Conner Fromknecht 8f5d78c875
build+lncli: default to hex encoding for byte slices
This commit swaps out golang/protobuf/jsonpb for a custom variant that
by default prints byte slices as hex, which is more useful for our
setting. Some existing wrapper structs are removed as they can now be
printed directly with the new jsonpb.

!!! NOTE !!!

This commit introduces a breaking change to lncli listinvoices since
payment hashes and preimages will now be printed in hex instead of
2019-12-20 01:05:08 -08:00

274 lines
6.6 KiB

package main
import (
// wtclientCommands will return nil for non-wtclientrpc builds.
func wtclientCommands() []cli.Command {
return []cli.Command{
Name: "wtclient",
Usage: "Interact with the watchtower client.",
Category: "Watchtower",
Subcommands: []cli.Command{
// getWtclient initializes a connection to the watchtower client RPC in order to
// interact with it.
func getWtclient(ctx *cli.Context) (wtclientrpc.WatchtowerClientClient, func()) {
conn := getClientConn(ctx, false)
cleanUp := func() {
return wtclientrpc.NewWatchtowerClientClient(conn), cleanUp
var addTowerCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "add",
Usage: "Register a watchtower to use for future sessions/backups.",
Description: "If the watchtower has already been registered, then " +
"this command serves as a way of updating the watchtower " +
"with new addresses it is reachable over.",
ArgsUsage: "pubkey@address",
Action: actionDecorator(addTower),
func addTower(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Display the command's help message if the number of arguments/flags
// is not what we expect.
if ctx.NArg() != 1 || ctx.NumFlags() > 0 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "add")
parts := strings.Split(ctx.Args().First(), "@")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return errors.New("expected tower of format pubkey@address")
pubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid public key: %v", err)
address := parts[1]
client, cleanUp := getWtclient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
req := &wtclientrpc.AddTowerRequest{
Pubkey: pubKey,
Address: address,
resp, err := client.AddTower(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var removeTowerCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "remove",
Usage: "Remove a watchtower to prevent its use for future " +
Description: "An optional address can be provided to remove, " +
"indicating that the watchtower is no longer reachable at " +
"this address. If an address isn't provided, then the " +
"watchtower will no longer be used for future sessions/backups.",
ArgsUsage: "pubkey | pubkey@address",
Action: actionDecorator(removeTower),
func removeTower(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Display the command's help message if the number of arguments/flags
// is not what we expect.
if ctx.NArg() != 1 || ctx.NumFlags() > 0 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "remove")
// The command can have only one argument, but it can be interpreted in
// either of the following formats:
// pubkey or pubkey@address
// The hex-encoded public key of the watchtower is always required,
// while the second is an optional address we'll remove from the
// watchtower's database record.
parts := strings.Split(ctx.Args().First(), "@")
if len(parts) > 2 {
return errors.New("expected tower of format pubkey@address")
pubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid public key: %v", err)
var address string
if len(parts) == 2 {
address = parts[1]
client, cleanUp := getWtclient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
req := &wtclientrpc.RemoveTowerRequest{
Pubkey: pubKey,
Address: address,
resp, err := client.RemoveTower(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var listTowersCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "towers",
Usage: "Display information about all registered watchtowers.",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "include_sessions",
Usage: "include sessions with the watchtower in the " +
Action: actionDecorator(listTowers),
func listTowers(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Display the command's help message if the number of arguments/flags
// is not what we expect.
if ctx.NArg() > 0 || ctx.NumFlags() > 1 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "towers")
client, cleanUp := getWtclient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
req := &wtclientrpc.ListTowersRequest{
IncludeSessions: ctx.Bool("include_sessions"),
resp, err := client.ListTowers(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var getTowerCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "tower",
Usage: "Display information about a specific registered watchtower.",
ArgsUsage: "pubkey",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "include_sessions",
Usage: "include sessions with the watchtower in the " +
Action: actionDecorator(getTower),
func getTower(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Display the command's help message if the number of arguments/flags
// is not what we expect.
if ctx.NArg() != 1 || ctx.NumFlags() > 1 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "tower")
// The command only has one argument, which we expect to be the
// hex-encoded public key of the watchtower we'll display information
// about.
pubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(ctx.Args().Get(0))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid public key: %v", err)
client, cleanUp := getWtclient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
req := &wtclientrpc.GetTowerInfoRequest{
Pubkey: pubKey,
IncludeSessions: ctx.Bool("include_sessions"),
resp, err := client.GetTowerInfo(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var statsCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "stats",
Usage: "Display the session stats of the watchtower client.",
Action: actionDecorator(stats),
func stats(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Display the command's help message if the number of arguments/flags
// is not what we expect.
if ctx.NArg() > 0 || ctx.NumFlags() > 0 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "stats")
client, cleanUp := getWtclient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
req := &wtclientrpc.StatsRequest{}
resp, err := client.Stats(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var policyCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "policy",
Usage: "Display the active watchtower client policy configuration.",
Action: actionDecorator(policy),
func policy(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Display the command's help message if the number of arguments/flags
// is not what we expect.
if ctx.NArg() > 0 || ctx.NumFlags() > 0 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "policy")
client, cleanUp := getWtclient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
req := &wtclientrpc.PolicyRequest{}
resp, err := client.Policy(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil