This commit slightly refactors the logic for the new outgoing payment related RPC’s to more closely match the style of the rest of the codebase. Additionally the tests have been updated to reflect the changes to the protos of the new RPC’s.
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851 lines
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package routing
import (
// FeeSchema is the set fee configuration for a Lighting Node on the network.
// Using the coefficients described within he schema, the required fee to
// forward outgoing payments can be derived.
// TODO(roasbeef): should be in switch instead?
type FeeSchema struct {
// TODO(rosbeef): all these should be in msat instead
// BaseFee is the base amount that will be chained for ANY payment
// forwarded.
BaseFee btcutil.Amount
// FeeRate is the rate that will be charged for forwarding payments.
// The fee rate has a granularity of 1/1000 th of a mili-satoshi, or a
// millionth of a satoshi.
FeeRate btcutil.Amount
// Config defines the configuration for the ChannelRouter. ALL elements within
// the configuration MUST be non-nil for the ChannelRouter to carry out its
// duties.
type Config struct {
// Graph is the channel graph that the ChannelRouter will use to gather
// metrics from and also to carry out path finding queries.
// TODO(roasbeef): make into an interface
Graph *channeldb.ChannelGraph
// Chain is the router's source to the most up-to-date blockchain data.
// All incoming advertised channels will be checked against the chain
// to ensure that the channels advertised are still open.
// TODO(roasbeef): remove after discovery service is in
Chain lnwallet.BlockChainIO
// Notifier is an instance of the ChainNotifier that the router uses to
// received notifications of incoming blocks. With each new incoming
// block found, the router may be able to partially prune the channel
// graph as channels may have been pruned.
// TODO(roasbeef): could possibly just replace this with an epoch
// channel.
Notifier chainntnfs.ChainNotifier
// FeeSchema is the set fee schema that will be announced on to the
// network.
// TODO(roasbeef): should either be in discovery or switch
FeeSchema *FeeSchema
// Broadcast is a function that is used to broadcast a particular set
// of messages to all peers that the daemon is connected to. If
// supplied, the exclude parameter indicates that the target peer should
// be excluded from the broadcast.
Broadcast func(exclude *btcec.PublicKey, msg ...lnwire.Message) error
// SendMessages is a function which allows the ChannelRouter to send a
// set of messages to a particular peer identified by the target public
// key.
SendMessages func(target *btcec.PublicKey, msg ...lnwire.Message) error
// TODO(roasbeef): need a SendToSwitch func
// * possibly lift switch into package?
// *
// ChannelRouter is the layer 3 router within the Lightning stack. Below the
// ChannelRouter is the HtlcSwitch, and below that is the Bitcoin blockchain
// itself. The primary role of the ChannelRouter is to respond to queries for
// potential routes that can support a payment amount, and also general graph
// reachability questions. The router will prune the channel graph
// automatically as new blocks are discovered which spend certain known funding
// outpoints, thereby closing their respective channels. Additionally, it's the
// duty of the router to sync up newly connected peers with the latest state of
// the channel graph.
type ChannelRouter struct {
cfg *Config
self *channeldb.LightningNode
// TODO(roasbeef): make LRU, invalidate upon new block connect
shortestPathCache map[[33]byte][]*Route
nodeCache map[[33]byte]*channeldb.LightningNode
edgeCache map[wire.OutPoint]*channeldb.ChannelEdge
newBlocks chan *chainntnfs.BlockEpoch
networkMsgs chan *routingMsg
syncRequests chan *syncRequest
fakeSig *btcec.Signature
started uint32
stopped uint32
quit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// New creates a new instance of the ChannelRouter with the specified
// configuration parameters. As part of initialization, if the router detects
// that the channel graph isn't fully in sync with the latest UTXO (since the
// channel graph is a subset of the UTXO set) set, then the router will proceed
// to fully sync to the latest state of the UTXO set.
func New(cfg Config) (*ChannelRouter, error) {
// TODO(roasbeef): remove this place holder after sigs are properly
// stored in the graph.
s := "30450221008ce2bc69281ce27da07e6683571319d18e949ddfa2965fb6caa" +
"1bf0314f882d70220299105481d63e0f4bc2a88121167221b6700d72a0e" +
fakeSigHex, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fakeSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(fakeSigHex, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
self, err := cfg.Graph.SourceNode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ChannelRouter{
cfg: &cfg,
self: self,
fakeSig: fakeSig,
networkMsgs: make(chan *routingMsg),
syncRequests: make(chan *syncRequest),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
// Start launches all the goroutines the ChannelRouter requires to carry out
// its duties. If the router has already been started, then this method is a
// noop.
func (r *ChannelRouter) Start() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&r.started, 0, 1) {
return nil
log.Tracef("Channel Router starting")
// First we register for new notifications of newly discovered blocks.
// We do this immediately so we'll later be able to consume any/all
// blocks which were discovered as we prune the channel graph using a
// snapshot of the chain state.
blockEpochs, err := r.cfg.Notifier.RegisterBlockEpochNtfn()
if err != nil {
return err
r.newBlocks = blockEpochs.Epochs
// Before we begin normal operation of the router, we first need to
// synchronize the channel graph to the latest state of the UTXO set.
if err := r.syncGraphWithChain(); err != nil {
return err
go r.networkHandler()
return nil
// Stop signals the ChannelRouter to gracefully halt all routines. This method
// will *block* until all goroutines have excited. If the channel router has
// already stopped then this method will return immediately.
func (r *ChannelRouter) Stop() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&r.stopped, 0, 1) {
return nil
log.Infof("Channel Router shutting down")
return nil
// syncGraphWithChain attempts to synchronize the current channel graph with
// the latest UTXO set state. This process involves pruning from the channel
// graph any channels which have been closed by spending their funding output
// since we've been down.
func (r *ChannelRouter) syncGraphWithChain() error {
// First, we'll need to check to see if we're already in sync with the
// latest state of the UTXO set.
bestHash, bestHeight, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
pruneHash, pruneHeight, err := r.cfg.Graph.PruneTip()
if err != nil {
switch {
// If the graph has never been pruned, or hasn't fully been
// created yet, then we don't treat this as an explicit error.
case err == channeldb.ErrGraphNeverPruned:
case err == channeldb.ErrGraphNotFound:
return err
log.Infof("Prune tip for Channel Graph: height=%v, hash=%v", pruneHeight,
switch {
// If the graph has never been pruned, then we can exit early as this
// entails it's being created for the first time and hasn't seen any
// block or created channels.
case pruneHeight == 0 || pruneHash == nil:
return nil
// If the block hashes and heights match exactly, then we don't need to
// prune the channel graph as we're already fully in sync.
case bestHash.IsEqual(pruneHash) && uint32(bestHeight) == pruneHeight:
return nil
log.Infof("Syncing channel graph from height=%v (hash=%v) to height=%v "+
"(hash=%v)", pruneHeight, pruneHash, bestHeight, bestHash)
// If we're not yet caught up, then we'll walk forward in the chain in
// the chain pruning the channel graph with each new block in the chain
// that hasn't yet been consumed by the channel graph.
var numChansClosed uint32
for nextHeight := pruneHeight + 1; nextHeight <= uint32(bestHeight); nextHeight++ {
// Using the next height, fetch the next block to use in our
// incremental graph pruning routine.
nextHash, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetBlockHash(int64(nextHeight))
if err != nil {
return err
nextBlock, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetBlock(nextHash)
if err != nil {
return err
// We're only interested in all prior outputs that've been
// spent in the block, so collate all the referenced previous
// outpoints within each tx and input.
var spentOutputs []*wire.OutPoint
for _, tx := range nextBlock.Transactions {
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
spentOutputs = append(spentOutputs,
// With the spent outputs gathered, attempt to prune the
// channel graph, also passing in the hash+height of the block
// being pruned so the prune tip can be updated.
numClosed, err := r.cfg.Graph.PruneGraph(spentOutputs, nextHash,
if err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("Block %v (height=%v) closed %v channels",
nextHash, nextHeight, numClosed)
numChansClosed += numClosed
log.Infof("Graph pruning complete: %v channels we're closed since "+
"height %v", numChansClosed, pruneHeight)
return nil
// networkHandler is the primary goroutine for the ChannelRouter. The roles of
// this goroutine include answering queries related to the state of the
// network, syncing up newly connected peers, and also periodically
// broadcasting our latest state to all connected peers.
// NOTE: This MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (r *ChannelRouter) networkHandler() {
defer r.wg.Done()
var announcementBatch []lnwire.Message
trickleTimer := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 300)
defer trickleTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
// A new fully validated network message has just arrived. As a
// result we'll modify the channel graph accordingly depending
// on the exact type of the message.
case netMsg := <-r.networkMsgs:
// TODO(roasbeef): this loop would mostly be moved to
// the discovery service
// Process the network announcement to determine if this
// is either a new announcement from our PoV or an
// update to a prior vertex/edge we previously
// accepted.
accepted := r.processNetworkAnnouncement(netMsg.msg)
// If the update was accepted, then add it to our next
// announcement batch to be broadcast once the trickle
// timer ticks gain.
if accepted {
announcementBatch = append(announcementBatch, netMsg.msg)
// TODO(roasbeef): remove all unconnected vertexes
// after N blocks pass with no corresponding
// announcements.
// A new block has arrived, so we can prune the channel graph
// of any channels which were closed in the block.
case newBlock, ok := <-r.newBlocks:
// If the channel has been closed, then this indicates
// the daemon is shutting down, so we exit ourselves.
if !ok {
block, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetBlock(newBlock.Hash)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to get block: %v", err)
log.Infof("Pruning channel graph using block %v (height=%v)",
newBlock.Hash, newBlock.Height)
// We're only interested in all prior outputs that've
// been spent in the block, so collate all the
// referenced previous outpoints within each tx and
// input.
var spentOutputs []*wire.OutPoint
for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
spentOutputs = append(spentOutputs,
// With the spent outputs gathered, attempt to prune
// the channel graph, also passing in the hash+height
// of the block being pruned so the prune tip can be
// updated.
numClosed, err := r.cfg.Graph.PruneGraph(spentOutputs,
newBlock.Hash, uint32(newBlock.Height))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to prune routing table: %v", err)
log.Infof("Block %v (height=%v) closed %v channels",
newBlock.Hash, newBlock.Height, numClosed)
// The trickle timer has ticked, which indicates we should
// flush to the network the pending batch of new announcements
// we've received since the last trickle tick.
case <-trickleTimer.C:
// If the current announcement batch is nil, then we
// have no further work here.
if len(announcementBatch) == 0 {
log.Infof("Broadcasting batch of %v new announcements",
// If we have new things to announce then broadcast
// then to all our immediately connected peers.
err := r.cfg.Broadcast(nil, announcementBatch...)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to send batch announcement: %v", err)
// If we we're able to broadcast the current batch
// successfully, then we reset the batch for a new
// round of announcements.
announcementBatch = nil
// We've just received a new request to synchronize a peer with
// our latest graph state. This indicates that a peer has just
// connected for the first time, so for now we dump our entire
// graph and allow them to sift through the (subjectively) new
// information on their own.
case syncReq := <-r.syncRequests:
nodePub := syncReq.node.SerializeCompressed()
log.Infof("Synchronizing channel graph with %x", nodePub)
if err := r.syncChannelGraph(syncReq); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to sync graph state with %x: %v",
nodePub, err)
// The router has been signalled to exit, to we exit our main
// loop so the wait group can be decremented.
case <-r.quit:
// processNetworkAnnouncement processes a new network relate authenticated
// channel or node announcement. If the update didn't affect the internal state
// of the draft due to either being out of date, invalid, or redundant, then
// false is returned. Otherwise, true is returned indicating that the caller
// may want to batch this request to be broadcast to immediate peers during th
// next announcement epoch.
func (r *ChannelRouter) processNetworkAnnouncement(msg lnwire.Message) bool {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
// A new node announcement has arrived which either presents a new
// node, or a node updating previously advertised information.
case *lnwire.NodeAnnouncement:
// Before proceeding ensure that we aren't already away of this
// node, and if we are then this is a newer update that we
// known of.
lastUpdate, exists, err := r.cfg.Graph.HasLightningNode(msg.NodeID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to query for the existence of node: %v",
return false
// If we've reached this pint then we're aware of th vertex
// being advertised. So we now check if the new message has a
// new time stamp, if not then we won't accept the new data as
// it would override newer data.
msgTimestamp := time.Unix(int64(msg.Timestamp), 0)
if exists && lastUpdate.After(msgTimestamp) ||
lastUpdate.Equal(msgTimestamp) {
log.Debugf("Ignoring outdated announcement for %x",
return false
node := &channeldb.LightningNode{
LastUpdate: msgTimestamp,
Address: msg.Address,
PubKey: msg.NodeID,
Alias: msg.Alias.String(),
if err = r.cfg.Graph.AddLightningNode(node); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to add node %v: %v", msg.NodeID, err)
return false
log.Infof("Updated vertex data for node=%x",
// A new channel announcement has arrived, this indicates the
// *creation* of a new channel within the graph. This only advertises
// the existence of a channel and not yet the routing policies in
// either direction of the channel.
case *lnwire.ChannelAnnouncement:
// Prior to processing the announcement we first check if we
// already know of this channel, if so, then we can exit early.
channelID := msg.ChannelID.ToUint64()
_, _, exists, err := r.cfg.Graph.HasChannelEdge(channelID)
if err != nil && err != channeldb.ErrGraphNoEdgesFound {
log.Errorf("unable to check for edge existence: %v", err)
return false
} else if exists {
log.Debugf("Ignoring announcement for known chan_id=%v",
return false
// Before we can add the channel to the channel graph, we need
// to obtain the full funding outpoint that's encoded within
// the channel ID.
fundingPoint, err := r.fetchChanPoint(&msg.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to fetch chan point for chan_id=%v: %v",
channelID, err)
return false
// Now that we have the funding outpoint of the channel, ensure
// that it hasn't yet been spent. If so, then this channel has
// been closed so we'll ignore it.
if _, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetUtxo(&fundingPoint.Hash,
fundingPoint.Index); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to fetch utxo for chan_id=%v: %v",
channelID, err)
return false
// TODO(roasbeef): also add capacity here two instead of on the
// directed edges.
err = r.cfg.Graph.AddChannelEdge(msg.FirstNodeID,
msg.SecondNodeID, fundingPoint, channelID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to add channel: %v", err)
return false
log.Infof("New channel discovered! Link "+
"connects %x and %x with ChannelPoint(%v), chan_id=%v",
fundingPoint, channelID)
// A new authenticated channel update has has arrived, this indicates
// that the directional information for an already known channel has
// been updated. All updates are signed and validated before reaching
// us, so we trust the data to be legitimate.
case *lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement:
chanID := msg.ChannelID.ToUint64()
edge1Timestamp, edge2Timestamp, _, err := r.cfg.Graph.HasChannelEdge(chanID)
if err != nil && err != channeldb.ErrGraphNoEdgesFound {
log.Errorf("unable to check for edge existence: %v", err)
return false
// As edges are directional edge node has a unique policy for
// the direction of the edge they control. Therefore we first
// check if we already have the most up to date information for
// that edge. If so, then we can exit early.
updateTimestamp := time.Unix(int64(msg.Timestamp), 0)
switch msg.Flags {
// A flag set of 0 indicates this is an announcement for
// the "first" node in the channel.
case 0:
if edge1Timestamp.After(updateTimestamp) ||
edge1Timestamp.Equal(updateTimestamp) {
log.Debugf("Ignoring announcement (flags=%v) "+
"for known chan_id=%v", msg.Flags,
return false
// Similarly, a flag set of 1 indicates this is an
// announcement for the "second" node in the channel.
case 1:
if edge2Timestamp.After(updateTimestamp) ||
edge2Timestamp.Equal(updateTimestamp) {
log.Debugf("Ignoring announcement (flags=%v) "+
"for known chan_id=%v", msg.Flags,
return false
// Before we can update the channel information, we need to get
// the UTXO itself so we can store the proper capacity.
chanPoint, err := r.fetchChanPoint(&msg.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to fetch chan point: %v", err)
return false
utxo, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetUtxo(&chanPoint.Hash,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to fetch utxo for chan_id=%v: %v",
chanID, err)
return false
// TODO(roasbeef): should be msat here
chanUpdate := &channeldb.ChannelEdge{
ChannelID: chanID,
ChannelPoint: *chanPoint,
LastUpdate: updateTimestamp,
Flags: msg.Flags,
Expiry: msg.Expiry,
MinHTLC: btcutil.Amount(msg.HtlcMinimumMstat),
FeeBaseMSat: btcutil.Amount(msg.FeeBaseMstat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: btcutil.Amount(msg.FeeProportionalMillionths),
// TODO(roasbeef): this is a hack, needs to be removed
// after commitment fees are dynamic.
Capacity: btcutil.Amount(utxo.Value) - 5000,
err = r.cfg.Graph.UpdateEdgeInfo(chanUpdate)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to add channel: %v", err)
return false
log.Infof("New channel update applied: %v",
return true
// syncRequest represents a request from an outside sub-system to the wallet to
// sync a new node to the latest graph state.
type syncRequest struct {
node *btcec.PublicKey
// SynchronizeNode sends a message to the ChannelRouter indicating it should
// synchronize routing state with the target node. This method is to be
// utilized when a node connections for the first time to provide it with the
// latest channel graph state.
func (r *ChannelRouter) SynchronizeNode(pub *btcec.PublicKey) {
select {
case r.syncRequests <- &syncRequest{
node: pub,
case <-r.quit:
// syncChannelGraph attempts to synchronize the target node in the syncReq to
// the latest channel graph state. In order to accomplish this, (currently) the
// entire graph is read from disk, then serialized to the format defined within
// the current wire protocol. This cache of graph data is then sent directly to
// the target node.
func (r *ChannelRouter) syncChannelGraph(syncReq *syncRequest) error {
targetNode := syncReq.node
// TODO(roasbeef): need to also store sig data in db
// * will be nice when we switch to pairing sigs would only need one ^_^
// We'll collate all the gathered routing messages into a single slice
// containing all the messages to be sent to the target peer.
var announceMessages []lnwire.Message
// First run through all the vertexes in the graph, retrieving the data
// for the announcement we originally retrieved.
var numNodes uint32
if err := r.cfg.Graph.ForEachNode(func(node *channeldb.LightningNode) error {
alias, err := lnwire.NewAlias(node.Alias)
if err != nil {
return err
ann := &lnwire.NodeAnnouncement{
Signature: r.fakeSig,
Timestamp: uint32(node.LastUpdate.Unix()),
Address: node.Address,
NodeID: node.PubKey,
Alias: alias,
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, ann)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
// With the vertexes gathered, we'll no retrieve the initial
// announcement, as well as the latest channel update announcement for
// both of the directed edges that make up the channel.
// TODO(roasbeef): multi-sig keys should also be stored in DB
var numEdges uint32
if err := r.cfg.Graph.ForEachChannel(func(e1, e2 *channeldb.ChannelEdge) error {
chanID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromInt(e1.ChannelID)
chanAnn := &lnwire.ChannelAnnouncement{
FirstNodeSig: r.fakeSig,
SecondNodeSig: r.fakeSig,
ChannelID: chanID,
FirstBitcoinSig: r.fakeSig,
SecondBitcoinSig: r.fakeSig,
FirstNodeID: e1.Node.PubKey,
SecondNodeID: e2.Node.PubKey,
FirstBitcoinKey: e1.Node.PubKey,
SecondBitcoinKey: e2.Node.PubKey,
chanUpdate1 := &lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement{
Signature: r.fakeSig,
ChannelID: chanID,
Timestamp: uint32(e1.LastUpdate.Unix()),
Flags: 0,
Expiry: e1.Expiry,
HtlcMinimumMstat: uint32(e1.MinHTLC),
FeeBaseMstat: uint32(e1.FeeBaseMSat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: uint32(e1.FeeProportionalMillionths),
chanUpdate2 := &lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement{
Signature: r.fakeSig,
ChannelID: chanID,
Timestamp: uint32(e2.LastUpdate.Unix()),
Flags: 1,
Expiry: e2.Expiry,
HtlcMinimumMstat: uint32(e2.MinHTLC),
FeeBaseMstat: uint32(e2.FeeBaseMSat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: uint32(e2.FeeProportionalMillionths),
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, chanAnn)
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, chanUpdate1)
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, chanUpdate2)
return nil
}); err != nil && err != channeldb.ErrGraphNoEdgesFound {
log.Errorf("unable to sync edges w/ peer: %v", err)
return err
log.Infof("Syncing channel graph state with %x, sending %v "+
"nodes and %v edges", targetNode.SerializeCompressed(),
numNodes, numEdges)
// With all the announcement messages gathered, send them all in a
// single batch to the target peer.
return r.cfg.SendMessages(targetNode, announceMessages...)
// fetchChanPoint retrieves the original outpoint which is encoded within the
// channelID.
func (r *ChannelRouter) fetchChanPoint(chanID *lnwire.ChannelID) (*wire.OutPoint, error) {
// First fetch the block hash by the block number encoded, then use
// that hash to fetch the block itself.
blockNum := int64(chanID.BlockHeight)
blockHash, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetBlockHash(blockNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fundingBlock, err := r.cfg.Chain.GetBlock(blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(roasbeef): skipping validation here as
// the discovery service should handle full
// validate
// Finally once we have the block itself, we seek to the targeted
// transaction index to obtain the funding output and txid.
fundingTx := fundingBlock.Transactions[chanID.TxIndex]
return &wire.OutPoint{
Hash: fundingTx.TxSha(),
Index: uint32(chanID.TxPosition),
}, nil
// routingMsg couples a routing related wire message with the peer that
// originally sent it.
type routingMsg struct {
msg lnwire.Message
peer *btcec.PublicKey
// ProcessRoutingMessags sends a new routing message along with the peer that
// sent the routing message to the ChannelRouter. The announcement will be
// processed then added to a queue for batched tickled announcement to all
// connected peers.
// TODO(roasbeef): need to move to discovery package
func (r *ChannelRouter) ProcessRoutingMessage(msg lnwire.Message, src *btcec.PublicKey) {
// TODO(roasbeef): msg wrappers to add a doneChan
rMsg := &routingMsg{
msg: msg,
peer: src,
select {
case r.networkMsgs <- rMsg:
case <-r.quit:
// FindRoute attempts to query the ChannelRouter for the "best" path to a
// particular target destination which is able to send `amt` after factoring in
// channel capacities and cumulative fees along the route.
func (r *ChannelRouter) FindRoute(target *btcec.PublicKey, amt btcutil.Amount) (*Route, error) {
dest := target.SerializeCompressed()
log.Debugf("Searching for path to %x, sending %v", dest, amt)
// We can short circuit the routing by opportunistically checking to
// see if the target vertex event exists in the current graph.
if _, exists, err := r.cfg.Graph.HasLightningNode(target); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !exists {
log.Debugf("Target %x is not in known graph", dest)
return nil, ErrTargetNotInNetwork
// TODO(roasbeef): add k-shortest paths
route, err := findRoute(r.cfg.Graph, target, amt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to find path: %v", err)
return nil, err
// TODO(roabseef): also create the Sphinx packet and add in the route
log.Debugf("Obtained path sending %v to %x: %v", amt, dest,
newLogClosure(func() string {
return spew.Sdump(route)
return route, nil
// SendPayment...
// TODO(roasbeef): pipe through the htlcSwitch, move the payment storage info
// to the router, add interface for payment storage
// TODO(roasbeef): add version that takes a route object
func (r *ChannelRouter) SendPayment() error {
return nil
// TopologyClient...
// TODO(roasbeef): put in discovery package?
type TopologyClient struct {
// TopologyChange...
type TopologyChange struct {
NewNodes []*channeldb.LinkNode
NewChannels []*channeldb.ChannelEdge
// notifyTopologyChange...
func (r *ChannelRouter) notifyTopologyChange() {
// SubscribeTopology....
func (r *ChannelRouter) SubscribeTopology() (*TopologyClient, error) {
return nil, nil