lnd version, "hacked" to enable seedless restore from xprv + scb
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.2 KiB

package aezeed
import "fmt"
var (
// ErrIncorrectVersion is returned if a seed bares a mismatched
// external version to that of the package executing the aezeed scheme.
ErrIncorrectVersion = fmt.Errorf("wrong seed version")
// ErrInvalidPass is returned if the user enters an invalid passphrase
// for a particular enciphered mnemonic.
ErrInvalidPass = fmt.Errorf("invalid passphrase")
// ErrIncorrectMnemonic is returned if we detect that the checksum of
// the specified mnemonic doesn't match. This indicates the user input
// the wrong mnemonic.
ErrIncorrectMnemonic = fmt.Errorf("mnemonic phrase checksum doesn't " +
// ErrUnknownMnenomicWord is returned when attempting to decipher and
// enciphered mnemonic, but a word encountered isn't a member of our word list.
type ErrUnknownMnenomicWord struct {
// Word is the unknown word in the mnemonic phrase.
Word string
// Index is the index (starting from zero) within the slice of strings
// that makes up the mnemonic that points to the incorrect word.
Index uint8
// Error returns a human readable string describing the error.
func (e ErrUnknownMnenomicWord) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("word %v isn't a part of default word list "+
"(index=%v)", e.Word, e.Index)