Conner Fromknecht 0f6bc3538d
routing/chainview/btcd: improve filterMtx locking
In this commit, we modify the granularity of the locking
around the filterMtx in the btcd chainview, such that we
only lock once per block connected or filter update.
Currently, we acquire and release the lock for every
update to the map.

We also fix a bug that would cause us to not fully remove
all previous outpoints spent by a txn when doing manual
filter, as we previously would only remove the first output
2018-07-06 19:08:17 -07:00

482 lines
14 KiB

package chainview
import (
// BtcdFilteredChainView is an implementation of the FilteredChainView
// interface which is backed by an active websockets connection to btcd.
type BtcdFilteredChainView struct {
started int32 // To be used atomically.
stopped int32 // To be used atomically.
// bestHeight is the height of the latest block added to the
// blockQueue from the onFilteredConnectedMethod. It is used to
// determine up to what height we would need to rescan in case
// of a filter update.
bestHeightMtx sync.Mutex
bestHeight uint32
btcdConn *rpcclient.Client
// blockEventQueue is the ordered queue used to keep the order
// of connected and disconnected blocks sent to the reader of the
// chainView.
blockQueue *blockEventQueue
// filterUpdates is a channel in which updates to the utxo filter
// attached to this instance are sent over.
filterUpdates chan filterUpdate
// chainFilter is the set of utox's that we're currently watching
// spends for within the chain.
filterMtx sync.RWMutex
chainFilter map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}
// filterBlockReqs is a channel in which requests to filter select
// blocks will be sent over.
filterBlockReqs chan *filterBlockReq
quit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// A compile time check to ensure BtcdFilteredChainView implements the
// chainview.FilteredChainView.
var _ FilteredChainView = (*BtcdFilteredChainView)(nil)
// NewBtcdFilteredChainView creates a new instance of a FilteredChainView from
// RPC credentials for an active btcd instance.
func NewBtcdFilteredChainView(config rpcclient.ConnConfig) (*BtcdFilteredChainView, error) {
chainView := &BtcdFilteredChainView{
chainFilter: make(map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}),
filterUpdates: make(chan filterUpdate),
filterBlockReqs: make(chan *filterBlockReq),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
ntfnCallbacks := &rpcclient.NotificationHandlers{
OnFilteredBlockConnected: chainView.onFilteredBlockConnected,
OnFilteredBlockDisconnected: chainView.onFilteredBlockDisconnected,
// Disable connecting to btcd within the rpcclient.New method. We
// defer establishing the connection to our .Start() method.
config.DisableConnectOnNew = true
config.DisableAutoReconnect = false
chainConn, err := rpcclient.New(&config, ntfnCallbacks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chainView.btcdConn = chainConn
chainView.blockQueue = newBlockEventQueue()
return chainView, nil
// Start starts all goroutines necessary for normal operation.
// NOTE: This is part of the FilteredChainView interface.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) Start() error {
// Already started?
if atomic.AddInt32(&b.started, 1) != 1 {
return nil
log.Infof("FilteredChainView starting")
// Connect to btcd, and register for notifications on connected, and
// disconnected blocks.
if err := b.btcdConn.Connect(20); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.btcdConn.NotifyBlocks(); err != nil {
return err
_, bestHeight, err := b.btcdConn.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
b.bestHeight = uint32(bestHeight)
go b.chainFilterer()
return nil
// Stop stops all goroutines which we launched by the prior call to the Start
// method.
// NOTE: This is part of the FilteredChainView interface.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) Stop() error {
// Already shutting down?
if atomic.AddInt32(&b.stopped, 1) != 1 {
return nil
// Shutdown the rpc client, this gracefully disconnects from btcd, and
// cleans up all related resources.
log.Infof("FilteredChainView stopping")
return nil
// onFilteredBlockConnected is called for each block that's connected to the
// end of the main chain. Based on our current chain filter, the block may or
// may not include any relevant transactions.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) onFilteredBlockConnected(height int32,
header *wire.BlockHeader, txns []*btcutil.Tx) {
mtxs := make([]*wire.MsgTx, len(txns))
for i, tx := range txns {
mtx := tx.MsgTx()
mtxs[i] = mtx
for _, txIn := range mtx.TxIn {
// We can delete this outpoint from the chainFilter, as
// we just received a block where it was spent. In case
// of a reorg, this outpoint might get "un-spent", but
// that's okay since it would never be wise to consider
// the channel open again (since a spending transaction
// exists on the network).
delete(b.chainFilter, txIn.PreviousOutPoint)
// We record the height of the last connected block added to the
// blockQueue such that we can scan up to this height in case of
// a rescan. It must be protected by a mutex since a filter update
// might be trying to read it concurrently.
b.bestHeight = uint32(height)
block := &FilteredBlock{
Hash: header.BlockHash(),
Height: uint32(height),
Transactions: mtxs,
eventType: connected,
block: block,
// onFilteredBlockDisconnected is a callback which is executed once a block is
// disconnected from the end of the main chain.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) onFilteredBlockDisconnected(height int32,
header *wire.BlockHeader) {
log.Debugf("got disconnected block at height %d: %v", height,
filteredBlock := &FilteredBlock{
Hash: header.BlockHash(),
Height: uint32(height),
eventType: disconnected,
block: filteredBlock,
// filterBlockReq houses a request to manually filter a block specified by
// block hash.
type filterBlockReq struct {
blockHash *chainhash.Hash
resp chan *FilteredBlock
err chan error
// FilterBlock takes a block hash, and returns a FilteredBlocks which is the
// result of applying the current registered UTXO sub-set on the block
// corresponding to that block hash. If any watched UTOX's are spent by the
// selected lock, then the internal chainFilter will also be updated.
// NOTE: This is part of the FilteredChainView interface.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) FilterBlock(blockHash *chainhash.Hash) (*FilteredBlock, error) {
req := &filterBlockReq{
blockHash: blockHash,
resp: make(chan *FilteredBlock, 1),
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case b.filterBlockReqs <- req:
case <-b.quit:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("FilteredChainView shutting down")
return <-req.resp, <-req.err
// chainFilterer is the primary goroutine which: listens for new blocks coming
// and dispatches the relevant FilteredBlock notifications, updates the filter
// due to requests by callers, and finally is able to preform targeted block
// filtration.
// TODO(roasbeef): change to use loadfilter RPC's
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) chainFilterer() {
defer b.wg.Done()
// filterBlock is a helper function that scans the given block, and
// notes which transactions spend outputs which are currently being
// watched. Additionally, the chain filter will also be updated by
// removing any spent outputs.
filterBlock := func(blk *wire.MsgBlock) []*wire.MsgTx {
defer b.filterMtx.Unlock()
var filteredTxns []*wire.MsgTx
for _, tx := range blk.Transactions {
var txAlreadyFiltered bool
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
prevOp := txIn.PreviousOutPoint
if _, ok := b.chainFilter[prevOp]; !ok {
delete(b.chainFilter, prevOp)
// Only add this txn to our list of filtered
// txns if it is the first previous outpoint to
// cause a match.
if txAlreadyFiltered {
filteredTxns = append(filteredTxns, tx)
txAlreadyFiltered = true
return filteredTxns
decodeJSONBlock := func(block *btcjson.RescannedBlock,
height uint32) (*FilteredBlock, error) {
hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(block.Hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txs := make([]*wire.MsgTx, 0, len(block.Transactions))
for _, str := range block.Transactions {
b, err := hex.DecodeString(str)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx := &wire.MsgTx{}
err = tx.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(b))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txs = append(txs, tx)
return &FilteredBlock{
Hash: *hash,
Height: height,
Transactions: txs,
}, nil
for {
select {
// The caller has just sent an update to the current chain
// filter, so we'll apply the update, possibly rewinding our
// state partially.
case update := <-b.filterUpdates:
// First, we'll add all the new UTXO's to the set of
// watched UTXO's, eliminating any duplicates in the
// process.
log.Debugf("Updating chain filter with new UTXO's: %v",
for _, newOp := range update.newUtxos {
b.chainFilter[newOp] = struct{}{}
// Apply the new TX filter to btcd, which will cause
// all following notifications from and calls to it
// return blocks filtered with the new filter.
b.btcdConn.LoadTxFilter(false, []btcutil.Address{},
// All blocks gotten after we loaded the filter will
// have the filter applied, but we will need to rescan
// the blocks up to the height of the block we last
// added to the blockQueue.
bestHeight := b.bestHeight
// If the update height matches our best known height,
// then we don't need to do any rewinding.
if update.updateHeight == bestHeight {
// Otherwise, we'll rewind the state to ensure the
// caller doesn't miss any relevant notifications.
// Starting from the height _after_ the update height,
// we'll walk forwards, rescanning one block at a time
// with btcd applying the newly loaded filter to each
// block.
for i := update.updateHeight + 1; i < bestHeight+1; i++ {
blockHash, err := b.btcdConn.GetBlockHash(int64(i))
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Unable to get block hash "+
"for block at height %d: %v",
i, err)
// To avoid dealing with the case where a reorg
// is happening while we rescan, we scan one
// block at a time, skipping blocks that might
// have gone missing.
rescanned, err := b.btcdConn.RescanBlocks(
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Unable to rescan block "+
"with hash %v at height %d: %v",
blockHash, i, err)
// If no block was returned from the rescan, it
// means no matching transactions were found.
if len(rescanned) != 1 {
log.Tracef("rescan of block %v at "+
"height=%d yielded no "+
"transactions", blockHash, i)
decoded, err := decodeJSONBlock(
&rescanned[0], uint32(i))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to decode block: %v",
eventType: connected,
block: decoded,
// We've received a new request to manually filter a block.
case req := <-b.filterBlockReqs:
// First we'll fetch the block itself as well as some
// additional information including its height.
block, err := b.btcdConn.GetBlock(req.blockHash)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
header, err := b.btcdConn.GetBlockHeaderVerbose(req.blockHash)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
// Once we have this info, we can directly filter the
// block and dispatch the proper notification.
req.resp <- &FilteredBlock{
Hash: *req.blockHash,
Height: uint32(header.Height),
Transactions: filterBlock(block),
req.err <- err
case <-b.quit:
// filterUpdate is a message sent to the chainFilterer to update the current
// chainFilter state.
type filterUpdate struct {
newUtxos []wire.OutPoint
updateHeight uint32
done chan struct{}
// UpdateFilter updates the UTXO filter which is to be consulted when creating
// FilteredBlocks to be sent to subscribed clients. This method is cumulative
// meaning repeated calls to this method should _expand_ the size of the UTXO
// sub-set currently being watched. If the set updateHeight is _lower_ than
// the best known height of the implementation, then the state should be
// rewound to ensure all relevant notifications are dispatched.
// NOTE: This is part of the FilteredChainView interface.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) UpdateFilter(ops []wire.OutPoint, updateHeight uint32) error {
select {
case b.filterUpdates <- filterUpdate{
newUtxos: ops,
updateHeight: updateHeight,
return nil
case <-b.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("chain filter shutting down")
// FilteredBlocks returns the channel that filtered blocks are to be sent over.
// Each time a block is connected to the end of a main chain, and appropriate
// FilteredBlock which contains the transactions which mutate our watched UTXO
// set is to be returned.
// NOTE: This is part of the FilteredChainView interface.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) FilteredBlocks() <-chan *FilteredBlock {
return b.blockQueue.newBlocks
// DisconnectedBlocks returns a receive only channel which will be sent upon
// with the empty filtered blocks of blocks which are disconnected from the
// main chain in the case of a re-org.
// NOTE: This is part of the FilteredChainView interface.
func (b *BtcdFilteredChainView) DisconnectedBlocks() <-chan *FilteredBlock {
return b.blockQueue.staleBlocks