package wtclient

import (

// taskPipeline implements a reliable, in-order queue that ensures its queue
// fully drained before exiting. Stopping the taskPipeline prevents the pipeline
// from accepting any further tasks, and will cause the pipeline to exit after
// all updates have been delivered to the downstream receiver. If this process
// hangs and is unable to make progress, users can optionally call ForceQuit to
// abandon the reliable draining of the queue in order to permit shutdown.
type taskPipeline struct {
	started sync.Once
	stopped sync.Once
	forced  sync.Once

	queueMtx  sync.Mutex
	queueCond *sync.Cond
	queue     *list.List

	newBackupTasks chan *backupTask

	quit      chan struct{}
	forceQuit chan struct{}
	shutdown  chan struct{}

// newTaskPipeline initializes a new taskPipeline.
func newTaskPipeline() *taskPipeline {
	rq := &taskPipeline{
		queue:          list.New(),
		newBackupTasks: make(chan *backupTask),
		quit:           make(chan struct{}),
		forceQuit:      make(chan struct{}),
		shutdown:       make(chan struct{}),
	rq.queueCond = sync.NewCond(&rq.queueMtx)

	return rq

// Start spins up the taskPipeline, making it eligible to begin receiving backup
// tasks and deliver them to the receiver of NewBackupTasks.
func (q *taskPipeline) Start() {
	q.started.Do(func() {
		go q.queueManager()

// Stop begins a graceful shutdown of the taskPipeline. This method returns once
// all backupTasks have been delivered via NewBackupTasks, or a ForceQuit causes
// the delivery of pending tasks to be interrupted.
func (q *taskPipeline) Stop() {
	q.stopped.Do(func() {
		log.Debugf("Stopping task pipeline")


		// Skip log if we also force quit.
		select {
		case <-q.forceQuit:
			log.Debugf("Task pipeline stopped successfully")

// ForceQuit signals the taskPipeline to immediately exit, dropping any
// backupTasks that have not been delivered via NewBackupTasks.
func (q *taskPipeline) ForceQuit() {
	q.forced.Do(func() {
		log.Infof("Force quitting task pipeline")


		log.Infof("Task pipeline unclean shutdown complete")

// NewBackupTasks returns a read-only channel for enqueue backupTasks. The
// channel will be closed after a call to Stop and all pending tasks have been
// delivered, or if a call to ForceQuit is called before the pending entries
// have been drained.
func (q *taskPipeline) NewBackupTasks() <-chan *backupTask {
	return q.newBackupTasks

// QueueBackupTask enqueues a backupTask for reliable delivery to the consumer
// of NewBackupTasks. If the taskPipeline is shutting down, ErrClientExiting is
// returned. Otherwise, if QueueBackupTask returns nil it is guaranteed to be
// delivered via NewBackupTasks unless ForceQuit is called before completion.
func (q *taskPipeline) QueueBackupTask(task *backupTask) error {
	select {

	// Reject new tasks after quit has been signaled.
	case <-q.quit:
		return ErrClientExiting

	// Reject new tasks after force quit has been signaled.
	case <-q.forceQuit:
		return ErrClientExiting


	// Queue the new task and signal the queue's condition variable to wake up
	// the queueManager for processing.


	return nil

// queueManager processes all incoming backup requests that get added via
// QueueBackupTask. The manager will exit
// NOTE: This method MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (q *taskPipeline) queueManager() {
	defer close(q.shutdown)
	defer close(q.newBackupTasks)

	for {
		for q.queue.Front() == nil {

			select {
			case <-q.quit:
				// Exit only after the queue has been fully drained.
				if q.queue.Len() == 0 {
					log.Debugf("Revoked state pipeline flushed.")

			case <-q.forceQuit:
				log.Debugf("Revoked state pipeline force quit.")


		// Pop the first element from the queue.
		e := q.queue.Front()
		task := q.queue.Remove(e).(*backupTask)

		select {

		// Backup task submitted to dispatcher. We don't select on quit to
		// ensure that we still drain tasks while shutting down.
		case q.newBackupTasks <- task:

		// Force quit, return immediately to allow the client to exit.
		case <-q.forceQuit:
			log.Debugf("Revoked state pipeline force quit.")

// signalUntilShutdown strobes the queue's condition variable to ensure the
// queueManager reliably unblocks to check for the exit condition.
func (q *taskPipeline) signalUntilShutdown() {
	for {
		select {
		case <-time.After(time.Millisecond):
		case <-q.shutdown: