In this commit, we introduce the ability for the different ChainNotifier implements to send incremental updates to the subscribers of transaction confirmations. These incremental updates represent how many confirmations are left for the transaction to be confirmed. They are sent to the subscriber at every new height of the chain.
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package chainntnfs
import (
// ConfNtfn represents a notifier client's request to receive a notification
// once the target transaction gets sufficient confirmations. The client is
// asynchronously notified via the ConfirmationEvent channels.
type ConfNtfn struct {
// TxID is the hash of the transaction for which confirmation notifications
// are requested.
TxID *chainhash.Hash
// NumConfirmations is the number of confirmations after which the
// notification is to be sent.
NumConfirmations uint32
// Event contains references to the channels that the notifications are to
// be sent over.
Event *ConfirmationEvent
// details describes the transaction's position is the blockchain. May be
// nil for unconfirmed transactions.
details *TxConfirmation
// dispatched is false if the confirmed notification has not been sent yet.
dispatched bool
// NewConfirmationEvent constructs a new ConfirmationEvent with newly opened
// channels.
func NewConfirmationEvent(numConfs uint32) *ConfirmationEvent {
return &ConfirmationEvent{
Confirmed: make(chan *TxConfirmation, 1),
Updates: make(chan uint32, numConfs),
NegativeConf: make(chan int32, 1),
// TxConfNotifier is used to register transaction confirmation notifications and
// dispatch them as the transactions confirm. A client can request to be
// notified when a particular transaction has sufficient on-chain confirmations
// (or be notified immediately if the tx already does), and the TxConfNotifier
// will watch changes to the blockchain in order to satisfy these requests.
type TxConfNotifier struct {
// currentHeight is the height of the tracked blockchain. It is used to
// determine the number of confirmations a tx has and ensure blocks are
// connected and disconnected in order.
currentHeight uint32
// reorgSafetyLimit is the chain depth beyond which it is assumed a block
// will not be reorganized out of the chain. This is used to determine when
// to prune old confirmation requests so that reorgs are handled correctly.
// The coinbase maturity period is a reasonable value to use.
reorgSafetyLimit uint32
// reorgDepth is the depth of a chain organization that this system is being
// informed of. This is incremented as long as a sequence of blocks are
// disconnected without being interrupted by a new block.
reorgDepth uint32
// confNotifications is an index of notification requests by transaction
// hash.
confNotifications map[chainhash.Hash][]*ConfNtfn
// txsByInitialHeight is an index of watched transactions by the height
// that they are included at in the blockchain. This is tracked so that
// incorrect notifications are not sent if a transaction is reorganized
// out of the chain and so that negative confirmations can be recognized.
txsByInitialHeight map[uint32]map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}
// ntfnsByConfirmHeight is an index of notification requests by the height
// at which the transaction will have sufficient confirmations.
ntfnsByConfirmHeight map[uint32]map[*ConfNtfn]struct{}
// quit is closed in order to signal that the notifier is gracefully
// exiting.
quit chan struct{}
// NewTxConfNotifier creates a TxConfNotifier. The current height of the
// blockchain is accepted as a parameter.
func NewTxConfNotifier(startHeight uint32, reorgSafetyLimit uint32) *TxConfNotifier {
return &TxConfNotifier{
currentHeight: startHeight,
reorgSafetyLimit: reorgSafetyLimit,
confNotifications: make(map[chainhash.Hash][]*ConfNtfn),
txsByInitialHeight: make(map[uint32]map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}),
ntfnsByConfirmHeight: make(map[uint32]map[*ConfNtfn]struct{}),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
// Register handles a new notification request. The client will be notified when
// the transaction gets a sufficient number of confirmations on the blockchain.
// If the transaction has already been included in a block on the chain, the
// confirmation details must be given as the txConf argument, otherwise it
// should be nil. If the transaction already has the sufficient number of
// confirmations, this dispatches the notification immediately.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) Register(ntfn *ConfNtfn, txConf *TxConfirmation) error {
select {
case <-tcn.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
if txConf == nil || txConf.BlockHeight > tcn.currentHeight {
// Transaction is unconfirmed.
tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID] =
append(tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID], ntfn)
return nil
// If the transaction already has the required confirmations, we'll
// dispatch the notification immediately.
confHeight := txConf.BlockHeight + ntfn.NumConfirmations - 1
if confHeight <= tcn.currentHeight {
Log.Infof("Dispatching %v conf notification for %v",
ntfn.NumConfirmations, ntfn.TxID)
// We'll send a 0 value to the Updates channel, indicating that
// the transaction has already been confirmed.
select {
case <-tcn.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
case ntfn.Event.Updates <- 0:
select {
case <-tcn.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
case ntfn.Event.Confirmed <- txConf:
ntfn.dispatched = true
} else {
// Otherwise, we'll record the transaction along with the height
// at which we should notify the client.
ntfn.details = txConf
ntfnSet, exists := tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight]
if !exists {
ntfnSet = make(map[*ConfNtfn]struct{})
tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight] = ntfnSet
ntfnSet[ntfn] = struct{}{}
// We'll also send an update to the client of how many
// confirmations are left for the transaction to be confirmed.
numConfsLeft := confHeight - tcn.currentHeight
select {
case ntfn.Event.Updates <- numConfsLeft:
case <-tcn.quit:
return errors.New("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
// As a final check, we'll also watch the transaction if it's still
// possible for it to get reorganized out of the chain.
if txConf.BlockHeight+tcn.reorgSafetyLimit > tcn.currentHeight {
tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID] =
append(tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID], ntfn)
txSet, exists := tcn.txsByInitialHeight[txConf.BlockHeight]
if !exists {
txSet = make(map[chainhash.Hash]struct{})
tcn.txsByInitialHeight[txConf.BlockHeight] = txSet
txSet[*ntfn.TxID] = struct{}{}
return nil
// ConnectTip handles a new block extending the current chain. This checks each
// transaction in the block to see if any watched transactions are included.
// Also, if any watched transactions now have the required number of
// confirmations as a result of this block being connected, this dispatches
// notifications.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) ConnectTip(blockHash *chainhash.Hash,
blockHeight uint32, txns []*btcutil.Tx) error {
select {
case <-tcn.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
if blockHeight != tcn.currentHeight+1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Received blocks out of order: "+
"current height=%d, new height=%d",
tcn.currentHeight, blockHeight)
tcn.reorgDepth = 0
// Record any newly confirmed transactions by their confirmed height so
// that notifications get dispatched when the transactions reach their
// required number of confirmations. We'll also watch these transactions
// at the height they were included in the chain so reorgs can be
// handled correctly.
for _, tx := range txns {
txHash := tx.Hash()
for _, ntfn := range tcn.confNotifications[*txHash] {
ntfn.details = &TxConfirmation{
BlockHash: blockHash,
BlockHeight: blockHeight,
TxIndex: uint32(tx.Index()),
confHeight := blockHeight + ntfn.NumConfirmations - 1
ntfnSet, exists := tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight]
if !exists {
ntfnSet = make(map[*ConfNtfn]struct{})
tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight] = ntfnSet
ntfnSet[ntfn] = struct{}{}
txSet, exists := tcn.txsByInitialHeight[blockHeight]
if !exists {
txSet = make(map[chainhash.Hash]struct{})
tcn.txsByInitialHeight[blockHeight] = txSet
txSet[*txHash] = struct{}{}
// Next, we'll dispatch an update to all of the notification clients for
// our watched transactions with the number of confirmations left at
// this new height.
for _, txHashes := range tcn.txsByInitialHeight {
for txHash := range txHashes {
for _, ntfn := range tcn.confNotifications[txHash] {
// If the transaction still hasn't been included
// in a block, we'll skip it.
if ntfn.details == nil {
txConfHeight := ntfn.details.BlockHeight +
ntfn.NumConfirmations - 1
numConfsLeft := txConfHeight - blockHeight
// Since we don't clear notifications until
// transactions are no longer under the risk of
// being reorganized out of the chain, we'll
// skip sending updates for transactions that
// have already been confirmed.
if int32(numConfsLeft) < 0 {
select {
case ntfn.Event.Updates <- numConfsLeft:
case <-tcn.quit:
return errors.New("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
// Then, we'll dispatch notifications for all the transactions that have
// become confirmed at this new block height.
for ntfn := range tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[tcn.currentHeight] {
Log.Infof("Dispatching %v conf notification for %v",
ntfn.NumConfirmations, ntfn.TxID)
select {
case ntfn.Event.Confirmed <- ntfn.details:
ntfn.dispatched = true
case <-tcn.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
delete(tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight, tcn.currentHeight)
// Clear entries from confNotifications and confTxsByInitialHeight. We
// assume that reorgs deeper than the reorg safety limit do not happen,
// so we can clear out entries for the block that is now mature.
if tcn.currentHeight >= tcn.reorgSafetyLimit {
matureBlockHeight := tcn.currentHeight - tcn.reorgSafetyLimit
for txHash := range tcn.txsByInitialHeight[matureBlockHeight] {
delete(tcn.confNotifications, txHash)
delete(tcn.txsByInitialHeight, matureBlockHeight)
return nil
// DisconnectTip handles the tip of the current chain being disconnected during
// a chain reorganization. If any watched transactions were included in this
// block, internal structures are updated to ensure a confirmation notification
// is not sent unless the transaction is included in the new chain.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) DisconnectTip(blockHeight uint32) error {
select {
case <-tcn.quit:
return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
if blockHeight != tcn.currentHeight {
return fmt.Errorf("Received blocks out of order: "+
"current height=%d, disconnected height=%d",
tcn.currentHeight, blockHeight)
// We'll go through all of our watched transactions and attempt to drain
// their notification channels to ensure sending notifications to the
// clients is always non-blocking.
for initialHeight, txHashes := range tcn.txsByInitialHeight {
for txHash := range txHashes {
for _, ntfn := range tcn.confNotifications[txHash] {
// First, we'll attempt to drain an update
// from each notification to ensure sends to the
// Updates channel are always non-blocking.
select {
case <-ntfn.Event.Updates:
case <-tcn.quit:
return errors.New("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
// Then, we'll check if the current transaction
// was included in the block currently being
// disconnected. If it was, we'll need to take
// some necessary precautions.
if initialHeight == blockHeight {
// If the transaction's confirmation notification
// has already been dispatched, we'll attempt to
// notify the client it was reorged out of the chain.
if ntfn.dispatched {
// Attempt to drain the confirmation notification
// to ensure sends to the Confirmed channel are
// always non-blocking.
select {
case <-ntfn.Event.Confirmed:
case <-tcn.quit:
return errors.New("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
ntfn.dispatched = false
// Send a negative confirmation notification to the
// client indicating how many blocks have been
// disconnected successively.
select {
case ntfn.Event.NegativeConf <- int32(tcn.reorgDepth):
case <-tcn.quit:
return errors.New("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
// Otherwise, since the transactions was reorged out
// of the chain, we can safely remove its accompanying
// confirmation notification.
confHeight := blockHeight + ntfn.NumConfirmations - 1
ntfnSet, exists := tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight]
if !exists {
delete(ntfnSet, ntfn)
// Finally, we can remove the transactions we're currently watching that
// were included in this block height.
delete(tcn.txsByInitialHeight, blockHeight)
return nil
// TearDown is to be called when the owner of the TxConfNotifier is exiting.
// This closes the event channels of all registered notifications that have
// not been dispatched yet.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) TearDown() {
for _, ntfns := range tcn.confNotifications {
for _, ntfn := range ntfns {
if ntfn.dispatched {