package shachain

import (


// element represents the entity which contains the hash and index
// corresponding to it. An element is the output of the shachain PRF. By
// comparing two indexes we're able to mutate the hash in such way to derive
// another element.
type element struct {
	index index
	hash  chainhash.Hash

// newElementFromStr creates new element from the given hash string.
func newElementFromStr(s string, index index) (*element, error) {
	hash, err := hashFromString(s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &element{
		index: index,
		hash:  *hash,
	}, nil

// derive computes one shachain element from another by applying a series of
// bit flips and hasing operations based on the starting and ending index.
func (e *element) derive(toIndex index) (*element, error) {
	fromIndex := e.index

	positions, err := fromIndex.deriveBitTransformations(toIndex)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	buf := e.hash.CloneBytes()
	for _, position := range positions {
		// Flip the bit and then hash the current state.
		byteNumber := position / 8
		bitNumber := position % 8

		buf[byteNumber] ^= (1 << bitNumber)

		h := sha256.Sum256(buf)
		buf = h[:]

	hash, err := chainhash.NewHash(buf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &element{
		index: toIndex,
		hash:  *hash,
	}, nil

// isEqual returns true if two elements are identical and false otherwise.
func (e *element) isEqual(e2 *element) bool {
	return (e.index == e2.index) &&

const (
	// maxHeight is used to determine the maximum allowable index and the
	// length of the array required to order to derive all previous hashes
	// by index. The entries of this array as also knowns as buckets.
	maxHeight uint8 = 48

	// rootIndex is an index which corresponds to the root hash.
	rootIndex index = 0

// startIndex is the index of first element in the shachain PRF.
var startIndex index = (1 << maxHeight) - 1

// index is a number which identifies the hash number and serves as a way to
// determine the hashing operation required  to derive one hash from another.
// index is initialized with the startIndex and decreases down to zero with
// successive derivations.
type index uint64

// newIndex is used to create index instance. The inner operations with index
// implies that index decreasing from some max number to zero, but for
// simplicity and backward compatibility with previous logic it was transformed
// to work in opposite way.
func newIndex(v uint64) index {
	return startIndex - index(v)

// deriveBitTransformations function checks that the 'to' index is derivable
// from the 'from' index by checking the indexes are prefixes of another. The
// bit positions where the zeroes should be changed to ones in order for the
// indexes to become the same are returned. This set of bits is needed in order
// to derive one hash from another.
// NOTE: The index 'to' is derivable from index 'from' iff index 'from' lies
// left and above index 'to' on graph below, for example:
// 1. 7(0b111) -> 7
// 2. 6(0b110) -> 6,7
// 3. 5(0b101) -> 5
// 4. 4(0b100) -> 4,5,6,7
// 5. 3(0b011) -> 3
// 6. 2(0b010) -> 2, 3
// 7. 1(0b001) -> 1
//    ^ bucket number
//    |
//  3 |   x
//    |   |
//  2 |   |               x
//    |   |               |
//  1 |   |       x       |       x
//    |   |       |       |       |
//  0 |   |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
//    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
//    +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---> index
//        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
func (from index) deriveBitTransformations(to index) ([]uint8, error) {
	var positions []uint8

	if from == to {
		return positions, nil

	//	+ --------------- +
	// 	| №  | from | to  |
	//	+ -- + ---- + --- +
	//	| 48 |	 1  |  1  |
	//	| 47 |	 0  |  0  | [48-5] - same part of 'from' and 'to'
	//	| 46 |   0  |  0  |	    indexes which also is called prefix.
	//		....
	//	|  5 |	 1  |  1  |
	//	|  4 |	 0  |  1  | <--- position after which indexes becomes
	//	|  3 |   0  |  0  |	 different, after this position
	//	|  2 |   0  |  1  |	 bits in 'from' index all should be
	//	|  1 |   0  |  0  |	 zeros or such indexes considered to be
	//	|  0 |   0  |  1  |	 not derivable.
	//	+ -- + ---- + --- +
	zeros := countTrailingZeros(from)
	if uint64(from) != getPrefix(to, zeros) {
		return nil, errors.New("prefixes are different - indexes " +
			"aren't derivable")

	// The remaining part of 'to' index represents the positions which we
	// will use then in order to derive one element from another.
	for position := zeros - 1; ; position-- {
		if getBit(to, position) == 1 {
			positions = append(positions, position)

		if position == 0 {

	return positions, nil