lnd version, "hacked" to enable seedless restore from xprv + scb
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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780 B

package funding
import (
// Controller is an interface with basic funding flow functions.
// It describes the basic functionality of a funding manager.
// It should at a minimum process a subset of lnwire messages that
// are denoted as funding messages.
type Controller interface {
// ProcessFundingMsg processes a funding message represented by the
// lnwire.Message parameter along with the Peer object representing a
// connection to the counterparty.
ProcessFundingMsg(lnwire.Message, lnpeer.Peer)
// IsPendingChannel returns whether a particular 32-byte identifier
// represents a pending channel in the Controller implementation.
IsPendingChannel([32]byte, lnpeer.Peer) bool