Conner Fromknecht 564534c829
htlcswitch: move packet failure to mailbox
This commit moves the current logic for sending failures out of the link
and into the mailbox in preparation for our failing delayed htlcs. We do
so because the mailbox may need to fail packets while the link is
offline, and needs to be able to complete the task without member
methods on the link.
2020-04-14 10:48:40 -07:00

428 lines
12 KiB

package htlcswitch
import (
prand "math/rand"
// TestMailBoxCouriers tests that both aspects of the mailBox struct works
// properly. Both packets and messages should be able to added to each
// respective mailbox concurrently, and also messages/packets should also be
// able to be received concurrently.
func TestMailBoxCouriers(t *testing.T) {
// First, we'll create new instance of the current default mailbox
// type.
mailBox := newMemoryMailBox(&mailBoxConfig{})
defer mailBox.Stop()
// We'll be adding 10 message of both types to the mailbox.
const numPackets = 10
const halfPackets = numPackets / 2
// We'll add a set of random packets to the mailbox.
sentPackets := make([]*htlcPacket, numPackets)
for i := 0; i < numPackets; i++ {
pkt := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(uint64(prand.Int63())),
incomingChanID: lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(uint64(prand.Int63())),
amount: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(prand.Int63()),
sentPackets[i] = pkt
// Next, we'll do the same, but this time adding wire messages.
sentMessages := make([]lnwire.Message, numPackets)
for i := 0; i < numPackets; i++ {
msg := &lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC{
ID: uint64(prand.Int63()),
Amount: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(prand.Int63()),
sentMessages[i] = msg
// Now we'll attempt to read back the packets/messages we added to the
// mailbox. We'll alternative reading from the message outbox vs the
// packet outbox to ensure that they work concurrently properly.
recvdPackets := make([]*htlcPacket, 0, numPackets)
recvdMessages := make([]lnwire.Message, 0, numPackets)
for i := 0; i < numPackets*2; i++ {
timeout := time.After(time.Second * 5)
if i%2 == 0 {
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("didn't recv pkt after timeout")
case pkt := <-mailBox.PacketOutBox():
recvdPackets = append(recvdPackets, pkt)
} else {
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("didn't recv message after timeout")
case msg := <-mailBox.MessageOutBox():
recvdMessages = append(recvdMessages, msg)
// The number of messages/packets we sent, and the number we received
// should match exactly.
if len(sentPackets) != len(recvdPackets) {
t.Fatalf("expected %v packets instead got %v", len(sentPackets),
if len(sentMessages) != len(recvdMessages) {
t.Fatalf("expected %v messages instead got %v", len(sentMessages),
// Additionally, the set of packets should match exactly, as we should
// have received the packets in the exact same ordering that we added.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(sentPackets, recvdPackets) {
t.Fatalf("recvd packets mismatched: expected %v, got %v",
spew.Sdump(sentPackets), spew.Sdump(recvdPackets))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(recvdMessages, recvdMessages) {
t.Fatalf("recvd messages mismatched: expected %v, got %v",
spew.Sdump(sentMessages), spew.Sdump(recvdMessages))
// Now that we've received all of the intended msgs/pkts, ack back half
// of the packets.
for _, recvdPkt := range recvdPackets[:halfPackets] {
// With the packets drained and partially acked, we reset the mailbox,
// simulating a link shutting down and then coming back up.
// Now, we'll use the same alternating strategy to read from our
// mailbox. All wire messages are dropped on startup, but any unacked
// packets will be replayed in the same order they were delivered
// initially.
recvdPackets2 := make([]*htlcPacket, 0, halfPackets)
for i := 0; i < 2*halfPackets; i++ {
timeout := time.After(time.Second * 5)
if i%2 == 0 {
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("didn't recv pkt after timeout")
case pkt := <-mailBox.PacketOutBox():
recvdPackets2 = append(recvdPackets2, pkt)
} else {
select {
case <-mailBox.MessageOutBox():
t.Fatalf("should not receive wire msg after reset")
// The number of packets we received should match the number of unacked
// packets left in the mailbox.
if halfPackets != len(recvdPackets2) {
t.Fatalf("expected %v packets instead got %v", halfPackets,
// Additionally, the set of packets should match exactly with the
// unacked packets, and we should have received the packets in the exact
// same ordering that we added.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(recvdPackets[halfPackets:], recvdPackets2) {
t.Fatalf("recvd packets mismatched: expected %v, got %v",
spew.Sdump(sentPackets), spew.Sdump(recvdPackets))
// TestMailBoxResetAfterShutdown tests that ResetMessages and ResetPackets
// return ErrMailBoxShuttingDown after the mailbox has been stopped.
func TestMailBoxResetAfterShutdown(t *testing.T) {
m := newMemoryMailBox(&mailBoxConfig{})
// Stop the mailbox, then try to reset the message and packet couriers.
err := m.ResetMessages()
if err != ErrMailBoxShuttingDown {
t.Fatalf("expected ErrMailBoxShuttingDown, got: %v", err)
err = m.ResetPackets()
if err != ErrMailBoxShuttingDown {
t.Fatalf("expected ErrMailBoxShuttingDown, got: %v", err)
type mailboxContext struct {
t *testing.T
mailbox MailBox
forwards chan *htlcPacket
func newMailboxContext(t *testing.T) *mailboxContext {
ctx := &mailboxContext{
t: t,
forwards: make(chan *htlcPacket, 1),
ctx.mailbox = newMemoryMailBox(&mailBoxConfig{
fetchUpdate: func(sid lnwire.ShortChannelID) (
*lnwire.ChannelUpdate, error) {
return &lnwire.ChannelUpdate{
ShortChannelID: sid,
}, nil
forwardPackets: ctx.forward,
return ctx
func (c *mailboxContext) forward(_ chan struct{},
pkts ...*htlcPacket) chan error {
for _, pkt := range pkts {
c.forwards <- pkt
errChan := make(chan error)
return errChan
func (c *mailboxContext) sendAdds(start, num int) []*htlcPacket {
sentPackets := make([]*htlcPacket, num)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
pkt := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(
incomingChanID: lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(
incomingHTLCID: uint64(start + i),
amount: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(prand.Int63()),
htlc: &lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC{
ID: uint64(start + i),
sentPackets[i] = pkt
err := c.mailbox.AddPacket(pkt)
if err != nil {
c.t.Fatalf("unable to add packet: %v", err)
return sentPackets
func (c *mailboxContext) receivePkts(pkts []*htlcPacket) {
for i, expPkt := range pkts {
select {
case pkt := <-c.mailbox.PacketOutBox():
if reflect.DeepEqual(expPkt, pkt) {
c.t.Fatalf("inkey mismatch #%d, want: %v vs "+
"got: %v", i, expPkt.inKey(), pkt.inKey())
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
c.t.Fatalf("did not receive fail for index %d", i)
func (c *mailboxContext) checkFails(adds []*htlcPacket) {
for i, add := range adds {
select {
case fail := <-c.forwards:
if add.inKey() == fail.inKey() {
c.t.Fatalf("inkey mismatch #%d, add: %v vs fail: %v",
i, add.inKey(), fail.inKey())
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
c.t.Fatalf("did not receive fail for index %d", i)
select {
case pkt := <-c.forwards:
c.t.Fatalf("unexpected forward: %v", pkt)
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
// TestMailBoxFailAdd asserts that FailAdd returns a response to the switch
// under various interleavings with other operations on the mailbox.
func TestMailBoxFailAdd(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newMailboxContext(t)
defer ctx.mailbox.Stop()
failAdds := func(adds []*htlcPacket) {
for _, add := range adds {
const numBatchPackets = 5
// Send 10 adds, and pull them from the mailbox.
adds := ctx.sendAdds(0, numBatchPackets)
// Fail all of these adds, simulating an error adding the HTLCs to the
// commitment. We should see a failure message for each.
go failAdds(adds)
// As a sanity check, Fail all of them again and assert that no
// duplicate fails are sent.
go failAdds(adds)
// TestMailOrchestrator asserts that the orchestrator properly buffers packets
// for channels that haven't been made live, such that they are delivered
// immediately after BindLiveShortChanID. It also tests that packets are delivered
// readily to mailboxes for channels that are already in the live state.
func TestMailOrchestrator(t *testing.T) {
// First, we'll create a new instance of our orchestrator.
mo := newMailOrchestrator(&mailOrchConfig{})
defer mo.Stop()
// We'll be delivering 10 htlc packets via the orchestrator.
const numPackets = 10
const halfPackets = numPackets / 2
// Before any mailbox is created or made live, we will deliver half of
// the htlcs via the orchestrator.
chanID1, chanID2, aliceChanID, bobChanID := genIDs()
sentPackets := make([]*htlcPacket, halfPackets)
for i := 0; i < halfPackets; i++ {
pkt := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: aliceChanID,
outgoingHTLCID: uint64(i),
incomingChanID: bobChanID,
incomingHTLCID: uint64(i),
amount: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(prand.Int63()),
sentPackets[i] = pkt
mo.Deliver(pkt.outgoingChanID, pkt)
// Now, initialize a new mailbox for Alice's chanid.
mailbox := mo.GetOrCreateMailBox(chanID1, aliceChanID)
// Verify that no messages are received, since Alice's mailbox has not
// been made live.
for i := 0; i < halfPackets; i++ {
timeout := time.After(50 * time.Millisecond)
select {
case <-mailbox.MessageOutBox():
t.Fatalf("should not receive wire msg after reset")
case <-timeout:
// Assign a short chan id to the existing mailbox, make it available for
// capturing incoming HTLCs. The HTLCs added above should be delivered
// immediately.
mo.BindLiveShortChanID(mailbox, chanID1, aliceChanID)
// Verify that all of the packets are queued and delivered to Alice's
// mailbox.
recvdPackets := make([]*htlcPacket, 0, len(sentPackets))
for i := 0; i < halfPackets; i++ {
timeout := time.After(5 * time.Second)
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("didn't recv pkt %d after timeout", i)
case pkt := <-mailbox.PacketOutBox():
recvdPackets = append(recvdPackets, pkt)
// We should have received half of the total number of packets.
if len(recvdPackets) != halfPackets {
t.Fatalf("expected %v packets instead got %v",
halfPackets, len(recvdPackets))
// Check that the received packets are equal to the sent packets.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(recvdPackets, sentPackets) {
t.Fatalf("recvd packets mismatched: expected %v, got %v",
spew.Sdump(sentPackets), spew.Sdump(recvdPackets))
// For the second half of the test, create a new mailbox for Bob and
// immediately make it live with an assigned short chan id.
mailbox = mo.GetOrCreateMailBox(chanID2, bobChanID)
mo.BindLiveShortChanID(mailbox, chanID2, bobChanID)
// Create the second half of our htlcs, and deliver them via the
// orchestrator. We should be able to receive each of these in order.
recvdPackets = make([]*htlcPacket, 0, len(sentPackets))
for i := 0; i < halfPackets; i++ {
pkt := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: aliceChanID,
outgoingHTLCID: uint64(halfPackets + i),
incomingChanID: bobChanID,
incomingHTLCID: uint64(halfPackets + i),
amount: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(prand.Int63()),
sentPackets[i] = pkt
mo.Deliver(pkt.incomingChanID, pkt)
timeout := time.After(50 * time.Millisecond)
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("didn't recv pkt %d after timeout", halfPackets+i)
case pkt := <-mailbox.PacketOutBox():
recvdPackets = append(recvdPackets, pkt)
// Again, we should have received half of the total number of packets.
if len(recvdPackets) != halfPackets {
t.Fatalf("expected %v packets instead got %v",
halfPackets, len(recvdPackets))
// Check that the received packets are equal to the sent packets.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(recvdPackets, sentPackets) {
t.Fatalf("recvd packets mismatched: expected %v, got %v",
spew.Sdump(sentPackets), spew.Sdump(recvdPackets))