lnrpc ===== [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/lightningnetwork/lnd.svg)] (https://travis-ci.org/lightningnetwork/lnd) [![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)] [![GoDoc](https://img.shields.io/badge/godoc-reference-blue.svg)] (http://godoc.org/github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc) This lnrpc package implements both a client and server for `lnd`s RPC system which is based off of the high-performance cross-platform [gRPC](http://www.grpc.io/) RPC framework. By default, only the Go client+server libraries are compiled within the package. In order to compile the client side libraries for other supported languages, the `protoc` tool will need to be used to generate the compiled protos for a specific language. The following languages are supported as clients to `lnrpc`: C++, Go, Node.js, Java, Ruby, Android Java, PHP, Python, C#, Objective-C. The list of defined RPC's on the main service are the following (with a brief description): * WalletBalance * Returns the wallet's current confirmed balance in BTC. * ChannelBalance * Returns the daemons' available aggregate channel balance in BTC. * GetTransactions * Returns a list of on-chain transactions that pay to or are spends from `lnd`. * SendCoins * Sends an amount of satoshis to a specific address. * SubscribeTransactions * Returns a stream which sends async notifications each time a transaction is created or one is received that pays to us. * SendMany * Allows the caller to create a transaction with an arbitrary fan-out (many outputs). * NewAddress * Returns a new address, the following address types are supported: pay-to-public-key-hash (p2pkh), pay-to-witness-key-hash (p2wkh), and nested-pay-to-witness-key-hash (np2wkh). * ConnectPeer * Connects to a peer identified by a public key and host. * ListPeers * Lists all available connected peers. * GetInfo * Returns basic data concerning the daemon. * PendingChannels * List the number of pending (not fully confirmed) channels. * ListChannels * List all active channels the daemon manages. * OpenChannel * Attempts to open a channel to a target peer with a specific amount and push amount. * SendPayment * Send a payment over Lightning to a target peer. * AddInvoice * Adds an invoice to the daemon. Invoices are automatically settled once seen as an incoming HTLC. * ListInvoices * Lists all stored invoices. * LookupInvoice * Attempts to look up an invoice by payment hash (r-hash). * SubscribeInvoices * Creates a uni-directional stream which receives async notifications as the daemon settles invoices * ListPayments * List all outgoing Lightning payments the daemon has made. * DescribeGraph * Returns a description of the known channel graph from the PoV of the node. * GetChanInfo * Returns information for a specific channel identified by channel ID. * GetNodeInfo * Returns information for a particular node identified by its identity public key. * QueryRoute * Queries for a possible route to a target peer which can carry a certain amount of payment. * GetNetworkInfo * Returns some network level statistics. * SetAlias * Sets the node alias which is to be advertised on the network. ## Installation and Updating ```bash $ go get -u github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc ```