Olaoluwa Osuntokun deceae8fe4
channeldb: PruneGraph now returns the channels closed
This commit alters the return value of PrunedGraph to me a bit more
useful: the function now returns all the channels that were closed when
processing the block (slice of spent outpoints). With this information,
callers gain greater visibility into exactly which channels were
closed. This can be used in higher levels to present detailed summaries
of how blocks affect closed channels.
2017-03-05 19:20:57 -06:00

1658 lines
50 KiB

package channeldb
import (
var (
// nodeBucket is a bucket which houses all the vertices or nodes within
// the channel graph. This bucket has a single-sub bucket which adds an
// additional index from pubkey -> alias. Within the top-level of this
// bucket, the key space maps a node's compressed public key to the
// serialized information for that node. Additionally, there's a
// special key "source" which stores the pubkey of the source node. The
// source node is used as the starting point for all graph/queries and
// traversals. The graph is formed as a star-graph with the source node
// at the center.
// maps: pubKey -> nofInfo
// maps: source -> selfPubKey
nodeBucket = []byte("graph-node")
// sourceKey is a special key that resides within the nodeBucket. The
// sourceKey maps a key to the public key of the "self node".
sourceKey = []byte("source")
// aliasIndexBucket is a sub-bucket that's nested within the main
// nodeBucket. This bucket maps the public key of a node to it's
// current alias. This bucket is provided as it can be used within a
// future UI layer to add an additional degree of confirmation.
aliasIndexBucket = []byte("alias")
// edgeBucket is a bucket which houses all of the edge or channel
// information within the channel graph. This bucket essentially acts
// as an adjacency list, which in conjunction with a range scan, can be
// used to iterate over all the _outgoing_ edges for a particular node.
// Key in the bucket use a prefix scheme which leads with the node's
// public key and sends with the compact edge ID. For each edgeID,
// there will be two entries within the bucket, as the graph is
// directed: nodes may have different policies w.r.t to fees for their
// respective directions.
// maps: pubKey || edgeID -> edge policy for node
edgeBucket = []byte("graph-edge")
// chanStart is an array of all zero bytes which is used to perform
// range scans within the edgeBucket to obtain all of the outgoing
// edges for a particular node.
chanStart [8]byte
// edgeIndexBucket is an index which can be used to iterate all edges
// in the bucket, grouping them according to their in/out nodes.
// Additionally, the items in this bucket also contain the complete
// edge information for a channel. The edge information includes the
// capacity of the channel, the nodes that made the channel, etc. This
// bucket resides within the edgeBucket above. Creation of a edge
// proceeds in two phases: first the edge is added to the edge index,
// afterwards the edgeBucket can be updated with the latest details of
// the edge as they are announced on the network.
// maps: chanID -> pubKey1 || pubKey2 || restofEdgeInfo
edgeIndexBucket = []byte("edge-index")
// channelPointBucket maps a channel's full outpoint (txid:index) to
// its short 8-byte channel ID. This bucket resides within the
// edgeBucket above, and can be used to quickly remove an edge due to
// the outpoint being spent, or to query for existence of a channel.
// maps: outPoint -> chanID
channelPointBucket = []byte("chan-index")
// graphMetaBucket is a top-level bucket which stores various meta-deta
// related to the on-disk channel graph. Data stored in this bucket
// includes the block to which the graph has been synced to, the total
// number of channels, etc.
graphMetaBucket = []byte("graph-meta")
// pruneTipKey is a key within the above graphMetaBucket that stores
// the best known blockhash+height that the channel graph has been
// known to be pruned to. Once a new block is discovered, any channels
// that have been closed (by spending the outpoint) can safely be
// removed from the graph.
pruneTipKey = []byte("prune-tip")
edgeBloomKey = []byte("edge-bloom")
nodeBloomKey = []byte("node-bloom")
// ChannelGraph is a persistent, on-disk graph representation of the Lightning
// Network. This struct can be used to implement path finding algorithms on top
// of, and also to update a node's view based on information received from the
// p2p network. Internally, the graph is stored using a modified adjacency list
// representation with some added object interaction possible with each
// serialized edge/node. The graph is stored is directed, meaning that are two
// edges stored for each channel: an inbound/outbound edge for each node pair.
// Nodes, edges, and edge information can all be added to the graph
// independently. Edge removal results in the deletion of all edge information
// for that edge.
type ChannelGraph struct {
db *DB
// TODO(roasbeef): store and update bloom filter to reduce disk access
// due to current gossip model
// * LRU cache for edges?
// ForEachChannel iterates through all the channel edges stored within the
// graph and invokes the passed callback for each edge. The callback takes two
// edges as since this is a directed graph, both the in/out edges are visited.
// If the callback returns an error, then the transaction is aborted and the
// iteration stops early.
// NOTE: If an edge can't be found, or wasn't advertised, then a nil pointer
// for that particular channel edge routing policy will be passed into the
// callback.
func (c *ChannelGraph) ForEachChannel(cb func(*ChannelEdgeInfo, *ChannelEdgePolicy, *ChannelEdgePolicy) error) error {
// TODO(roasbeef): ptr map to reduce # of allocs? no duplicates
return c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First, grab the node bucket. This will be used to populate
// the Node pointers in each edge read from disk.
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
// Next, grab the edge bucket which stores the edges, and also
// the index itself so we can group the directed edges together
// logically.
edges := tx.Bucket(edgeBucket)
if edges == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
edgeIndex := edges.Bucket(edgeIndexBucket)
if edgeIndex == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
// For each edge pair within the edge index, we fetch each edge
// itself and also the node information in order to fully
// populated the object.
return edgeIndex.ForEach(func(chanID, edgeInfoBytes []byte) error {
infoReader := bytes.NewReader(edgeInfoBytes)
edgeInfo, err := deserializeChanEdgeInfo(infoReader)
if err != nil {
return err
// The first node is contained within the first half of
// the edge information.
node1Pub := edgeInfoBytes[:33]
edge1, err := fetchChanEdgePolicy(edges, chanID, node1Pub, nodes)
if err != nil && err != ErrEdgeNotFound &&
err != ErrGraphNodeNotFound {
return err
// The targeted edge may have not been advertised
// within the network, so we ensure it's non-nil before
// deferencing its attributes.
if edge1 != nil {
edge1.db = c.db
if edge1.Node != nil {
edge1.Node.db = c.db
// Similarly, the second node is contained within the
// latter half of the edge information.
node2Pub := edgeInfoBytes[33:]
edge2, err := fetchChanEdgePolicy(edges, chanID, node2Pub, nodes)
if err != nil && err != ErrEdgeNotFound &&
err != ErrGraphNodeNotFound {
return err
// The targeted edge may have not been advertised
// within the network, so we ensure it's non-nil before
// deferencing its attributes.
if edge2 != nil {
edge2.db = c.db
if edge2.Node != nil {
edge2.Node.db = c.db
// With both edges read, execute the call back. IF this
// function returns an error then the transaction will
// be aborted.
return cb(edgeInfo, edge1, edge2)
// ForEachNode iterates through all the stored vertices/nodes in the graph,
// executing the passed callback with each node encountered. If the callback
// returns an error, then the transaction is aborted and the iteration stops
// early.
func (c *ChannelGraph) ForEachNode(cb func(*LightningNode) error) error {
// TODO(roasbeef): need to also pass in a transaction? or reverse order
// to get all in memory THEN execute callback?
return c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First grab the nodes bucket which stores the mapping from
// pubKey to node information.
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
return nodes.ForEach(func(pubKey, nodeBytes []byte) error {
// If this is the source key, then we skip this
// iteration as the value for this key is a pubKey
// rather than raw node information.
if bytes.Equal(pubKey, sourceKey) || len(pubKey) != 33 {
return nil
nodeReader := bytes.NewReader(nodeBytes)
node, err := deserializeLightningNode(nodeReader)
if err != nil {
return err
node.db = c.db
// Execute the callback, the transaction will abort if
// this returns an error.
return cb(node)
// SourceNode returns the source node of the graph. The source node is treated
// as the center node within a star-graph. This method may be used to kick off
// a path finding algorithm in order to explore the reachability of another
// node based off the source node.
func (c *ChannelGraph) SourceNode() (*LightningNode, error) {
var source *LightningNode
err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First grab the nodes bucket which stores the mapping from
// pubKey to node information.
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
selfPub := nodes.Get(sourceKey)
if selfPub == nil {
return ErrSourceNodeNotSet
// With the pubKey of the source node retrieved, we're able to
// fetch the full node information.
node, err := fetchLightningNode(nodes, selfPub)
if err != nil {
return err
source = node
source.db = c.db
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return source, nil
// SetSourceNode sets the source node within the graph database. The source
// node is to be used as the center of a star-graph within path finding
// algorithms.
func (c *ChannelGraph) SetSourceNode(node *LightningNode) error {
nodePub := node.PubKey.SerializeCompressed()
return c.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First grab the nodes bucket which stores the mapping from
// pubKey to node information.
nodes, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(nodeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// Next we create the mapping from source to the targeted
// public key.
if err := nodes.Put(sourceKey, nodePub); err != nil {
return err
// Finally, we commit the information of the lightning node
// itself.
return addLightningNode(tx, node)
// AddLightningNode adds a new (unconnected) vertex/node to the graph database.
// When adding an edge, each node must be added before the edge can be
// inserted. Afterwards the edge information can then be updated.
// TODO(roasbeef): also need sig of announcement
func (c *ChannelGraph) AddLightningNode(node *LightningNode) error {
return c.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
return addLightningNode(tx, node)
func addLightningNode(tx *bolt.Tx, node *LightningNode) error {
nodes, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(nodeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
aliases, err := nodes.CreateBucketIfNotExists(aliasIndexBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
return putLightningNode(nodes, aliases, node)
// LookupAlias attempts to return the alias as advertised by the target node.
// TODO(roasbeef): currently assumes that aliases are unique...
func (c *ChannelGraph) LookupAlias(pub *btcec.PublicKey) (string, error) {
var alias string
err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNodesNotFound
aliases := nodes.Bucket(aliasIndexBucket)
if aliases == nil {
return ErrGraphNodesNotFound
nodePub := pub.SerializeCompressed()
a := aliases.Get(nodePub)
if a == nil {
return ErrNodeAliasNotFound
// TODO(roasbeef): should actually be using the utf-8
// package...
alias = string(a)
return nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
return alias, nil
// DeleteLightningNode removes a vertex/node from the database according to the
// node's public key.
func (c *ChannelGraph) DeleteLightningNode(nodePub *btcec.PublicKey) error {
pub := nodePub.SerializeCompressed()
// TODO(roasbeef): ensure dangling edges are removed...
return c.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
nodes, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(nodeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
aliases, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(aliasIndexBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := aliases.Delete(pub); err != nil {
return err
return nodes.Delete(pub)
// AddChannelEdge adds a new (undirected, blank) edge to the graph database. An
// undirected edge from the two target nodes are created. The information
// stored denotes the static attributes of the channel, such as the channelID,
// the keys involved in creation of the channel, and the set of features that
// the channel supports. The chanPoint and chanID are used to uniquely identify
// the edge globally within the database.
func (c *ChannelGraph) AddChannelEdge(edge *ChannelEdgeInfo) error {
// Construct the channel's primary key which is the 8-byte channel ID.
var chanKey [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(chanKey[:], edge.ChannelID)
return c.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
edges, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
edgeIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeIndexBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
chanIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(channelPointBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// First, attempt to check if this edge has already been
// created. If so, then we can exit early as this method is
// meant to be idempotent.
if edgeInfo := edgeIndex.Get(chanKey[:]); edgeInfo != nil {
return nil
// If the edge hasn't been created yet, then we'll first add it
// to the edge index in order to associate the edge between two
// nodes and also store the static components of the channel.
if err := putChanEdgeInfo(edgeIndex, edge, chanKey); err != nil {
return err
// Finally we add it to the channel index which maps channel
// points (outpoints) to the shorter channel ID's.
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := writeOutpoint(&b, &edge.ChannelPoint); err != nil {
return err
return chanIndex.Put(b.Bytes(), chanKey[:])
// HasChannelEdge returns true if the database knows of a channel edge with the
// passed channel ID, and false otherwise. If the an edge with that ID is found
// within the graph, then two time stamps representing the last time the edge
// was updated for both directed edges are returned along with the boolean.
func (c *ChannelGraph) HasChannelEdge(chanID uint64) (time.Time, time.Time, bool, error) {
// TODO(roasbeef): check internal bloom filter first
var (
node1UpdateTime time.Time
node2UpdateTime time.Time
exists bool
if err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
edges := tx.Bucket(edgeBucket)
if edges == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
edgeIndex := edges.Bucket(edgeIndexBucket)
if edgeIndex == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
var channelID [8]byte
byteOrder.PutUint64(channelID[:], chanID)
if edgeIndex.Get(channelID[:]) == nil {
exists = false
return nil
exists = true
// If the channel has been found in the graph, then retrieve
// the edges itself so we can return the last updated
// timestmaps.
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNodeNotFound
e1, e2, err := fetchChanEdgePolicies(edgeIndex, edges, nodes,
channelID[:], c.db)
if err != nil {
return err
// As we may have only one of the edges populated, only set the
// update time if the edge was found in the database.
if e1 != nil {
node1UpdateTime = e1.LastUpdate
if e2 != nil {
node2UpdateTime = e2.LastUpdate
return nil
}); err != nil {
return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, exists, err
return node1UpdateTime, node2UpdateTime, exists, nil
const (
// pruneTipBytes is the total size of the value which stores the
// current prune tip of the graph. The prune tip indicates if the
// channel graph is in sync with the current UTXO state. The structure
// is: blockHash || blockHeight, taking 36 bytes total.
pruneTipBytes = 32 + 4
// PruneGraph prunes newly closed channels from the channel graph in response
// to a new block being solved on the network. Any transactions which spend the
// funding output of any known channels within he graph will be deleted.
// Additionally, the "prune tip", or the last block which has been used to
// prune the graph is stored so callers can ensure the graph is fully in sync
// with the current UTXO state. A slice of channels that have been closed by
// the target block are returned if the function succeeds without error.
func (c *ChannelGraph) PruneGraph(spentOutputs []*wire.OutPoint,
blockHash *chainhash.Hash, blockHeight uint32) ([]*ChannelEdgeInfo, error) {
var chansClosed []*ChannelEdgeInfo
err := c.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First grab the edges bucket which houses the information
// we'd like to delete
edges, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// Next grab the two edge indexes which will also need to be updated.
edgeIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeIndexBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
chanIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(channelPointBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// For each of the outpoints that've been spent within the
// block, we attempt to delete them from the graph as if that
// outpoint was a channel, then it has now been closed.
for _, chanPoint := range spentOutputs {
// TODO(roasbeef): load channel bloom filter, continue
// if NOT if filter
var opBytes bytes.Buffer
if err := writeOutpoint(&opBytes, chanPoint); err != nil {
return nil
// First attempt to see if the channel exists within
// the database, if not, then we can exit early.
chanID := chanIndex.Get(opBytes.Bytes())
if chanID == nil {
// However, if it does, then we'll read out the full
// version so we can add it to the set of deleted
// channels.
edgeInfo, err := fetchChanEdgeInfo(edgeIndex, chanID)
if err != nil {
return err
chansClosed = append(chansClosed, edgeInfo)
// Attempt to delete the channel, an ErrEdgeNotFound
// will be returned if that outpoint isn't known to be
// a channel. If no error is returned, then a channel
// was successfully pruned.
err = delChannelByEdge(edges, edgeIndex, chanIndex,
if err != nil && err != ErrEdgeNotFound {
return err
metaBucket, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(graphMetaBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// With the graph pruned, update the current "prune tip" which
// can be used to check if the graph is fully synced with the
// current UTXO state.
var newTip [pruneTipBytes]byte
copy(newTip[:], blockHash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(newTip[32:], uint32(blockHeight))
return metaBucket.Put(pruneTipKey, newTip[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return chansClosed, nil
// PruneTip returns the block height and hash of the latest block that has been
// used to prune channels in the graph. Knowing the "prune tip" allows callers
// to tell if the graph is currently in sync with the current best known UTXO
// state.
func (c *ChannelGraph) PruneTip() (*chainhash.Hash, uint32, error) {
var (
currentTip [pruneTipBytes]byte
tipHash chainhash.Hash
tipHeight uint32
err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
graphMeta := tx.Bucket(graphMetaBucket)
if graphMeta == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
tipBytes := graphMeta.Get(pruneTipKey)
if tipBytes == nil {
return ErrGraphNeverPruned
copy(currentTip[:], tipBytes)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// Once we have the prune tip, the first 32 bytes are the block hash,
// with the latter 4 bytes being the block height.
copy(tipHash[:], currentTip[:32])
tipHeight = byteOrder.Uint32(currentTip[32:])
return &tipHash, tipHeight, nil
// DeleteChannelEdge removes an edge from the database as identified by it's
// funding outpoint. If the edge does not exist within the database, then this
func (c *ChannelGraph) DeleteChannelEdge(chanPoint *wire.OutPoint) error {
// TODO(roasbeef): possibly delete from node bucket if node has no more
// channels
// TODO(roasbeef): don't delete both edges?
return c.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First grab the edges bucket which houses the information
// we'd like to delete
edges, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// Next grab the two edge indexes which will also need to be updated.
edgeIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeIndexBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
chanIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(channelPointBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
return delChannelByEdge(edges, edgeIndex, chanIndex, chanPoint)
// ChannelID attempt to lookup the 8-byte compact channel ID which maps to the
// passed channel point (outpoint). If the passed channel doesn't exist within
// the database, then ErrEdgeNotFound is returned.
func (c *ChannelGraph) ChannelID(chanPoint *wire.OutPoint) (uint64, error) {
var chanID uint64
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := writeOutpoint(&b, chanPoint); err != nil {
return 0, nil
if err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
edges := tx.Bucket(edgeBucket)
if edges == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
chanIndex := edges.Bucket(channelPointBucket)
if edges == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
chanIDBytes := chanIndex.Get(b.Bytes())
if chanIDBytes == nil {
return ErrEdgeNotFound
chanID = byteOrder.Uint64(chanIDBytes)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return 0, err
return chanID, nil
func delChannelByEdge(edges *bolt.Bucket, edgeIndex *bolt.Bucket,
chanIndex *bolt.Bucket, chanPoint *wire.OutPoint) error {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := writeOutpoint(&b, chanPoint); err != nil {
return err
// If the channel's outpoint doesn't exist within the outpoint
// index, then the edge does not exist.
chanID := chanIndex.Get(b.Bytes())
if chanID == nil {
return ErrEdgeNotFound
// Otherwise we obtain the two public keys from the mapping:
// chanID -> pubKey1 || pubKey2. With this, we can construct
// the keys which house both of the directed edges for this
// channel.
nodeKeys := edgeIndex.Get(chanID)
// The edge key is of the format pubKey || chanID. First we
// construct the latter half, populating the channel ID.
var edgeKey [33 + 8]byte
copy(edgeKey[33:], chanID)
// With the latter half constructed, copy over the first public
// key to delete the edge in this direction, then the second to
// delete the edge in the opposite direction.
copy(edgeKey[:33], nodeKeys[:33])
if edges.Get(edgeKey[:]) != nil {
if err := edges.Delete(edgeKey[:]); err != nil {
return err
copy(edgeKey[:33], nodeKeys[33:])
if edges.Get(edgeKey[:]) != nil {
if err := edges.Delete(edgeKey[:]); err != nil {
return err
// Finally, with the edge data deleted, we can purge the
// information from the two edge indexes.
if err := edgeIndex.Delete(chanID); err != nil {
return err
return chanIndex.Delete(b.Bytes())
// UpdateEdgePolicy updates the edge routing policy for a single directed edge
// within the database for the referenced channel. The `flags` attribute within
// the ChannelEdgePolicy determines which of the directed edges are being
// updated. If the flag is 1, then the first node's information is being
// updated, otherwise it's the second node's information. The node ordering is
// determined tby the lexicographical ordering of the identity public keys of
// the nodes on either side of the channel.
func (r *ChannelGraph) UpdateEdgePolicy(edge *ChannelEdgePolicy) error {
return r.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
edges, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
edgeIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeIndexBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the channelID key be converting the channel ID
// integer into a byte slice.
var chanID [8]byte
byteOrder.PutUint64(chanID[:], edge.ChannelID)
// With the channel ID, we then fetch the value storing the two
// nodes which connect this channel edge.
nodeInfo := edgeIndex.Get(chanID[:])
if nodeInfo == nil {
return ErrEdgeNotFound
// Depending on the flags value passed above, either the first
// or second edge policy is being updated.
var fromNode, toNode []byte
if edge.Flags == 0 {
fromNode = nodeInfo[:33]
toNode = nodeInfo[33:67]
} else {
fromNode = nodeInfo[33:67]
toNode = nodeInfo[:33]
// Finally, with the direction of the edge being updated
// identified, we update the on-disk edge representation.
return putChanEdgePolicy(edges, edge, fromNode, toNode)
// LightningNode represents an individual vertex/node within the channel graph.
// A node is connected to other nodes by one or more channel edges emanating
// from it. As the graph is directed, a node will also have an incoming edge
// attached to it for each outgoing edge.
type LightningNode struct {
// LastUpdate is the last time the vertex information for this node has
// been updated.
LastUpdate time.Time
// Address is the TCP address this node is reachable over.
Address *net.TCPAddr
// PubKey is the node's long-term identity public key. This key will be
// used to authenticated any advertisements/updates sent by the node.
PubKey *btcec.PublicKey
// Color is the selected color for the node.
Color color.RGBA
// Alias is a nick-name for the node. The alias can be used to confirm
// a node's identity or to serve as a short ID for an address book.
Alias string
// AuthSig is a signature under the advertised public key which serves
// to authenticate the attributes announced by this node.
// TODO(roasbeef): hook into serialization once full verification is in
AuthSig *btcec.Signature
db *DB
// TODO(roasbeef): discovery will need storage to keep it's last IP
// address and re-announce if interface changes?
// TODO(roasbeef): add update method and fetch?
// FetchLightningNode attempts to look up a target node by its identity public
// key. If the node isn't found in the database, then ErrGraphNodeNotFound is
// returned.
func (c *ChannelGraph) FetchLightningNode(pub *btcec.PublicKey) (*LightningNode, error) {
var node *LightningNode
nodePub := pub.SerializeCompressed()
err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First grab the nodes bucket which stores the mapping from
// pubKey to node information.
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
// If a key for this serialized public key isn't found, then
// the target node doesn't exist within the database.
nodeBytes := nodes.Get(nodePub)
if nodeBytes == nil {
return ErrGraphNodeNotFound
// If the node is found, then we can de deserialize the node
// information to return to the user.
nodeReader := bytes.NewReader(nodeBytes)
n, err := deserializeLightningNode(nodeReader)
if err != nil {
return err
n.db = c.db
node = n
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return node, nil
// HasLightningNode determines if the graph has a vertex identified by the
// target node identity public key. If the node exists in the database, a
// timestamp of when the data for the node was lasted updated is returned along
// with a true boolean. Otherwise, an empty time.Time is returned with a false
// boolean.
func (c *ChannelGraph) HasLightningNode(pub *btcec.PublicKey) (time.Time, bool, error) {
var (
updateTime time.Time
exists bool
nodePub := pub.SerializeCompressed()
err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First grab the nodes bucket which stores the mapping from
// pubKey to node information.
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
// If a key for this serialized public key isn't found, we can
// exit early.
nodeBytes := nodes.Get(nodePub)
if nodeBytes == nil {
exists = false
return nil
// Otherwise we continue on to obtain the time stamp
// representing the last time the data for this node was
// updated.
nodeReader := bytes.NewReader(nodeBytes)
node, err := deserializeLightningNode(nodeReader)
if err != nil {
return err
exists = true
updateTime = node.LastUpdate
return nil
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, exists, nil
return updateTime, exists, nil
// ForEachChannel iterates through all the outgoing channel edges from this
// node, executing the passed callback with each edge as its sole argument. If
// the callback returns an error, then the iteration is halted with the error
// propagated back up to the caller. If the caller wishes to re-use an existing
// boltdb transaction, then it should be passed as the first argument.
// Otherwise the first argument should be nil and a fresh transaction will be
// created to execute the graph traversal.
func (l *LightningNode) ForEachChannel(tx *bolt.Tx, cb func(*ChannelEdgeInfo, *ChannelEdgePolicy) error) error {
// TODO(roasbeef): remove the option to pass in a transaction after
// all?
nodePub := l.PubKey.SerializeCompressed()
traversal := func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
edges := tx.Bucket(edgeBucket)
if edges == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
edgeIndex := edges.Bucket(edgeIndexBucket)
if edgeIndex == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
// In order to reach all the edges for this node, we take
// advantage of the construction of the key-space within the
// edge bucket. The keys are stored in the form: pubKey ||
// chanID. Therefore, starting from a chanID of zero, we can
// scan forward in the bucket, grabbing all the edges for the
// node. Once the prefix no longer matches, then we know we're
// done.
var nodeStart [33 + 8]byte
copy(nodeStart[:], nodePub)
copy(nodeStart[33:], chanStart[:])
// Starting from the key pubKey || 0, we seek forward in the
// bucket until the retrieved key no longer has the public key
// as its prefix. This indicates that we've stepped over into
// another node's edges, so we can terminate our scan.
edgeCursor := edges.Cursor()
for nodeEdge, edgeInfo := edgeCursor.Seek(nodeStart[:]); bytes.HasPrefix(nodeEdge, nodePub); nodeEdge, edgeInfo = edgeCursor.Next() {
// If the prefix still matches, then the value is the
// raw edge information. So we can now serialize the
// edge info and fetch the outgoing node in order to
// retrieve the full channel edge.
edgeReader := bytes.NewReader(edgeInfo)
edgePolicy, err := deserializeChanEdgePolicy(edgeReader, nodes)
if err != nil {
return err
edgePolicy.db = l.db
edgePolicy.Node.db = l.db
chanID := nodeEdge[33:]
edgeInfo, err := fetchChanEdgeInfo(edgeIndex, chanID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Finally, we execute the callback.
if err := cb(edgeInfo, edgePolicy); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// If no transaction was provided, then we'll create a new transaction
// to execute the transaction within.
if tx == nil {
return l.db.View(traversal)
// Otherwise, we re-use the existing transaction to execute the graph
// traversal.
return traversal(tx)
// ChannelEdgeInfo represents a fully authenticated channel along with all its
// unique attributes. Once an authenticated channel announcement has been
// processed on the network, then a instance of ChannelEdgeInfo encapsulating
// the channels attributes is stored. The other portions relevant to routing
// policy of a channel are stored within a ChannelEdgePolicy for each direction
// of the channel.
type ChannelEdgeInfo struct {
// ChannelID is the unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3
// bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block,
// and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel.
ChannelID uint64
// NodeKey1 is the identity public key of the "first" node that was
// involved in the creation of this channel. A node is considered
// "first" if the lexicographical ordering the its serialized public
// key is "smaller" than that of the other node involved in channel
// creation.
NodeKey1 *btcec.PublicKey
// NodeKey2 is the identity public key of the "second" node that was
// involved in the creation of this channel. A node is considered
// "second" if the lexicographical ordering the its serialized public
// key is "larger" than that of the other node involved in channel
// creation.
NodeKey2 *btcec.PublicKey
// BitcoinKey1 is the Bitcoin multi-sig key belonging to the first
// node, that was involved in the funding transaction that originally
// created the channel that this struct represents.
BitcoinKey1 *btcec.PublicKey
// BitcoinKey2 is the Bitcoin multi-sig key belonging to the second
// node, that was involved in the funding transaction that originally
// created the channel that this struct represents.
BitcoinKey2 *btcec.PublicKey
// Features is an opaque byte slice that encodes the set of channel
// specific features that this channel edge supports.
Features []byte
// AuthProof is the authentication proof for this channel. This proof
// contains a set of signatures binding four identities, which attests
// to the legitimacy of the advertised channel.
AuthProof *ChannelAuthProof
// ChannelPoint is the funding outpoint of the channel. This can be
// used to uniquely identify the channel within the channel graph.
ChannelPoint wire.OutPoint
// Capacity is the total capacity of the channel, this is determined by
// the value output in the outpoint that created this channel.
Capacity btcutil.Amount
// ChannelAuthProof is the authentication proof (the signature portion) for a
// channel. Using the four signatures contained in the struct, and some
// axillary knowledge (the funding script, node identities, and outpoint) nodes
// on the network are able to validate the authenticity and existence of a
// channel. Each of these signatures signs the following digest: chanID ||
// nodeID1 || nodeID2 || bitcoinKey1|| bitcoinKey2 || 2-byte-feature-len ||
// features.
type ChannelAuthProof struct {
// NodeSig1 is the signature using the identity key of the node that is
// first in a lexicographical ordering of the serialized public keys of
// the two nodes that created the channel.
NodeSig1 *btcec.Signature
// NodeSig2 is the signature using the identity key of the node that is
// second in a lexicographical ordering of the serialized public keys
// of the two nodes that created the channel.
NodeSig2 *btcec.Signature
// BitcoinSig1 is the signature using the public key of the first node
// that was used in the channel's multi-sig output.
BitcoinSig1 *btcec.Signature
// BitcoinSig2 is the signature using the public key of the second node
// that was used in the channel's mult-sig output.
BitcoinSig2 *btcec.Signature
// ChannelEdgePolicy represents a *directed* edge within the channel graph. For
// each channel in the database, there are two distinct edges: one for each
// possible direction of travel along the channel. The edges themselves hold
// information concerning fees, and minimum time-lock information which is
// utilized during path finding.
type ChannelEdgePolicy struct {
// ChannelID is the unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3
// bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block,
// and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel.
ChannelID uint64
// LastUpdate is the last time an authenticated edge for this channel
// was received.
LastUpdate time.Time
// Flags is a bitfield which signals the capabilities of the channel as
// well as the directed edge this update applies to.
// TODO(roasbeef): make into wire struct
Flags uint16
// TimeLockDelta is the number of blocks this node will subtract from
// the expiry of an incoming HTLC. This value expresses the time buffer
// the node would like to HTLC exchanges.
TimeLockDelta uint16
// MinHTLC is the smallest value HTLC this node will accept, expressed
// in millisatoshi.
MinHTLC btcutil.Amount
// FeeBaseMSat is the base HTLC fee that will be charged for forwarding
// ANY HTLC, expressed in mSAT's.
FeeBaseMSat btcutil.Amount
// FeeProportionalMillionths is the rate that the node will charge for
// HTLCs for each millionth of a satoshi forwarded.
FeeProportionalMillionths btcutil.Amount
// Node is the LightningNode that this directed edge leads to. Using
// this pointer the channel graph can further be traversed.
Node *LightningNode
db *DB
// FetchChannelEdgesByOutpoint attempts to lookup the two directed edges for
// the channel identified by the funding outpoint. If the channel can't be
// found, then ErrEdgeNotFound is returned. A struct which houses the general
// information for the channel itself is returned as well as two structs that
// contain the routing policies for the channel in either direction.
func (c *ChannelGraph) FetchChannelEdgesByOutpoint(op *wire.OutPoint) (*ChannelEdgeInfo, *ChannelEdgePolicy, *ChannelEdgePolicy, error) {
var (
edgeInfo *ChannelEdgeInfo
policy1 *ChannelEdgePolicy
policy2 *ChannelEdgePolicy
err := c.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First, grab the node bucket. This will be used to populate
// the Node pointers in each edge read from disk.
nodes, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(nodeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// Next, grab the edge bucket which stores the edges, and also
// the index itself so we can group the directed edges together
// logically.
edges, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
edgeIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(edgeIndexBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the channel's outpoint doesn't exist within the outpoint
// index, then the edge does not exist.
chanIndex, err := edges.CreateBucketIfNotExists(channelPointBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := writeOutpoint(&b, op); err != nil {
return err
chanID := chanIndex.Get(b.Bytes())
if chanID == nil {
return ErrEdgeNotFound
// If the channel is found to exists, then we'll first retrieve
// the general information for the channel.
edge, err := fetchChanEdgeInfo(edgeIndex, chanID)
if err != nil {
return err
edgeInfo = edge
// Once we have the information about the channels' parameters,
// we'll fetch the routing policies for each for the directed
// edges.
e1, e2, err := fetchChanEdgePolicies(edgeIndex, edges, nodes,
chanID, c.db)
if err != nil {
return err
policy1 = e1
policy2 = e2
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
return edgeInfo, policy1, policy2, nil
// FetchChannelEdgesByID attempts to lookup the two directed edges for the
// channel identified by the channel ID. If the channel can't be found, then
// ErrEdgeNotFound is returned. A struct which houses the general information
// for the channel itself is returned as well as two structs that contain the
// routing policies for the channel in either direction.
func (c *ChannelGraph) FetchChannelEdgesByID(chanID uint64) (*ChannelEdgeInfo, *ChannelEdgePolicy, *ChannelEdgePolicy, error) {
var (
edgeInfo *ChannelEdgeInfo
policy1 *ChannelEdgePolicy
policy2 *ChannelEdgePolicy
channelID [8]byte
err := c.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// First, grab the node bucket. This will be used to populate
// the Node pointers in each edge read from disk.
nodes := tx.Bucket(nodeBucket)
if nodes == nil {
return ErrGraphNotFound
// Next, grab the edge bucket which stores the edges, and also
// the index itself so we can group the directed edges together
// logically.
edges := tx.Bucket(edgeBucket)
if edges == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
edgeIndex := edges.Bucket(edgeIndexBucket)
if edgeIndex == nil {
return ErrGraphNoEdgesFound
byteOrder.PutUint64(channelID[:], chanID)
edge, err := fetchChanEdgeInfo(edgeIndex, channelID[:])
if err != nil {
return err
edgeInfo = edge
e1, e2, err := fetchChanEdgePolicies(edgeIndex, edges, nodes,
channelID[:], c.db)
if err != nil {
return err
policy1 = e1
policy2 = e2
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
return edgeInfo, policy1, policy2, nil
// NewChannelEdgePolicy returns a new blank ChannelEdgePolicy.
func (c *ChannelGraph) NewChannelEdgePolicy() *ChannelEdgePolicy {
return &ChannelEdgePolicy{db: c.db}
func putLightningNode(nodeBucket *bolt.Bucket, aliasBucket *bolt.Bucket, node *LightningNode) error {
var (
scratch [8]byte
b bytes.Buffer
nodePub := node.PubKey.SerializeCompressed()
if err := aliasBucket.Put(nodePub, []byte(node.Alias)); err != nil {
return err
updateUnix := uint64(node.LastUpdate.Unix())
byteOrder.PutUint64(scratch[:], updateUnix)
if _, err := b.Write(scratch[:]); err != nil {
return err
addrString := node.Address.String()
if err := wire.WriteVarString(&b, 0, addrString); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.Write(nodePub); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, node.Color.R); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, node.Color.G); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, node.Color.B); err != nil {
return err
if err := wire.WriteVarString(&b, 0, node.Alias); err != nil {
return err
return nodeBucket.Put(nodePub, b.Bytes())
func fetchLightningNode(nodeBucket *bolt.Bucket,
nodePub []byte) (*LightningNode, error) {
nodeBytes := nodeBucket.Get(nodePub)
if nodeBytes == nil {
return nil, ErrGraphNodeNotFound
nodeReader := bytes.NewReader(nodeBytes)
return deserializeLightningNode(nodeReader)
func deserializeLightningNode(r io.Reader) (*LightningNode, error) {
node := &LightningNode{}
var scratch [8]byte
if _, err := r.Read(scratch[:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
unix := int64(byteOrder.Uint64(scratch[:]))
node.LastUpdate = time.Unix(unix, 0)
addrString, err := wire.ReadVarString(r, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
node.Address, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addrString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pub [33]byte
if _, err := r.Read(pub[:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
node.PubKey, err = btcec.ParsePubKey(pub[:], btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &node.Color.R); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &node.Color.G); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &node.Color.B); err != nil {
return nil, err
node.Alias, err = wire.ReadVarString(r, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return node, nil
func putChanEdgeInfo(edgeIndex *bolt.Bucket, edgeInfo *ChannelEdgeInfo, chanID [8]byte) error {
var b bytes.Buffer
if _, err := b.Write(edgeInfo.NodeKey1.SerializeCompressed()); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.Write(edgeInfo.NodeKey2.SerializeCompressed()); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.Write(edgeInfo.BitcoinKey1.SerializeCompressed()); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.Write(edgeInfo.BitcoinKey2.SerializeCompressed()); err != nil {
return err
if err := wire.WriteVarBytes(&b, 0, edgeInfo.Features); err != nil {
return err
authProof := edgeInfo.AuthProof
if err := wire.WriteVarBytes(&b, 0, authProof.NodeSig1.Serialize()); err != nil {
return err
if err := wire.WriteVarBytes(&b, 0, authProof.NodeSig2.Serialize()); err != nil {
return err
if err := wire.WriteVarBytes(&b, 0, authProof.BitcoinSig1.Serialize()); err != nil {
return err
if err := wire.WriteVarBytes(&b, 0, authProof.BitcoinSig2.Serialize()); err != nil {
return err
if err := writeOutpoint(&b, &edgeInfo.ChannelPoint); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, uint64(edgeInfo.Capacity)); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.Write(chanID[:]); err != nil {
return err
return edgeIndex.Put(chanID[:], b.Bytes())
func fetchChanEdgeInfo(edgeIndex *bolt.Bucket,
chanID []byte) (*ChannelEdgeInfo, error) {
edgeInfoBytes := edgeIndex.Get(chanID)
if edgeInfoBytes == nil {
return nil, ErrEdgeNotFound
edgeInfoReader := bytes.NewReader(edgeInfoBytes)
return deserializeChanEdgeInfo(edgeInfoReader)
func deserializeChanEdgeInfo(r io.Reader) (*ChannelEdgeInfo, error) {
var (
err error
pubKeyBytes [33]byte
edgeInfo = &ChannelEdgeInfo{}
readKey := func() (*btcec.PublicKey, error) {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, pubKeyBytes[:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
return btcec.ParsePubKey(pubKeyBytes[:], btcec.S256())
edgeInfo.NodeKey1, err = readKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.NodeKey2, err = readKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.BitcoinKey1, err = readKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.BitcoinKey2, err = readKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.Features, err = wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, 900, "features")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.AuthProof = &ChannelAuthProof{}
readSig := func() (*btcec.Signature, error) {
sigBytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, 80, "sigs")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return btcec.ParseSignature(sigBytes, btcec.S256())
edgeInfo.AuthProof.NodeSig1, err = readSig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.AuthProof.NodeSig2, err = readSig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.AuthProof.BitcoinSig1, err = readSig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.AuthProof.BitcoinSig2, err = readSig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edgeInfo.ChannelPoint = wire.OutPoint{}
if err := readOutpoint(r, &edgeInfo.ChannelPoint); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &edgeInfo.Capacity); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &edgeInfo.ChannelID); err != nil {
return nil, err
return edgeInfo, nil
func putChanEdgePolicy(edges *bolt.Bucket, edge *ChannelEdgePolicy, from, to []byte) error {
var edgeKey [33 + 8]byte
copy(edgeKey[:], from)
byteOrder.PutUint64(edgeKey[33:], edge.ChannelID)
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, edge.ChannelID); err != nil {
return err
var scratch [8]byte
updateUnix := uint64(edge.LastUpdate.Unix())
byteOrder.PutUint64(scratch[:], updateUnix)
if _, err := b.Write(scratch[:]); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, edge.Flags); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, edge.TimeLockDelta); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, uint64(edge.MinHTLC)); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, uint64(edge.FeeBaseMSat)); err != nil {
return err
if err := binary.Write(&b, byteOrder, uint64(edge.FeeProportionalMillionths)); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.Write(to); err != nil {
return err
return edges.Put(edgeKey[:], b.Bytes()[:])
func fetchChanEdgePolicy(edges *bolt.Bucket, chanID []byte,
nodePub []byte, nodes *bolt.Bucket) (*ChannelEdgePolicy, error) {
var edgeKey [33 + 8]byte
copy(edgeKey[:], nodePub)
copy(edgeKey[33:], chanID[:])
edgeBytes := edges.Get(edgeKey[:])
if edgeBytes == nil {
return nil, ErrEdgeNotFound
edgeReader := bytes.NewReader(edgeBytes)
return deserializeChanEdgePolicy(edgeReader, nodes)
func fetchChanEdgePolicies(edgeIndex *bolt.Bucket, edges *bolt.Bucket,
nodes *bolt.Bucket, chanID []byte,
db *DB) (*ChannelEdgePolicy, *ChannelEdgePolicy, error) {
edgeInfo := edgeIndex.Get(chanID)
if edgeInfo == nil {
return nil, nil, ErrEdgeNotFound
// The first node is contained within the first half of the edge
// information. We only propagate the error here and below if it's
// something other than edge non-existence.
node1Pub := edgeInfo[:33]
edge1, err := fetchChanEdgePolicy(edges, chanID, node1Pub, nodes)
if err != nil && err != ErrEdgeNotFound {
return nil, nil, err
// As we may have a single direction of the edge but not the other,
// only fill in the database pointers if the edge is found.
if edge1 != nil {
edge1.db = db
edge1.Node.db = db
// Similarly, the second node is contained within the latter
// half of the edge information.
node2Pub := edgeInfo[33:67]
edge2, err := fetchChanEdgePolicy(edges, chanID, node2Pub, nodes)
if err != nil && err != ErrEdgeNotFound {
return nil, nil, err
if edge2 != nil {
edge2.db = db
edge2.Node.db = db
return edge1, edge2, nil
func deserializeChanEdgePolicy(r io.Reader,
nodes *bolt.Bucket) (*ChannelEdgePolicy, error) {
edge := &ChannelEdgePolicy{}
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &edge.ChannelID); err != nil {
return nil, err
var scratch [8]byte
if _, err := r.Read(scratch[:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
unix := int64(byteOrder.Uint64(scratch[:]))
edge.LastUpdate = time.Unix(unix, 0)
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &edge.Flags); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &edge.TimeLockDelta); err != nil {
return nil, err
var n uint64
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &n); err != nil {
return nil, err
edge.MinHTLC = btcutil.Amount(n)
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &n); err != nil {
return nil, err
edge.FeeBaseMSat = btcutil.Amount(n)
if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &n); err != nil {
return nil, err
edge.FeeProportionalMillionths = btcutil.Amount(n)
var pub [33]byte
if _, err := r.Read(pub[:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
node, err := fetchLightningNode(nodes, pub[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edge.Node = node
return edge, nil