Olaoluwa Osuntokun e92fc5f495 chainntfs: switch BtcdNotifier to directly use btcrpcclient
* Turns out the NotificationServer on btcwallet doesn’t sever full
blocks, nor notify for arbitrary transactions. Instead, we now create a
new client specifically for BtcdNotifier.

* Final implementation is simpler, less dependent on newer btcwallet
features in flux. Additionally, this decouples the chain notifications
from the wallet. Enabling reliance on btcd for notifications, in
conjunction with an independent wallet that satisfies the to-be-drafted
Wallet interface.
2016-02-26 17:38:31 -08:00

327 lines
8.7 KiB

package btcdnotify
import (
// BtcdNotifier...
type BtcdNotifier struct {
started int32 // To be used atomically
stopped int32 // To be used atomically
chainConn *btcrpcclient.Client
notificationRegistry chan interface{}
// TODO(roasbeef): make map point to slices? Would allow for multiple
// clients to listen for same spend. Would we ever need this?
spendNotifications map[wire.OutPoint]*spendNotification
confNotifications map[wire.ShaHash]*confirmationsNotification
confHeap *confirmationHeap
connectedBlockHashes chan *blockNtfn
disconnectedBlockHashes chan *blockNtfn
relevantTxs chan *btcutil.Tx
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan struct{}
var _ chainntnfs.ChainNotifier = (*BtcdNotifier)(nil)
// NewBtcdNotifier...
// TODO(roasbeef):
// * when asked for spent, request via client
//func NewBtcdNotifier(ntfnSource *btcwallet.NotificationServer,
// chainConn *chain.RPCClient) (*BtcdNotifier, error) {
func NewBtcdNotifier(config *btcrpcclient.ConnConfig) (*BtcdNotifier, error) {
notifier := &BtcdNotifier{
notificationRegistry: make(chan interface{}),
spendNotifications: make(map[wire.OutPoint]*spendNotification),
confNotifications: make(map[wire.ShaHash]*confirmationsNotification),
confHeap: newConfirmationHeap(),
connectedBlockHashes: make(chan *blockNtfn, 20),
disconnectedBlockHashes: make(chan *blockNtfn, 20),
relevantTxs: make(chan *btcutil.Tx, 100),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
ntfnCallbacks := &btcrpcclient.NotificationHandlers{
OnBlockConnected: notifier.onBlockConnected,
OnBlockDisconnected: notifier.onBlockDisconnected,
OnRedeemingTx: notifier.onRedeemingTx,
config.DisableConnectOnNew = true
config.DisableAutoReconnect = false
chainConn, err := btcrpcclient.New(config, ntfnCallbacks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
notifier.chainConn = chainConn
return notifier, nil
// Start...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) Start() error {
// Already started?
if atomic.AddInt32(&b.started, 1) != 1 {
return nil
if err := b.chainConn.Connect(20); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.chainConn.NotifyBlocks(); err != nil {
return err
go b.notificationDispatcher()
return nil
// Stop...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) Stop() error {
// Already shutting down?
if atomic.AddInt32(&b.stopped, 1) != 1 {
return nil
return nil
// connectedBlock...
type blockNtfn struct {
sha *wire.ShaHash
height int32
// onBlockConnected...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) onBlockConnected(hash *wire.ShaHash, height int32, t time.Time) {
select {
case b.connectedBlockHashes <- &blockNtfn{hash, height}:
case <-b.quit:
// onBlockDisconnected...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) onBlockDisconnected(hash *wire.ShaHash, height int32, t time.Time) {
b.onBlockDisconnected(hash, height, t)
// onRedeemingTx...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) onRedeemingTx(transaction *btcutil.Tx, details *btcjson.BlockDetails) {
select {
case b.relevantTxs <- transaction:
case <-b.quit:
// notificationDispatcher...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) notificationDispatcher() {
for {
select {
case registerMsg := <-b.notificationRegistry:
switch msg := registerMsg.(type) {
case *spendNotification:
b.spendNotifications[*msg.targetOutpoint] = msg
case *confirmationsNotification:
b.confNotifications[*msg.txid] = msg
case staleBlockHash := <-b.disconnectedBlockHashes:
// TODO(roasbeef): re-orgs
// * second channel to notify of confirmation decrementing
// re-org?
// * notify of negative confirmations
case connectedBlock := <-b.connectedBlockHashes:
newBlock, err := b.chainConn.GetBlock(connectedBlock.sha)
if err != nil {
newHeight := connectedBlock.height
for _, tx := range newBlock.Transactions() {
// Check if the inclusion of this transaction
// within a block by itself triggers a block
// confirmation threshold, if so send a
// notification. Otherwise, place the notification
// on a heap to be triggered in the future once
// additional confirmations are attained.
txSha := tx.Sha()
b.checkConfirmationTrigger(txSha, newHeight)
// A new block has been connected to the main
// chain. Send out any N confirmation notifications
// which may have been triggered by this new block.
case newSpend := <-b.relevantTxs:
// First, check if this transaction spends an output
// that has an existing spend notification for it.
for i, txIn := range newSpend.MsgTx().TxIn {
prevOut := txIn.PreviousOutPoint
// If this transaction indeed does spend an
// output which we have a registered notification
// for, then create a spend summary, finally
// sending off the details to the notification
// subscriber.
if ntfn, ok := b.spendNotifications[prevOut]; ok {
spenderSha := newSpend.Sha()
spendDetails := &chainntnfs.SpendDetail{
SpentOutPoint: ntfn.targetOutpoint,
SpenderTxHash: spenderSha,
// TODO(roasbeef): copy tx?
SpendingTx: newSpend.MsgTx(),
SpenderInputIndex: uint32(i),
ntfn.spendChan <- spendDetails
delete(b.spendNotifications, prevOut)
case <-b.quit:
break out
// notifyConfs...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) notifyConfs(newBlockHeight int32) {
// If the heap is empty, we have nothing to do.
if b.confHeap.Len() == 0 {
// Traverse our confirmation heap. The heap is a
// min-heap, so the confirmation notification which requires
// the smallest block-height will always be at the top
// of the heap. If a confirmation notification is eligible
// for triggering, then fire it off, and check if another
// is eligible until there are no more eligible entries.
nextConf := heap.Pop(b.confHeap).(*confEntry)
for nextConf.triggerHeight <= uint32(newBlockHeight) {
nextConf.finConf <- struct{}{}
if b.confHeap.Len() == 0 {
nextConf = heap.Pop(b.confHeap).(*confEntry)
heap.Push(b.confHeap, nextConf)
// checkConfirmationTrigger...
// TODO(roasbeef): perheps lookup, then track by inputs instead?
func (b *BtcdNotifier) checkConfirmationTrigger(txSha *wire.ShaHash, blockHeight int32) {
// If a confirmation notification has been registered
// for this txid, then either trigger a notification
// event if only a single confirmation notification was
// requested, or place the notification on the
// confirmation heap for future usage.
if confNtfn, ok := b.confNotifications[*txSha]; ok {
delete(b.confNotifications, *txSha)
if confNtfn.numConfirmations == 1 {
confNtfn.finConf <- struct{}{}
// The registered notification requires more
// than one confirmation before triggering. So
// we create a heapConf entry for this notification.
// The heapConf allows us to easily keep track of
// which notification(s) we should fire off with
// each incoming block.
confNtfn.initialConfirmHeight = uint32(blockHeight)
finalConfHeight := uint32(confNtfn.initialConfirmHeight + confNtfn.numConfirmations - 1)
heapEntry := &confEntry{
heap.Push(b.confHeap, heapEntry)
// spendNotification....
type spendNotification struct {
targetOutpoint *wire.OutPoint
spendChan chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail
// RegisterSpendNotification...
// NOTE: eventChan MUST be buffered
func (b *BtcdNotifier) RegisterSpendNtfn(outpoint *wire.OutPoint) (*chainntnfs.SpendEvent, error) {
if err := b.chainConn.NotifySpent([]*wire.OutPoint{outpoint}); err != nil {
return nil, err
ntfn := &spendNotification{
targetOutpoint: outpoint,
spendChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail, 1),
b.notificationRegistry <- ntfn
return &chainntnfs.SpendEvent{ntfn.spendChan}, nil
// confirmationNotification...
// TODO(roasbeef): re-org funny business
type confirmationsNotification struct {
txid *wire.ShaHash
initialConfirmHeight uint32
numConfirmations uint32
finConf chan struct{}
negativeConf chan int32
// RegisterConfirmationsNotification...
func (b *BtcdNotifier) RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(txid *wire.ShaHash,
numConfs uint32) (*chainntnfs.ConfirmationEvent, error) {
ntfn := &confirmationsNotification{
txid: txid,
numConfirmations: numConfs,
finConf: make(chan struct{}, 1),
negativeConf: make(chan int32, 1),
b.notificationRegistry <- ntfn
return &chainntnfs.ConfirmationEvent{
Confirmed: ntfn.finConf,
NegativeConf: ntfn.negativeConf,
}, nil