syntax = "proto3"; package verrpc; option go_package = ""; service Versioner { rpc GetVersion (VersionRequest) returns (Version); }; message VersionRequest { }; message Version { /// A verbose description of the daemon's commit. string commit = 1; /// The SHA1 commit hash that the daemon is compiled with. string commit_hash = 2; /// The semantic version. string version = 3; /// The major application version. uint32 app_major = 4; /// The minor application version. uint32 app_minor = 5; /// The application patch number. uint32 app_patch = 6; /// The application pre-release modifier, possibly empty. string app_pre_release = 7; /// The list of build tags that were supplied during compilation. repeated string build_tags = 8; /// The version of go that compiled the executable. string go_version = 9; };