This commit will allow the general public to build lnd without jumping through hoops setting up their local git branches nicely with all of our forks.
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package lnwallet
import (
// WalletController defines an abstract interface for controlling a local Pure
// Go wallet, a local or remote wallet via an RPC mechanism, or possibly even
// a daemon assisted hardware wallet. This interface serves the purpose of
// allowing LightningWallet to be seamlessly compatible with several wallets
// such as: uspv, btcwallet, Bitcoin Core, Electrum, etc. This interface then
// serves as a "base wallet", with Lightning Network awareness taking place at
// a "higher" level of abstraction. Essentially, an overlay wallet.
// Implementors of this interface must closely adhere to the documented behavior
// of all interface methods in order to ensure identical behavior accross all
// concrete implementations.
type WalletController interface {
// ConfirmedBalance returns the sum of all the wallet's unspent outputs
// that have at least confs confirmations. If confs is set to zero,
// then all unspent outputs, including those currently in the mempool
// will be included in the final sum.
ConfirmedBalance(confs int32) btcutil.Amount
// NewAddress returns the next external address for the wallet. The
// type of address returned is dictated by the wallet's capabilities,
// and may be of type: p2sh, p2pkh, p2wkh, p2wsh, etc.
NewAddress(witness bool) (btcutil.Address, error)
// NewChangeAddress returns a new change address for the wallet. If the
// underlying wallet supports hd key chains, then this address should be
// dervied from an internal branch.
NewChangeAddress(witness bool) (btcutil.Address, error)
// GetPrivKey retrives the underlying private key associated with the
// passed address. If the wallet is unable to locate this private key
// due to the address not being under control of the wallet, then an
// error should be returned.
GetPrivKey(a *btcutil.Address) (*btcec.PrivateKey, error)
// NewRawKey returns a raw private key controlled by the wallet. These
// keys are used for the 2-of-2 multi-sig outputs for funding
// transactions, as well as the pub key used for commitment transactions.
// TODO(roasbeef): key pool due to cancelled reservations??
NewRawKey() (*btcec.PrivateKey, error)
// FetchIdentityKey returns a private key which will be utilized as the
// wallet's Lightning Network identity for authentication purposes.
// TODO(roasbeef): rotate identity key?
FetchIdentityKey() (*btcec.PrivateKey, error)
// FundTransaction creates a new unsigned transactions paying to the
// passed outputs, possibly using the specified change address. The
// includeFee parameter dictates if the wallet should also provide
// enough the funds necessary to create an adequate fee or not.
FundTransaction(outputs []*wire.TxOut, changeAddr btcutil.Address,
includeFee bool) (*wire.MsgTx, error)
// SignTransaction performs potentially a sparse, or full signing of
// all inputs within the passed transaction that are spendable by the
// wallet.
SignTransaction(tx *wire.MsgTx) error
// BroadcastTransaction performs cursory validation (dust checks, etc),
// then finally broadcasts the passed transaction to the Bitcoin network.
BroadcastTransaction(tx *wire.MsgTx) error
// SendMany funds, signs, and broadcasts a Bitcoin transaction paying
// out to the specified outputs. In the case the wallet has insufficient
// funds, or the outputs are non-standard, and error should be returned.
SendMany(outputs []*wire.TxOut) (*wire.ShaHash, error)
// ListUnspentWitness returns all unspent outputs which are version 0
// witness programs. The 'confirms' parameter indicates the minimum
// number of confirmations an output needs in order to be returned by
// this method. Passing -1 as 'confirms' indicates that even unconfirmed
// outputs should be returned.
ListUnspentWitness(confirms int32) ([]*wire.OutPoint, error)
// LockOutpoint marks an outpoint as locked meaning it will no longer
// be deemed as eligble for coin selection. Locking outputs are utilized
// in order to avoid race conditions when selecting inputs for usage when
// funding a channel.
LockOutpoint(o wire.OutPoint)
// UnlockOutpoint unlocks an previously locked output, marking it
// eligible for coin seleciton.
UnlockOutpoint(o wire.OutPoint)
// ImportScript imports the serialize public key script, or redeem
// script into the wallet's database. Scripts to be imported include
// the 2-of-2 script for funding transactions, commitment scripts,
// HTLCs scripts, and so on.
ImportScript(b []byte) error
// Start initializes the wallet, making any neccessary connections,
// starting up required goroutines etc.
Start() error
// Stop signals the wallet for shutdown. Shutdown may entail closing
// any active sockets, database handles, stopping goroutines, etc.
Stop() error
// WaitForShutdown blocks until the wallet finishes the shutdown
// procedure triggered by a prior call to Stop().
WaitForShutdown() error
// TODO(roasbeef): ImportPriv?
// * segwitty flag?