
2006 lines
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package htlcswitch
import (
var (
// ErrChannelLinkNotFound is used when channel link hasn't been found.
ErrChannelLinkNotFound = errors.New("channel link not found")
// ErrDuplicateAdd signals that the ADD htlc was already forwarded
// through the switch and is locked into another commitment txn.
ErrDuplicateAdd = errors.New("duplicate add HTLC detected")
// ErrIncompleteForward is used when an htlc was already forwarded
// through the switch, but did not get locked into another commitment
// txn.
ErrIncompleteForward = errors.Errorf("incomplete forward detected")
// zeroPreimage is the empty preimage which is returned when we have
// some errors.
zeroPreimage [sha256.Size]byte
// pendingPayment represents the payment which made by user and waits for
// updates to be received whether the payment has been rejected or proceed
// successfully.
type pendingPayment struct {
paymentHash lnwallet.PaymentHash
amount lnwire.MilliSatoshi
preimage chan [sha256.Size]byte
response chan *htlcPacket
err chan error
// deobfuscator is an serializable entity which is used if we received
// an error, it deobfuscates the onion failure blob, and extracts the
// exact error from it.
deobfuscator ErrorDecrypter
// plexPacket encapsulates switch packet and adds error channel to receive
// error from request handler.
type plexPacket struct {
pkt *htlcPacket
err chan error
// ChannelCloseType is a enum which signals the type of channel closure the
// peer should execute.
type ChannelCloseType uint8
const (
// CloseRegular indicates a regular cooperative channel closure
// should be attempted.
CloseRegular ChannelCloseType = iota
// CloseBreach indicates that a channel breach has been detected, and
// the link should immediately be marked as unavailable.
// ChanClose represents a request which close a particular channel specified by
// its id.
type ChanClose struct {
// CloseType is a variable which signals the type of channel closure the
// peer should execute.
CloseType ChannelCloseType
// ChanPoint represent the id of the channel which should be closed.
ChanPoint *wire.OutPoint
// TargetFeePerKw is the ideal fee that was specified by the caller.
// This value is only utilized if the closure type is CloseRegular.
// This will be the starting offered fee when the fee negotiation
// process for the cooperative closure transaction kicks off.
TargetFeePerKw lnwallet.SatPerKWeight
// Updates is used by request creator to receive the notifications about
// execution of the close channel request.
Updates chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate
// Err is used by request creator to receive request execution error.
Err chan error
// Config defines the configuration for the service. ALL elements within the
// configuration MUST be non-nil for the service to carry out its duties.
type Config struct {
// SelfKey is the key of the backing Lightning node. This key is used
// to properly craft failure messages, such that the Layer 3 router can
// properly route around link./vertex failures.
SelfKey *btcec.PublicKey
// FwdingLog is an interface that will be used by the switch to log
// forwarding events. A forwarding event happens each time a payment
// circuit is successfully completed. So when we forward an HTLC, and a
// settle is eventually received.
FwdingLog ForwardingLog
// LocalChannelClose kicks-off the workflow to execute a cooperative or
// forced unilateral closure of the channel initiated by a local
// subsystem.
LocalChannelClose func(pubKey []byte, request *ChanClose)
// DB is the channeldb instance that will be used to back the switch's
// persistent circuit map.
DB *channeldb.DB
// SwitchPackager provides access to the forwarding packages of all
// active channels. This gives the switch the ability to read arbitrary
// forwarding packages, and ack settles and fails contained within them.
SwitchPackager channeldb.FwdOperator
// Switch is the central messaging bus for all incoming/outgoing HTLCs.
// Connected peers with active channels are treated as named interfaces which
// refer to active channels as links. A link is the switch's message
// communication point with the goroutine that manages an active channel. New
// links are registered each time a channel is created, and unregistered once
// the channel is closed. The switch manages the hand-off process for multi-hop
// HTLCs, forwarding HTLCs initiated from within the daemon, and finally
// notifies users local-systems concerning their outstanding payment requests.
type Switch struct {
started int32
shutdown int32
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan struct{}
// cfg is a copy of the configuration struct that the htlc switch
// service was initialized with.
cfg *Config
// pendingPayments stores payments initiated by the user that are not yet
// settled. The map is used to later look up the payments and notify the
// user of the result when they are complete. Each payment is given a unique
// integer ID when it is created.
pendingPayments map[uint64]*pendingPayment
pendingMutex sync.RWMutex
paymentSequencer Sequencer
// circuits is storage for payment circuits which are used to
// forward the settle/fail htlc updates back to the add htlc initiator.
circuits CircuitMap
// links is a map of channel id and channel link which manages
// this channel.
linkIndex map[lnwire.ChannelID]ChannelLink
// mailMtx is a read/write mutex that protects the mailboxes map.
mailMtx sync.RWMutex
// mailboxes is a map of channel id to mailboxes, which allows the
// switch to buffer messages for peers that have not come back online.
mailboxes map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]MailBox
// forwardingIndex is an index which is consulted by the switch when it
// needs to locate the next hop to forward an incoming/outgoing HTLC
// update to/from.
// TODO(roasbeef): eventually add a NetworkHop mapping before the
// ChannelLink
forwardingIndex map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]ChannelLink
// interfaceIndex maps the compressed public key of a peer to all the
// channels that the switch maintains iwht that peer.
interfaceIndex map[[33]byte]map[ChannelLink]struct{}
// htlcPlex is the channel which all connected links use to coordinate
// the setup/teardown of Sphinx (onion routing) payment circuits.
// Active links forward any add/settle messages over this channel each
// state transition, sending new adds/settles which are fully locked
// in.
htlcPlex chan *plexPacket
// chanCloseRequests is used to transfer the channel close request to
// the channel close handler.
chanCloseRequests chan *ChanClose
// resolutionMsgs is the channel that all external contract resolution
// messages will be sent over.
resolutionMsgs chan *resolutionMsg
// linkControl is a channel used to propagate add/remove/get htlc
// switch handler commands.
linkControl chan interface{}
// pendingFwdingEvents is the set of forwarding events which have been
// collected during the current interval, but hasn't yet been written
// to the forwarding log.
fwdEventMtx sync.Mutex
pendingFwdingEvents []channeldb.ForwardingEvent
// New creates the new instance of htlc switch.
func New(cfg Config) (*Switch, error) {
circuitMap, err := NewCircuitMap(cfg.DB)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sequencer, err := NewPersistentSequencer(cfg.DB)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Switch{
cfg: &cfg,
circuits: circuitMap,
paymentSequencer: sequencer,
linkIndex: make(map[lnwire.ChannelID]ChannelLink),
mailboxes: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]MailBox),
forwardingIndex: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]ChannelLink),
interfaceIndex: make(map[[33]byte]map[ChannelLink]struct{}),
pendingPayments: make(map[uint64]*pendingPayment),
htlcPlex: make(chan *plexPacket),
chanCloseRequests: make(chan *ChanClose),
resolutionMsgs: make(chan *resolutionMsg),
linkControl: make(chan interface{}),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
// resolutionMsg is a struct that wraps an existing ResolutionMsg with a done
// channel. We'll use this channel to synchronize delivery of the message with
// the caller.
type resolutionMsg struct {
doneChan chan struct{}
// ProcessContractResolution is called by active contract resolvers once a
// contract they are watching over has been fully resolved. The message carries
// an external signal that *would* have been sent if the outgoing channel
// didn't need to go to the chain in order to fulfill a contract. We'll process
// this message just as if it came from an active outgoing channel.
func (s *Switch) ProcessContractResolution(msg contractcourt.ResolutionMsg) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
select {
case s.resolutionMsgs <- &resolutionMsg{
ResolutionMsg: msg,
doneChan: done,
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch shutting down")
select {
case <-done:
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch shutting down")
return nil
// SendHTLC is used by other subsystems which aren't belong to htlc switch
// package in order to send the htlc update.
func (s *Switch) SendHTLC(nextNode [33]byte, htlc *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC,
deobfuscator ErrorDecrypter) ([sha256.Size]byte, error) {
// Create payment and add to the map of payment in order later to be
// able to retrieve it and return response to the user.
payment := &pendingPayment{
err: make(chan error, 1),
response: make(chan *htlcPacket, 1),
preimage: make(chan [sha256.Size]byte, 1),
paymentHash: htlc.PaymentHash,
amount: htlc.Amount,
deobfuscator: deobfuscator,
paymentID, err := s.paymentSequencer.NextID()
if err != nil {
return zeroPreimage, err
s.pendingPayments[paymentID] = payment
// Generate and send new update packet, if error will be received on
// this stage it means that packet haven't left boundaries of our
// system and something wrong happened.
packet := &htlcPacket{
incomingChanID: sourceHop,
incomingHTLCID: paymentID,
destNode: nextNode,
htlc: htlc,
if err := s.forward(packet); err != nil {
return zeroPreimage, err
// Returns channels so that other subsystem might wait/skip the
// waiting of handling of payment.
var preimage [sha256.Size]byte
var response *htlcPacket
select {
case e := <-payment.err:
err = e
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("htlc switch have been stopped " +
"while waiting for payment result")
select {
case pkt := <-payment.response:
response = pkt
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("htlc switch have been stopped " +
"while waiting for payment result")
select {
case p := <-payment.preimage:
preimage = p
case <-s.quit:
return zeroPreimage, errors.New("htlc switch have been stopped " +
"while waiting for payment result")
// Remove circuit since we are about to complete an
// add/fail of this HTLC.
if teardownErr := s.teardownCircuit(response); teardownErr != nil {
log.Warnf("unable to teardown circuit %s: %v",
response.inKey(), teardownErr)
return preimage, err
// Finally, if this response is contained in a forwarding package, ack
// the settle/fail so that we don't continue to retransmit the HTLC
// internally.
if response.destRef != nil {
if ackErr := s.ackSettleFail(*response.destRef); ackErr != nil {
log.Warnf("unable to ack settle/fail reference: %s: %v",
*response.destRef, ackErr)
return preimage, err
// UpdateForwardingPolicies sends a message to the switch to update the
// forwarding policies for the set of target channels. If the set of targeted
// channels is nil, then the forwarding policies for all active channels with
// be updated.
// NOTE: This function is synchronous and will block until either the
// forwarding policies for all links have been updated, or the switch shuts
// down.
func (s *Switch) UpdateForwardingPolicies(newPolicy ForwardingPolicy,
targetChans ...wire.OutPoint) error {
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
select {
case s.linkControl <- &updatePoliciesCmd{
newPolicy: newPolicy,
targetChans: targetChans,
err: errChan,
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch is shutting down")
select {
case err := <-errChan:
return err
case <-s.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("switch is shutting down")
// updatePoliciesCmd is a message sent to the switch to update the forwarding
// policies of a set of target links.
type updatePoliciesCmd struct {
newPolicy ForwardingPolicy
targetChans []wire.OutPoint
err chan error
// updateLinkPolicies attempts to update the forwarding policies for the set of
// passed links identified by their channel points. If a nil set of channel
// points is passed, then the forwarding policies for all active links will be
// updated.k
func (s *Switch) updateLinkPolicies(c *updatePoliciesCmd) error {
log.Debugf("Updating link policies: %v", spew.Sdump(c))
// If no channels have been targeted, then we'll update the link policies
// for all active channels
if len(c.targetChans) == 0 {
for _, link := range s.linkIndex {
// Otherwise, we'll only attempt to update the forwarding policies for the
// set of targeted links.
for _, targetLink := range c.targetChans {
cid := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(&targetLink)
// If we can't locate a link by its converted channel ID, then we'll
// return an error back to the caller.
link, ok := s.linkIndex[cid]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find ChannelPoint(%v) to "+
"update link policy", targetLink)
return nil
// forward is used in order to find next channel link and apply htlc
// update. Also this function is used by channel links itself in order to
// forward the update after it has been included in the channel.
func (s *Switch) forward(packet *htlcPacket) error {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
circuit := newPaymentCircuit(&htlc.PaymentHash, packet)
actions, err := s.circuits.CommitCircuits(circuit)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to commit circuit in switch: %v", err)
return err
// Drop duplicate packet if it has already been seen.
switch {
case len(actions.Drops) == 1:
return ErrDuplicateAdd
case len(actions.Fails) == 1:
if packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop {
return err
failure := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
addErr := ErrIncompleteForward
return s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
packet.circuit = circuit
return s.route(packet)
// ForwardPackets adds a list of packets to the switch for processing. Fails and
// settles are added on a first past, simultaneously constructing circuits for
// any adds. After persisting the circuits, another pass of the adds is given to
// forward them through the router.
// NOTE: This method guarantees that the returned err chan will eventually be
// closed. The receiver should read on the channel until receiving such a
// signal.
func (s *Switch) ForwardPackets(packets ...*htlcPacket) chan error {
var (
// fwdChan is a buffered channel used to receive err msgs from
// the htlcPlex when forwarding this batch.
fwdChan = make(chan error, len(packets))
// errChan is a buffered channel returned to the caller, that is
// proxied by the fwdChan. This method guarantees that errChan
// will be closed eventually to alert the receiver that it can
// stop reading from the channel.
errChan = make(chan error, len(packets))
// numSent keeps a running count of how many packets are
// forwarded to the switch, which determines how many responses
// we will wait for on the fwdChan..
numSent int
// No packets, nothing to do.
if len(packets) == 0 {
return errChan
// Setup a barrier to prevent the background tasks from processing
// responses until this function returns to the user.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Done()
// Spawn a goroutine the proxy the errs back to the returned err chan.
// This is done to ensure the err chan returned to the caller closed
// properly, alerting the receiver of completion or shutdown.
go s.proxyFwdErrs(&numSent, &wg, fwdChan, errChan)
// Make a first pass over the packets, forwarding any settles or fails.
// As adds are found, we create a circuit and append it to our set of
// circuits to be written to disk.
var circuits []*PaymentCircuit
var addBatch []*htlcPacket
for _, packet := range packets {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
circuit := newPaymentCircuit(&htlc.PaymentHash, packet)
packet.circuit = circuit
circuits = append(circuits, circuit)
addBatch = append(addBatch, packet)
s.routeAsync(packet, fwdChan)
// If this batch did not contain any circuits to commit, we can return
// early.
if len(circuits) == 0 {
return errChan
// Write any circuits that we found to disk.
actions, err := s.circuits.CommitCircuits(circuits...)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to commit circuits in switch: %v", err)
// Split the htlc packets by comparing an in-order seek to the head of
// the added, dropped, or failed circuits.
// NOTE: This assumes each list is guaranteed to be a subsequence of the
// circuits, and that the union of the sets results in the original set
// of circuits.
var addedPackets, failedPackets []*htlcPacket
for _, packet := range addBatch {
switch {
case len(actions.Adds) > 0 && packet.circuit == actions.Adds[0]:
addedPackets = append(addedPackets, packet)
actions.Adds = actions.Adds[1:]
case len(actions.Drops) > 0 && packet.circuit == actions.Drops[0]:
actions.Drops = actions.Drops[1:]
case len(actions.Fails) > 0 && packet.circuit == actions.Fails[0]:
failedPackets = append(failedPackets, packet)
actions.Fails = actions.Fails[1:]
// Now, forward any packets for circuits that were successfully added to
// the switch's circuit map.
for _, packet := range addedPackets {
s.routeAsync(packet, fwdChan)
// Lastly, for any packets that failed, this implies that they were
// left in a half added state, which can happen when recovering from
// failures.
for _, packet := range failedPackets {
failure := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
addErr := errors.Errorf("failing packet after detecting " +
"incomplete forward")
// We don't handle the error here since this method always
// returns an error.
s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
return errChan
// proxyFwdErrs transmits any errors received on `fwdChan` back to `errChan`,
// and guarantees that the `errChan` will be closed after 1) all errors have
// been sent, or 2) the switch has received a shutdown. The `errChan` should be
// buffered with at least the value of `num` after the barrier has been
// released.
// NOTE: The receiver of `errChan` should read until the channel closed, since
// this proxying guarantees that the close will happen.
func (s *Switch) proxyFwdErrs(num *int, wg *sync.WaitGroup,
fwdChan, errChan chan error) {
defer s.wg.Done()
defer func() {
// Wait here until the outer function has finished persisting
// and routing the packets. This guarantees we don't read from num until
// the value is accurate.
numSent := *num
for i := 0; i < numSent; i++ {
select {
case err := <-fwdChan:
errChan <- err
case <-s.quit:
log.Errorf("unable to forward htlc packet " +
"htlc switch was stopped")
// route sends a single htlcPacket through the switch and synchronously awaits a
// response.
func (s *Switch) route(packet *htlcPacket) error {
command := &plexPacket{
pkt: packet,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.htlcPlex <- command:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// routeAsync sends a packet through the htlc switch, using the provided err
// chan to propagate errors back to the caller. This method does not wait for
// a response before returning.
func (s *Switch) routeAsync(packet *htlcPacket, errChan chan error) error {
command := &plexPacket{
pkt: packet,
err: errChan,
select {
case s.htlcPlex <- command:
return nil
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("Htlc Switch was stopped")
// handleLocalDispatch is used at the start/end of the htlc update life cycle.
// At the start (1) it is used to send the htlc to the channel link without
// creation of circuit. At the end (2) it is used to notify the user about the
// result of his payment is it was successful or not.
// Alice Bob Carol
// o --add----> o ---add----> o
// (1)
// (2)
// o <-settle-- o <--settle-- o
// Alice Bob Carol
func (s *Switch) handleLocalDispatch(pkt *htlcPacket) error {
// Pending payments use a special interpretation of the incomingChanID and
// incomingHTLCID fields on packet where the channel ID is blank and the
// HTLC ID is the payment ID. The switch basically views the users of the
// node as a special channel that also offers a sequence of HTLCs.
payment, err := s.findPayment(pkt.incomingHTLCID)
if err != nil {
return err
switch htlc := pkt.htlc.(type) {
// User have created the htlc update therefore we should find the
// appropriate channel link and send the payment over this link.
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
// Try to find links by node destination.
links, err := s.getLinks(pkt.destNode)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to find links by destination %v", err)
return &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
FailureMessage: &lnwire.FailUnknownNextPeer{},
// Try to find destination channel link with appropriate
// bandwidth.
var (
destination ChannelLink
largestBandwidth lnwire.MilliSatoshi
for _, link := range links {
// We'll skip any links that aren't yet eligible for
// forwarding.
if !link.EligibleToForward() {
bandwidth := link.Bandwidth()
if bandwidth > largestBandwidth {
largestBandwidth = bandwidth
if bandwidth >= htlc.Amount {
destination = link
// If the channel link we're attempting to forward the update
// over has insufficient capacity, then we'll cancel the HTLC
// as the payment cannot succeed.
if destination == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("insufficient capacity in available "+
"outgoing links: need %v, max available is %v",
htlc.Amount, largestBandwidth)
htlcErr := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
return &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: err.Error(),
FailureMessage: htlcErr,
// Send the packet to the destination channel link which
// manages then channel.
// TODO(roasbeef): should return with an error
pkt.outgoingChanID = destination.ShortChanID()
return destination.HandleSwitchPacket(pkt)
// We've just received a settle update which means we can finalize the
// user payment and return successful response.
case *lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC:
// Notify the user that his payment was successfully proceed.
payment.err <- nil
payment.response <- pkt
payment.preimage <- htlc.PaymentPreimage
// We've just received a fail update which means we can finalize the
// user payment and return fail response.
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
payment.err <- s.parseFailedPayment(payment, pkt, htlc)
payment.response <- pkt
payment.preimage <- zeroPreimage
return errors.New("wrong update type")
return nil
// parseFailedPayment determines the appropriate failure message to return to
// a user initiated payment. The three cases handled are:
// 1) A local failure, which should already plaintext.
// 2) A resolution from the chain arbitrator,
// 3) A failure from the remote party, which will need to be decrypted using the
// payment deobfuscator.
func (s *Switch) parseFailedPayment(payment *pendingPayment, pkt *htlcPacket,
htlc *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC) *ForwardingError {
var failure *ForwardingError
switch {
// The payment never cleared the link, so we don't need to
// decrypt the error, simply decode it them report back to the
// user.
case pkt.localFailure:
var userErr string
r := bytes.NewReader(htlc.Reason)
failureMsg, err := lnwire.DecodeFailure(r, 0)
if err != nil {
userErr = fmt.Sprintf("unable to decode onion failure, "+
"htlc with hash(%x): %v", payment.paymentHash[:], err)
failureMsg = lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
failure = &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: userErr,
FailureMessage: failureMsg,
// A payment had to be timed out on chain before it got past
// the first hop. In this case, we'll report a permanent
// channel failure as this means us, or the remote party had to
// go on chain.
case pkt.isResolution && htlc.Reason == nil:
userErr := fmt.Sprintf("payment was resolved " +
"on-chain, then cancelled back")
failure = &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: userErr,
FailureMessage: lnwire.FailPermanentChannelFailure{},
// A regular multi-hop payment error that we'll need to
// decrypt.
var err error
// We'll attempt to fully decrypt the onion encrypted
// error. If we're unable to then we'll bail early.
failure, err = payment.deobfuscator.DecryptError(htlc.Reason)
if err != nil {
userErr := fmt.Sprintf("unable to de-obfuscate onion failure, "+
"htlc with hash(%x): %v", payment.paymentHash[:], err)
failure = &ForwardingError{
ErrorSource: s.cfg.SelfKey,
ExtraMsg: userErr,
FailureMessage: lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil),
return failure
// handlePacketForward is used in cases when we need forward the htlc update
// from one channel link to another and be able to propagate the settle/fail
// updates back. This behaviour is achieved by creation of payment circuits.
func (s *Switch) handlePacketForward(packet *htlcPacket) error {
switch htlc := packet.htlc.(type) {
// Channel link forwarded us a new htlc, therefore we initiate the
// payment circuit within our internal state so we can properly forward
// the ultimate settle message back latter.
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
if packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop {
// A blank incomingChanID indicates that this is
// a pending user-initiated payment.
return s.handleLocalDispatch(packet)
targetLink, err := s.getLinkByShortID(packet.outgoingChanID)
if err != nil {
// If packet was forwarded from another channel link
// than we should notify this link that some error
// occurred.
failure := &lnwire.FailUnknownNextPeer{}
addErr := errors.Errorf("unable to find link with "+
"destination %v", packet.outgoingChanID)
return s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
interfaceLinks, _ := s.getLinks(targetLink.Peer().PubKey())
// Try to find destination channel link with appropriate
// bandwidth.
var destination ChannelLink
for _, link := range interfaceLinks {
// We'll skip any links that aren't yet eligible for
// forwarding.
if !link.EligibleToForward() {
if link.Bandwidth() >= htlc.Amount {
destination = link
// If the channel link we're attempting to forward the update
// over has insufficient capacity, then we'll cancel the htlc
// as the payment cannot succeed.
if destination == nil {
// If packet was forwarded from another channel link
// than we should notify this link that some error
// occurred.
failure := lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil)
addErr := errors.Errorf("unable to find appropriate "+
"channel link insufficient capacity, need "+
"%v", htlc.Amount)
return s.failAddPacket(packet, failure, addErr)
// Send the packet to the destination channel link which
// manages the channel.
packet.outgoingChanID = destination.ShortChanID()
return destination.HandleSwitchPacket(packet)
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC, *lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC:
// If the source of this packet has not been set, use the
// circuit map to lookup the origin.
circuit, err := s.closeCircuit(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
fail, isFail := htlc.(*lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC)
if isFail && !packet.hasSource {
switch {
case circuit.ErrorEncrypter == nil:
// No message to encrypt, locally sourced
// payment.
case packet.isResolution:
// If this is a resolution message, then we'll need to encrypt
// it as it's actually internally sourced.
var err error
// TODO(roasbeef): don't need to pass actually?
failure := &lnwire.FailPermanentChannelFailure{}
fail.Reason, err = circuit.ErrorEncrypter.EncryptFirstHop(
if err != nil {
err = errors.Errorf("unable to obfuscate "+
"error: %v", err)
// Otherwise, it's a forwarded error, so we'll perform a
// wrapper encryption as normal.
fail.Reason = circuit.ErrorEncrypter.IntermediateEncrypt(
} else {
// If this is an HTLC settle, and it wasn't from a
// locally initiated HTLC, then we'll log a forwarding
// event so we can flush it to disk later.
// TODO(roasbeef): only do this once link actually
// fully settles?
localHTLC := packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop
if !localHTLC {
s.pendingFwdingEvents = append(
Timestamp: time.Now(),
IncomingChanID: circuit.Incoming.ChanID,
OutgoingChanID: circuit.Outgoing.ChanID,
AmtIn: circuit.IncomingAmount,
AmtOut: circuit.OutgoingAmount,
// A blank IncomingChanID in a circuit indicates that it is a pending
// user-initiated payment.
if packet.incomingChanID == sourceHop {
return s.handleLocalDispatch(packet)
// Check to see that the source link is online before removing
// the circuit.
sourceMailbox := s.getOrCreateMailBox(packet.incomingChanID)
return sourceMailbox.AddPacket(packet)
return errors.New("wrong update type")
// failAddPacket encrypts a fail packet back to an add packet's source.
// The ciphertext will be derived from the failure message proivded by context.
// This method returns the failErr if all other steps complete successfully.
func (s *Switch) failAddPacket(packet *htlcPacket,
failure lnwire.FailureMessage, failErr error) error {
// Encrypt the failure so that the sender will be able to read the error
// message. Since we failed this packet, we use EncryptFirstHop to
// obfuscate the failure for their eyes only.
reason, err := packet.obfuscator.EncryptFirstHop(failure)
if err != nil {
err := errors.Errorf("unable to obfuscate "+
"error: %v", err)
return err
// Route a fail packet back to the source link.
sourceMailbox := s.getOrCreateMailBox(packet.incomingChanID)
if err = sourceMailbox.AddPacket(&htlcPacket{
incomingChanID: packet.incomingChanID,
incomingHTLCID: packet.incomingHTLCID,
circuit: packet.circuit,
htlc: &lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC{
Reason: reason,
}); err != nil {
err = errors.Errorf("source chanid=%v unable to "+
"handle switch packet: %v",
packet.incomingChanID, err)
return err
return failErr
// closeCircuit accepts a settle or fail htlc and the associated htlc packet and
// attempts to determine the source that forwarded this htlc. This method will
// set the incoming chan and htlc ID of the given packet if the source was
// found, and will properly [re]encrypt any failure messages.
func (s *Switch) closeCircuit(pkt *htlcPacket) (*PaymentCircuit, error) {
// If the packet has its source, that means it was failed locally by the
// outgoing link. We fail it here to make sure only one response makes
// it through the switch.
if pkt.hasSource {
circuit, err := s.circuits.FailCircuit(pkt.inKey())
switch err {
// Circuit successfully closed.
case nil:
return circuit, nil
// Circuit was previously closed, but has not been deleted. We'll just
// drop this response until the circuit has been fully removed.
case ErrCircuitClosing:
return nil, err
// Failed to close circuit because it does not exist. This is likely
// because the circuit was already successfully closed. Since
// this packet failed locally, there is no forwarding package
// entry to acknowledge.
case ErrUnknownCircuit:
return nil, err
// Unexpected error.
return nil, err
// Otherwise, this is packet was received from the remote party.
// Use circuit map to find the incoming link to receive the settle/fail.
circuit, err := s.circuits.CloseCircuit(pkt.outKey())
switch err {
// Open circuit successfully closed.
case nil:
pkt.incomingChanID = circuit.Incoming.ChanID
pkt.incomingHTLCID = circuit.Incoming.HtlcID
pkt.circuit = circuit
pkt.sourceRef = &circuit.AddRef
return circuit, nil
// Circuit was previously closed, but has not been deleted. We'll just
// drop this response until the circuit has been removed.
case ErrCircuitClosing:
return nil, err
// Failed to close circuit because it does not exist. This is likely
// because the circuit was already successfully closed.
case ErrUnknownCircuit:
err := errors.Errorf("Unable to find target channel "+
"for HTLC settle/fail: channel ID = %s, "+
"HTLC ID = %d", pkt.outgoingChanID,
// TODO(conner): ack settle/fail
if pkt.destRef != nil {
if err := s.ackSettleFail(*pkt.destRef); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
// Unexpected error.
return nil, err
func (s *Switch) ackSettleFail(settleFailRef channeldb.SettleFailRef) error {
return s.cfg.DB.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
return s.cfg.SwitchPackager.AckSettleFails(tx, settleFailRef)
// teardownCircuit removes a pending or open circuit from the switch's circuit
// map and prints useful logging statements regarding the outcome.
func (s *Switch) teardownCircuit(pkt *htlcPacket) error {
var pktType string
switch htlc := pkt.htlc.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC:
pktType = "SETTLE"
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
pktType = "FAIL"
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot tear down packet of type: %T", htlc)
return err
switch {
case pkt.circuit.HasKeystone():
log.Debugf("Tearing down open circuit with %s pkt, removing circuit=%v "+
"with keystone=%v", pktType, pkt.inKey(), pkt.outKey())
err := s.circuits.DeleteCircuits(pkt.inKey())
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to tear down open circuit (%s, %d) <-> (%s, %d) "+
"with payment_hash-%v using %s pkt",
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID,
pkt.outgoingChanID, pkt.outgoingHTLCID,
pkt.circuit.PaymentHash, pktType)
return err
log.Debugf("Closed completed %s circuit for %x: "+
"(%s, %d) <-> (%s, %d)", pktType, pkt.circuit.PaymentHash,
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID,
pkt.outgoingChanID, pkt.outgoingHTLCID)
log.Debugf("Tearing down incomplete circuit with %s for inkey=%v",
pktType, pkt.inKey())
err := s.circuits.DeleteCircuits(pkt.inKey())
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to tear down pending %s circuit for %x: "+
"(%s, %d)", pktType, pkt.circuit.PaymentHash,
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID)
return err
log.Debugf("Removed pending onion circuit for %x: "+
"(%s, %d)", pkt.circuit.PaymentHash,
pkt.incomingChanID, pkt.incomingHTLCID)
return nil
// CloseLink creates and sends the close channel command to the target link
// directing the specified closure type. If the closure type if CloseRegular,
// then the last parameter should be the ideal fee-per-kw that will be used as
// a starting point for close negotiation.
func (s *Switch) CloseLink(chanPoint *wire.OutPoint, closeType ChannelCloseType,
targetFeePerKw lnwallet.SatPerKWeight) (chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate,
chan error) {
// TODO(roasbeef) abstract out the close updates.
updateChan := make(chan *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate, 2)
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
command := &ChanClose{
CloseType: closeType,
ChanPoint: chanPoint,
Updates: updateChan,
TargetFeePerKw: targetFeePerKw,
Err: errChan,
select {
case s.chanCloseRequests <- command:
return updateChan, errChan
case <-s.quit:
errChan <- errors.New("unable close channel link, htlc " +
"switch already stopped")
return updateChan, errChan
// htlcForwarder is responsible for optimally forwarding (and possibly
// fragmenting) incoming/outgoing HTLCs amongst all active interfaces and their
// links. The duties of the forwarder are similar to that of a network switch,
// in that it facilitates multi-hop payments by acting as a central messaging
// bus. The switch communicates will active links to create, manage, and tear
// down active onion routed payments. Each active channel is modeled as
// networked device with metadata such as the available payment bandwidth, and
// total link capacity.
// NOTE: This MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (s *Switch) htlcForwarder() {
defer s.wg.Done()
// Remove all links once we've been signalled for shutdown.
defer func() {
for _, link := range s.linkIndex {
if err := s.removeLink(link.ChanID()); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to remove "+
"channel link on stop: %v", err)
// Before we exit fully, we'll attempt to flush out any
// forwarding events that may still be lingering since the last
// batch flush.
if err := s.FlushForwardingEvents(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to flush forwarding events: %v", err)
// TODO(roasbeef): cleared vs settled distinction
var (
totalNumUpdates uint64
totalSatSent btcutil.Amount
totalSatRecv btcutil.Amount
logTicker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
defer logTicker.Stop()
// Every 15 seconds, we'll flush out the forwarding events that
// occurred during that period.
fwdEventTicker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Second)
defer fwdEventTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
// A local close request has arrived, we'll forward this to the
// relevant link (if it exists) so the channel can be
// cooperatively closed (if possible).
case req := <-s.chanCloseRequests:
chanID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(req.ChanPoint)
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
req.Err <- errors.Errorf("channel with "+
"chan_id=%x not found", chanID[:])
peerPub := link.Peer().PubKey()
log.Debugf("Requesting local channel close: peer=%v, "+
"chan_id=%x", link.Peer(), chanID[:])
go s.cfg.LocalChannelClose(peerPub[:], req)
case resolutionMsg := <-s.resolutionMsgs:
pkt := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: resolutionMsg.SourceChan,
outgoingHTLCID: resolutionMsg.HtlcIndex,
isResolution: true,
// Resolution messages will either be cancelling
// backwards an existing HTLC, or settling a previously
// outgoing HTLC. Based on this, we'll map the message
// to the proper htlcPacket.
if resolutionMsg.Failure != nil {
pkt.htlc = &lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC{}
} else {
pkt.htlc = &lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC{
PaymentPreimage: *resolutionMsg.PreImage,
log.Infof("Received outside contract resolution, "+
"mapping to: %v", spew.Sdump(pkt))
// We don't check the error, as the only failure we can
// encounter is due to the circuit already being
// closed. This is fine, as processing this message is
// meant to be idempotent.
err := s.handlePacketForward(pkt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to forward resolution msg: %v", err)
// With the message processed, we'll now close out
// A new packet has arrived for forwarding, we'll interpret the
// packet concretely, then either forward it along, or
// interpret a return packet to a locally initialized one.
case cmd := <-s.htlcPlex:
cmd.err <- s.handlePacketForward(cmd.pkt)
// When this time ticks, then it indicates that we should
// collect all the forwarding events since the last internal,
// and write them out to our log.
case <-fwdEventTicker.C:
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
if err := s.FlushForwardingEvents(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to flush "+
"forwarding events: %v", err)
// The log ticker has fired, so we'll calculate some forwarding
// stats for the last 10 seconds to display within the logs to
// users.
case <-logTicker.C:
// First, we'll collate the current running tally of
// our forwarding stats.
prevSatSent := totalSatSent
prevSatRecv := totalSatRecv
prevNumUpdates := totalNumUpdates
var (
newNumUpdates uint64
newSatSent btcutil.Amount
newSatRecv btcutil.Amount
// Next, we'll run through all the registered links and
// compute their up-to-date forwarding stats.
for _, link := range s.linkIndex {
// TODO(roasbeef): when links first registered
// stats printed.
updates, sent, recv := link.Stats()
newNumUpdates += updates
newSatSent += sent.ToSatoshis()
newSatRecv += recv.ToSatoshis()
var (
diffNumUpdates uint64
diffSatSent btcutil.Amount
diffSatRecv btcutil.Amount
// If this is the first time we're computing these
// stats, then the diff is just the new value. We do
// this in order to avoid integer underflow issues.
if prevNumUpdates == 0 {
diffNumUpdates = newNumUpdates
diffSatSent = newSatSent
diffSatRecv = newSatRecv
} else {
diffNumUpdates = newNumUpdates - prevNumUpdates
diffSatSent = newSatSent - prevSatSent
diffSatRecv = newSatRecv - prevSatRecv
// If the diff of num updates is zero, then we haven't
// forwarded anything in the last 10 seconds, so we can
// skip this update.
if diffNumUpdates == 0 {
// Otherwise, we'll log this diff, then accumulate the
// new stats into the running total.
log.Infof("Sent %v satoshis received %v satoshis "+
"in the last 10 seconds (%v tx/sec)",
int64(diffSatSent), int64(diffSatRecv),
totalNumUpdates += diffNumUpdates
totalSatSent += diffSatSent
totalSatRecv += diffSatRecv
case req := <-s.linkControl:
switch cmd := req.(type) {
case *updatePoliciesCmd:
cmd.err <- s.updateLinkPolicies(cmd)
case *addLinkCmd:
cmd.err <- s.addLink(cmd.link)
case *removeLinkCmd:
cmd.err <- s.removeLink(cmd.chanID)
case *getLinkCmd:
link, err := s.getLink(cmd.chanID)
cmd.done <- link
cmd.err <- err
case *getLinksCmd:
links, err := s.getLinks(cmd.peer)
cmd.done <- links
cmd.err <- err
case *updateForwardingIndexCmd:
cmd.err <- s.updateShortChanID(
cmd.chanID, cmd.shortChanID,
case <-s.quit:
// Start starts all helper goroutines required for the operation of the switch.
func (s *Switch) Start() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.started, 0, 1) {
log.Warn("Htlc Switch already started")
return errors.New("htlc switch already started")
log.Infof("Starting HTLC Switch")
go s.htlcForwarder()
if err := s.reforwardResponses(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to reforward responses: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// reforwardResponses for every known, non-pending channel, loads all associated
// forwarding packages and reforwards any Settle or Fail HTLCs found. This is
// used to resurrect the switch's mailboxes after a restart.
func (s *Switch) reforwardResponses() error {
activeChannels, err := s.cfg.DB.FetchAllChannels()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, activeChannel := range activeChannels {
if activeChannel.IsPending {
shortChanID := activeChannel.ShortChanID
fwdPkgs, err := s.loadChannelFwdPkgs(shortChanID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadChannelFwdPkgs loads all forwarding packages owned by the `source` short
// channel identifier.
func (s *Switch) loadChannelFwdPkgs(
source lnwire.ShortChannelID) ([]*channeldb.FwdPkg, error) {
var fwdPkgs []*channeldb.FwdPkg
if err := s.cfg.DB.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
var err error
fwdPkgs, err = s.cfg.SwitchPackager.LoadChannelFwdPkgs(
tx, source,
return err
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return fwdPkgs, nil
// reforwardSettleFails parses the Settle and Fail HTLCs from the list of
// forwarding packages, and reforwards those that have not been acknowledged.
// This is intended to occur on startup, in order to recover the switch's
// mailboxes, and to ensure that responses can be propagated in case the
// outgoing link never comes back online.
// NOTE: This should mimic the behavior processRemoteSettleFails.
func (s *Switch) reforwardSettleFails(fwdPkgs []*channeldb.FwdPkg) {
for _, fwdPkg := range fwdPkgs {
settleFails := lnwallet.PayDescsFromRemoteLogUpdates(
fwdPkg.Source, fwdPkg.Height, fwdPkg.SettleFails,
switchPackets := make([]*htlcPacket, 0, len(settleFails))
for i, pd := range settleFails {
// Skip any settles or fails that have already been
// acknowledged by the incoming link that originated the
// forwarded Add.
if fwdPkg.SettleFailFilter.Contains(uint16(i)) {
switch pd.EntryType {
// A settle for an HTLC we previously forwarded HTLC has
// been received. So we'll forward the HTLC to the
// switch which will handle propagating the settle to
// the prior hop.
case lnwallet.Settle:
settlePacket := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: fwdPkg.Source,
outgoingHTLCID: pd.ParentIndex,
destRef: pd.DestRef,
htlc: &lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC{
PaymentPreimage: pd.RPreimage,
// Add the packet to the batch to be forwarded, and
// notify the overflow queue that a spare spot has been
// freed up within the commitment state.
switchPackets = append(switchPackets, settlePacket)
// A failureCode message for a previously forwarded HTLC has been
// received. As a result a new slot will be freed up in our
// commitment state, so we'll forward this to the switch so the
// backwards undo can continue.
case lnwallet.Fail:
// Fetch the reason the HTLC was cancelled so we can
// continue to propagate it.
failPacket := &htlcPacket{
outgoingChanID: fwdPkg.Source,
outgoingHTLCID: pd.ParentIndex,
destRef: pd.DestRef,
htlc: &lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC{
Reason: lnwire.OpaqueReason(pd.FailReason),
// Add the packet to the batch to be forwarded, and
// notify the overflow queue that a spare spot has been
// freed up within the commitment state.
switchPackets = append(switchPackets, failPacket)
errChan := s.ForwardPackets(switchPackets...)
go handleBatchFwdErrs(errChan)
// handleBatchFwdErrs waits on the given errChan until it is closed, logging the
// errors returned from any unsuccessful forwarding attempts.
func handleBatchFwdErrs(errChan chan error) {
for {
err, ok := <-errChan
if !ok {
// Err chan has been drained or switch is shutting down.
// Either way, return.
if err == nil {
log.Errorf("unhandled error while reforwarding htlc "+
"settle/fail over htlcswitch: %v", err)
// Stop gracefully stops all active helper goroutines, then waits until they've
// exited.
func (s *Switch) Stop() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.shutdown, 0, 1) {
log.Warn("Htlc Switch already stopped")
return errors.New("htlc switch already shutdown")
log.Infof("HTLC Switch shutting down")
for _, mailBox := range s.mailboxes {
return nil
// addLinkCmd is a add link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type addLinkCmd struct {
link ChannelLink
err chan error
// AddLink is used to initiate the handling of the add link command. The
// request will be propagated and handled in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) AddLink(link ChannelLink) error {
command := &addLinkCmd{
link: link,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("unable to add link htlc switch was stopped")
// addLink is used to add the newly created channel link and start use it to
// handle the channel updates.
func (s *Switch) addLink(link ChannelLink) error {
// TODO(roasbeef): reject if link already tehre?
// First we'll add the link to the linkIndex which lets us quickly look
// up a channel when we need to close or register it, and the
// forwarding index which'll be used when forwarding HTLC's in the
// multi-hop setting.
s.linkIndex[link.ChanID()] = link
s.forwardingIndex[link.ShortChanID()] = link
// Next we'll add the link to the interface index so we can quickly
// look up all the channels for a particular node.
peerPub := link.Peer().PubKey()
if _, ok := s.interfaceIndex[peerPub]; !ok {
s.interfaceIndex[peerPub] = make(map[ChannelLink]struct{})
s.interfaceIndex[peerPub][link] = struct{}{}
// Get the mailbox for this link, which buffers packets in case there
// packets that we tried to deliver while this link was offline.
mailbox := s.getOrCreateMailBox(link.ShortChanID())
// Give the link its mailbox, we only need to start the mailbox if it
// wasn't previously found.
if err := link.Start(); err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("Added channel link with chan_id=%v, short_chan_id=(%v)",
link.ChanID(), spew.Sdump(link.ShortChanID()))
return nil
// getOrCreateMailBox returns the known mailbox for a particular short channel
// id, or creates one if the link has no existing mailbox.
func (s *Switch) getOrCreateMailBox(chanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) MailBox {
// Check to see if we have a mailbox already populated for this link.
mailbox, ok := s.mailboxes[chanID]
if ok {
return mailbox
// Otherwise, we will make a new one only if the mailbox still is not
// present after the exclusive mutex is acquired.
mailbox, ok = s.mailboxes[chanID]
if !ok {
mailbox = newMemoryMailBox()
s.mailboxes[chanID] = mailbox
return mailbox
// getLinkCmd is a get link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type getLinkCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
err chan error
done chan ChannelLink
// GetLink is used to initiate the handling of the get link command. The
// request will be propagated/handled to/in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) GetLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
command := &getLinkCmd{
chanID: chanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
done: make(chan ChannelLink, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
var link ChannelLink
select {
case link = <-command.done:
case <-s.quit:
break query
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return link, err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return nil, errors.New("unable to get link htlc switch was stopped")
// getLink attempts to return the link that has the specified channel ID.
func (s *Switch) getLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChannelLinkNotFound
return link, nil
// getLinkByShortID attempts to return the link which possesses the target
// short channel ID.
func (s *Switch) getLinkByShortID(chanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) (ChannelLink, error) {
link, ok := s.forwardingIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChannelLinkNotFound
return link, nil
// removeLinkCmd is a get link command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type removeLinkCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
err chan error
// RemoveLink is used to initiate the handling of the remove link command. The
// request will be propagated/handled to/in the main goroutine.
func (s *Switch) RemoveLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) error {
command := &removeLinkCmd{
chanID: chanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("unable to remove link htlc switch was stopped")
// removeLink is used to remove and stop the channel link.
func (s *Switch) removeLink(chanID lnwire.ChannelID) error {
log.Infof("Removing channel link with ChannelID(%v)", chanID)
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return ErrChannelLinkNotFound
// Remove the channel from channel map.
delete(s.linkIndex, chanID)
delete(s.forwardingIndex, link.ShortChanID())
// Remove the channel from channel index.
peerPub := link.Peer().PubKey()
delete(s.interfaceIndex, peerPub)
return nil
// updateForwardingIndexCmd is a command sent by outside sub-systems to update
// the forwarding index of the switch in the event that the short channel ID of
// a particular link changes.
type updateForwardingIndexCmd struct {
chanID lnwire.ChannelID
shortChanID lnwire.ShortChannelID
err chan error
// UpdateShortChanID updates the short chan ID for an existing channel. This is
// required in the case of a re-org and re-confirmation or a channel, or in the
// case that a link was added to the switch before its short chan ID was known.
func (s *Switch) UpdateShortChanID(chanID lnwire.ChannelID,
shortChanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) error {
command := &updateForwardingIndexCmd{
chanID: chanID,
shortChanID: shortChanID,
err: make(chan error, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return errors.New("unable to update short chan id htlc switch was stopped")
// updateShortChanID updates the short chan ID of an existing link.
func (s *Switch) updateShortChanID(chanID lnwire.ChannelID,
shortChanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) error {
// First, we'll extract the current link as is from the link link
// index. If the link isn't even in the index, then we'll return an
// error.
link, ok := s.linkIndex[chanID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("link %v not found", chanID)
log.Infof("Updating short_chan_id for ChannelLink(%v): old=%v, new=%v",
chanID, link.ShortChanID(), shortChanID)
// At this point the link is actually active, so we'll update the
// forwarding index with the next short channel ID.
s.forwardingIndex[shortChanID] = link
// Finally, we'll notify the link of its new short channel ID.
return nil
// getLinksCmd is a get links command wrapper, it is used to propagate handler
// parameters and return handler error.
type getLinksCmd struct {
peer [33]byte
err chan error
done chan []ChannelLink
// GetLinksByInterface fetches all the links connected to a particular node
// identified by the serialized compressed form of its public key.
func (s *Switch) GetLinksByInterface(hop [33]byte) ([]ChannelLink, error) {
command := &getLinksCmd{
peer: hop,
err: make(chan error, 1),
done: make(chan []ChannelLink, 1),
select {
case s.linkControl <- command:
var links []ChannelLink
select {
case links = <-command.done:
case <-s.quit:
break query
select {
case err := <-command.err:
return links, err
case <-s.quit:
case <-s.quit:
return nil, errors.New("unable to get links htlc switch was stopped")
// getLinks is function which returns the channel links of the peer by hop
// destination id.
func (s *Switch) getLinks(destination [33]byte) ([]ChannelLink, error) {
links, ok := s.interfaceIndex[destination]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to locate channel link by"+
"destination hop id %x", destination)
channelLinks := make([]ChannelLink, 0, len(links))
for link := range links {
channelLinks = append(channelLinks, link)
return channelLinks, nil
// removePendingPayment is the helper function which removes the pending user
// payment.
func (s *Switch) removePendingPayment(paymentID uint64) error {
defer s.pendingMutex.Unlock()
if _, ok := s.pendingPayments[paymentID]; !ok {
return errors.Errorf("Cannot find pending payment with ID %d",
delete(s.pendingPayments, paymentID)
return nil
// findPayment is the helper function which find the payment.
func (s *Switch) findPayment(paymentID uint64) (*pendingPayment, error) {
defer s.pendingMutex.RUnlock()
payment, ok := s.pendingPayments[paymentID]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Cannot find pending payment with ID %d",
return payment, nil
// CircuitModifier returns a reference to subset of the interfaces provided by
// the circuit map, to allow links to open and close circuits.
func (s *Switch) CircuitModifier() CircuitModifier {
return s.circuits
// numPendingPayments is helper function which returns the overall number of
// pending user payments.
func (s *Switch) numPendingPayments() int {
return len(s.pendingPayments)
// commitCircuits persistently adds a circuit to the switch's circuit map.
func (s *Switch) commitCircuits(circuits ...*PaymentCircuit) (
*CircuitFwdActions, error) {
return s.circuits.CommitCircuits(circuits...)
// openCircuits preemptively writes the keystones for Adds that are about to be
// added to a commitment txn.
func (s *Switch) openCircuits(keystones ...Keystone) error {
return s.circuits.OpenCircuits(keystones...)
// deleteCircuits persistently removes the circuit, and keystone if present,
// from the circuit map.
func (s *Switch) deleteCircuits(inKeys ...CircuitKey) error {
return s.circuits.DeleteCircuits(inKeys...)
// lookupCircuit queries the in memory representation of the circuit map to
// retrieve a particular circuit.
func (s *Switch) lookupCircuit(inKey CircuitKey) *PaymentCircuit {
return s.circuits.LookupCircuit(inKey)
// lookupOpenCircuit queries the in-memory representation of the circuit map for a
// circuit whose outgoing circuit key matches outKey.
func (s *Switch) lookupOpenCircuit(outKey CircuitKey) *PaymentCircuit {
return s.circuits.LookupOpenCircuit(outKey)
// FlushForwardingEvents flushes out the set of pending forwarding events to
// the persistent log. This will be used by the switch to periodically flush
// out the set of forwarding events to disk. External callers can also use this
// method to ensure all data is flushed to dis before querying the log.
func (s *Switch) FlushForwardingEvents() error {
// First, we'll obtain a copy of the current set of pending forwarding
// events.
// If we won't have any forwarding events, then we can exit early.
if len(s.pendingFwdingEvents) == 0 {
return nil
events := make([]channeldb.ForwardingEvent, len(s.pendingFwdingEvents))
copy(events[:], s.pendingFwdingEvents[:])
// With the copy obtained, we can now clear out the header pointer of
// the current slice. This way, we can re-use the underlying storage
// allocated for the slice.
s.pendingFwdingEvents = s.pendingFwdingEvents[:0]
// Finally, we'll write out the copied events to the persistent
// forwarding log.
return s.cfg.FwdingLog.AddForwardingEvents(events)