Johan T. Halseth 85ea181d67
contraccourt+input: create HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput and resolver for
success tx

This commit makes the HTLC resolutions having non-nil SignDetails
(meaning we can re-sign the second-level transactions) go through the
sweeper. They will be offered to the sweeper which will cluster them and
arrange them on its sweep transaction. When that is done we will further
sweep the output on this sweep transaction as any other second-level tx.

In this commit we do this for the HTLC success resolver and the
accompanying HTLC success transaction.
2020-12-10 14:24:20 +01:00

351 lines
11 KiB

package input
import (
// Input represents an abstract UTXO which is to be spent using a sweeping
// transaction. The method provided give the caller all information needed to
// construct a valid input within a sweeping transaction to sweep this
// lingering UTXO.
type Input interface {
// Outpoint returns the reference to the output being spent, used to
// construct the corresponding transaction input.
OutPoint() *wire.OutPoint
// RequiredTxOut returns a non-nil TxOut if input commits to a certain
// transaction output. This is used in the SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY case to
// make sure any presigned input is still valid by including the
// output.
RequiredTxOut() *wire.TxOut
// RequiredLockTime returns whether this input commits to a tx locktime
// that must be used in the transaction including it.
RequiredLockTime() (uint32, bool)
// WitnessType returns an enum specifying the type of witness that must
// be generated in order to spend this output.
WitnessType() WitnessType
// SignDesc returns a reference to a spendable output's sign
// descriptor, which is used during signing to compute a valid witness
// that spends this output.
SignDesc() *SignDescriptor
// CraftInputScript returns a valid set of input scripts allowing this
// output to be spent. The returns input scripts should target the
// input at location txIndex within the passed transaction. The input
// scripts generated by this method support spending p2wkh, p2wsh, and
// also nested p2sh outputs.
CraftInputScript(signer Signer, txn *wire.MsgTx,
hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes,
txinIdx int) (*Script, error)
// BlocksToMaturity returns the relative timelock, as a number of
// blocks, that must be built on top of the confirmation height before
// the output can be spent. For non-CSV locked inputs this is always
// zero.
BlocksToMaturity() uint32
// HeightHint returns the minimum height at which a confirmed spending
// tx can occur.
HeightHint() uint32
// UnconfParent returns information about a possibly unconfirmed parent
// tx.
UnconfParent() *TxInfo
// TxInfo describes properties of a parent tx that are relevant for CPFP.
type TxInfo struct {
// Fee is the fee of the tx.
Fee btcutil.Amount
// Weight is the weight of the tx.
Weight int64
// SignDetails is a struct containing information needed to resign certain
// inputs. It is used to re-sign 2nd level HTLC transactions that uses the
// SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY sighash type, as we have a signature provided by our
// peer, but we can aggregate multiple of these 2nd level transactions into a
// new transaction, that needs to be signed by us.
type SignDetails struct {
// SignDesc is the sign descriptor needed for us to sign the input.
SignDesc SignDescriptor
// PeerSig is the peer's signature for this input.
PeerSig Signature
// SigHashType is the sighash signed by the peer.
SigHashType txscript.SigHashType
type inputKit struct {
outpoint wire.OutPoint
witnessType WitnessType
signDesc SignDescriptor
heightHint uint32
blockToMaturity uint32
// unconfParent contains information about a potential unconfirmed
// parent transaction.
unconfParent *TxInfo
// OutPoint returns the breached output's identifier that is to be included as
// a transaction input.
func (i *inputKit) OutPoint() *wire.OutPoint {
return &i.outpoint
// RequiredTxOut returns a nil for the base input type.
func (i *inputKit) RequiredTxOut() *wire.TxOut {
return nil
// RequiredLockTime returns whether this input commits to a tx locktime that
// must be used in the transaction including it. This will be false for the
// base input type since we can re-sign for any lock time.
func (i *inputKit) RequiredLockTime() (uint32, bool) {
return 0, false
// WitnessType returns the type of witness that must be generated to spend the
// breached output.
func (i *inputKit) WitnessType() WitnessType {
return i.witnessType
// SignDesc returns the breached output's SignDescriptor, which is used during
// signing to compute the witness.
func (i *inputKit) SignDesc() *SignDescriptor {
return &i.signDesc
// HeightHint returns the minimum height at which a confirmed spending
// tx can occur.
func (i *inputKit) HeightHint() uint32 {
return i.heightHint
// BlocksToMaturity returns the relative timelock, as a number of blocks, that
// must be built on top of the confirmation height before the output can be
// spent. For non-CSV locked inputs this is always zero.
func (i *inputKit) BlocksToMaturity() uint32 {
return i.blockToMaturity
// Cpfp returns information about a possibly unconfirmed parent tx.
func (i *inputKit) UnconfParent() *TxInfo {
return i.unconfParent
// BaseInput contains all the information needed to sweep a basic output
// (CSV/CLTV/no time lock)
type BaseInput struct {
// MakeBaseInput assembles a new BaseInput that can be used to construct a
// sweep transaction.
func MakeBaseInput(outpoint *wire.OutPoint, witnessType WitnessType,
signDescriptor *SignDescriptor, heightHint uint32,
unconfParent *TxInfo) BaseInput {
return BaseInput{
outpoint: *outpoint,
witnessType: witnessType,
signDesc: *signDescriptor,
heightHint: heightHint,
unconfParent: unconfParent,
// NewBaseInput allocates and assembles a new *BaseInput that can be used to
// construct a sweep transaction.
func NewBaseInput(outpoint *wire.OutPoint, witnessType WitnessType,
signDescriptor *SignDescriptor, heightHint uint32) *BaseInput {
input := MakeBaseInput(
outpoint, witnessType, signDescriptor, heightHint, nil,
return &input
// NewCsvInput assembles a new csv-locked input that can be used to
// construct a sweep transaction.
func NewCsvInput(outpoint *wire.OutPoint, witnessType WitnessType,
signDescriptor *SignDescriptor, heightHint uint32,
blockToMaturity uint32) *BaseInput {
return &BaseInput{
outpoint: *outpoint,
witnessType: witnessType,
signDesc: *signDescriptor,
heightHint: heightHint,
blockToMaturity: blockToMaturity,
// CraftInputScript returns a valid set of input scripts allowing this output
// to be spent. The returned input scripts should target the input at location
// txIndex within the passed transaction. The input scripts generated by this
// method support spending p2wkh, p2wsh, and also nested p2sh outputs.
func (bi *BaseInput) CraftInputScript(signer Signer, txn *wire.MsgTx,
hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes, txinIdx int) (*Script, error) {
witnessFunc := bi.witnessType.WitnessGenerator(signer, bi.SignDesc())
return witnessFunc(txn, hashCache, txinIdx)
// HtlcSucceedInput constitutes a sweep input that needs a pre-image. The input
// is expected to reside on the commitment tx of the remote party and should
// not be a second level tx output.
type HtlcSucceedInput struct {
preimage []byte
// MakeHtlcSucceedInput assembles a new redeem input that can be used to
// construct a sweep transaction.
func MakeHtlcSucceedInput(outpoint *wire.OutPoint,
signDescriptor *SignDescriptor, preimage []byte, heightHint,
blocksToMaturity uint32) HtlcSucceedInput {
return HtlcSucceedInput{
inputKit: inputKit{
outpoint: *outpoint,
witnessType: HtlcAcceptedRemoteSuccess,
signDesc: *signDescriptor,
heightHint: heightHint,
blockToMaturity: blocksToMaturity,
preimage: preimage,
// CraftInputScript returns a valid set of input scripts allowing this output
// to be spent. The returns input scripts should target the input at location
// txIndex within the passed transaction. The input scripts generated by this
// method support spending p2wkh, p2wsh, and also nested p2sh outputs.
func (h *HtlcSucceedInput) CraftInputScript(signer Signer, txn *wire.MsgTx,
hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes, txinIdx int) (*Script, error) {
desc := h.signDesc
desc.SigHashes = hashCache
desc.InputIndex = txinIdx
witness, err := SenderHtlcSpendRedeem(
signer, &desc, txn, h.preimage,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Script{
Witness: witness,
}, nil
// HtlcsSecondLevelAnchorInput is an input type used to spend HTLC outputs
// using a re-signed second level transaction, either via the timeout or success
// paths.
type HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput struct {
// SignedTx is the original second level transaction signed by the
// channel peer.
SignedTx *wire.MsgTx
// createWitness creates a witness allowing the passed transaction to
// spend the input.
createWitness func(signer Signer, txn *wire.MsgTx,
hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes, txinIdx int) (wire.TxWitness, error)
// RequiredTxOut returns the tx out needed to be present on the sweep tx for
// the spend of the input to be valid.
func (i *HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput) RequiredTxOut() *wire.TxOut {
return i.SignedTx.TxOut[0]
// RequiredLockTime returns the locktime needed for the sweep tx for the spend
// of the input to be valid. For a second level HTLC timeout this will be the
// CLTV expiry, for HTLC success it will be zero.
func (i *HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput) RequiredLockTime() (uint32, bool) {
return i.SignedTx.LockTime, true
// CraftInputScript returns a valid set of input scripts allowing this output
// to be spent. The returns input scripts should target the input at location
// txIndex within the passed transaction. The input scripts generated by this
// method support spending p2wkh, p2wsh, and also nested p2sh outputs.
func (i *HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput) CraftInputScript(signer Signer,
txn *wire.MsgTx, hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes,
txinIdx int) (*Script, error) {
witness, err := i.createWitness(signer, txn, hashCache, txinIdx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Script{
Witness: witness,
}, nil
// MakeHtlcSecondLevelSuccessAnchorInput creates an input allowing the sweeper
// to spend the HTLC output on our commit using the second level success
// transaction.
func MakeHtlcSecondLevelSuccessAnchorInput(signedTx *wire.MsgTx,
signDetails *SignDetails, preimage lntypes.Preimage,
heightHint uint32) HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput {
// Spend an HTLC output on our local commitment tx using the 2nd
// success transaction.
createWitness := func(signer Signer, txn *wire.MsgTx,
hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes,
txinIdx int) (wire.TxWitness, error) {
desc := signDetails.SignDesc
desc.SigHashes = hashCache
desc.InputIndex = txinIdx
return ReceiverHtlcSpendRedeem(
signDetails.PeerSig, signDetails.SigHashType,
preimage[:], signer, &desc, txn,
return HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput{
inputKit: inputKit{
outpoint: signedTx.TxIn[0].PreviousOutPoint,
witnessType: HtlcAcceptedSuccessSecondLevelInputConfirmed,
signDesc: signDetails.SignDesc,
heightHint: heightHint,
// CSV delay is always 1 for these inputs.
blockToMaturity: 1,
SignedTx: signedTx,
createWitness: createWitness,
// Compile-time constraints to ensure each input struct implement the Input
// interface.
var _ Input = (*BaseInput)(nil)
var _ Input = (*HtlcSucceedInput)(nil)
var _ Input = (*HtlcSecondLevelAnchorInput)(nil)