Johan T. Halseth 4e47e4e7f1
chainntnfs/bitcoindnotify: filter out mempool spends from relevant txs
This commit fix a bug within the bitcoind notifier logic, which would
ignore the passed mempool argument, and notify spentness whether the
spending transaction was confirmed or not. The logic used to fix this is
similar to what is already done for the btcd backend.
2018-07-16 12:27:05 +02:00

863 lines
25 KiB

package bitcoindnotify
import (
const (
// notifierType uniquely identifies this concrete implementation of the
// ChainNotifier interface.
notifierType = "bitcoind"
// reorgSafetyLimit is assumed maximum depth of a chain reorganization.
// After this many confirmation, transaction confirmation info will be
// pruned.
reorgSafetyLimit = 100
var (
// ErrChainNotifierShuttingDown is used when we are trying to
// measure a spend notification when notifier is already stopped.
ErrChainNotifierShuttingDown = errors.New("chainntnfs: system interrupt " +
"while attempting to register for spend notification.")
// chainUpdate encapsulates an update to the current main chain. This struct is
// used as an element within an unbounded queue in order to avoid blocking the
// main rpc dispatch rule.
type chainUpdate struct {
blockHash *chainhash.Hash
blockHeight int32
// TODO(roasbeef): generalize struct below:
// * move chans to config
// * extract common code
// * allow outside callers to handle send conditions
// BitcoindNotifier implements the ChainNotifier interface using a bitcoind
// chain client. Multiple concurrent clients are supported. All notifications
// are achieved via non-blocking sends on client channels.
type BitcoindNotifier struct {
spendClientCounter uint64 // To be used atomically.
epochClientCounter uint64 // To be used atomically.
started int32 // To be used atomically.
stopped int32 // To be used atomically.
chainConn *chain.BitcoindClient
notificationCancels chan interface{}
notificationRegistry chan interface{}
spendNotifications map[wire.OutPoint]map[uint64]*spendNotification
txConfNotifier *chainntnfs.TxConfNotifier
blockEpochClients map[uint64]*blockEpochRegistration
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan struct{}
// Ensure BitcoindNotifier implements the ChainNotifier interface at compile
// time.
var _ chainntnfs.ChainNotifier = (*BitcoindNotifier)(nil)
// New returns a new BitcoindNotifier instance. This function assumes the
// bitcoind node detailed in the passed configuration is already running, and
// willing to accept RPC requests and new zmq clients.
func New(config *rpcclient.ConnConfig, zmqConnect string,
params chaincfg.Params) (*BitcoindNotifier, error) {
notifier := &BitcoindNotifier{
notificationCancels: make(chan interface{}),
notificationRegistry: make(chan interface{}),
blockEpochClients: make(map[uint64]*blockEpochRegistration),
spendNotifications: make(map[wire.OutPoint]map[uint64]*spendNotification),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
// Disable connecting to bitcoind within the rpcclient.New method. We
// defer establishing the connection to our .Start() method.
config.DisableConnectOnNew = true
config.DisableAutoReconnect = false
chainConn, err := chain.NewBitcoindClient(&params, config.Host,
config.User, config.Pass, zmqConnect, 100*time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
notifier.chainConn = chainConn
return notifier, nil
// Start connects to the running bitcoind node over websockets, registers for
// block notifications, and finally launches all related helper goroutines.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) Start() error {
// Already started?
if atomic.AddInt32(&b.started, 1) != 1 {
return nil
// Connect to bitcoind, and register for notifications on connected,
// and disconnected blocks.
if err := b.chainConn.Start(); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.chainConn.NotifyBlocks(); err != nil {
return err
_, currentHeight, err := b.chainConn.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
b.txConfNotifier = chainntnfs.NewTxConfNotifier(
uint32(currentHeight), reorgSafetyLimit)
go b.notificationDispatcher(currentHeight)
return nil
// Stop shutsdown the BitcoindNotifier.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) Stop() error {
// Already shutting down?
if atomic.AddInt32(&b.stopped, 1) != 1 {
return nil
// Shutdown the rpc client, this gracefully disconnects from bitcoind,
// and cleans up all related resources.
// Notify all pending clients of our shutdown by closing the related
// notification channels.
for _, spendClients := range b.spendNotifications {
for _, spendClient := range spendClients {
for _, epochClient := range b.blockEpochClients {
return nil
// blockNtfn packages a notification of a connected/disconnected block along
// with its height at the time.
type blockNtfn struct {
sha *chainhash.Hash
height int32
// notificationDispatcher is the primary goroutine which handles client
// notification registrations, as well as notification dispatches.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) notificationDispatcher(bestHeight int32) {
for {
select {
case cancelMsg := <-b.notificationCancels:
switch msg := cancelMsg.(type) {
case *spendCancel:
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("Cancelling spend "+
"notification for out_point=%v, "+
"spend_id=%v", msg.op, msg.spendID)
// Before we attempt to close the spendChan,
// ensure that the notification hasn't already
// yet been dispatched.
if outPointClients, ok := b.spendNotifications[msg.op]; ok {
delete(b.spendNotifications[msg.op], msg.spendID)
case *epochCancel:
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("Cancelling epoch "+
"notification, epoch_id=%v", msg.epochID)
// First, we'll lookup the original
// registration in order to stop the active
// queue goroutine.
reg := b.blockEpochClients[msg.epochID]
// Next, close the cancel channel for this
// specific client, and wait for the client to
// exit.
// Once the client has exited, we can then
// safely close the channel used to send epoch
// notifications, in order to notify any
// listeners that the intent has been
// cancelled.
delete(b.blockEpochClients, msg.epochID)
case registerMsg := <-b.notificationRegistry:
switch msg := registerMsg.(type) {
case *spendNotification:
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("New spend subscription: "+
"utxo=%v", msg.targetOutpoint)
op := *msg.targetOutpoint
if _, ok := b.spendNotifications[op]; !ok {
b.spendNotifications[op] = make(map[uint64]*spendNotification)
b.spendNotifications[op][msg.spendID] = msg
case *confirmationNotification:
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("New confirmation "+
"subscription: txid=%v, numconfs=%v",
msg.TxID, msg.NumConfirmations)
_, currentHeight, err := b.chainConn.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
// Lookup whether the transaction is already included in the
// active chain.
txConf, err := b.historicalConfDetails(
msg.TxID, msg.heightHint, uint32(currentHeight),
if err != nil {
err = b.txConfNotifier.Register(&msg.ConfNtfn, txConf)
if err != nil {
case *blockEpochRegistration:
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("New block epoch subscription")
b.blockEpochClients[msg.epochID] = msg
case chain.RelevantTx:
b.handleRelevantTx(msg, bestHeight)
case ntfn := <-b.chainConn.Notifications():
switch item := ntfn.(type) {
case chain.BlockConnected:
if item.Height != bestHeight+1 {
chainntnfs.Log.Warnf("Received blocks out of order: "+
"current height=%d, new height=%d",
bestHeight, item.Height)
bestHeight = item.Height
rawBlock, err := b.chainConn.GetBlock(&item.Hash)
if err != nil {
chainntnfs.Log.Errorf("Unable to get block: %v", err)
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("New block: height=%v, sha=%v",
item.Height, item.Hash)
b.notifyBlockEpochs(item.Height, &item.Hash)
txns := btcutil.NewBlock(rawBlock).Transactions()
err = b.txConfNotifier.ConnectTip(&item.Hash,
uint32(item.Height), txns)
if err != nil {
case chain.BlockDisconnected:
if item.Height != bestHeight {
chainntnfs.Log.Warnf("Received blocks "+
"out of order: current height="+
"%d, disconnected height=%d",
bestHeight, item.Height)
bestHeight = item.Height - 1
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("Block disconnected from "+
"main chain: height=%v, sha=%v",
item.Height, item.Hash)
err := b.txConfNotifier.DisconnectTip(
if err != nil {
case chain.RelevantTx:
b.handleRelevantTx(item, bestHeight)
case <-b.quit:
break out
// handleRelevantTx notifies any clients of a relevant transaction.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) handleRelevantTx(tx chain.RelevantTx, bestHeight int32) {
msgTx := tx.TxRecord.MsgTx
// First, check if this transaction spends an output
// that has an existing spend notification for it.
for i, txIn := range msgTx.TxIn {
prevOut := txIn.PreviousOutPoint
// If this transaction indeed does spend an
// output which we have a registered
// notification for, then create a spend
// summary, finally sending off the details to
// the notification subscriber.
if clients, ok := b.spendNotifications[prevOut]; ok {
spenderSha := msgTx.TxHash()
spendDetails := &chainntnfs.SpendDetail{
SpentOutPoint: &prevOut,
SpenderTxHash: &spenderSha,
SpendingTx: &msgTx,
SpenderInputIndex: uint32(i),
// TODO(roasbeef): after change to
// loadfilter, only notify on block
// inclusion?
confirmedSpend := false
if tx.Block != nil {
confirmedSpend = true
spendDetails.SpendingHeight = tx.Block.Height
} else {
spendDetails.SpendingHeight = bestHeight + 1
// Keep spendNotifications that are
// waiting for a confirmation around.
// They will be notified when we find
// the spend within a block.
rem := make(map[uint64]*spendNotification)
for c, ntfn := range clients {
// If this is a mempool spend,
// and this client didn't want
// to be notified on mempool
// spends, store it for later.
if !confirmedSpend && !ntfn.mempool {
rem[c] = ntfn
confStr := "unconfirmed"
if confirmedSpend {
confStr = "confirmed"
chainntnfs.Log.Infof("Dispatching %s "+
"spend notification for "+
"outpoint=%v at height %v",
confStr, ntfn.targetOutpoint,
ntfn.spendChan <- spendDetails
// Close spendChan to ensure that any calls to Cancel will not
// block. This is safe to do since the channel is buffered, and the
// message can still be read by the receiver.
delete(b.spendNotifications, prevOut)
// If we had any clients left, add them
// back to the map.
if len(rem) > 0 {
b.spendNotifications[prevOut] = rem
// historicalConfDetails looks up whether a transaction is already included in a
// block in the active chain and, if so, returns details about the confirmation.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) historicalConfDetails(txid *chainhash.Hash,
heightHint, currentHeight uint32) (*chainntnfs.TxConfirmation, error) {
// First, we'll attempt to retrieve the transaction details using the
// backend node's transaction index.
txConf, err := b.confDetailsFromTxIndex(txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if txConf != nil {
return txConf, nil
// If the backend node's transaction index is not enabled, then we'll
// fall back to manually scanning the chain's blocks, looking for the
// block where the transaction was included in.
return b.confDetailsManually(txid, heightHint, currentHeight)
// confDetailsFromTxIndex looks up whether a transaction is already included
// in a block in the active chain by using the backend node's transaction index.
// If the transaction is found, its confirmation details are returned.
// Otherwise, nil is returned.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) confDetailsFromTxIndex(txid *chainhash.Hash,
) (*chainntnfs.TxConfirmation, error) {
// If the transaction has some or all of its confirmations required,
// then we may be able to dispatch it immediately.
tx, err := b.chainConn.GetRawTransactionVerbose(txid)
if err != nil {
// Avoid returning an error if the transaction index is not
// enabled to proceed with fallback methods.
jsonErr, ok := err.(*btcjson.RPCError)
if !ok || jsonErr.Code != btcjson.ErrRPCNoTxInfo {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to query for txid "+
"%v: %v", txid, err)
// Make sure we actually retrieved a transaction that is included in a
// block. Without this, we won't be able to retrieve its confirmation
// details.
if tx == nil || tx.BlockHash == "" {
return nil, nil
// As we need to fully populate the returned TxConfirmation struct,
// grab the block in which the transaction was confirmed so we can
// locate its exact index within the block.
blockHash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(tx.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get block hash %v for "+
"historical dispatch: %v", tx.BlockHash, err)
block, err := b.chainConn.GetBlockVerbose(blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get block with hash %v for "+
"historical dispatch: %v", blockHash, err)
// If the block was obtained, locate the transaction's index within the
// block so we can give the subscriber full confirmation details.
targetTxidStr := txid.String()
for txIndex, txHash := range block.Tx {
if txHash == targetTxidStr {
return &chainntnfs.TxConfirmation{
BlockHash: blockHash,
BlockHeight: uint32(block.Height),
TxIndex: uint32(txIndex),
}, nil
// We return an error because we should have found the transaction
// within the block, but didn't.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to locate tx %v in block %v", txid,
// confDetailsManually looks up whether a transaction is already included in a
// block in the active chain by scanning the chain's blocks, starting from the
// earliest height the transaction could have been included in, to the current
// height in the chain. If the transaction is found, its confirmation details
// are returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) confDetailsManually(txid *chainhash.Hash,
heightHint, currentHeight uint32) (*chainntnfs.TxConfirmation, error) {
targetTxidStr := txid.String()
// Begin scanning blocks at every height to determine where the
// transaction was included in.
for height := heightHint; height <= currentHeight; height++ {
blockHash, err := b.chainConn.GetBlockHash(int64(height))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get hash from block "+
"with height %d", height)
block, err := b.chainConn.GetBlockVerbose(blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get block with hash "+
"%v: %v", blockHash, err)
for txIndex, txHash := range block.Tx {
// If we're able to find the transaction in this block,
// return its confirmation details.
if txHash == targetTxidStr {
return &chainntnfs.TxConfirmation{
BlockHash: blockHash,
BlockHeight: height,
TxIndex: uint32(txIndex),
}, nil
// If we reach here, then we were not able to find the transaction
// within a block, so we avoid returning an error.
return nil, nil
// notifyBlockEpochs notifies all registered block epoch clients of the newly
// connected block to the main chain.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) notifyBlockEpochs(newHeight int32, newSha *chainhash.Hash) {
epoch := &chainntnfs.BlockEpoch{
Height: newHeight,
Hash: newSha,
for _, epochClient := range b.blockEpochClients {
select {
case epochClient.epochQueue.ChanIn() <- epoch:
case <-epochClient.cancelChan:
case <-b.quit:
// spendNotification couples a target outpoint along with the channel used for
// notifications once a spend of the outpoint has been detected.
type spendNotification struct {
targetOutpoint *wire.OutPoint
spendChan chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail
spendID uint64
heightHint uint32
mempool bool
// spendCancel is a message sent to the BitcoindNotifier when a client wishes
// to cancel an outstanding spend notification that has yet to be dispatched.
type spendCancel struct {
// op is the target outpoint of the notification to be cancelled.
op wire.OutPoint
// spendID the ID of the notification to cancel.
spendID uint64
// RegisterSpendNtfn registers an intent to be notified once the target
// outpoint has been spent by a transaction on-chain. Once a spend of the target
// outpoint has been detected, the details of the spending event will be sent
// across the 'Spend' channel. The heightHint should represent the earliest
// height in the chain where the transaction could have been spent in.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) RegisterSpendNtfn(outpoint *wire.OutPoint,
heightHint uint32, mempool bool) (*chainntnfs.SpendEvent, error) {
ntfn := &spendNotification{
targetOutpoint: outpoint,
spendChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail, 1),
spendID: atomic.AddUint64(&b.spendClientCounter, 1),
mempool: mempool,
select {
case <-b.quit:
return nil, ErrChainNotifierShuttingDown
case b.notificationRegistry <- ntfn:
if err := b.chainConn.NotifySpent([]*wire.OutPoint{outpoint}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// The following conditional checks to ensure that when a spend
// notification is registered, the output hasn't already been spent. If
// the output is no longer in the UTXO set, the chain will be rescanned
// from the point where the output was added. The rescan will dispatch
// the notification.
txOut, err := b.chainConn.GetTxOut(&outpoint.Hash, outpoint.Index, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if txOut == nil {
// First, we'll attempt to retrieve the transaction's block hash
// using the backend's transaction index.
tx, err := b.chainConn.GetRawTransactionVerbose(&outpoint.Hash)
if err != nil {
// Avoid returning an error if the transaction was not
// found to proceed with fallback methods.
jsonErr, ok := err.(*btcjson.RPCError)
if !ok || jsonErr.Code != btcjson.ErrRPCNoTxInfo {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to query for "+
"txid %v: %v", outpoint.Hash, err)
var blockHash *chainhash.Hash
if tx != nil && tx.BlockHash != "" {
// If we're able to retrieve a valid block hash from the
// transaction, then we'll use it as our rescan starting
// point.
blockHash, err = chainhash.NewHashFromStr(tx.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// Otherwise, we'll attempt to retrieve the hash for the
// block at the heightHint.
blockHash, err = b.chainConn.GetBlockHash(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We'll only scan old blocks if the transaction has actually
// been included within a block. Otherwise, we'll encounter an
// error when scanning for blocks. This can happens in the case
// of a race condition, wherein the output itself is unspent,
// and only arrives in the mempool after the getxout call.
if blockHash != nil {
// Rescan all the blocks until the current one.
startHeight, err := b.chainConn.GetBlockHeight(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, endHeight, err := b.chainConn.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := startHeight; i <= endHeight; i++ {
blockHash, err := b.chainConn.GetBlockHash(int64(i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
block, err := b.chainConn.GetBlock(blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
for _, in := range tx.TxIn {
if in.PreviousOutPoint == *outpoint {
relTx := chain.RelevantTx{
TxRecord: &wtxmgr.TxRecord{
MsgTx: *tx,
Hash: tx.TxHash(),
Received: block.Header.Timestamp,
Block: &wtxmgr.BlockMeta{
Block: wtxmgr.Block{
Hash: block.BlockHash(),
Height: i,
Time: block.Header.Timestamp,
select {
case <-b.quit:
return nil, ErrChainNotifierShuttingDown
case b.notificationRegistry <- relTx:
break out
return &chainntnfs.SpendEvent{
Spend: ntfn.spendChan,
Cancel: func() {
cancel := &spendCancel{
op: *outpoint,
spendID: ntfn.spendID,
// Submit spend cancellation to notification dispatcher.
select {
case b.notificationCancels <- cancel:
// Cancellation is being handled, drain the spend chan until it is
// closed before yielding to the caller.
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-ntfn.spendChan:
if !ok {
case <-b.quit:
case <-b.quit:
}, nil
// confirmationNotification represents a client's intent to receive a
// notification once the target txid reaches numConfirmations confirmations.
type confirmationNotification struct {
heightHint uint32
// RegisterConfirmationsNtfn registers a notification with BitcoindNotifier
// which will be triggered once the txid reaches numConfs number of
// confirmations.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(txid *chainhash.Hash,
numConfs, heightHint uint32) (*chainntnfs.ConfirmationEvent, error) {
ntfn := &confirmationNotification{
ConfNtfn: chainntnfs.ConfNtfn{
TxID: txid,
NumConfirmations: numConfs,
Event: chainntnfs.NewConfirmationEvent(numConfs),
heightHint: heightHint,
select {
case <-b.quit:
return nil, ErrChainNotifierShuttingDown
case b.notificationRegistry <- ntfn:
return ntfn.Event, nil
// blockEpochRegistration represents a client's intent to receive a
// notification with each newly connected block.
type blockEpochRegistration struct {
epochID uint64
epochChan chan *chainntnfs.BlockEpoch
epochQueue *chainntnfs.ConcurrentQueue
cancelChan chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// epochCancel is a message sent to the BitcoindNotifier when a client wishes
// to cancel an outstanding epoch notification that has yet to be dispatched.
type epochCancel struct {
epochID uint64
// RegisterBlockEpochNtfn returns a BlockEpochEvent which subscribes the
// caller to receive notifications, of each new block connected to the main
// chain.
func (b *BitcoindNotifier) RegisterBlockEpochNtfn() (*chainntnfs.BlockEpochEvent, error) {
reg := &blockEpochRegistration{
epochQueue: chainntnfs.NewConcurrentQueue(20),
epochChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.BlockEpoch, 20),
cancelChan: make(chan struct{}),
epochID: atomic.AddUint64(&b.epochClientCounter, 1),
// Before we send the request to the main goroutine, we'll launch a new
// goroutine to proxy items added to our queue to the client itself.
// This ensures that all notifications are received *in order*.
go func() {
defer reg.wg.Done()
for {
select {
case ntfn := <-reg.epochQueue.ChanOut():
blockNtfn := ntfn.(*chainntnfs.BlockEpoch)
select {
case reg.epochChan <- blockNtfn:
case <-reg.cancelChan:
case <-b.quit:
case <-reg.cancelChan:
case <-b.quit:
select {
case <-b.quit:
// As we're exiting before the registration could be sent,
// we'll stop the queue now ourselves.
return nil, errors.New("chainntnfs: system interrupt while " +
"attempting to register for block epoch notification.")
case b.notificationRegistry <- reg:
return &chainntnfs.BlockEpochEvent{
Epochs: reg.epochChan,
Cancel: func() {
cancel := &epochCancel{
epochID: reg.epochID,
// Submit epoch cancellation to notification dispatcher.
select {
case b.notificationCancels <- cancel:
// Cancellation is being handled, drain the epoch channel until it is
// closed before yielding to caller.
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-reg.epochChan:
if !ok {
case <-b.quit:
case <-b.quit:
}, nil