Oliver Gugger ea4bb5dc5c
itest: fix chanbackup restore flake
Updating the fee of the mock estimator _after_ starting carol turned out
to be flaky and could lead to the new fee not being picked up in time
for the force close. That lead to carol not cpfp'ing the force closed
2020-11-04 11:03:34 +01:00

1079 lines
32 KiB

package itest
import (
// testChannelBackupRestore tests that we're able to recover from, and initiate
// the DLP protocol via: the RPC restore command, restoring on unlock, and
// restoring from initial wallet creation. We'll also alternate between
// restoring form the on disk file, and restoring from the exported RPC command
// as well.
func testChannelBackupRestore(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
password := []byte("El Psy Kongroo")
ctxb := context.Background()
var testCases = []chanRestoreTestCase{
// Restore from backups obtained via the RPC interface. Dave
// was the initiator, of the non-advertised channel.
name: "restore from RPC backup",
channelsUpdated: false,
initiator: true,
private: false,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// For this restoration method, we'll grab the
// current multi-channel backup from the old
// node, and use it to restore a new node
// within the closure.
req := &lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest{}
chanBackup, err := oldNode.ExportAllChannelBackups(
ctxb, req,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to obtain "+
"channel backup: %v", err)
multi := chanBackup.MultiChanBackup.MultiChanBackup
// In our nodeRestorer function, we'll restore
// the node from seed, then manually recover
// the channel backup.
return chanRestoreViaRPC(
net, password, mnemonic, multi,
// Restore the backup from the on-disk file, using the RPC
// interface.
name: "restore from backup file",
initiator: true,
private: false,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// Read the entire Multi backup stored within
// this node's channels.backup file.
multi, err := ioutil.ReadFile(backupFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now that we have Dave's backup file, we'll
// create a new nodeRestorer that will restore
// using the on-disk channels.backup.
return chanRestoreViaRPC(
net, password, mnemonic, multi,
// Restore the backup as part of node initialization with the
// prior mnemonic and new backup seed.
name: "restore during creation",
initiator: true,
private: false,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// First, fetch the current backup state as is,
// to obtain our latest Multi.
chanBackup, err := oldNode.ExportAllChannelBackups(
ctxb, &lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest{},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to obtain "+
"channel backup: %v", err)
backupSnapshot := &lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot{
MultiChanBackup: chanBackup.MultiChanBackup,
// Create a new nodeRestorer that will restore
// the node using the Multi backup we just
// obtained above.
return func() (*lntest.HarnessNode, error) {
return net.RestoreNodeWithSeed(
"dave", nil, password,
mnemonic, 1000, backupSnapshot,
}, nil
// Restore the backup once the node has already been
// re-created, using the Unlock call.
name: "restore during unlock",
initiator: true,
private: false,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// First, fetch the current backup state as is,
// to obtain our latest Multi.
chanBackup, err := oldNode.ExportAllChannelBackups(
ctxb, &lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest{},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to obtain "+
"channel backup: %v", err)
backupSnapshot := &lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot{
MultiChanBackup: chanBackup.MultiChanBackup,
// Create a new nodeRestorer that will restore
// the node with its seed, but no channel
// backup, shutdown this initialized node, then
// restart it again using Unlock.
return func() (*lntest.HarnessNode, error) {
newNode, err := net.RestoreNodeWithSeed(
"dave", nil, password,
mnemonic, 1000, nil,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = net.RestartNode(
newNode, nil, backupSnapshot,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newNode, nil
}, nil
// Restore the backup from the on-disk file a second time to
// make sure imports can be canceled and later resumed.
name: "restore from backup file twice",
initiator: true,
private: false,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// Read the entire Multi backup stored within
// this node's channels.backup file.
multi, err := ioutil.ReadFile(backupFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now that we have Dave's backup file, we'll
// create a new nodeRestorer that will restore
// using the on-disk channels.backup.
backup := &lnrpc.RestoreChanBackupRequest_MultiChanBackup{
MultiChanBackup: multi,
ctxb := context.Background()
return func() (*lntest.HarnessNode, error) {
newNode, err := net.RestoreNodeWithSeed(
"dave", nil, password, mnemonic,
1000, nil,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to "+
"restore node: %v", err)
_, err = newNode.RestoreChannelBackups(
Backup: backup,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable "+
"to restore backups: %v",
_, err = newNode.RestoreChannelBackups(
Backup: backup,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable "+
"to restore backups the"+
"second time: %v",
return newNode, nil
}, nil
// Use the channel backup file that contains an unconfirmed
// channel and make sure recovery works as well.
name: "restore unconfirmed channel file",
channelsUpdated: false,
initiator: true,
private: false,
unconfirmed: true,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// Read the entire Multi backup stored within
// this node's channels.backup file.
multi, err := ioutil.ReadFile(backupFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Let's assume time passes, the channel
// confirms in the meantime but for some reason
// the backup we made while it was still
// unconfirmed is the only backup we have. We
// should still be able to restore it. To
// simulate time passing, we mine some blocks
// to get the channel confirmed _after_ we saved
// the backup.
mineBlocks(t, net, 6, 1)
// In our nodeRestorer function, we'll restore
// the node from seed, then manually recover
// the channel backup.
return chanRestoreViaRPC(
net, password, mnemonic, multi,
// Create a backup using RPC that contains an unconfirmed
// channel and make sure recovery works as well.
name: "restore unconfirmed channel RPC",
channelsUpdated: false,
initiator: true,
private: false,
unconfirmed: true,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// For this restoration method, we'll grab the
// current multi-channel backup from the old
// node. The channel should be included, even if
// it is not confirmed yet.
req := &lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest{}
chanBackup, err := oldNode.ExportAllChannelBackups(
ctxb, req,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to obtain "+
"channel backup: %v", err)
chanPoints := chanBackup.MultiChanBackup.ChanPoints
if len(chanPoints) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unconfirmed " +
"channel not included in backup")
// Let's assume time passes, the channel
// confirms in the meantime but for some reason
// the backup we made while it was still
// unconfirmed is the only backup we have. We
// should still be able to restore it. To
// simulate time passing, we mine some blocks
// to get the channel confirmed _after_ we saved
// the backup.
mineBlocks(t, net, 6, 1)
// In our nodeRestorer function, we'll restore
// the node from seed, then manually recover
// the channel backup.
multi := chanBackup.MultiChanBackup.MultiChanBackup
return chanRestoreViaRPC(
net, password, mnemonic, multi,
// Restore the backup from the on-disk file, using the RPC
// interface, for anchor commitment channels.
name: "restore from backup file anchors",
initiator: true,
private: false,
anchorCommit: true,
restoreMethod: func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error) {
// Read the entire Multi backup stored within
// this node's channels.backup file.
multi, err := ioutil.ReadFile(backupFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now that we have Dave's backup file, we'll
// create a new nodeRestorer that will restore
// using the on-disk channels.backup.
return chanRestoreViaRPC(
net, password, mnemonic, multi,
// TODO(roasbeef): online vs offline close?
// TODO(roasbeef): need to re-trigger the on-disk file once the node
// ann is updated?
for _, testCase := range testCases {
testCase := testCase
success := t.t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
h := newHarnessTest(t, net)
// Start each test with the default static fee estimate.
testChanRestoreScenario(h, net, &testCase, password)
if !success {
// testChannelBackupUpdates tests that both the streaming channel update RPC,
// and the on-disk channels.backup are updated each time a channel is
// opened/closed.
func testChannelBackupUpdates(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
ctxb := context.Background()
// First, we'll make a temp directory that we'll use to store our
// backup file, so we can check in on it during the test easily.
backupDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create backup dir: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(backupDir)
// First, we'll create a new node, Carol. We'll also create a temporary
// file that Carol will use to store her channel backups.
backupFilePath := filepath.Join(
backupDir, chanbackup.DefaultBackupFileName,
carolArgs := fmt.Sprintf("--backupfilepath=%v", backupFilePath)
carol, err := net.NewNode("carol", []string{carolArgs})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create new node: %v", err)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, carol)
// Next, we'll register for streaming notifications for changes to the
// backup file.
backupStream, err := carol.SubscribeChannelBackups(
ctxb, &lnrpc.ChannelBackupSubscription{},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create backup stream: %v", err)
// We'll use this goroutine to proxy any updates to a channel we can
// easily use below.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
backupUpdates := make(chan *lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot)
streamErr := make(chan error)
streamQuit := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
snapshot, err := backupStream.Recv()
if err != nil {
select {
case streamErr <- err:
case <-streamQuit:
select {
case backupUpdates <- snapshot:
case <-streamQuit:
defer close(streamQuit)
// With Carol up, we'll now connect her to Alice, and open a channel
// between them.
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
if err := net.ConnectNodes(ctxt, carol, net.Alice); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to connect carol to alice: %v", err)
// Next, we'll open two channels between Alice and Carol back to back.
var chanPoints []*lnrpc.ChannelPoint
numChans := 2
chanAmt := btcutil.Amount(1000000)
for i := 0; i < numChans; i++ {
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, channelOpenTimeout)
chanPoint := openChannelAndAssert(
ctxt, t, net, net.Alice, carol,
Amt: chanAmt,
chanPoints = append(chanPoints, chanPoint)
// Using this helper function, we'll maintain a pointer to the latest
// channel backup so we can compare it to the on disk state.
var currentBackup *lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot
assertBackupNtfns := func(numNtfns int) {
for i := 0; i < numNtfns; i++ {
select {
case err := <-streamErr:
t.Fatalf("error with backup stream: %v", err)
case currentBackup = <-backupUpdates:
case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
t.Fatalf("didn't receive channel backup "+
"notification %v", i+1)
// assertBackupFileState is a helper function that we'll use to compare
// the on disk back up file to our currentBackup pointer above.
assertBackupFileState := func() {
err := wait.NoError(func() error {
packedBackup, err := ioutil.ReadFile(backupFilePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to read backup "+
"file: %v", err)
// As each back up file will be encrypted with a fresh
// nonce, we can't compare them directly, so instead
// we'll compare the length which is a proxy for the
// number of channels that the multi-backup contains.
rawBackup := currentBackup.MultiChanBackup.MultiChanBackup
if len(rawBackup) != len(packedBackup) {
return fmt.Errorf("backup files don't match: "+
"expected %x got %x", rawBackup, packedBackup)
// Additionally, we'll assert that both backups up
// returned are valid.
for i, backup := range [][]byte{rawBackup, packedBackup} {
snapshot := &lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot{
MultiChanBackup: &lnrpc.MultiChanBackup{
MultiChanBackup: backup,
_, err := carol.VerifyChanBackup(ctxb, snapshot)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to verify "+
"backup #%d: %v", i, err)
return nil
}, time.Second*15)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("backup state invalid: %v", err)
// As these two channels were just opened, we should've got two times
// the pending and open notifications for channel backups.
assertBackupNtfns(2 * 2)
// The on disk file should also exactly match the latest backup that we
// have.
// Next, we'll close the channels one by one. After each channel
// closure, we should get a notification, and the on-disk state should
// match this state as well.
for i := 0; i < numChans; i++ {
// To ensure force closes also trigger an update, we'll force
// close half of the channels.
forceClose := i%2 == 0
chanPoint := chanPoints[i]
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, channelCloseTimeout)
ctxt, t, net, net.Alice, chanPoint, forceClose,
// We should get a single notification after closing, and the
// on-disk state should match this latest notifications.
// If we force closed the channel, then we'll mine enough
// blocks to ensure all outputs have been swept.
if forceClose {
cleanupForceClose(t, net, net.Alice, chanPoint)
// testExportChannelBackup tests that we're able to properly export either a
// targeted channel's backup, or export backups of all the currents open
// channels.
func testExportChannelBackup(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
ctxb := context.Background()
// First, we'll create our primary test node: Carol. We'll use Carol to
// open channels and also export backups that we'll examine throughout
// the test.
carol, err := net.NewNode("carol", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create new node: %v", err)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, carol)
// With Carol up, we'll now connect her to Alice, and open a channel
// between them.
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
if err := net.ConnectNodes(ctxt, carol, net.Alice); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to connect carol to alice: %v", err)
// Next, we'll open two channels between Alice and Carol back to back.
var chanPoints []*lnrpc.ChannelPoint
numChans := 2
chanAmt := btcutil.Amount(1000000)
for i := 0; i < numChans; i++ {
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, channelOpenTimeout)
chanPoint := openChannelAndAssert(
ctxt, t, net, net.Alice, carol,
Amt: chanAmt,
chanPoints = append(chanPoints, chanPoint)
// Now that the channels are open, we should be able to fetch the
// backups of each of the channels.
for _, chanPoint := range chanPoints {
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
req := &lnrpc.ExportChannelBackupRequest{
ChanPoint: chanPoint,
chanBackup, err := carol.ExportChannelBackup(ctxt, req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to fetch backup for channel %v: %v",
chanPoint, err)
// The returned backup should be full populated. Since it's
// encrypted, we can't assert any more than that atm.
if len(chanBackup.ChanBackup) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("obtained empty backup for channel: %v", chanPoint)
// The specified chanPoint in the response should match our
// requested chanPoint.
if chanBackup.ChanPoint.String() != chanPoint.String() {
t.Fatalf("chanPoint mismatched: expected %v, got %v",
// Before we proceed, we'll make two utility methods we'll use below
// for our primary assertions.
assertNumSingleBackups := func(numSingles int) {
err := wait.NoError(func() error {
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
req := &lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest{}
chanSnapshot, err := carol.ExportAllChannelBackups(
ctxt, req,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to export channel "+
"backup: %v", err)
if chanSnapshot.SingleChanBackups == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("single chan backups not " +
backups := chanSnapshot.SingleChanBackups.ChanBackups
if len(backups) != numSingles {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %v singles, "+
"got %v", len(backups), numSingles)
return nil
}, defaultTimeout)
if err != nil {
assertMultiBackupFound := func() func(bool, map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}) {
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
req := &lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest{}
chanSnapshot, err := carol.ExportAllChannelBackups(ctxt, req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to export channel backup: %v", err)
return func(found bool, chanPoints map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}) {
switch {
case found && chanSnapshot.MultiChanBackup == nil:
t.Fatalf("multi-backup not present")
case !found && chanSnapshot.MultiChanBackup != nil &&
(len(chanSnapshot.MultiChanBackup.MultiChanBackup) !=
t.Fatalf("found multi-backup when non should " +
"be found")
if !found {
backedUpChans := chanSnapshot.MultiChanBackup.ChanPoints
if len(chanPoints) != len(backedUpChans) {
t.Fatalf("expected %v chans got %v", len(chanPoints),
for _, chanPoint := range backedUpChans {
wirePoint := rpcPointToWirePoint(t, chanPoint)
if _, ok := chanPoints[wirePoint]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("unexpected backup: %v", wirePoint)
chans := make(map[wire.OutPoint]struct{})
for _, chanPoint := range chanPoints {
chans[rpcPointToWirePoint(t, chanPoint)] = struct{}{}
// We should have exactly two single channel backups contained, and we
// should also have a multi-channel backup.
assertMultiBackupFound()(true, chans)
// We'll now close each channel on by one. After we close a channel, we
// shouldn't be able to find that channel as a backup still. We should
// also have one less single written to disk.
for i, chanPoint := range chanPoints {
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, channelCloseTimeout)
ctxt, t, net, net.Alice, chanPoint, false,
assertNumSingleBackups(len(chanPoints) - i - 1)
delete(chans, rpcPointToWirePoint(t, chanPoint))
assertMultiBackupFound()(true, chans)
// At this point we shouldn't have any single or multi-chan backups at
// all.
assertMultiBackupFound()(false, nil)
// nodeRestorer is a function closure that allows each chanRestoreTestCase to
// control exactly *how* the prior node is restored. This might be using an
// backup obtained over RPC, or the file system, etc.
type nodeRestorer func() (*lntest.HarnessNode, error)
// chanRestoreTestCase describes a test case for an end to end SCB restoration
// work flow. One node will start from scratch using an existing SCB. At the
// end of the est, both nodes should be made whole via the DLP protocol.
type chanRestoreTestCase struct {
// name is the name of the target test case.
name string
// channelsUpdated is false then this means that no updates
// have taken place within the channel before restore.
// Otherwise, HTLCs will be settled between the two parties
// before restoration modifying the balance beyond the initial
// allocation.
channelsUpdated bool
// initiator signals if Dave should be the one that opens the
// channel to Alice, or if it should be the other way around.
initiator bool
// private signals if the channel from Dave to Carol should be
// private or not.
private bool
// unconfirmed signals if the channel from Dave to Carol should be
// confirmed or not.
unconfirmed bool
// anchorCommit is true, then the new anchor commitment type will be
// used for the channels created in the test.
anchorCommit bool
// restoreMethod takes an old node, then returns a function
// closure that'll return the same node, but with its state
// restored via a custom method. We use this to abstract away
// _how_ a node is restored from our assertions once the node
// has been fully restored itself.
restoreMethod func(oldNode *lntest.HarnessNode,
backupFilePath string,
mnemonic []string) (nodeRestorer, error)
// testChanRestoreScenario executes a chanRestoreTestCase from end to end,
// ensuring that after Dave restores his channel state according to the
// testCase, the DLP protocol is executed properly and both nodes are made
// whole.
func testChanRestoreScenario(t *harnessTest, net *lntest.NetworkHarness,
testCase *chanRestoreTestCase, password []byte) {
const (
chanAmt = btcutil.Amount(10000000)
pushAmt = btcutil.Amount(5000000)
ctxb := context.Background()
var nodeArgs []string
if testCase.anchorCommit {
nodeArgs = commitTypeAnchors.Args()
// First, we'll create a brand new node we'll use within the test. If
// we have a custom backup file specified, then we'll also create that
// for use.
dave, mnemonic, err := net.NewNodeWithSeed(
"dave", nodeArgs, password,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create new node: %v", err)
// Defer to a closure instead of to shutdownAndAssert due to the value
// of 'dave' changing throughout the test.
defer func() {
shutdownAndAssert(net, t, dave)
carol, err := net.NewNode("carol", nodeArgs)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to make new node: %v", err)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, carol)
// Now that our new nodes are created, we'll give them some coins for
// channel opening and anchor sweeping.
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
err = net.SendCoins(ctxt, btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin, carol)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to send coins to dave: %v", err)
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
err = net.SendCoins(ctxt, btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin, dave)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to send coins to dave: %v", err)
var from, to *lntest.HarnessNode
if testCase.initiator {
from, to = dave, carol
} else {
from, to = carol, dave
// Next, we'll connect Dave to Carol, and open a new channel to her
// with a portion pushed.
if err := net.ConnectNodes(ctxt, dave, carol); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to connect dave to carol: %v", err)
// We will either open a confirmed or unconfirmed channel, depending on
// the requirements of the test case.
switch {
case testCase.unconfirmed:
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, channelOpenTimeout)
_, err := net.OpenPendingChannel(
ctxt, from, to, chanAmt, pushAmt,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't open pending channel: %v", err)
// Give the pubsub some time to update the channel backup.
err = wait.NoError(func() error {
fi, err := os.Stat(dave.ChanBackupPath())
if err != nil {
return err
if fi.Size() <= chanbackup.NilMultiSizePacked {
return fmt.Errorf("backup file empty")
return nil
}, defaultTimeout)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("channel backup not updated in time: %v", err)
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, channelOpenTimeout)
chanPoint := openChannelAndAssert(
ctxt, t, net, from, to,
Amt: chanAmt,
PushAmt: pushAmt,
Private: testCase.private,
// Wait for both sides to see the opened channel.
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
err = dave.WaitForNetworkChannelOpen(ctxt, chanPoint)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("dave didn't report channel: %v", err)
err = carol.WaitForNetworkChannelOpen(ctxt, chanPoint)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("carol didn't report channel: %v", err)
// If both parties should start with existing channel updates, then
// we'll send+settle an HTLC between 'from' and 'to' now.
if testCase.channelsUpdated {
invoice := &lnrpc.Invoice{
Memo: "testing",
Value: 10000,
invoiceResp, err := to.AddInvoice(ctxt, invoice)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to add invoice: %v", err)
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
err = completePaymentRequests(
ctxt, from, from.RouterClient,
[]string{invoiceResp.PaymentRequest}, true,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to complete payments: %v", err)
// Before we start the recovery, we'll record the balances of both
// Carol and Dave to ensure they both sweep their coins at the end.
balReq := &lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest{}
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
carolBalResp, err := carol.WalletBalance(ctxt, balReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to get carol's balance: %v", err)
carolStartingBalance := carolBalResp.ConfirmedBalance
daveBalance, err := dave.WalletBalance(ctxt, balReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to get carol's balance: %v", err)
daveStartingBalance := daveBalance.ConfirmedBalance
// At this point, we'll now execute the restore method to give us the
// new node we should attempt our assertions against.
backupFilePath := dave.ChanBackupPath()
restoredNodeFunc, err := testCase.restoreMethod(
dave, backupFilePath, mnemonic,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to prep node restoration: %v", err)
// Now that we're able to make our restored now, we'll shutdown the old
// Dave node as we'll be storing it shortly below.
shutdownAndAssert(net, t, dave)
// To make sure the channel state is advanced correctly if the channel
// peer is not online at first, we also shutdown Carol.
restartCarol, err := net.SuspendNode(carol)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Next, we'll make a new Dave and start the bulk of our recovery
// workflow.
dave, err = restoredNodeFunc()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to restore node: %v", err)
// First ensure that the on-chain balance is restored.
err = wait.NoError(func() error {
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
balReq := &lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest{}
daveBalResp, err := dave.WalletBalance(ctxt, balReq)
if err != nil {
return err
daveBal := daveBalResp.ConfirmedBalance
if daveBal <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected positive balance, had %v",
return nil
}, defaultTimeout)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("On-chain balance not restored: %v", err)
// We now check that the restored channel is in the proper state. It
// should not yet be force closing as no connection with the remote
// peer was established yet. We should also not be able to close the
// channel.
assertNumPendingChannels(t, dave, 1, 0)
ctxt, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
defer cancel()
pendingChanResp, err := dave.PendingChannels(
ctxt, &lnrpc.PendingChannelsRequest{},
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// We also want to make sure we cannot force close in this state. That
// would get the state machine in a weird state.
chanPointParts := strings.Split(
chanPointIndex, _ := strconv.ParseUint(chanPointParts[1], 10, 32)
resp, err := dave.CloseChannel(ctxt, &lnrpc.CloseChannelRequest{
ChannelPoint: &lnrpc.ChannelPoint{
FundingTxid: &lnrpc.ChannelPoint_FundingTxidStr{
FundingTxidStr: chanPointParts[0],
OutputIndex: uint32(chanPointIndex),
Force: true,
// We don't get an error directly but only when reading the first
// message of the stream.
require.NoError(t.t, err)
_, err = resp.Recv()
require.Error(t.t, err)
require.Contains(t.t, err.Error(), "cannot close channel with state: ")
require.Contains(t.t, err.Error(), "ChanStatusRestored")
// Increase the fee estimate so that the following force close tx will
// be cpfp'ed in case of anchor commitments.
// Now that we have ensured that the channels restored by the backup are
// in the correct state even without the remote peer telling us so,
// let's start up Carol again.
err = restartCarol()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Now that we have our new node up, we expect that it'll re-connect to
// Carol automatically based on the restored backup.
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
err = net.EnsureConnected(ctxt, dave, carol)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("node didn't connect after recovery: %v", err)
// TODO(roasbeef): move dave restarts?
// Now we'll assert that both sides properly execute the DLP protocol.
// We grab their balances now to ensure that they're made whole at the
// end of the protocol.
net, t, carol, carolStartingBalance, dave, daveStartingBalance,
// chanRestoreViaRPC is a helper test method that returns a nodeRestorer
// instance which will restore the target node from a password+seed, then
// trigger a SCB restore using the RPC interface.
func chanRestoreViaRPC(net *lntest.NetworkHarness,
password []byte, mnemonic []string,
multi []byte) (nodeRestorer, error) {
backup := &lnrpc.RestoreChanBackupRequest_MultiChanBackup{
MultiChanBackup: multi,
ctxb := context.Background()
return func() (*lntest.HarnessNode, error) {
newNode, err := net.RestoreNodeWithSeed(
"dave", nil, password, mnemonic, 1000, nil,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to "+
"restore node: %v", err)
_, err = newNode.RestoreChannelBackups(
ctxb, &lnrpc.RestoreChanBackupRequest{
Backup: backup,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable "+
"to restore backups: %v", err)
return newNode, nil
}, nil