lnd version, "hacked" to enable seedless restore from xprv + scb
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Olaoluwa Osuntokun 5a82340a03
Merge pull request #5198 from hsjoberg/sampleconf-tlsdisableautofill
3 years ago
README.md multi: unify code blocks in READMEs 3 years ago
bindings.go mobile: Move lndStarted check to the top of the Start function 3 years ago
gen_bindings.sh Merge pull request #5178 from halseth/mobile-docker-prefix 3 years ago
sample_lnd.conf mobile: add tlsdisableautofill to sample config 3 years ago


Building mobile libraries



Install the dependencies for generating protobuf definitions as stated in lnrpc docs


Follow gomobile in order to install gomobile and dependencies.

Remember to run gomobile init (otherwise the lnd build might just hang).

Note that gomobile only supports building projects from GOPATH at this point.


Install falafel:

⛰  go get -u -v github.com/lightninglabs/falafel

Building lnd for iOS

⛰  make ios

Building lnd for Android

⛰  make android

make mobile will build both iOS and Android libs.


After the build has succeeded, the libraries will be found in mobile/build/ios/Lndmobile.framework and mobile/build/android/Lndmobile.aar. Reference your platforms' SDK documentation for how to add the library to your project.

Generating proto definitions for your language.

In order to call the methods in the generated library, the serialized proto for the given RPC call must be provided. Similarly, the response will be a serialized proto.

In order to generate protobuf definitions for your language of choice, add the proto plugin to the protoc invocations found in gen_protos.sh. For instance to generate protos for Swift, add --swift_out=. and run make rpc.


Similar to lnd, subservers can be conditionally compiled with the build by setting the tags argument:

⛰  make ios

To support subservers that have APIs with name conflicts, pass the "prefix" flag. This will add the subserver name as a prefix to each method name:

⛰  make ios prefix=1

API docs
