Andrey Samokhvalov b86409cdb3 htlcswitch: recreate hlcswitch from scratch
This commit gives the start for making the htlc manager and htlc switch
testable. The testability of htlc switch have been achieved by mocking
all external subsystems. The concrete list of updates:

1. create standalone package for htlc switch.
2. add "ChannelLink" interface, which represent the previous htlc link.
3. add "Peer" interface, which represent the remote node inside our
4. add htlc switch config to htlc switch susbystem, which stores the
handlers which are not elongs to any of the above interfaces.

With this commit we are able test htlc switch even without having
the concrete implementation of Peer, ChannelLink structures, they will
be added later.
2017-05-31 11:06:08 -07:00

862 lines
24 KiB

package htlcswitch
import (
var (
// ErrChannelLinkNotFound is used when channel link hasn't been found.
ErrChannelLinkNotFound = errors.New("channel link not found")
// zeroPreimage is the empty preimage which is returned when we have
// some errors.
zeroPreimage [sha256.Size]byte
// pendingPayment represents the payment which made by user and waits for
// updates to be received whether the payment has been rejected or proceed
// successfully.
type pendingPayment struct {
paymentHash lnwallet.PaymentHash
amount btcutil.Amount
preimage chan [sha256.Size]byte
err chan error
// forwardPacketCmd encapsulates switch packet and adds error channel to
// receive error from request handler.
type forwardPacketCmd struct {
pkt *htlcPacket
err chan error
// ChannelCloseType is a enum which signals the type of channel closure the
// peer should execute.
type ChannelCloseType uint8
const (
// CloseRegular indicates a regular cooperative channel closure
// should be attempted.
CloseRegular ChannelCloseType = iota
// CloseBreach indicates that a channel breach has been dtected, and
// the link should immediately be marked as unavailable.
// ChanClose represents a request which close a particular channel specified by
// its id.
type ChanClose struct {
// CloseType is a variable which signals the type of channel closure the
// peer should execute.
CloseType ChannelCloseType
// ChanPoint represent the id of the channel which should be closed.
ChanPoint *wire.OutPoint
// Updates is used by request creator to receive the notifications about
// execution of the close channel request.
Updates chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate
// Err is used by request creator to receive request execution error.
Err chan error
// Config defines the configuration for the service. ALL elements within the
// configuration MUST be non-nil for the service to carry out its duties.
type Config struct {
// LocalChannelClose kicks-off the workflow to execute a cooperative
// or forced unilateral closure of the channel initiated by a local
// subsystem.
LocalChannelClose func(pubKey []byte, request *ChanClose)
// Switch is a central messaging bus for all incoming/outgoing htlc's.
// The goal of the switch is forward the incoming/outgoing htlc messages from
// one channel to another, and also propagate the settle/fail htlc messages
// back to original requester by using payment circuits. Also switch is
// responsible for notifying the user about result of payment request.
type Switch struct {
started int32
shutdown int32
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan struct{}
// cfg is a copy of the configuration struct that the htlc switch
// service was initialized with.
cfg *Config
// pendingPayments is correspondence of user payments and its hashes,
// which is used to save the payments which made by user and notify
// them about result later.
pendingPayments map[lnwallet.PaymentHash][]*pendingPayment
pendingMutex sync.RWMutex
// circuits is storage for payment circuits which are used to
// forward the settle/fail htlc updates back to the add htlc initiator.
circuits *circuitMap
// links is a map of channel id and channel link which manages
// this channel.
links map[lnwire.ChannelID]ChannelLink
// linksIndex is a map which is needed for quick lookup of channels
// which are belongs to specific peer.
linksIndex map[HopID][]ChannelLink
// forwardCommands is used for propogating the htlc packet forward
// requests.
forwardCommands chan *forwardPacketCmd
// chanCloseRequests is used to transfer the channel close request to
// the channel close handler.
chanCloseRequests chan *ChanClose
// linkControl is a channel used to propogate add/remove/get htlc
// switch handler commands.
linkControl chan interface{}
// New creates the new instance of htlc switch.
func New(cfg Config) *Switch {
return &Switch{
cfg: &cfg,
circuits: newCircuitMap(),
links: make(map[lnwire.ChannelID]ChannelLink),
linksIndex: make(map[HopID][]ChannelLink),
pendingPayments: make(map[lnwallet.PaymentHash][]*pendingPayment),
forwardCommands: make(chan *forwardPacketCmd),
chanCloseRequests: make(chan *ChanClose),
linkControl: make(chan interface{}),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
// SendHTLC is used by other subsystems which aren't belong to htlc switch
// package in order to send the htlc update.
func (s *Switch) SendHTLC(nextNode []byte, update lnwire.Message) (
[sha256.Size]byte, error) {
htlc := update.(*lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC)
// Create payment and add to the map of payment in order later to be
// able to retrieve it and return response to the user.
payment := &pendingPayment{
err: make(chan error, 1),
preimage: make(chan [sha256.Size]byte, 1),
paymentHash: htlc.PaymentHash,
amount: htlc.Amount,
// Check that we do not have the payment with the same id in order to
// prevent map override.
s.pendingPayments[htlc.PaymentHash] = append(
s.pendingPayments[htlc.PaymentHash], payment)
// Generate and send new update packet, if error will be received
// on this stage it means that packet haven't left boundaries of our
// system and something wrong happened.
hop := NewHopID(nextNode)
packet := newInitPacket(hop, htlc)
if err := s.forward(packet); err != nil {
s.removePendingPayment(payment.amount, payment.paymentHash)
return zeroPreimage, err
// Returns channels so that other subsystem might wait/skip the
// waiting of handling of payment.
var preimage [sha256.Size]byte
var err error
select {
case e := <-payment.err:
err = e
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("service is shutdown")
select {
case p := <-payment.preimage:
preimage = p
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("service is shutdown")
return preimage, err
// forward is used in order to find next channel link and apply htlc
// update. Also this function is used by channel links itself in order to
// forward the update after it has been included in the channel.
func (s *Switch) forward(packet *htlcPacket) error {
command := &forwardPacketCmd{
pkt: packet,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.forwardCommands <- command:
return <-command.err
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// handleLocalDispatch is used at the start/end of the htlc update life
// cycle. At the start (1) it is used to send the htlc to the channel link
// without creation of circuit. At the end (2) it is used to notify the user
// about the result of his payment is it was successful or not.
// Alice Bob Carol
// o --add----> o ---add----> o
// (1)
// (2)
// o <-settle-- o <--settle-- o
// Alice Bob Carol
func (s *Switch) handleLocalDispatch(payment *pendingPayment, packet *htlcPacket) error {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
// User have created the htlc update therefore we should find the
// appropriate channel link and send the payment over this link.
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
// Try to find links by node destination.
links, err := s.getLinks(packet.dest)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to find links by "+
"destination %v", err)
return errors.New(lnwire.UnknownDestination)
// Try to find destination channel link with appropriate
// bandwidth.
var destination ChannelLink
for _, link := range links {
if link.Bandwidth() >= htlc.Amount {
destination = link
// If the channel link we're attempting to forward the update
// over has insufficient capacity, then we'll cancel the HTLC
// as the payment cannot succeed.
if destination == nil {
log.Errorf("unable to find appropriate channel link "+
"insufficient capacity, need %v", htlc.Amount)
return errors.New(lnwire.InsufficientCapacity)
// Send the packet to the destination channel link which
// manages then channel.
return nil
// We've just received a settle update which means we can finalize
// the user payment and return successful response.
case *lnwire.UpdateFufillHTLC:
// Notify the user that his payment was
// successfully proceed.
payment.err <- nil
payment.preimage <- htlc.PaymentPreimage
s.removePendingPayment(payment.amount, payment.paymentHash)
// We've just received a fail update which means we can finalize
// the user payment and return fail response.
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
// Retrieving the fail code from byte representation of error.
var userErr error
if code, err := htlc.Reason.ToFailCode(); err != nil {
userErr = errors.Errorf("can't decode fail code id"+
"(%v): %v", htlc.ID, err)
} else {
userErr = errors.New(code)
// Notify user that his payment was discarded.
payment.err <- userErr
payment.preimage <- zeroPreimage
s.removePendingPayment(payment.amount, payment.paymentHash)
return errors.New("wrong update type")
return nil
// handlePacketForward is used in cases when we need forward the htlc
// update from one channel link to another and be able to propagate the
// settle/fail updates back. This behaviour is achieved by creation of payment
// circuits.
func (s *Switch) handlePacketForward(packet *htlcPacket) error {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
// Channel link forwarded us a new htlc, therefore we initiate the
// payment circuit within our internal state so we can properly forward
// the ultimate settle message back latter.
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
source, err := s.getLink(packet.src)
if err != nil {
err := errors.Errorf("unable to find channel link "+
"by channel point (%v): %v", packet.src, err)
return err
// Try to find links by node destination.
links, err := s.getLinks(packet.dest)
if err != nil {
// If packet was forwarded from another
// channel link than we should notify this
// link that some error occurred.
reason := []byte{byte(lnwire.UnknownDestination)}
go source.HandleSwitchPacket(newFailPacket(
Reason: reason,
htlc.PaymentHash, 0,
err := errors.Errorf("unable to find links with "+
"destination %v", err)
return err
// Try to find destination channel link with appropriate
// bandwidth.
var destination ChannelLink
for _, link := range links {
if link.Bandwidth() >= htlc.Amount {
destination = link
// If the channel link we're attempting to forward the update
// over has insufficient capacity, then we'll cancel the htlc
// as the payment cannot succeed.
if destination == nil {
// If packet was forwarded from another
// channel link than we should notify this
// link that some error occurred.
reason := []byte{byte(lnwire.InsufficientCapacity)}
go source.HandleSwitchPacket(newFailPacket(
Reason: reason,
err := errors.Errorf("unable to find appropriate "+
"channel link insufficient capacity, need "+
"%v", htlc.Amount)
return err
// If packet was forwarded from another channel link than we
// should create circuit (remember the path) in order to
// forward settle/fail packet back.
if err := s.circuits.add(newPaymentCircuit(
)); err != nil {
reason := []byte{byte(lnwire.UnknownError)}
go source.HandleSwitchPacket(newFailPacket(
Reason: reason,
err := errors.Errorf("unable to add circuit: "+
"%v", err)
return err
// Send the packet to the destination channel link which
// manages the channel.
return nil
// We've just received a settle packet which means we can finalize the
// payment circuit by forwarding the settle msg to the channel from
// which htlc add packet was initially received.
case *lnwire.UpdateFufillHTLC, *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
// Exit if we can't find and remove the active circuit to
// continue propagating the fail over.
circuit, err := s.circuits.remove(packet.payHash)
if err != nil {
err := errors.Errorf("unable to remove "+
"circuit for payment hash: %v", packet.payHash)
return err
// Propagating settle/fail htlc back to src of add htlc packet.
source, err := s.getLink(circuit.Src)
if err != nil {
err := errors.Errorf("unable to get source "+
"channel link to forward settle/fail htlc: %v",
return err
log.Debugf("Closing completed onion "+
"circuit for %x: %v<->%v", packet.payHash[:],
circuit.Src, circuit.Dest)
return nil
return errors.New("wrong update type")
// CloseLink creates and sends the the close channel command.
func (s *Switch) CloseLink(chanPoint *wire.OutPoint,
closeType ChannelCloseType) (chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate, chan error) {
// TODO(roasbeef) abstract out the close updates.
updateChan := make(chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate, 1)
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
command := &ChanClose{
CloseType: closeType,
ChanPoint: chanPoint,
Updates: updateChan,
Err: errChan,
select {
case s.chanCloseRequests <- command:
return updateChan, errChan
case <-s.quit:
errChan <- errors.New("unable close channel link, htlc " +
"switch already stopped")
return updateChan, errChan
// handleCloseLink sends a message to the peer responsible for the target
// channel point, instructing it to initiate a cooperative channel closure.
func (s *Switch) handleChanelClose(req *ChanClose) {
chanID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(req.ChanPoint)
var link ChannelLink
for _, l := range s.links {
if l.ChanID() == chanID {
link = l
if link == nil {
req.Err <- errors.Errorf("channel with ChannelID(%v) not "+
"found", chanID)
log.Debugf("requesting local channel close, peer(%v) channel(%v)",
link.Peer(), chanID)
// TODO(roasbeef): if type was CloseBreach initiate force closure with
// all other channels (if any) we have with the remote peer.
s.cfg.LocalChannelClose(link.Peer().PubKey(), req)
// startHandling start handling inner command requests and print the
// htlc switch statistics.
// NOTE: Should be run as goroutine.
func (s *Switch) startHandling() {
defer s.wg.Done()
// Remove all links on stop.
defer func() {
for _, link := range s.links {
if err := s.removeLink(link.ChanID()); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to remove "+
"channel link on stop: %v", err)
// TODO(roasbeef): cleared vs settled distinction
var prevNumUpdates uint64
var prevSatSent btcutil.Amount
var prevSatRecv btcutil.Amount
for {
select {
case req := <-s.chanCloseRequests:
case cmd := <-s.forwardCommands:
var paymentHash lnwallet.PaymentHash
var amount btcutil.Amount
switch m := cmd.pkt.htlc.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
paymentHash = m.PaymentHash
amount = m.Amount
case *lnwire.UpdateFufillHTLC, *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
paymentHash = cmd.pkt.payHash
amount = cmd.pkt.amount
cmd.err <- errors.New("wrong type of update")
payment, err := s.findPayment(amount, paymentHash)
if err != nil {
cmd.err <- s.handlePacketForward(cmd.pkt)
} else {
cmd.err <- s.handleLocalDispatch(payment, cmd.pkt)
case <-time.Tick(10 * time.Second):
var overallNumUpdates uint64
var overallSatSent btcutil.Amount
var overallSatRecv btcutil.Amount
for _, link := range s.links {
updates, sent, recv := link.Stats()
overallNumUpdates += updates
overallSatSent += sent
overallSatRecv += recv
diffNumUpdates := overallNumUpdates - prevNumUpdates
diffSatSent := overallSatSent - prevSatSent
diffSatRecv := overallSatRecv - prevSatRecv
if diffNumUpdates == 0 {
log.Infof("sent %v satoshis received %v satoshi "+
" in the last 10 seconds (%v tx/sec)",
diffSatSent, diffSatRecv, float64(diffNumUpdates)/10)
prevNumUpdates = overallNumUpdates
prevSatSent = overallSatSent
prevSatRecv = overallSatRecv
case cmd := <-s.linkControl:
switch cmd := cmd.(type) {
case *addLinkCmd:
cmd.err <- s.addLink(cmd.link)
case *removeLinkCmd:
cmd.err <- s.removeLink(cmd.chanID)
case *getLinkCmd:
link, err := s.getLink(cmd.chanID)
cmd.done <- link
cmd.err <- err
case *getLinksCmd:
links, err := s.getLinks(cmd.peer)
cmd.done <- links
cmd.err <- err
case <-s.quit:
// Start starts all helper goroutines required for the operation of the switch.
func (s *Switch) Start() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.started, 0, 1) {
log.Warn("Htlc Switch already started")
return nil
log.Infof("Htlc Switch starting")
go s.startHandling()
return nil
// Stop gracefully stops all active helper goroutines, then waits until they've
// exited.
func (s *Switch) Stop() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.shutdown, 0, 1) {
log.Warn("Htlc Switch already stopped")
return nil
log.Infof("Htlc Switch shutting down")
return nil
// addLinkCmd is a add link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type addLinkCmd struct {
link ChannelLink
err chan error
// AddLink is used to initiate the handling of the add link command. The
// request will be propagated and handled in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) AddLink(link ChannelLink) error {
command := &addLinkCmd{
link: link,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
return <-command.err
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// addLink is used to add the newly created channel link and start
// use it to handle the channel updates.
func (s *Switch) addLink(link ChannelLink) error {
if err := link.Start(); err != nil {
return err
// Add channel link to the channel map, in order to quickly lookup
// channel by channel id.
s.links[link.ChanID()] = link
// Add channel link to the index map, in order to quickly lookup
// channels by peer pub key.
hop := NewHopID(link.Peer().PubKey())
s.linksIndex[hop] = append(s.linksIndex[hop], link)
log.Infof("Added channel link with ChannelID(%v), bandwidth=%v",
link.ChanID(), link.Bandwidth())
return nil
// getLinkCmd is a get link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type getLinkCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
err chan error
done chan ChannelLink
// GetLink is used to initiate the handling of the get link command. The
// request will be propagated/handled to/in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) GetLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
command := &getLinkCmd{
chanID: chanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
done: make(chan ChannelLink, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
return <-command.done, <-command.err
case <-s.quit:
return nil, errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// getLink returns the channel link by its channel point.
func (s *Switch) getLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
link, ok := s.links[chanID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChannelLinkNotFound
return link, nil
// removeLinkCmd is a get link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type removeLinkCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
err chan error
// RemoveLink is used to initiate the handling of the remove link command. The
// request will be propagated/handled to/in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) RemoveLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) error {
command := &removeLinkCmd{
chanID: chanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
return <-command.err
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// removeLink is used to remove and stop the channel link.
func (s *Switch) removeLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) error {
link, ok := s.links[chanID]
if !ok {
return ErrChannelLinkNotFound
// Remove the channel from channel map.
delete(s.links, link.ChanID())
// Remove the channel from channel index.
hop := NewHopID(link.Peer().PubKey())
links := s.linksIndex[hop]
for i, l := range links {
if l.ChanID() == link.ChanID() {
// Delete without preserving order
// Google: Golang slice tricks
links[i] = links[len(links)-1]
links[len(links)-1] = nil
s.linksIndex[hop] = links[:len(links)-1]
if len(s.linksIndex[hop]) == 0 {
delete(s.linksIndex, hop)
go link.Stop()
log.Infof("Remove channel link with ChannelID(%v)", link.ChanID())
return nil
// getLinksCmd is a get links command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type getLinksCmd struct {
peer HopID
err chan error
done chan []ChannelLink
// GetLinks is used to initiate the handling of the get links command. The
// request will be propagated/handled to/in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) GetLinks(hop HopID) ([]ChannelLink, error) {
command := &getLinksCmd{
peer: hop,
err: make(chan error, 1),
done: make(chan []ChannelLink, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
return <-command.done, <-command.err
case <-s.quit:
return nil, errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// getLinks is function which returns the channel links of the peer by hop
// destination id.
func (s *Switch) getLinks(destination HopID) ([]ChannelLink, error) {
links, ok := s.linksIndex[destination]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to locate channel link by"+
"destination hop id %v", destination)
result := make([]ChannelLink, len(links))
for i, link := range links {
result[i] = ChannelLink(link)
return result, nil
// removePendingPayment is the helper function which removes the pending user
// payment.
func (s *Switch) removePendingPayment(amount btcutil.Amount,
hash lnwallet.PaymentHash) error {
defer s.pendingMutex.Unlock()
payments, ok := s.pendingPayments[hash]
if ok {
for i, payment := range payments {
if payment.amount == amount {
// Delete without preserving order
// Google: Golang slice tricks
payments[i] = payments[len(payments)-1]
payments[len(payments)-1] = nil
s.pendingPayments[hash] = payments[:len(payments)-1]
if len(s.pendingPayments[hash]) == 0 {
delete(s.pendingPayments, hash)
return nil
return errors.Errorf("unable to remove pending payment with "+
"hash(%v) and amount(%v)", hash, amount)
// findPayment is the helper function which find the payment.
func (s *Switch) findPayment(amount btcutil.Amount,
hash lnwallet.PaymentHash) (*pendingPayment, error) {
defer s.pendingMutex.RUnlock()
payments, ok := s.pendingPayments[hash]
if ok {
for _, payment := range payments {
if payment.amount == amount {
return payment, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to remove pending payment with "+
"hash(%v) and amount(%v)", hash, amount)
// numPendingPayments is helper function which returns the overall number of
// pending user payments.
func (s *Switch) numPendingPayments() int {
var l int
for _, payments := range s.pendingPayments {
l += len(payments)
return l