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// Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btcutil
import (
// ErrMalformedPrivateKey describes an error where a WIF-encoded private
// key cannot be decoded due to being improperly formatted. This may occur
// if the byte length is incorrect or an unexpected magic number was
// encountered.
var ErrMalformedPrivateKey = errors.New("malformed private key")
// compressMagic is the magic byte used to identify a WIF encoding for
// an address created from a compressed serialized public key.
const compressMagic byte = 0x01
// WIF contains the individual components described by the Wallet Import Format
// (WIF). A WIF string is typically used to represent a private key and its
// associated address in a way that may be easily copied and imported into or
// exported from wallet software. WIF strings may be decoded into this
// structure by calling DecodeWIF or created with a user-provided private key
// by calling NewWIF.
type WIF struct {
// PrivKey is the private key being imported or exported.
PrivKey *btcec.PrivateKey
// CompressPubKey specifies whether the address controlled by the
// imported or exported private key was created by hashing a
// compressed (33-byte) serialized public key, rather than an
// uncompressed (65-byte) one.
CompressPubKey bool
// netID is the bitcoin network identifier byte used when
// WIF encoding the private key.
netID byte
// NewWIF creates a new WIF structure to export an address and its private key
// as a string encoded in the Wallet Import Format. The compress argument
// specifies whether the address intended to be imported or exported was created
// by serializing the public key compressed rather than uncompressed.
func NewWIF(privKey *btcec.PrivateKey, net *chaincfg.Params, compress bool) (*WIF, error) {
if net == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no network")
return &WIF{privKey, compress, net.PrivateKeyID}, nil
// IsForNet returns whether or not the decoded WIF structure is associated
// with the passed bitcoin network.
func (w *WIF) IsForNet(net *chaincfg.Params) bool {
return w.netID == net.PrivateKeyID
// DecodeWIF creates a new WIF structure by decoding the string encoding of
// the import format.
// The WIF string must be a base58-encoded string of the following byte
// sequence:
// * 1 byte to identify the network, must be 0x80 for mainnet or 0xef for
// either testnet3 or the regression test network
// * 32 bytes of a binary-encoded, big-endian, zero-padded private key
// * Optional 1 byte (equal to 0x01) if the address being imported or exported
// was created by taking the RIPEMD160 after SHA256 hash of a serialized
// compressed (33-byte) public key
// * 4 bytes of checksum, must equal the first four bytes of the double SHA256
// of every byte before the checksum in this sequence
// If the base58-decoded byte sequence does not match this, DecodeWIF will
// return a non-nil error. ErrMalformedPrivateKey is returned when the WIF
// is of an impossible length or the expected compressed pubkey magic number
// does not equal the expected value of 0x01. ErrChecksumMismatch is returned
// if the expected WIF checksum does not match the calculated checksum.
func DecodeWIF(wif string) (*WIF, error) {
decoded := base58.Decode(wif)
decodedLen := len(decoded)
var compress bool
// Length of base58 decoded WIF must be 32 bytes + an optional 1 byte
// (0x01) if compressed, plus 1 byte for netID + 4 bytes of checksum.
switch decodedLen {
case 1 + btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen + 1 + 4:
if decoded[33] != compressMagic {
return nil, ErrMalformedPrivateKey
compress = true
case 1 + btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen + 4:
compress = false
return nil, ErrMalformedPrivateKey
// Checksum is first four bytes of double SHA256 of the identifier byte
// and privKey. Verify this matches the final 4 bytes of the decoded
// private key.
var tosum []byte
if compress {
tosum = decoded[:1+btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen+1]
} else {
tosum = decoded[:1+btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen]
cksum := chainhash.DoubleHashB(tosum)[:4]
if !bytes.Equal(cksum, decoded[decodedLen-4:]) {
return nil, ErrChecksumMismatch
netID := decoded[0]
privKeyBytes := decoded[1 : 1+btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen]
privKey, _ := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), privKeyBytes)
return &WIF{privKey, compress, netID}, nil
// String creates the Wallet Import Format string encoding of a WIF structure.
// See DecodeWIF for a detailed breakdown of the format and requirements of
// a valid WIF string.
func (w *WIF) String() string {
// Precalculate size. Maximum number of bytes before base58 encoding
// is one byte for the network, 32 bytes of private key, possibly one
// extra byte if the pubkey is to be compressed, and finally four
// bytes of checksum.
encodeLen := 1 + btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen + 4
if w.CompressPubKey {
a := make([]byte, 0, encodeLen)
a = append(a, w.netID)
// Pad and append bytes manually, instead of using Serialize, to
// avoid another call to make.
a = paddedAppend(btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen, a, w.PrivKey.D.Bytes())
if w.CompressPubKey {
a = append(a, compressMagic)
cksum := chainhash.DoubleHashB(a)[:4]
a = append(a, cksum...)
return base58.Encode(a)
// SerializePubKey serializes the associated public key of the imported or
// exported private key in either a compressed or uncompressed format. The
// serialization format chosen depends on the value of w.CompressPubKey.
func (w *WIF) SerializePubKey() []byte {
pk := (*btcec.PublicKey)(&w.PrivKey.PublicKey)
if w.CompressPubKey {
return pk.SerializeCompressed()
return pk.SerializeUncompressed()
// paddedAppend appends the src byte slice to dst, returning the new slice.
// If the length of the source is smaller than the passed size, leading zero
// bytes are appended to the dst slice before appending src.
func paddedAppend(size uint, dst, src []byte) []byte {
for i := 0; i < int(size)-len(src); i++ {
dst = append(dst, 0)
return append(dst, src...)