carla 38fd7d206f
multi: add custom error messages to channel acceptor
This commit adds an optional error message to the channel acceptor's
reponse to allow operators to inform (or insult) unsuccessful channel
initiators as to the reason for their rejection.

This field is added in addition to the existing accept field to maintain
backwards compatibity. If we were to deprecate accept and interpret a
non-nil error as rejecting the channel, then received a response with
accept=false and a nil error, the server cannot tell whether this is a
legacy rejection or new mesage type acceptance (due to nil error),
so we keep both fields.
2020-11-10 11:38:47 +02:00

326 lines
9.7 KiB

package chanacceptor
import (
var (
errShuttingDown = errors.New("server shutting down")
// errCustomLength is returned when our custom error's length exceeds
// our maximum.
errCustomLength = fmt.Errorf("custom error message exceeds length "+
"limit: %v", maxErrorLength)
// errAcceptWithError is returned when we get a response which accepts
// a channel but ambiguously also sets a custom error message.
errAcceptWithError = errors.New("channel acceptor response accepts " +
"channel, but also includes custom error")
// maxErrorLength is the maximum error length we allow the error we
// send to our peer to be.
maxErrorLength = 500
// chanAcceptInfo contains a request for a channel acceptor decision, and a
// channel that the response should be sent on.
type chanAcceptInfo struct {
request *ChannelAcceptRequest
response chan *ChannelAcceptResponse
// RPCAcceptor represents the RPC-controlled variant of the ChannelAcceptor.
// One RPCAcceptor allows one RPC client.
type RPCAcceptor struct {
// receive is a function from which we receive channel acceptance
// decisions. Note that this function is expected to block.
receive func() (*lnrpc.ChannelAcceptResponse, error)
// send is a function which sends requests for channel acceptance
// decisions into our rpc stream.
send func(request *lnrpc.ChannelAcceptRequest) error
// requests is a channel that we send requests for a acceptor response
// into.
requests chan *chanAcceptInfo
// timeout is the amount of time we allow the channel acceptance
// decision to take. This time includes the time to send a query to the
// acceptor, and the time it takes to receive a response.
timeout time.Duration
// done is closed when the rpc client terminates.
done chan struct{}
// quit is closed when lnd is shutting down.
quit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// Accept is a predicate on the ChannelAcceptRequest which is sent to the RPC
// client who will respond with the ultimate decision. This function passes the
// request into the acceptor's requests channel, and returns the response it
// receives, failing the request if the timeout elapses.
// NOTE: Part of the ChannelAcceptor interface.
func (r *RPCAcceptor) Accept(req *ChannelAcceptRequest) *ChannelAcceptResponse {
respChan := make(chan *ChannelAcceptResponse, 1)
newRequest := &chanAcceptInfo{
request: req,
response: respChan,
// timeout is the time after which ChannelAcceptRequests expire.
timeout := time.After(r.timeout)
// Create a rejection response which we can use for the cases where we
// reject the channel.
rejectChannel := NewChannelAcceptResponse(
false, errChannelRejected,
// Send the request to the newRequests channel.
select {
case r.requests <- newRequest:
case <-timeout:
log.Errorf("RPCAcceptor returned false - reached timeout of %v",
return rejectChannel
case <-r.done:
return rejectChannel
case <-r.quit:
return rejectChannel
// Receive the response and return it. If no response has been received
// in AcceptorTimeout, then return false.
select {
case resp := <-respChan:
return resp
case <-timeout:
log.Errorf("RPCAcceptor returned false - reached timeout of %v",
return rejectChannel
case <-r.done:
return rejectChannel
case <-r.quit:
return rejectChannel
// NewRPCAcceptor creates and returns an instance of the RPCAcceptor.
func NewRPCAcceptor(receive func() (*lnrpc.ChannelAcceptResponse, error),
send func(*lnrpc.ChannelAcceptRequest) error,
timeout time.Duration, quit chan struct{}) *RPCAcceptor {
return &RPCAcceptor{
receive: receive,
send: send,
requests: make(chan *chanAcceptInfo),
timeout: timeout,
done: make(chan struct{}),
quit: quit,
// Run is the main loop for the RPC Acceptor. This function will block until
// it receives the signal that lnd is shutting down, or the rpc stream is
// cancelled by the client.
func (r *RPCAcceptor) Run() error {
// Wait for our goroutines to exit before we return.
defer r.wg.Wait()
// Create a channel that responses from acceptors are sent into.
responses := make(chan lnrpc.ChannelAcceptResponse)
// errChan is used by the receive loop to signal any errors that occur
// during reading from the stream. This is primarily used to shutdown
// the send loop in the case of an RPC client disconnecting.
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
// Start a goroutine to receive responses from the channel acceptor.
// We expect the receive function to block, so it must be run in a
// goroutine (otherwise we could not send more than one channel accept
// request to the client).
go func() {
r.receiveResponses(errChan, responses)
return r.sendAcceptRequests(errChan, responses)
// receiveResponses receives responses for our channel accept requests and
// dispatches them into the responses channel provided, sending any errors that
// occur into the error channel provided.
func (r *RPCAcceptor) receiveResponses(errChan chan error,
responses chan lnrpc.ChannelAcceptResponse) {
for {
resp, err := r.receive()
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
var pendingID [32]byte
copy(pendingID[:], resp.PendingChanId)
openChanResp := lnrpc.ChannelAcceptResponse{
Accept: resp.Accept,
PendingChanId: pendingID[:],
Error: resp.Error,
// We have received a decision for one of our channel
// acceptor requests.
select {
case responses <- openChanResp:
case <-r.done:
case <-r.quit:
// sendAcceptRequests handles channel acceptor requests sent to us by our
// Accept() function, dispatching them to our acceptor stream and coordinating
// return of responses to their callers.
func (r *RPCAcceptor) sendAcceptRequests(errChan chan error,
responses chan lnrpc.ChannelAcceptResponse) error {
// Close the done channel to indicate that the acceptor is no longer
// listening and any in-progress requests should be terminated.
defer close(r.done)
acceptRequests := make(map[[32]byte]chan *ChannelAcceptResponse)
for {
select {
// Consume requests passed to us from our Accept() function and
// send them into our stream.
case newRequest := <-r.requests:
req := newRequest.request
pendingChanID := req.OpenChanMsg.PendingChannelID
acceptRequests[pendingChanID] = newRequest.response
// A ChannelAcceptRequest has been received, send it to the client.
chanAcceptReq := &lnrpc.ChannelAcceptRequest{
NodePubkey: req.Node.SerializeCompressed(),
ChainHash: req.OpenChanMsg.ChainHash[:],
PendingChanId: req.OpenChanMsg.PendingChannelID[:],
FundingAmt: uint64(req.OpenChanMsg.FundingAmount),
PushAmt: uint64(req.OpenChanMsg.PushAmount),
DustLimit: uint64(req.OpenChanMsg.DustLimit),
MaxValueInFlight: uint64(req.OpenChanMsg.MaxValueInFlight),
ChannelReserve: uint64(req.OpenChanMsg.ChannelReserve),
MinHtlc: uint64(req.OpenChanMsg.HtlcMinimum),
FeePerKw: uint64(req.OpenChanMsg.FeePerKiloWeight),
CsvDelay: uint32(req.OpenChanMsg.CsvDelay),
MaxAcceptedHtlcs: uint32(req.OpenChanMsg.MaxAcceptedHTLCs),
ChannelFlags: uint32(req.OpenChanMsg.ChannelFlags),
if err := r.send(chanAcceptReq); err != nil {
return err
// Process newly received responses from our channel acceptor,
// looking the original request up in our map of requests and
// dispatching the response.
case resp := <-responses:
// Look up the appropriate channel to send on given the
// pending ID. If a channel is found, send the response
// over it.
var pendingID [32]byte
copy(pendingID[:], resp.PendingChanId)
respChan, ok := acceptRequests[pendingID]
if !ok {
// Validate the response we have received. If it is not
// valid, we log our error and proceed to deliver the
// rejection.
accept, acceptErr, err := validateAcceptorResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Invalid acceptor response: %v", err)
// Send the response boolean over the buffered response
// channel.
respChan <- NewChannelAcceptResponse(accept, acceptErr)
// Delete the channel from the acceptRequests map.
delete(acceptRequests, pendingID)
// If we failed to receive from our acceptor, we exit.
case err := <-errChan:
log.Errorf("Received an error: %v, shutting down", err)
return err
// Exit if we are shutting down.
case <-r.quit:
return errShuttingDown
// validateAcceptorResponse validates the response we get from the channel
// acceptor, returning a boolean indicating whether to accept the channel, an
// error to send to the peer, and any validation errors that occurred.
func validateAcceptorResponse(req lnrpc.ChannelAcceptResponse) (bool, error,
error) {
// Check that the custom error provided is valid.
if len(req.Error) > maxErrorLength {
return false, errChannelRejected, errCustomLength
var haveCustomError = len(req.Error) != 0
switch {
// If accept is true, but we also have an error specified, we fail
// because this result is ambiguous.
case req.Accept && haveCustomError:
return false, errChannelRejected, errAcceptWithError
// If we accept without an error message, we can just return a nil
// error.
case req.Accept:
return true, nil, nil
// If we reject the channel, and have a custom error, then we use it.
case haveCustomError:
return false, fmt.Errorf(req.Error), nil
// Otherwise, we have rejected the channel with no custom error, so we
// just use a generic error to fail the channel.
return false, errChannelRejected, nil
// A compile-time constraint to ensure RPCAcceptor implements the ChannelAcceptor
// interface.
var _ ChannelAcceptor = (*RPCAcceptor)(nil)