Joost Jager 7d69df77ed
sweep: create new Input interface
This commit introduces a common interface for sweep
inputs. It eliminates the type checking from UtxoSweeper.

Also the formerly present Amount() getter is removed. It was redundant
because this value is present in SignDesc().Output.Value as well.
2018-10-17 12:44:33 +02:00

100 lines
3.3 KiB

package sweep
import (
// Input contains all data needed to construct a sweep tx input.
type Input interface {
// Outpoint returns the reference to the output being spent, used to
// construct the corresponding transaction input.
OutPoint() *wire.OutPoint
// WitnessType returns an enum specifying the type of witness that must
// be generated in order to spend this output.
WitnessType() lnwallet.WitnessType
// SignDesc returns a reference to a spendable output's sign descriptor,
// which is used during signing to compute a valid witness that spends
// this output.
SignDesc() *lnwallet.SignDescriptor
// BuildWitness returns a valid witness allowing this output to be
// spent, the witness should be attached to the transaction at the
// location determined by the given `txinIdx`.
BuildWitness(signer lnwallet.Signer, txn *wire.MsgTx,
hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes,
txinIdx int) ([][]byte, error)
// BlocksToMaturity returns the relative timelock, as a number of
// blocks, that must be built on top of the confirmation height before
// the output can be spent. For non-CSV locked inputs this is always
// zero.
BlocksToMaturity() uint32
// BaseInput contains all the information needed to sweep an output.
type BaseInput struct {
outpoint wire.OutPoint
witnessType lnwallet.WitnessType
signDesc lnwallet.SignDescriptor
// MakeBaseInput assembles a new BaseInput that can be used to construct a
// sweep transaction.
func MakeBaseInput(outpoint *wire.OutPoint,
witnessType lnwallet.WitnessType,
signDescriptor *lnwallet.SignDescriptor) BaseInput {
return BaseInput{
outpoint: *outpoint,
witnessType: witnessType,
signDesc: *signDescriptor,
// OutPoint returns the breached output's identifier that is to be included as a
// transaction input.
func (bi *BaseInput) OutPoint() *wire.OutPoint {
return &bi.outpoint
// WitnessType returns the type of witness that must be generated to spend the
// breached output.
func (bi *BaseInput) WitnessType() lnwallet.WitnessType {
return bi.witnessType
// SignDesc returns the breached output's SignDescriptor, which is used during
// signing to compute the witness.
func (bi *BaseInput) SignDesc() *lnwallet.SignDescriptor {
return &bi.signDesc
// BuildWitness computes a valid witness that allows us to spend from the
// breached output. It does so by generating the witness generation function,
// which is parameterized primarily by the witness type and sign descriptor. The
// method then returns the witness computed by invoking this function.
func (bi *BaseInput) BuildWitness(signer lnwallet.Signer, txn *wire.MsgTx,
hashCache *txscript.TxSigHashes, txinIdx int) ([][]byte, error) {
witnessFunc := bi.witnessType.GenWitnessFunc(
signer, bi.SignDesc(),
return witnessFunc(txn, hashCache, txinIdx)
// BlocksToMaturity returns the relative timelock, as a number of blocks, that
// must be built on top of the confirmation height before the output can be
// spent. For non-CSV locked inputs this is always zero.
func (bi *BaseInput) BlocksToMaturity() uint32 {
return 0
// Add compile-time constraint ensuring BaseInput implements
// SpendableOutput.
var _ Input = (*BaseInput)(nil)