This commit abandons our old bitcoin inspired message header and replaces it with the bare type-only message headers that’s currently used within the draft specification. As a result the message header now consists of only 2-bytes for the message type, then actual payload itself. With this change, the daemon will now need to switch to a purely message based wire protocol in order to be able to handle the extra data that can be extended to arbitrary messages.
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package lnwire
// code derived from https://github .com/btcsuite/btcd/blob/master/wire/message.go
import (
// MaxMessagePayload is the maximum bytes a message can be regardless of other
// individual limits imposed by messages themselves.
const MaxMessagePayload = 65535 // 65KB
// MessageType is the unique 2 byte big-endian integer that indicates the type
// of message on the wire. All messages have a very simple header which
// consists simply of 2-byte message type. We omit a length field, and checksum
// as the Lighting Protocol is intended to be encapsulated within a
// confidential+authenticated cryptographic messaging protocol.
type MessageType uint16
const (
MsgInit MessageType = 16
MsgError = 17
MsgPing = 18
MsgPong = 19
MsgSingleFundingRequest = 32
MsgSingleFundingResponse = 33
MsgSingleFundingComplete = 34
MsgSingleFundingSignComplete = 35
MsgFundingLocked = 36
MsgCloseRequest = 39
MsgCloseComplete = 40
MsgUpdateAddHTLC = 128
MsgUpdateFufillHTLC = 130
MsgUpdateFailHTLC = 131
MsgCommitSig = 132
MsgRevokeAndAck = 133
MsgChannelAnnouncement = 256
MsgNodeAnnouncement = 257
MsgChannelUpdate = 258
MsgAnnounceSignatures = 259
// UnknownMessage is an implementation of the error interface that allows the
// creation of an error in response to an unknown message.
type UnknownMessage struct {
messageType MessageType
// Error returns a human readable string describing the error.
// This is part of the error interface.
func (u *UnknownMessage) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse message of unknown type: %v",
// Message is an interface that defines a lightning wire protocol message. The
// interface is general in order to allow implementing types full control over
// the representation of its data.
type Message interface {
Decode(io.Reader, uint32) error
Encode(io.Writer, uint32) error
MsgType() MessageType
MaxPayloadLength(uint32) uint32
// makeEmptyMessage creates a new empty message of the proper concrete type
// based on the passed message type.
func makeEmptyMessage(msgType MessageType) (Message, error) {
var msg Message
switch msgType {
case MsgInit:
msg = &Init{}
case MsgSingleFundingRequest:
msg = &SingleFundingRequest{}
case MsgSingleFundingResponse:
msg = &SingleFundingResponse{}
case MsgSingleFundingComplete:
msg = &SingleFundingComplete{}
case MsgSingleFundingSignComplete:
msg = &SingleFundingSignComplete{}
case MsgFundingLocked:
msg = &FundingLocked{}
case MsgCloseRequest:
msg = &CloseRequest{}
case MsgCloseComplete:
msg = &CloseComplete{}
case MsgUpdateAddHTLC:
msg = &UpdateAddHTLC{}
case MsgUpdateFailHTLC:
msg = &UpdateFailHTLC{}
case MsgUpdateFufillHTLC:
msg = &UpdateFufillHTLC{}
case MsgCommitSig:
msg = &CommitSig{}
case MsgRevokeAndAck:
msg = &RevokeAndAck{}
case MsgError:
msg = &Error{}
case MsgChannelAnnouncement:
msg = &ChannelAnnouncement{}
case MsgChannelUpdate:
msg = &ChannelUpdate{}
case MsgNodeAnnouncement:
msg = &NodeAnnouncement{}
case MsgPing:
msg = &Ping{}
case MsgAnnounceSignatures:
msg = &AnnounceSignatures{}
case MsgPong:
msg = &Pong{}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown message type [%d]", msgType)
return msg, nil
// WriteMessage writes a lightning Message to w including the necessary header
// information and returns the number of bytes written.
func WriteMessage(w io.Writer, msg Message, pver uint32) (int, error) {
totalBytes := 0
// Encode the message payload itself into a temporary buffer.
// TODO(roasbeef): create buffer pool
var bw bytes.Buffer
if err := msg.Encode(&bw, pver); err != nil {
return totalBytes, err
payload := bw.Bytes()
lenp := len(payload)
// Enforce maximum overall message payload.
if lenp > MaxMessagePayload {
return totalBytes, fmt.Errorf("message payload is too large - "+
"encoded %d bytes, but maximum message payload is %d bytes",
lenp, MaxMessagePayload)
// Enforce maximum message payload on the message type.
mpl := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
if uint32(lenp) > mpl {
return totalBytes, fmt.Errorf("message payload is too large - "+
"encoded %d bytes, but maximum message payload of "+
"type %x is %d bytes", lenp, msg.MsgType(), mpl)
// With the initial sanity checks complete, we'll now write out the
// message type itself.
var mType [2]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(mType[:], uint16(msg.MsgType()))
n, err := w.Write(mType[:])
totalBytes += n
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, err
// With the message type written, we'll now write out the raw payload
// itself.
n, err = w.Write(payload)
totalBytes += n
return totalBytes, err
// ReadMessage reads, validates, and parses the next bitcoin Message from r for
// the provided protocol version. It returns the number of bytes read in
// addition to the parsed Message and raw bytes which comprise the message.
func ReadMessage(r io.Reader, pver uint32) (int, Message, error) {
// TODO(roasbeef): need to explicitly enforce max message payload, or
// just allow it to be done by the MaxPayloadLength?
totalBytes := 0
// First, we'll read out the first two bytes of the message so we can
// create the proper empty message.
var mType [2]byte
n, err := io.ReadFull(r, mType[:])
totalBytes += n
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, nil, err
msgType := MessageType(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(mType[:]))
// Now that we know the target message type, we can create the proper
// empty message type and decode the message into it.
msg, err := makeEmptyMessage(msgType)
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, nil, err
if err := msg.Decode(r, pver); err != nil {
return totalBytes, nil, err
totalBytes += int(msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver))
return totalBytes, msg, nil