Andrey Samokhvalov b4ac7071ff discovery+routing: split 'routing' package on 'routing' and 'discovery'
In this commit the routing package was divided on two separete one,
this was done because 'routing' package start take too much responsibily
on themself, so with following commit:

Routing pacakge:
* channeldb.ChannelEdge
* channeldb.ChannelPolicy
* channeldb.NodeLightning

* send topology notification
* find payment paths
* send payment
* apply topology changes to the graph
* prune graph
* validate that funding point exist and corresponds to given one
* to be the source of topology data

Discovery package:
* lnwire.AnnounceSignature
* lnwire.ChannelAnnouncement
* lnwire.NodeAnnouncement
* lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement

* validate announcement signatures
* sync topology with newly connected peers
* handle the premature annoucement
* redirect topology changes to the router susbsystem
* broadcast announcement to the rest of the network
* exchange channel announcement proofs

Before that moment all that was in the 'routing' which is quite big for
one subsystem.

2017-03-29 19:49:05 -07:00

644 lines
21 KiB

package discovery
import (
// networkMsg couples a routing related wire message with the peer that
// originally sent it.
type networkMsg struct {
msg lnwire.Message
isRemote bool
peer *btcec.PublicKey
// syncRequest represents a request from an outside subsystem to the wallet to
// sync a new node to the latest graph state.
type syncRequest struct {
node *btcec.PublicKey
// Config defines the configuration for the service. ALL elements within the
// configuration MUST be non-nil for the service to carry out its duties.
type Config struct {
// Router is the subsystem which is responsible for managing the
// topology of lightning network. After incoming channel, node,
// channel updates announcements are validated they are sent to the
// router in order to be included in the LN graph.
Router routing.ChannelGraphSource
// Notifier is used for receiving notifications of incoming blocks.
// With each new incoming block found we process previously premature
// announcements.
// TODO(roasbeef): could possibly just replace this with an epoch
// channel.
Notifier chainntnfs.ChainNotifier
// Broadcast broadcasts a particular set of announcements to all peers
// that the daemon is connected to. If supplied, the exclude parameter
// indicates that the target peer should be excluded from the broadcast.
Broadcast func(exclude *btcec.PublicKey, msg ...lnwire.Message) error
// SendMessages is a function which allows the service to send a set of
// messages to a particular peer identified by the target public
// key.
SendMessages func(target *btcec.PublicKey, msg ...lnwire.Message) error
// New create new discovery service structure.
func New(cfg Config) (*Discovery, error) {
// TODO(roasbeef): remove this place holder after sigs are properly
// stored in the graph.
s := "30450221008ce2bc69281ce27da07e6683571319d18e949ddfa2965fb6caa" +
"1bf0314f882d70220299105481d63e0f4bc2a88121167221b6700d72a0e" +
fakeSigHex, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fakeSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(fakeSigHex, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Discovery{
cfg: &cfg,
networkMsgs: make(chan *networkMsg),
quit: make(chan bool),
syncRequests: make(chan *syncRequest),
prematureAnnouncements: make(map[uint32][]*networkMsg),
fakeSig: fakeSig,
}, nil
// Discovery is a subsystem which is responsible for receiving announcements
// validate them and apply the changes to router, syncing lightning network
// with newly connected nodes, broadcasting announcements after validation,
// negotiating the channel announcement proofs exchange and handling the
// premature announcements.
type Discovery struct {
// Parameters which are needed to properly handle the start and stop
// of the service.
started uint32
stopped uint32
quit chan bool
wg sync.WaitGroup
// cfg is a copy of the configuration struct that the discovery service
// was initialized with.
cfg *Config
// newBlocks is a channel in which new blocks connected to the end of
// the main chain are sent over.
newBlocks <-chan *chainntnfs.BlockEpoch
// prematureAnnouncements maps a blockheight to a set of announcements
// which are "premature" from our PoV. An message is premature if
// it claims to be anchored in a block which is beyond the current main
// chain tip as we know it. Premature network messages will be processed
// once the chain tip as we know it extends to/past the premature
// height.
// TODO(roasbeef): limit premature networkMsgs to N
prematureAnnouncements map[uint32][]*networkMsg
// networkMsgs is a channel that carries new network broadcasted
// message from outside the discovery service to be processed by the
// networkHandler.
networkMsgs chan *networkMsg
// syncRequests is a channel that carries requests to synchronize newly
// connected peers to the state of the lightning network topology from
// our PoV.
syncRequests chan *syncRequest
// bestHeight is the height of the block at the tip of the main chain
// as we know it.
bestHeight uint32
fakeSig *btcec.Signature
// ProcessRemoteAnnouncement sends a new remote announcement message along with
// the peer that sent the routing message. The announcement will be processed then
// added to a queue for batched trickled announcement to all connected peers.
// Remote channel announcements should contain the announcement proof and be
// fully validated.
func (d *Discovery) ProcessRemoteAnnouncement(msg lnwire.Message,
src *btcec.PublicKey) error {
aMsg := &networkMsg{
msg: msg,
isRemote: true,
peer: src,
select {
case d.networkMsgs <- aMsg:
return nil
case <-d.quit:
return errors.New("discovery has been shutted down")
// ProcessLocalAnnouncement sends a new remote announcement message along with
// the peer that sent the routing message. The announcement will be processed then
// added to a queue for batched trickled announcement to all connected peers.
// Local channel announcements not contain the announcement proof and should be
// fully validated. The channels proofs will be included farther if nodes agreed
// to announce this channel to the rest of the network.
func (d *Discovery) ProcessLocalAnnouncement(msg lnwire.Message,
src *btcec.PublicKey) error {
aMsg := &networkMsg{
msg: msg,
isRemote: false,
peer: src,
select {
case d.networkMsgs <- aMsg:
return nil
case <-d.quit:
return errors.New("discovery has been shutted down")
// SynchronizeNode sends a message to the service indicating it should
// synchronize lightning topology state with the target node. This method
// is to be utilized when a node connections for the first time to provide it
// with the latest topology update state.
func (d *Discovery) SynchronizeNode(pub *btcec.PublicKey) {
select {
case d.syncRequests <- &syncRequest{
node: pub,
case <-d.quit:
// Start spawns network messages handler goroutine and registers on new block
// notifications in order to properly handle the premature announcements.
func (d *Discovery) Start() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&d.started, 0, 1) {
return nil
// First we register for new notifications of newly discovered blocks.
// We do this immediately so we'll later be able to consume any/all
// blocks which were discovered.
blockEpochs, err := d.cfg.Notifier.RegisterBlockEpochNtfn()
if err != nil {
return err
d.newBlocks = blockEpochs.Epochs
height, err := d.cfg.Router.CurrentBlockHeight()
if err != nil {
return err
d.bestHeight = height
go d.networkHandler()
log.Info("Discovery service is started")
return nil
// Stop signals any active goroutines for a graceful closure.
func (d *Discovery) Stop() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&d.stopped, 0, 1) {
log.Info("Discovery service is stoped.")
// networkHandler is the primary goroutine. The roles of this goroutine include
// answering queries related to the state of the network, syncing up newly
// connected peers, and also periodically broadcasting our latest topology state
// to all connected peers.
// NOTE: This MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (d *Discovery) networkHandler() {
defer d.wg.Done()
var announcementBatch []lnwire.Message
// TODO(roasbeef): parametrize the above
retransmitTimer := time.NewTicker(time.Minute * 30)
defer retransmitTimer.Stop()
// TODO(roasbeef): parametrize the above
trickleTimer := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 300)
defer trickleTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case announcement := <-d.networkMsgs:
// Process the network announcement to determine if
// this is either a new announcement from our PoV or an
// updates to a prior vertex/edge we previously
// accepted.
accepted := d.processNetworkAnnouncement(announcement)
// If the updates was accepted, then add it to our next
// announcement batch to be broadcast once the trickle
// timer ticks gain.
if accepted {
// TODO(roasbeef): exclude peer that sent
announcementBatch = append(
// A new block has arrived, so we can re-process the
// previously premature announcements.
case newBlock, ok := <-d.newBlocks:
// If the channel has been closed, then this indicates
// the daemon is shutting down, so we exit ourselves.
if !ok {
// Once a new block arrives, we updates our running
// track of the height of the chain tip.
blockHeight := uint32(newBlock.Height)
d.bestHeight = blockHeight
// Next we check if we have any premature announcements
// for this height, if so, then we process them once
// more as normal announcements.
prematureAnns := d.prematureAnnouncements[uint32(newBlock.Height)]
if len(prematureAnns) != 0 {
log.Infof("Re-processing %v premature "+
"announcements for height %v",
len(prematureAnns), blockHeight)
for _, ann := range prematureAnns {
accepted := d.processNetworkAnnouncement(ann)
if accepted {
announcementBatch = append(
delete(d.prematureAnnouncements, blockHeight)
// The trickle timer has ticked, which indicates we should
// flush to the network the pending batch of new announcements
// we've received since the last trickle tick.
case <-trickleTimer.C:
// If the current announcement batch is nil, then we
// have no further work here.
if len(announcementBatch) == 0 {
log.Infof("Broadcasting batch of %v new announcements",
// If we have new things to announce then broadcast
// them to all our immediately connected peers.
err := d.cfg.Broadcast(nil, announcementBatch...)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to send batch announcement: %v", err)
// If we're able to broadcast the current batch
// successfully, then we reset the batch for a new
// round of announcements.
announcementBatch = nil
// The retransmission timer has ticked which indicates that we
// should broadcast our personal channels to the network. This
// addresses the case of channel advertisements whether being
// dropped, or not properly propagated through the network.
case <-retransmitTimer.C:
var selfChans []lnwire.Message
// Iterate over our channels and construct the
// announcements array.
err := d.cfg.Router.ForAllOutgoingChannels(
func(p *channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy) error {
c := &lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement{
Signature: d.fakeSig,
ChannelID: lnwire.NewChanIDFromInt(p.ChannelID),
Timestamp: uint32(p.LastUpdate.Unix()),
Flags: p.Flags,
TimeLockDelta: p.TimeLockDelta,
HtlcMinimumMsat: uint32(p.MinHTLC),
FeeBaseMsat: uint32(p.FeeBaseMSat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: uint32(p.FeeProportionalMillionths),
selfChans = append(selfChans, c)
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to iterate over chann"+
"els: %v", err)
} else if len(selfChans) == 0 {
log.Debugf("Retransmitting %v outgoing channels",
// With all the wire announcements properly crafted,
// we'll broadcast our known outgoing channel to all our
// immediate peers.
if err := d.cfg.Broadcast(nil, selfChans...); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to re-broadcast "+
"channels: %v", err)
// We've just received a new request to synchronize a peer with
// our latest lightning network topology state. This indicates
// that a peer has just connected for the first time, so for now
// we dump our entire network graph and allow them to sift
// through the (subjectively) new information on their own.
case syncReq := <-d.syncRequests:
nodePub := syncReq.node.SerializeCompressed()
log.Infof("Synchronizing channel graph with %x", nodePub)
if err := d.synchronize(syncReq); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to sync graph state with %x: %v",
nodePub, err)
// The discovery has been signalled to exit, to we exit our main
// loop so the wait group can be decremented.
case <-d.quit:
// processNetworkAnnouncement processes a new network relate authenticated
// channel or node announcement. If the updates didn't affect the internal state
// of the draft due to either being out of date, invalid, or redundant, then
// false is returned. Otherwise, true is returned indicating that the caller
// may want to batch this request to be broadcast to immediate peers during the
// next announcement epoch.
func (d *Discovery) processNetworkAnnouncement(aMsg *networkMsg) bool {
isPremature := func(chanID *lnwire.ChannelID) bool {
return chanID.BlockHeight > d.bestHeight
switch msg := aMsg.msg.(type) {
// A new node announcement has arrived which either presents a new
// node, or a node updating previously advertised information.
case *lnwire.NodeAnnouncement:
if aMsg.isRemote {
// TODO(andrew.shvv) Add node validation
node := &channeldb.LightningNode{
LastUpdate: time.Unix(int64(msg.Timestamp), 0),
Addresses: msg.Addresses,
PubKey: msg.NodeID,
Alias: msg.Alias.String(),
AuthSig: msg.Signature,
Features: msg.Features,
if err := d.cfg.Router.AddNode(node); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to add node: %v", err)
return false
// A new channel announcement has arrived, this indicates the
// *creation* of a new channel within the network. This only advertises
// the existence of a channel and not yet the routing policies in
// either direction of the channel.
case *lnwire.ChannelAnnouncement:
// If the advertised inclusionary block is beyond our knowledge
// of the chain tip, then we'll put the announcement in limbo
// to be fully verified once we advance forward in the chain.
if isPremature(&msg.ChannelID) {
blockHeight := msg.ChannelID.BlockHeight
log.Infof("Announcement for chan_id=(%v), is "+
"premature: advertises height %v, only height "+
"%v is known", msg.ChannelID, msg.ChannelID.BlockHeight,
d.prematureAnnouncements[blockHeight] = append(
return false
var proof *channeldb.ChannelAuthProof
if aMsg.isRemote {
// TODO(andrew.shvv) Add channel validation
proof = &channeldb.ChannelAuthProof{
NodeSig1: msg.FirstNodeSig,
NodeSig2: msg.SecondNodeSig,
BitcoinSig1: msg.FirstBitcoinSig,
BitcoinSig2: msg.SecondBitcoinSig,
edge := &channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo{
ChannelID: msg.ChannelID.ToUint64(),
NodeKey1: msg.FirstNodeID,
NodeKey2: msg.SecondNodeID,
BitcoinKey1: msg.FirstBitcoinKey,
BitcoinKey2: msg.SecondBitcoinKey,
AuthProof: proof,
if err := d.cfg.Router.AddEdge(edge); err != nil {
if !routing.IsError(err, routing.ErrOutdated) {
log.Errorf("unable to add edge: %v", err)
} else {
log.Info("Unable to add edge: %v", err)
return false
// A new authenticated channel updates has arrived, this indicates
// that the directional information for an already known channel has
// been updated.
case *lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement:
chanID := msg.ChannelID.ToUint64()
// If the advertised inclusionary block is beyond our knowledge
// of the chain tip, then we'll put the announcement in limbo
// to be fully verified once we advance forward in the chain.
if isPremature(&msg.ChannelID) {
blockHeight := msg.ChannelID.BlockHeight
log.Infof("Update announcement for chan_id=(%v), is "+
"premature: advertises height %v, only height "+
"%v is known", chanID, blockHeight,
d.prematureAnnouncements[blockHeight] = append(
return false
if aMsg.isRemote {
// TODO(andrew.shvv) Add update channel validation
// TODO(roasbeef): should be msat here
update := &channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy{
ChannelID: chanID,
LastUpdate: time.Unix(int64(msg.Timestamp), 0),
Flags: msg.Flags,
TimeLockDelta: msg.TimeLockDelta,
MinHTLC: btcutil.Amount(msg.HtlcMinimumMsat),
FeeBaseMSat: btcutil.Amount(msg.FeeBaseMsat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: btcutil.Amount(msg.FeeProportionalMillionths),
if err := d.cfg.Router.UpdateEdge(update); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to update edge: %v", err)
return false
return true
// synchronize attempts to synchronize the target node in the syncReq to
// the latest channel graph state. In order to accomplish this, (currently) the
// entire network graph is read from disk, then serialized to the format
// defined within the current wire protocol. This cache of graph data is then
// sent directly to the target node.
func (d *Discovery) synchronize(syncReq *syncRequest) error {
targetNode := syncReq.node
// TODO(roasbeef): need to also store sig data in db
// * will be nice when we switch to pairing sigs would only need one ^_^
// We'll collate all the gathered routing messages into a single slice
// containing all the messages to be sent to the target peer.
var announceMessages []lnwire.Message
// First run through all the vertexes in the graph, retrieving the data
// for the announcement we originally retrieved.
var numNodes uint32
if err := d.cfg.Router.ForEachNode(func(node *channeldb.LightningNode) error {
alias, err := lnwire.NewAlias(node.Alias)
if err != nil {
return err
ann := &lnwire.NodeAnnouncement{
Signature: d.fakeSig,
Timestamp: uint32(node.LastUpdate.Unix()),
Addresses: node.Addresses,
NodeID: node.PubKey,
Alias: alias,
Features: node.Features,
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, ann)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
// With the vertexes gathered, we'll no retrieve the initial
// announcement, as well as the latest channel update announcement for
// both of the directed edges that make up the channel.
var numEdges uint32
if err := d.cfg.Router.ForEachChannel(func(chanInfo *channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo,
e1, e2 *channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy) error {
chanID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromInt(chanInfo.ChannelID)
// First, using the parameters of the channel, along with the
// channel authentication proof, we'll create re-create the
// original authenticated channel announcement.
// TODO(andrew.shvv) skip if proof is nil
authProof := chanInfo.AuthProof
chanAnn := &lnwire.ChannelAnnouncement{
FirstNodeSig: authProof.NodeSig1,
SecondNodeSig: authProof.NodeSig2,
ChannelID: chanID,
FirstBitcoinSig: authProof.BitcoinSig1,
SecondBitcoinSig: authProof.BitcoinSig2,
FirstNodeID: chanInfo.NodeKey1,
SecondNodeID: chanInfo.NodeKey2,
FirstBitcoinKey: chanInfo.BitcoinKey1,
SecondBitcoinKey: chanInfo.BitcoinKey2,
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, chanAnn)
// Since it's up to a node's policy as to whether they
// advertise the edge in dire direction, we don't create an
// advertisement if the edge is nil.
if e1 != nil {
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, &lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement{
Signature: d.fakeSig,
ChannelID: chanID,
Timestamp: uint32(e1.LastUpdate.Unix()),
Flags: 0,
TimeLockDelta: e1.TimeLockDelta,
HtlcMinimumMsat: uint32(e1.MinHTLC),
FeeBaseMsat: uint32(e1.FeeBaseMSat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: uint32(e1.FeeProportionalMillionths),
if e2 != nil {
announceMessages = append(announceMessages, &lnwire.ChannelUpdateAnnouncement{
Signature: d.fakeSig,
ChannelID: chanID,
Timestamp: uint32(e2.LastUpdate.Unix()),
Flags: 1,
TimeLockDelta: e2.TimeLockDelta,
HtlcMinimumMsat: uint32(e2.MinHTLC),
FeeBaseMsat: uint32(e2.FeeBaseMSat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: uint32(e2.FeeProportionalMillionths),
return nil
}); err != nil && err != channeldb.ErrGraphNoEdgesFound {
log.Errorf("unable to sync edges w/ peer: %v", err)
return err
log.Infof("Syncing channel graph state with %x, sending %v "+
"nodes and %v edges", targetNode.SerializeCompressed(),
numNodes, numEdges)
// With all the announcement messages gathered, send them all in a
// single batch to the target peer.
return d.cfg.SendMessages(targetNode, announceMessages...)