Andras Banki-Horvath 63e9d6102f
kvdb+etcd: change flattened bucket key derivation algorithm
This commit changes the key derivation algo we use to emulate buckets
similar to bbolt. The issue with prefixing keys with either a bucket or
a value prefix is that the cursor couldn't effectively iterate trough
all keys in a bucket, as it skipped the bucket keys.
While there are multiple ways to fix that issue (eg. two pointers,
iterating value keys then bucket keys, etc), the cleanest is to instead
of prefixes in keys we use a postfix indicating whether a key is a
bucket or a value. This also simplifies all operations where we
(recursively) iterate a bucket and is equivalent with the prefixing key
derivation with the addition that bucket and value keys are now
2020-07-28 17:57:29 +02:00

329 lines
8.2 KiB

// +build kvdb_etcd
package etcd
import (
// readWriteBucket stores the bucket id and the buckets transaction.
type readWriteBucket struct {
// id is used to identify the bucket and is created by
// hashing the parent id with the bucket key. For each key/value,
// sub-bucket or the bucket sequence the bucket id is used with the
// appropriate prefix to prefix the key.
id []byte
// tx holds the parent transaction.
tx *readWriteTx
// newReadWriteBucket creates a new rw bucket with the passed transaction
// and bucket id.
func newReadWriteBucket(tx *readWriteTx, key, id []byte) *readWriteBucket {
if !bytes.Equal(id, tx.rootBucketID[:]) {
// Add the bucket key/value to the lock set.
tx.lock(string(key), string(id))
return &readWriteBucket{
id: id,
tx: tx,
// NestedReadBucket retrieves a nested read bucket with the given key.
// Returns nil if the bucket does not exist.
func (b *readWriteBucket) NestedReadBucket(key []byte) walletdb.ReadBucket {
return b.NestedReadWriteBucket(key)
// ForEach invokes the passed function with every key/value pair in
// the bucket. This includes nested buckets, in which case the value
// is nil, but it does not include the key/value pairs within those
// nested buckets.
func (b *readWriteBucket) ForEach(cb func(k, v []byte) error) error {
prefix := string(b.id)
// Get the first matching key that is in the bucket.
kv, err := b.tx.stm.First(prefix)
if err != nil {
return err
for kv != nil {
key, val := getKeyVal(kv)
if err := cb(key, val); err != nil {
return err
// Step to the next key.
kv, err = b.tx.stm.Next(prefix, kv.key)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Get returns the value for the given key. Returns nil if the key does
// not exist in this bucket.
func (b *readWriteBucket) Get(key []byte) []byte {
// Return nil if the key is empty.
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil
// Fetch the associated value.
val, err := b.tx.stm.Get(string(makeValueKey(b.id, key)))
if err != nil {
// TODO: we should return the error once the
// kvdb inteface is extended.
return nil
if val == nil {
return nil
return val
func (b *readWriteBucket) ReadCursor() walletdb.ReadCursor {
return newReadWriteCursor(b)
// NestedReadWriteBucket retrieves a nested bucket with the given key.
// Returns nil if the bucket does not exist.
func (b *readWriteBucket) NestedReadWriteBucket(key []byte) walletdb.ReadWriteBucket {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil
// Get the bucket id (and return nil if bucket doesn't exist).
bucketKey := makeBucketKey(b.id, key)
bucketVal, err := b.tx.stm.Get(string(bucketKey))
if err != nil {
// TODO: we should return the error once the
// kvdb inteface is extended.
return nil
if !isValidBucketID(bucketVal) {
return nil
// Return the bucket with the fetched bucket id.
return newReadWriteBucket(b.tx, bucketKey, bucketVal)
// CreateBucket creates and returns a new nested bucket with the given
// key. Returns ErrBucketExists if the bucket already exists,
// ErrBucketNameRequired if the key is empty, or ErrIncompatibleValue
// if the key value is otherwise invalid for the particular database
// implementation. Other errors are possible depending on the
// implementation.
func (b *readWriteBucket) CreateBucket(key []byte) (
walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, error) {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil, walletdb.ErrBucketNameRequired
// Check if the bucket already exists.
bucketKey := makeBucketKey(b.id, key)
bucketVal, err := b.tx.stm.Get(string(bucketKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if isValidBucketID(bucketVal) {
return nil, walletdb.ErrBucketExists
// Create a deterministic bucket id from the bucket key.
newID := makeBucketID(bucketKey)
// Create the bucket.
b.tx.put(string(bucketKey), string(newID[:]))
return newReadWriteBucket(b.tx, bucketKey, newID[:]), nil
// CreateBucketIfNotExists creates and returns a new nested bucket with
// the given key if it does not already exist. Returns
// ErrBucketNameRequired if the key is empty or ErrIncompatibleValue
// if the key value is otherwise invalid for the particular database
// backend. Other errors are possible depending on the implementation.
func (b *readWriteBucket) CreateBucketIfNotExists(key []byte) (
walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, error) {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil, walletdb.ErrBucketNameRequired
// Check for the bucket and create if it doesn't exist.
bucketKey := makeBucketKey(b.id, key)
bucketVal, err := b.tx.stm.Get(string(bucketKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !isValidBucketID(bucketVal) {
newID := makeBucketID(bucketKey)
b.tx.put(string(bucketKey), string(newID[:]))
return newReadWriteBucket(b.tx, bucketKey, newID[:]), nil
// Otherwise return the bucket with the fetched bucket id.
return newReadWriteBucket(b.tx, bucketKey, bucketVal), nil
// DeleteNestedBucket deletes the nested bucket and its sub-buckets
// pointed to by the passed key. All values in the bucket and sub-buckets
// will be deleted as well.
func (b *readWriteBucket) DeleteNestedBucket(key []byte) error {
// TODO shouldn't empty key return ErrBucketNameRequired ?
if len(key) == 0 {
return walletdb.ErrIncompatibleValue
// Get the bucket first.
bucketKey := string(makeBucketKey(b.id, key))
bucketVal, err := b.tx.stm.Get(bucketKey)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isValidBucketID(bucketVal) {
return walletdb.ErrBucketNotFound
// Enqueue the top level bucket id.
queue := [][]byte{bucketVal}
// Traverse the buckets breadth first.
for len(queue) != 0 {
if !isValidBucketID(queue[0]) {
return walletdb.ErrBucketNotFound
id := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
kv, err := b.tx.stm.First(string(id))
if err != nil {
return err
for kv != nil {
if isBucketKey(kv.key) {
queue = append(queue, []byte(kv.val))
kv, err = b.tx.stm.Next(string(id), kv.key)
if err != nil {
return err
// Finally delete the sequence key for the bucket.
// Delete the top level bucket and sequence key.
return nil
// Put updates the value for the passed key.
// Returns ErrKeyRequred if te passed key is empty.
func (b *readWriteBucket) Put(key, value []byte) error {
if len(key) == 0 {
return walletdb.ErrKeyRequired
// Update the transaction with the new value.
b.tx.put(string(makeValueKey(b.id, key)), string(value))
return nil
// Delete deletes the key/value pointed to by the passed key.
// Returns ErrKeyRequred if the passed key is empty.
func (b *readWriteBucket) Delete(key []byte) error {
if len(key) == 0 {
return walletdb.ErrKeyRequired
// Update the transaction to delete the key/value.
b.tx.del(string(makeValueKey(b.id, key)))
return nil
// ReadWriteCursor returns a new read-write cursor for this bucket.
func (b *readWriteBucket) ReadWriteCursor() walletdb.ReadWriteCursor {
return newReadWriteCursor(b)
// Tx returns the buckets transaction.
func (b *readWriteBucket) Tx() walletdb.ReadWriteTx {
return b.tx
// NextSequence returns an autoincrementing sequence number for this bucket.
// Note that this is not a thread safe function and as such it must not be used
// for synchronization.
func (b *readWriteBucket) NextSequence() (uint64, error) {
seq := b.Sequence() + 1
return seq, b.SetSequence(seq)
// SetSequence updates the sequence number for the bucket.
func (b *readWriteBucket) SetSequence(v uint64) error {
// Convert the number to string.
val := strconv.FormatUint(v, 10)
// Update the transaction with the new value for the sequence key.
b.tx.put(string(makeSequenceKey(b.id)), val)
return nil
// Sequence returns the current sequence number for this bucket without
// incrementing it.
func (b *readWriteBucket) Sequence() uint64 {
val, err := b.tx.stm.Get(string(makeSequenceKey(b.id)))
if err != nil {
// TODO: This update kvdb interface such that error
// may be returned here.
return 0
if val == nil {
// If the sequence number is not yet
// stored, then take the default value.
return 0
// Otherwise try to parse a 64 bit unsigned integer from the value.
num, _ := strconv.ParseUint(string(val), 10, 64)
return num