleared the link, so we don't need to
// decrypt the error, simply decode it them report back to the
// user.
case pkt.localFailure:
var userErr string
r := bytes.NewReader(htlc.Reason)
failureMsg, err := lnwire.DecodeFailure(r, 0)
if err != nil {
userErr = fmt.Sprintf("unable to decode onion failure, "+
"htlc with hash(%x): %v", payment.paymentHash[:], err)
failureMsg = lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
failure = &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: userErr,
FailureMessage: failureMsg,
// A payment had to be timed out on chain before it got past
// the first hop. In this case, we'll report a permanent
// channel failure as this means us, or the remote party had to
// go on chain.
case pkt.isResolution && htlc.Reason == nil:
userErr := fmt.Sprintf("payment was resolved " +
"on-chain, then cancelled back")
failure = &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: userErr,
FailureMessage: lnwire.FailPermanentChannelFailure{},
// A regular multi-hop payment error that we'll need to
// decrypt.
var err error
// We'll attempt to fully decrypt the onion encrypted
// error. If we're unable to then we'll bail early.
failure, err = payment.deobfuscator.DecryptError(htlc.Reason)
if err != nil {
userErr := fmt.Sprintf("unable to de-obfuscate onion failure, "+
"htlc with hash(%x): %v", payment.paymentHash[:], err)
failure = &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: userErr,
FailureMessage: lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil),
return failure
// handlePacketForward is used in cases when we need forward the htlc update
// from one channel link to another and be able to propagate the settle/fail
// updates back. This behaviour is achieved by creation of payment circuits.
func (s *Switch) handlePacketForward(packet *htlcPacket) error {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
// Channel link forwarded us a new htlc, therefore we initiate the
// payment circuit within our internal state so we can properly forward
// the ultimate settle message back latter.
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
if packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop {
// A blank incomingChanID indicates that this is
// a pending user-initiated payment.
return s.handleLocalDispatch(packet)
targetLink, err := s.getLinkByShortID(packet.outgoingChanID)
if err != nil {
// If packet was forwarded from another channel link
// than we should notify this link that some error
// occurred.
failure := &lnwire.FailUnknownNextPeer{}
addErr := errors.Errorf("unable to find link with "+
"destination %v", packet.outgoingChanID)
return s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
interfaceLinks, _ := s.getLinks(targetLink.Peer().PubKey())
// Try to find destination channel link with appropriate
// bandwidth.
var destination ChannelLink
for _, link := range interfaceLinks {
// We'll skip any links that aren't yet eligible for
// forwarding.
if !link.EligibleToForward() {
if link.Bandwidth() >= htlc.Amount {
destination = link
// If the channel link we're attempting to forward the update
// over has insufficient capacity, then we'll cancel the htlc
// as the payment cannot succeed.
if destination == nil {
// If packet was forwarded from another channel link
// than we should notify this link that some error
// occurred.
failure := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
addErr := errors.Errorf("unable to find appropriate "+
"channel link insufficient capacity, need "+
"%v", htlc.Amount)
return s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
// Send the packet to the destination channel link which
// manages the channel.
packet.outgoingChanID = destination.ShortChanID()
return destination.HandleSwitchPacket(packet)
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC, *lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC:
// If the source of this packet has not been set, use the
// circuit map to lookup the origin.
circuit, err := s.closeCircuit(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
fail, isFail := htlc.(*lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC)
if isFail && !packet.hasSource {
switch {
case circuit.ErrorEncrypter == nil:
// No message to encrypt, locally sourced
// payment.
case packet.isResolution:
// If this is a resolution message, then we'll need to encrypt
// it as it's actually internally sourced.
var err error
// TODO(roasbeef): don't need to pass actually?
failure := &lnwire.FailPermanentChannelFailure{}
fail.Reason, err = circuit.ErrorEncrypter.EncryptFirstHop(
if err != nil {
err = errors.Errorf("unable to obfuscate "+
"error: %v", err)
// Otherwise, it's a forwarded error, so we'll perform a
// wrapper encryption as normal.
fail.Reason = circuit.ErrorEncrypter.IntermediateEncrypt(
} else {
// If this is an HTLC settle, and it wasn't from a
// locally initiated HTLC, then we'll log a forwarding
// event so we can flush it to disk later.
// TODO(roasbeef): only do this once link actually
// fully settles?
localHTLC := packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop
if !localHTLC {
s.pendingFwdingEvents = append(
Timestamp: time.Now(),
IncomingChanID: circuit.Incoming.ChanID,
OutgoingChanID: circuit.Outgoing.ChanID,
AmtIn: circuit.IncomingAmount,
AmtOut: circuit.OutgoingAmount,
// A blank IncomingChanID in a circuit indicates that it is a pending
// user-initiated payment.
if packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop {
return s.handleLocalDispatch(packet)
// Check to see that the source link is online before removing
// the circuit.
sourceMailbox := s.getOrCreateMailBox(packet.incomingChanID)
return sourceMailbox.AddPacket(packet)
return errors.New("wrong update type")
// failAddPacket encrypts a fail packet back to an add packet's source.
// The ciphertext will be derived from the failure message proivded by context.
// This method returns the failErr if all other steps complete successfully.
func (s *Switch) failAddPacket(packet *htlcPacket,
failure lnwire.FailureMessage, failErr error) error {
// Encrypt the failure so that the sender will be able to read the error
// message. Since we failed this packet, we use EncryptFirstHop to
// obfuscate the failure for their eyes only.
reason, err := packet.obfuscator.EncryptFirstHop(failure)
if err != nil {
err := errors.Errorf("unable to obfuscate "+
"error: %v", err)
return err
// Route a fail packet back to the source link.
sourceMailbox := s.getOrCreateMailBox(packet.incomingChanID)
if err = sourceMailbox.AddPacket(&htlcPacket{
incomingChanID: packet.incomingChanID,
incomingHTLCID: packet.incomingHTLCID,
circuit: packet.circuit,
htlc: &lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC{
Reason: reason,
}); err != nil {
err = errors.Errorf("source chanid=%v unable to "+
"handle switch packet: %v",
packet.incomingChanID, err)
return err
return failErr
// closeCircuit accepts a settle or fail htlc and the associated htlc packet and
// attempts to determine the source that forwarded this htlc. This method will
// set the incoming chan and htlc ID of the given packet if the source was
// found, and will properly [re]encrypt any failure messages.
func (s *Switch) closeCircuit(pkt *htlcPacket) (*PaymentCircuit, error) {
// If the packet has its source, that means it was failed locally by
// the outgoing link. We fail it here to make sure only one response
// makes it through the switch.
if pkt.hasSource {
circuit, err := s.circuits.FailCircuit(pkt.inKey())
switch err {
// Circuit successfully closed.
case nil:
return circuit, nil
// Circuit was previously closed, but has not been deleted.
// We'll just drop this response until the circuit has been
// fully removed.
case ErrCircuitClosing:
return nil, err
// Failed to close circuit because it does not exist. This is
// likely because the circuit was already successfully closed.
// Since this packet failed locally, there is no forwarding
// package entry to acknowledge.
case ErrUnknownCircuit:
return nil, err
// Unexpected error.
return nil, err
// Otherwise, this is packet was received from the remote party. Use
// circuit map to find the incoming link to receive the settle/fail.
circuit, err := s.circuits.CloseCircuit(pkt.outKey())
switch err {
// Open circuit successfully closed.
case nil:
pkt.incomingChanID = circuit.Incoming.ChanID
pkt.incomingHTLCID = circuit.Incoming.HtlcID
pkt.circuit = circuit
pkt.sourceRef = &circuit.AddRef
pktType := "SETTLE"
if _, ok := pkt.htlc.(*lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC); ok {
pktType = "FAIL"
log.Debugf("Closed completed %s circuit for %x: "+
"(%s, %d) <-> (%s, %d)", pktType, pkt.circuit.PaymentHash,
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID,
pkt.outgoingChanID, pkt.outgoingHTLCID)
return circuit, nil
// Circuit was previously closed, but has not been deleted. We'll just
// drop this response until the circuit has been removed.
case ErrCircuitClosing:
return nil, err
// Failed to close circuit because it does not exist. This is likely
// because the circuit was already successfully closed.
case ErrUnknownCircuit:
err := errors.Errorf("Unable to find target channel "+
"for HTLC settle/fail: channel ID = %s, "+
"HTLC ID = %d", pkt.outgoingChanID,
// TODO(conner): ack settle/fail
if pkt.destRef != nil {
if err := s.ackSettleFail(*pkt.destRef); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
// Unexpected error.
return nil, err
// ackSettleFail is used by the switch to ACK any settle/fail entries in the
// forwarding package of the outgoing link for a payment circuit. We do this if
// we're the originator of the payment, so the link stops attempting to
// re-broadcast.
func (s *Switch) ackSettleFail(settleFailRef channeldb.SettleFailRef) error {
return s.cfg.DB.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
return s.cfg.SwitchPackager.AckSettleFails(tx, settleFailRef)
// teardownCircuit removes a pending or open circuit from the switch's circuit
// map and prints useful logging statements regarding the outcome.
func (s *Switch) teardownCircuit(pkt *htlcPacket) error {
var pktType string
switch htlc := pkt.htlc.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC:
pktType = "SETTLE"
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
pktType = "FAIL"
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot tear down packet of type: %T", htlc)
return err
switch {
case pkt.circuit.HasKeystone():
log.Debugf("Tearing down open circuit with %s pkt, removing circuit=%v "+
"with keystone=%v", pktType, pkt.inKey(), pkt.outKey())
err := s.circuits.DeleteCircuits(pkt.inKey())
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to tear down open circuit (%s, %d) <-> (%s, %d) "+
"with payment_hash-%v using %s pkt",
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID,
pkt.outgoingChanID, pkt.outgoingHTLCID,
pkt.circuit.PaymentHash, pktType)
return err
log.Debugf("Closed completed %s circuit for %x: "+
"(%s, %d) <-> (%s, %d)", pktType, pkt.circuit.PaymentHash,
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID,
pkt.outgoingChanID, pkt.outgoingHTLCID)
log.Debugf("Tearing down incomplete circuit with %s for inkey=%v",
pktType, pkt.inKey())
err := s.circuits.DeleteCircuits(pkt.inKey())
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to tear down pending %s circuit for %x: "+
"(%s, %d)", pktType, pkt.circuit.PaymentHash,
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID)
return err
log.Debugf("Removed pending onion circuit for %x: "+
"(%s, %d)", pkt.circuit.PaymentHash,
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID)
return nil
// CloseLink creates and sends the close channel command to the target link
// directing the specified closure type. If the closure type if CloseRegular,
// then the last parameter should be the ideal fee-per-kw that will be used as
// a starting point for close negotiation.
func (s *Switch) CloseLink(chanPoint *wire.OutPoint, closeType ChannelCloseType,
targetFeePerKw lnwallet.SatPerKWeight) (chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate,
chan error) {
// TODO(roasbeef) abstract out the close updates.
updateChan := make(chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate, 2)
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
command := &ChanClose{
CloseType: closeType,
ChanPoint: chanPoint,
Updates: updateChan,
TargetFeePerKw: targetFeePerKw,
Err: errChan,
select {
case s.chanCloseRequests <- command:
return updateChan, errChan
case <-s.quit:
errChan <- errors.New("unable close channel link, htlc " +
"switch already stopped")
return updateChan, errChan
// htlcForwarder is responsible for optimally forwarding (and possibly
// fragmenting) incoming/outgoing HTLCs amongst all active interfaces and their
// links. The duties of the forwarder are similar to that of a network switch,
// in that it facilitates multi-hop payments by acting as a central messaging
// bus. The switch communicates will active links to create, manage, and tear
// down active onion routed payments. Each active channel is modeled as
// networked device with metadata such as the available payment bandwidth, and
// total link capacity.
// NOTE: This MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (s *Switch) htlcForwarder() {
defer s.wg.Done()
// Remove all links once we've been signalled for shutdown.
defer func() {
for _, link := range s.linkIndex {
if err := s.removeLink(link.ChanID()); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to remove "+
"channel link on stop: %v", err)
// Before we exit fully, we'll attempt to flush out any
// forwarding events that may still be lingering since the last
// batch flush.
if err := s.FlushForwardingEvents(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to flush forwarding events: %v", err)
// TODO(roasbeef): cleared vs settled distinction
var (
totalNumUpdates uint64
totalSatSent btcutil.Amount
totalSatRecv btcutil.Amount
logTicker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
defer logTicker.Stop()
// Every 15 seconds, we'll flush out the forwarding events that
// occurred during that period.
fwdEventTicker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Second)
defer fwdEventTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
// A local close request has arrived, we'll forward this to the
// relevant link (if it exists) so the channel can be
// cooperatively closed (if possible).
case req := <-s.chanCloseRequests:
chanID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(req.ChanPoint)
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
req.Err <- errors.Errorf("channel with "+
"chan_id=%x not found", chanID[:])
peerPub := link.Peer().PubKey()
log.Debugf("Requesting local channel close: peer=%v, "+
"chan_id=%x", link.Peer(), chanID[:])
go s.cfg.LocalChannelClose(peerPub[:], req)
case resolutionMsg := <-s.resolutionMsgs:
pkt := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: resolutionMsg.SourceChan,
outgoingHTLCID: resolutionMsg.HtlcIndex,
isResolution: true,
// Resolution messages will either be cancelling
// backwards an existing HTLC, or settling a previously
// outgoing HTLC. Based on this, we'll map the message
// to the proper htlcPacket.
if resolutionMsg.Failure != nil {
pkt.htlc = &lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC{}
} else {
pkt.htlc = &lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC{
PaymentPreimage: *resolutionMsg.PreImage,
log.Infof("Received outside contract resolution, "+
"mapping to: %v", spew.Sdump(pkt))
// We don't check the error, as the only failure we can
// encounter is due to the circuit already being
// closed. This is fine, as processing this message is
// meant to be idempotent.
err := s.handlePacketForward(pkt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to forward resolution msg: %v", err)
// With the message processed, we'll now close out
// A new packet has arrived for forwarding, we'll interpret the
// packet concretely, then either forward it along, or
// interpret a return packet to a locally initialized one.
case cmd := <-s.htlcPlex:
cmd.err <- s.handlePacketForward(cmd.pkt)
// When this time ticks, then it indicates that we should
// collect all the forwarding events since the last internal,
// and write them out to our log.
case <-fwdEventTicker.C:
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
if err := s.FlushForwardingEvents(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to flush "+
"forwarding events: %v", err)
// The log ticker has fired, so we'll calculate some forwarding
// stats for the last 10 seconds to display within the logs to
// users.
case <-logTicker.C:
// First, we'll collate the current running tally of
// our forwarding stats.
prevSatSent := totalSatSent
prevSatRecv := totalSatRecv
prevNumUpdates := totalNumUpdates
var (
newNumUpdates uint64
newSatSent btcutil.Amount
newSatRecv btcutil.Amount
// Next, we'll run through all the registered links and
// compute their up-to-date forwarding stats.
for _, link := range s.linkIndex {
// TODO(roasbeef): when links first registered
// stats printed.
updates, sent, recv := link.Stats()
newNumUpdates += updates
newSatSent += sent.ToSatoshis()
newSatRecv += recv.ToSatoshis()
var (
diffNumUpdates uint64
diffSatSent btcutil.Amount
diffSatRecv btcutil.Amount
// If this is the first time we're computing these
// stats, then the diff is just the new value. We do
// this in order to avoid integer underflow issues.
if prevNumUpdates == 0 {
diffNumUpdates = newNumUpdates
diffSatSent = newSatSent
diffSatRecv = newSatRecv
} else {
diffNumUpdates = newNumUpdates - prevNumUpdates
diffSatSent = newSatSent - prevSatSent
diffSatRecv = newSatRecv - prevSatRecv
// If the diff of num updates is zero, then we haven't
// forwarded anything in the last 10 seconds, so we can
// skip this update.
if diffNumUpdates == 0 {
// If the diff of num updates is negative, then some
// links may have been unregistered from the switch, so
// we'll update our stats to only include our registered
// links.
if int64(diffNumUpdates) < 0 {
totalNumUpdates = newNumUpdates
totalSatSent = newSatSent
totalSatRecv = newSatRecv
// Otherwise, we'll log this diff, then accumulate the
// new stats into the running total.
log.Infof("Sent %d satoshis and received %d satoshis "+
"in the last 10 seconds (%f tx/sec)",
diffSatSent, diffSatRecv,
totalNumUpdates += diffNumUpdates
totalSatSent += diffSatSent
totalSatRecv += diffSatRecv
case req := <-s.linkControl:
switch cmd := req.(type) {
case *updatePoliciesCmd:
cmd.err <- s.updateLinkPolicies(cmd)
case *addLinkCmd:
cmd.err <- s.addLink(cmd.link)
case *removeLinkCmd:
cmd.err <- s.removeLink(cmd.chanID)
case *getLinkCmd:
link, err := s.getLink(cmd.chanID)
cmd.done <- link
cmd.err <- err
case *getLinksCmd:
links, err := s.getLinks(cmd.peer)
cmd.done <- links
cmd.err <- err
case *updateForwardingIndexCmd:
cmd.err <- s.updateShortChanID(
cmd.chanID, cmd.shortChanID,
case <-s.quit:
// Start starts all helper goroutines required for the operation of the switch.
func (s *Switch) Start() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.started, 0, 1) {
log.Warn("Htlc Switch already started")
return errors.New("htlc switch already started")
log.Infof("Starting HTLC Switch")
go s.htlcForwarder()
if err := s.reforwardResponses(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to reforward responses: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// reforwardResponses for every known, non-pending channel, loads all associated
// forwarding packages and reforwards any Settle or Fail HTLCs found. This is
// used to resurrect the switch's mailboxes after a restart.
func (s *Switch) reforwardResponses() error {
activeChannels, err := s.cfg.DB.FetchAllChannels()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, activeChannel := range activeChannels {
if activeChannel.IsPending {
shortChanID := activeChannel.ShortChanID
fwdPkgs, err := s.loadChannelFwdPkgs(shortChanID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadChannelFwdPkgs loads all forwarding packages owned by the `source` short
// channel identifier.
func (s *Switch) loadChannelFwdPkgs(
source lnwire.ShortChannelID) ([]*channeldb.FwdPkg, error) {
var fwdPkgs []*channeldb.FwdPkg
if err := s.cfg.DB.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
var err error
fwdPkgs, err = s.cfg.SwitchPackager.LoadChannelFwdPkgs(
tx, source,
return err
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return fwdPkgs, nil
// reforwardSettleFails parses the Settle and Fail HTLCs from the list of
// forwarding packages, and reforwards those that have not been acknowledged.
// This is intended to occur on startup, in order to recover the switch's
// mailboxes, and to ensure that responses can be propagated in case the
// outgoing link never comes back online.
// NOTE: This should mimic the behavior processRemoteSettleFails.
func (s *Switch) reforwardSettleFails(fwdPkgs []*channeldb.FwdPkg) {
for _, fwdPkg := range fwdPkgs {
settleFails := lnwallet.PayDescsFromRemoteLogUpdates(
fwdPkg.Source, fwdPkg.Height, fwdPkg.SettleFails,
switchPackets := make([]*htlcPacket, 0, len(settleFails))
for i, pd := range settleFails {
// Skip any settles or fails that have already been
// acknowledged by the incoming link that originated the
// forwarded Add.
if fwdPkg.SettleFailFilter.Contains(uint16(i)) {
switch pd.EntryType {
// A settle for an HTLC we previously forwarded HTLC has
// been received. So we'll forward the HTLC to the
// switch which will handle propagating the settle to
// the prior hop.
case lnwallet.Settle:
settlePacket := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: fwdPkg.Source,
outgoingHTLCID: pd.ParentIndex,
destRef: pd.DestRef,
htlc: &lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC{
PaymentPreimage: pd.RPreimage,
// Add the packet to the batch to be forwarded, and
// notify the overflow queue that a spare spot has been
// freed up within the commitment state.
switchPackets = append(switchPackets, settlePacket)
// A failureCode message for a previously forwarded HTLC has been
// received. As a result a new slot will be freed up in our
// commitment state, so we'll forward this to the switch so the
// backwards undo can continue.
case lnwallet.Fail:
// Fetch the reason the HTLC was cancelled so we can
// continue to propagate it.
failPacket := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: fwdPkg.Source,
outgoingHTLCID: pd.ParentIndex,
destRef: pd.DestRef,
htlc: &lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC{
Reason: lnwire.OpaqueReason(pd.FailReason),
// Add the packet to the batch to be forwarded, and
// notify the overflow queue that a spare spot has been
// freed up within the commitment state.
switchPackets = append(switchPackets, failPacket)
errChan := s.ForwardPackets(switchPackets...)
go handleBatchFwdErrs(errChan)
// handleBatchFwdErrs waits on the given errChan until it is closed, logging the
// errors returned from any unsuccessful forwarding attempts.
func handleBatchFwdErrs(errChan chan error) {
for {
err, ok := <-errChan
if !ok {
// Err chan has been drained or switch is shutting down.
// Either way, return.
if err == nil {
log.Errorf("unhandled error while reforwarding htlc "+
"settle/fail over htlcswitch: %v", err)
// Stop gracefully stops all active helper goroutines, then waits until they've
// exited.
func (s *Switch) Stop() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.shutdown, 0, 1) {
log.Warn("Htlc Switch already stopped")
return errors.New("htlc switch already shutdown")
log.Infof("HTLC Switch shutting down")
// Wait until all active goroutines have finished exiting before
// stopping the mailboxes, otherwise the mailbox map could still be
// accessed and modified.
for _, mailBox := range s.mailboxes {
return nil
// addLinkCmd is a add link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type addLinkCmd struct {
link ChannelLink
err chan error
// AddLink is used to initiate the handling of the add link command. The
// request will be propagated and handled in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) AddLink(link ChannelLink) error {
command := &addLinkCmd{
link: link,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("unable to add link htlc switch was stopped")
// addLink is used to add the newly created channel link and start use it to
// handle the channel updates.
func (s *Switch) addLink(link ChannelLink) error {
// TODO(roasbeef): reject if link already tehre?
// First we'll add the link to the linkIndex which lets us quickly look
// up a channel when we need to close or register it, and the
// forwarding index which'll be used when forwarding HTLC's in the
// multi-hop setting.
s.linkIndex[link.ChanID()] = link
s.forwardingIndex[link.ShortChanID()] = link
// Next we'll add the link to the interface index so we can quickly
// look up all the channels for a particular node.
peerPub := link.Peer().PubKey()
if _, ok := s.interfaceIndex[peerPub]; !ok {
s.interfaceIndex[peerPub] = make(map[ChannelLink]struct{})
s.interfaceIndex[peerPub][link] = struct{}{}
// Get the mailbox for this link, which buffers packets in case there
// packets that we tried to deliver while this link was offline.
mailbox := s.getOrCreateMailBox(link.ShortChanID())
// Give the link its mailbox, we only need to start the mailbox if it
// wasn't previously found.
if err := link.Start(); err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("Added channel link with chan_id=%v, short_chan_id=(%v)",
link.ChanID(), spew.Sdump(link.ShortChanID()))
return nil
// getOrCreateMailBox returns the known mailbox for a particular short channel
// id, or creates one if the link has no existing mailbox.
func (s *Switch) getOrCreateMailBox(chanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) MailBox {
// Check to see if we have a mailbox already populated for this link.
mailbox, ok := s.mailboxes[chanID]
if ok {
return mailbox
// Otherwise, we will make a new one only if the mailbox still is not
// present after the exclusive mutex is acquired.
mailbox, ok = s.mailboxes[chanID]
if !ok {
mailbox = newMemoryMailBox()
s.mailboxes[chanID] = mailbox
return mailbox
// getLinkCmd is a get link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type getLinkCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
err chan error
done chan ChannelLink
// GetLink is used to initiate the handling of the get link command. The
// request will be propagated/handled to/in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) GetLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
command := &getLinkCmd{
chanID: chanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
done: make(chan ChannelLink, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
var link ChannelLink
select {
case link = <-command.done:
case <-s.quit:
break query
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return link, err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return nil, errors.New("unable to get link htlc switch was stopped")
// getLink attempts to return the link that has the specified channel ID.
func (s *Switch) getLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChannelLinkNotFound
return link, nil
// getLinkByShortID attempts to return the link which possesses the target
// short channel ID.
func (s *Switch) getLinkByShortID(chanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
link, ok := s.forwardingIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChannelLinkNotFound
return link, nil
// removeLinkCmd is a get link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type removeLinkCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
err chan error
// RemoveLink is used to initiate the handling of the remove link command. The
// request will be propagated/handled to/in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) RemoveLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) error {
command := &removeLinkCmd{
chanID: chanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("unable to remove link htlc switch was stopped")
// removeLink is used to remove and stop the channel link.
func (s *Switch) removeLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) error {
log.Infof("Removing channel link with ChannelID(%v)", chanID)
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return ErrChannelLinkNotFound
// Remove the channel from channel map.
delete(s.linkIndex, chanID)
delete(s.forwardingIndex, link.ShortChanID())
// Remove the channel from channel index.
peerPub := link.Peer().PubKey()
delete(s.interfaceIndex, peerPub)
return nil
// updateForwardingIndexCmd is a command sent by outside sub-systems to update
// the forwarding index of the switch in the event that the short channel ID of
// a particular link changes.
type updateForwardingIndexCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
shortChanID lnwire.ShortChannelID
err chan error
// UpdateShortChanID updates the short chan ID for an existing channel. This is
// required in the case of a re-org and re-confirmation or a channel, or in the
// case that a link was added to the switch before its short chan ID was known.
func (s *Switch) UpdateShortChanID(chanID lnwire.ChannelID,
shortChanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) error {
command := &updateForwardingIndexCmd{
chanID: chanID,
shortChanID: shortChanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("unable to update short chan id htlc switch was stopped")
// updateShortChanID updates the short chan ID of an existing link.
func (s *Switch) updateShortChanID(chanID lnwire.ChannelID,
shortChanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) error {
// First, we'll extract the current link as is from the link link
// index. If the link isn't even in the index, then we'll return an
// error.
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("link %v not found", chanID)
log.Infof("Updating short_chan_id for ChannelLink(%v): old=%v, new=%v",
chanID, link.ShortChanID(), shortChanID)
// At this point the link is actually active, so we'll update the
// forwarding index with the next short channel ID.
s.forwardingIndex[shortChanID] = link
// Finally, we'll notify the link of its new short channel ID.
return nil
// getLinksCmd is a get links command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type getLinksCmd struct {
peer [33]byte
err chan error
done chan []ChannelLink
// GetLinksByInterface fetches all the links connected to a particular node
// identified by the serialized compressed form of its public key.
func (s *Switch) GetLinksByInterface(hop [33]byte) ([]ChannelLink, error) {
command := &getLinksCmd{
peer: hop,
err: make(chan error, 1),
done: make(chan []ChannelLink, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
var links []ChannelLink
select {
case links = <-command.done:
case <-s.quit:
break query
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return links, err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return nil, errors.New("unable to get links htlc switch was stopped")
// getLinks is function which returns the channel links of the peer by hop
// destination id.
func (s *Switch) getLinks(destination [33]byte) ([]ChannelLink, error) {
links, ok := s.interfaceIndex[destination]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to locate channel link by "+
"destination hop id %x", destination)
channelLinks := make([]ChannelLink, 0, len(links))
for link := range links {
channelLinks = append(channelLinks, link)
return channelLinks, nil
// removePendingPayment is the helper function which removes the pending user
// payment.
func (s *Switch) removePendingPayment(paymentID uint64) error {
defer s.pendingMutex.Unlock()
if _, ok := s.pendingPayments[paymentID]; !ok {
return errors.Errorf("Cannot find pending payment with ID %d",
delete(s.pendingPayments, paymentID)
return nil
// findPayment is the helper function which find the payment.
func (s *Switch) findPayment(paymentID uint64) (*pendingPayment, error) {
defer s.pendingMutex.RUnlock()
payment, ok := s.pendingPayments[paymentID]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Cannot find pending payment with ID %d",
return payment, nil
// CircuitModifier returns a reference to subset of the interfaces provided by
// the circuit map, to allow links to open and close circuits.
func (s *Switch) CircuitModifier() CircuitModifier {
return s.circuits
// numPendingPayments is helper function which returns the overall number of
// pending user payments.
func (s *Switch) numPendingPayments() int {
return len(s.pendingPayments)
// commitCircuits persistently adds a circuit to the switch's circuit map.
func (s *Switch) commitCircuits(circuits ...*PaymentCircuit) (
*CircuitFwdActions, error) {
return s.circuits.CommitCircuits(circuits...)
// openCircuits preemptively writes the keystones for Adds that are about to be
// added to a commitment txn.
func (s *Switch) openCircuits(keystones ...Keystone) error {
return s.circuits.OpenCircuits(keystones...)
// deleteCircuits persistently removes the circuit, and keystone if present,
// from the circuit map.
func (s *Switch) deleteCircuits(inKeys ...CircuitKey) error {
return s.circuits.DeleteCircuits(inKeys...)
// lookupCircuit queries the in memory representation of the circuit map to
// retrieve a particular circuit.
func (s *Switch) lookupCircuit(inKey CircuitKey) *PaymentCircuit {
return s.circuits.LookupCircuit(inKey)
// lookupOpenCircuit queries the in-memory representation of the circuit map for a
// circuit whose outgoing circuit key matches outKey.
func (s *Switch) lookupOpenCircuit(outKey CircuitKey) *PaymentCircuit {
return s.circuits.LookupOpenCircuit(outKey)
// FlushForwardingEvents flushes out the set of pending forwarding events to
// the persistent log. This will be used by the switch to periodically flush
// out the set of forwarding events to disk. External callers can also use this
// method to ensure all data is flushed to dis before querying the log.
func (s *Switch) FlushForwardingEvents() error {
// First, we'll obtain a copy of the current set of pending forwarding
// events.
// If we won't have any forwarding events, then we can exit early.
if len(s.pendingFwdingEvents) == 0 {
return nil
events := make([]channeldb.ForwardingEvent, len(s.pendingFwdingEvents))
copy(events[:], s.pendingFwdingEvents[:])
// With the copy obtained, we can now clear out the header pointer of
// the current slice. This way, we can re-use the underlying storage
// allocated for the slice.
s.pendingFwdingEvents = s.pendingFwdingEvents[:0]
// Finally, we'll write out the copied events to the persistent
// forwarding log.
return s.cfg.FwdingLog.AddForwardingEvents(events)