Joost Jager 293971cd03
routerrpc: move query routes into sub server
This commit moves the query routes backend logic from the main
rpc server into the sub server. It is another step towards splitting up
the main rpc server code.

In addition to this, a unit test is added to verify rpc parameter
2019-03-11 09:56:16 +01:00

230 lines
6.7 KiB

package routerrpc
import (
context "golang.org/x/net/context"
// RouterBackend contains the backend implementation of the router rpc sub
// server calls.
type RouterBackend struct {
MaxPaymentMSat lnwire.MilliSatoshi
SelfNode routing.Vertex
FetchChannelCapacity func(chanID uint64) (btcutil.Amount, error)
FindRoutes func(source, target routing.Vertex,
amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi, restrictions *routing.RestrictParams,
numPaths uint32, finalExpiry ...uint16) (
[]*routing.Route, error)
// QueryRoutes attempts to query the daemons' Channel Router for a possible
// route to a target destination capable of carrying a specific amount of
// satoshis within the route's flow. The retuned route contains the full
// details required to craft and send an HTLC, also including the necessary
// information that should be present within the Sphinx packet encapsulated
// within the HTLC.
// TODO(roasbeef): should return a slice of routes in reality
// * create separate PR to send based on well formatted route
func (r *RouterBackend) QueryRoutes(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.QueryRoutesRequest) (*lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse, error) {
parsePubKey := func(key string) (routing.Vertex, error) {
pubKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(key)
if err != nil {
return routing.Vertex{}, err
if len(pubKeyBytes) != 33 {
return routing.Vertex{},
errors.New("invalid key length")
var v routing.Vertex
copy(v[:], pubKeyBytes)
return v, nil
// Parse the hex-encoded source and target public keys into full public
// key objects we can properly manipulate.
targetPubKey, err := parsePubKey(in.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sourcePubKey routing.Vertex
if in.SourcePubKey != "" {
var err error
sourcePubKey, err = parsePubKey(in.SourcePubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// If no source is specified, use self.
sourcePubKey = r.SelfNode
// Currently, within the bootstrap phase of the network, we limit the
// largest payment size allotted to (2^32) - 1 mSAT or 4.29 million
// satoshis.
amt := btcutil.Amount(in.Amt)
amtMSat := lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(amt)
if amtMSat > r.MaxPaymentMSat {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("payment of %v is too large, max payment "+
"allowed is %v", amt, r.MaxPaymentMSat.ToSatoshis())
// Unmarshall restrictions from request.
feeLimit := calculateFeeLimit(in.FeeLimit, amtMSat)
ignoredNodes := make(map[routing.Vertex]struct{})
for _, ignorePubKey := range in.IgnoredNodes {
if len(ignorePubKey) != 33 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ignore node pubkey")
var ignoreVertex routing.Vertex
copy(ignoreVertex[:], ignorePubKey)
ignoredNodes[ignoreVertex] = struct{}{}
ignoredEdges := make(map[routing.EdgeLocator]struct{})
for _, ignoredEdge := range in.IgnoredEdges {
locator := routing.EdgeLocator{
ChannelID: ignoredEdge.ChannelId,
if ignoredEdge.DirectionReverse {
locator.Direction = 1
ignoredEdges[locator] = struct{}{}
restrictions := &routing.RestrictParams{
FeeLimit: feeLimit,
IgnoredNodes: ignoredNodes,
IgnoredEdges: ignoredEdges,
// numRoutes will default to 10 if not specified explicitly.
numRoutesIn := uint32(in.NumRoutes)
if numRoutesIn == 0 {
numRoutesIn = 10
// Query the channel router for a possible path to the destination that
// can carry `in.Amt` satoshis _including_ the total fee required on
// the route.
var (
routes []*routing.Route
findErr error
if in.FinalCltvDelta == 0 {
routes, findErr = r.FindRoutes(
sourcePubKey, targetPubKey, amtMSat, restrictions, numRoutesIn,
} else {
routes, findErr = r.FindRoutes(
sourcePubKey, targetPubKey, amtMSat, restrictions, numRoutesIn,
if findErr != nil {
return nil, findErr
// As the number of returned routes can be less than the number of
// requested routes, we'll clamp down the length of the response to the
// minimum of the two.
numRoutes := uint32(len(routes))
if numRoutesIn < numRoutes {
numRoutes = numRoutesIn
// For each valid route, we'll convert the result into the format
// required by the RPC system.
routeResp := &lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse{
Routes: make([]*lnrpc.Route, 0, in.NumRoutes),
for i := uint32(0); i < numRoutes; i++ {
routeResp.Routes = append(
return routeResp, nil
// calculateFeeLimit returns the fee limit in millisatoshis. If a percentage
// based fee limit has been requested, we'll factor in the ratio provided with
// the amount of the payment.
func calculateFeeLimit(feeLimit *lnrpc.FeeLimit,
amount lnwire.MilliSatoshi) lnwire.MilliSatoshi {
switch feeLimit.GetLimit().(type) {
case *lnrpc.FeeLimit_Fixed:
return lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(
case *lnrpc.FeeLimit_Percent:
return amount * lnwire.MilliSatoshi(feeLimit.GetPercent()) / 100
// If a fee limit was not specified, we'll use the payment's
// amount as an upper bound in order to avoid payment attempts
// from incurring fees higher than the payment amount itself.
return amount
// MarshallRoute marshalls an internal route to an rpc route struct.
func (r *RouterBackend) MarshallRoute(route *routing.Route) *lnrpc.Route {
resp := &lnrpc.Route{
TotalTimeLock: route.TotalTimeLock,
TotalFees: int64(route.TotalFees.ToSatoshis()),
TotalFeesMsat: int64(route.TotalFees),
TotalAmt: int64(route.TotalAmount.ToSatoshis()),
TotalAmtMsat: int64(route.TotalAmount),
Hops: make([]*lnrpc.Hop, len(route.Hops)),
incomingAmt := route.TotalAmount
for i, hop := range route.Hops {
fee := route.HopFee(i)
// Channel capacity is not a defining property of a route. For
// backwards RPC compatibility, we retrieve it here from the
// graph.
chanCapacity, err := r.FetchChannelCapacity(hop.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
// If capacity cannot be retrieved, this may be a
// not-yet-received or private channel. Then report
// amount that is sent through the channel as capacity.
chanCapacity = incomingAmt.ToSatoshis()
resp.Hops[i] = &lnrpc.Hop{
ChanId: hop.ChannelID,
ChanCapacity: int64(chanCapacity),
AmtToForward: int64(hop.AmtToForward.ToSatoshis()),
AmtToForwardMsat: int64(hop.AmtToForward),
Fee: int64(fee.ToSatoshis()),
FeeMsat: int64(fee),
Expiry: uint32(hop.OutgoingTimeLock),
PubKey: hex.EncodeToString(
incomingAmt = hop.AmtToForward
return resp