// Package chanfitness monitors the behaviour of channels to provide insight // into the health and performance of a channel. This is achieved by maintaining // an event store which tracks events for each channel. // // Lifespan: the period that the channel has been known to the scoring system. // Note that lifespan may not equal the channel's full lifetime because data is // not currently persisted. // // Uptime: the total time within a given period that the channel's remote peer // has been online. package chanfitness import ( "errors" "sync" "time" "github.com/btcsuite/btcd/wire" "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/channeldb" "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/channelnotifier" "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/peernotifier" "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/routing/route" "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/subscribe" ) var ( // errShuttingDown is returned when the store cannot respond to a query because // it has received the shutdown signal. errShuttingDown = errors.New("channel event store shutting down") // ErrChannelNotFound is returned when a query is made for a channel that // the event store does not have knowledge of. ErrChannelNotFound = errors.New("channel not found in event store") ) // ChannelEventStore maintains a set of event logs for the node's channels to // provide insight into the performance and health of channels. type ChannelEventStore struct { cfg *Config // channels maps channel points to event logs. channels map[wire.OutPoint]*chanEventLog // peers tracks the current online status of peers based on online/offline // events. peers map[route.Vertex]bool // lifespanRequests serves requests for the lifespan of channels. lifespanRequests chan lifespanRequest // uptimeRequests serves requests for the uptime of channels. uptimeRequests chan uptimeRequest quit chan struct{} wg sync.WaitGroup } // Config provides the event store with functions required to monitor channel // activity. All elements of the config must be non-nil for the event store to // operate. type Config struct { // SubscribeChannelEvents provides a subscription client which provides a // stream of channel events. SubscribeChannelEvents func() (*subscribe.Client, error) // SubscribePeerEvents provides a subscription client which provides a // stream of peer online/offline events. SubscribePeerEvents func() (*subscribe.Client, error) // GetOpenChannels provides a list of existing open channels which is used // to populate the ChannelEventStore with a set of channels on startup. GetOpenChannels func() ([]*channeldb.OpenChannel, error) } // lifespanRequest contains the channel ID required to query the store for a // channel's lifespan and a blocking response channel on which the result is // sent. type lifespanRequest struct { channelPoint wire.OutPoint responseChan chan lifespanResponse } // lifespanResponse contains the response to a lifespanRequest and an error if // one occurred. type lifespanResponse struct { start time.Time end time.Time err error } // uptimeRequest contains the parameters required to query the store for a // channel's uptime and a blocking response channel on which the result is sent. type uptimeRequest struct { channelPoint wire.OutPoint startTime time.Time endTime time.Time responseChan chan uptimeResponse } // uptimeResponse contains the response to an uptimeRequest and an error if one // occurred. type uptimeResponse struct { uptime time.Duration err error } // NewChannelEventStore initializes an event store with the config provided. // Note that this function does not start the main event loop, Start() must be // called. func NewChannelEventStore(config *Config) *ChannelEventStore { store := &ChannelEventStore{ cfg: config, channels: make(map[wire.OutPoint]*chanEventLog), peers: make(map[route.Vertex]bool), lifespanRequests: make(chan lifespanRequest), uptimeRequests: make(chan uptimeRequest), quit: make(chan struct{}), } return store } // Start adds all existing open channels to the event store and starts the main // loop which records channel and peer events, and serves requests for // information from the store. If this function fails, it cancels its existing // subscriptions and returns an error. func (c *ChannelEventStore) Start() error { // Create a subscription to channel events. channelClient, err := c.cfg.SubscribeChannelEvents() if err != nil { return err } // Create a subscription to peer events. If an error occurs, cancel the // existing subscription to channel events and return. peerClient, err := c.cfg.SubscribePeerEvents() if err != nil { channelClient.Cancel() return err } // cancel should be called to cancel all subscriptions if an error occurs. cancel := func() { channelClient.Cancel() peerClient.Cancel() } // Add the existing set of channels to the event store. This is required // because channel events will not be triggered for channels that exist // at startup time. channels, err := c.cfg.GetOpenChannels() if err != nil { cancel() return err } log.Infof("Adding %v channels to event store", len(channels)) for _, ch := range channels { peerKey, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes( ch.IdentityPub.SerializeCompressed(), ) if err != nil { cancel() return err } // Add existing channels to the channel store with an initial peer // online or offline event. c.addChannel(ch.FundingOutpoint, peerKey) } // Start a goroutine that consumes events from all subscriptions. c.wg.Add(1) go c.consume(&subscriptions{ channelUpdates: channelClient.Updates(), peerUpdates: peerClient.Updates(), cancel: cancel, }) return nil } // Stop terminates all goroutines started by the event store. func (c *ChannelEventStore) Stop() { log.Info("Stopping event store") // Stop the consume goroutine. close(c.quit) c.wg.Wait() } // addChannel adds a new channel to the ChannelEventStore's map of channels with // an initial peer online state (if the peer is online). If the channel is // already present in the map, the function returns early. This function should // be called to add existing channels on startup and when open channel events // are observed. func (c *ChannelEventStore) addChannel(channelPoint wire.OutPoint, peer route.Vertex) { // Check for the unexpected case where the channel is already in the store. _, ok := c.channels[channelPoint] if ok { log.Errorf("Channel %v duplicated in channel store", channelPoint) return } // Create an event log for the channel. eventLog := newEventLog(channelPoint, peer, time.Now) c.channels[channelPoint] = eventLog } // closeChannel records a closed time for a channel, and returns early is the // channel is not known to the event store. func (c *ChannelEventStore) closeChannel(channelPoint wire.OutPoint) { // Check for the unexpected case where the channel is unknown to the store. eventLog, ok := c.channels[channelPoint] if !ok { log.Errorf("Close channel %v unknown to store", channelPoint) return } eventLog.close() } // peerEvent adds a peer online or offline event to all channels we currently // have open with a peer. func (c *ChannelEventStore) peerEvent(peer route.Vertex, event eventType) { // Track current online status of peers in the channelEventStore. c.peers[peer] = event == peerOnlineEvent for _, eventLog := range c.channels { if eventLog.peer == peer { eventLog.add(event) } } } // subscriptions abstracts away from subscription clients to allow for mocking. type subscriptions struct { channelUpdates <-chan interface{} peerUpdates <-chan interface{} cancel func() } // consume is the event store's main loop. It consumes subscriptions to update // the event store with channel and peer events, and serves requests for channel // uptime and lifespan. func (c *ChannelEventStore) consume(subscriptions *subscriptions) { defer c.wg.Done() defer subscriptions.cancel() // Consume events until the channel is closed. for { select { // Process channel opened and closed events. case e := <-subscriptions.channelUpdates: switch event := e.(type) { // A new channel has been opened, we must add the channel to the // store and record a channel open event. case channelnotifier.OpenChannelEvent: peerKey, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes( event.Channel.IdentityPub.SerializeCompressed(), ) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Could not get vertex from: %v", event.Channel.IdentityPub.SerializeCompressed()) } c.addChannel(event.Channel.FundingOutpoint, peerKey) // A channel has been closed, we must remove the channel from the // store and record a channel closed event. case channelnotifier.ClosedChannelEvent: c.closeChannel(event.CloseSummary.ChanPoint) } // Process peer online and offline events. case e := <-subscriptions.peerUpdates: switch event := e.(type) { // We have reestablished a connection with our peer, and should // record an online event for any channels with that peer. case peernotifier.PeerOnlineEvent: c.peerEvent(event.PubKey, peerOnlineEvent) // We have lost a connection with our peer, and should record an // offline event for any channels with that peer. case peernotifier.PeerOfflineEvent: c.peerEvent(event.PubKey, peerOfflineEvent) } // Serve all requests for channel lifetime. case req := <-c.lifespanRequests: var resp lifespanResponse channel, ok := c.channels[req.channelPoint] if !ok { resp.err = ErrChannelNotFound } else { resp.start = channel.openedAt resp.end = channel.closedAt } req.responseChan <- resp // Serve requests for channel uptime. case req := <-c.uptimeRequests: var resp uptimeResponse channel, ok := c.channels[req.channelPoint] if !ok { resp.err = ErrChannelNotFound } else { uptime, err := channel.uptime(req.startTime, req.endTime) resp.uptime = uptime resp.err = err } req.responseChan <- resp // Exit if the store receives the signal to shutdown. case <-c.quit: return } } } // GetLifespan returns the opening and closing time observed for a channel and // a boolean to indicate whether the channel is known the the event store. If // the channel is still open, a zero close time is returned. func (c *ChannelEventStore) GetLifespan( channelPoint wire.OutPoint) (time.Time, time.Time, error) { request := lifespanRequest{ channelPoint: channelPoint, responseChan: make(chan lifespanResponse), } // Send a request for the channel's lifespan to the main event loop, or // return early with an error if the store has already received a shutdown // signal. select { case c.lifespanRequests <- request: case <-c.quit: return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, errShuttingDown } // Return the response we receive on the response channel or exit early if // the store is instructed to exit. select { case resp := <-request.responseChan: return resp.start, resp.end, resp.err case <-c.quit: return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, errShuttingDown } } // GetUptime returns the uptime of a channel over a period and an error if the // channel cannot be found or the uptime calculation fails. func (c *ChannelEventStore) GetUptime(channelPoint wire.OutPoint, startTime, endTime time.Time) (time.Duration, error) { request := uptimeRequest{ channelPoint: channelPoint, startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime, responseChan: make(chan uptimeResponse), } // Send a request for the channel's uptime to the main event loop, or // return early with an error if the store has already received a shutdown // signal. select { case c.uptimeRequests <- request: case <-c.quit: return 0, errShuttingDown } // Return the response we receive on the response channel or exit early if // the store is instructed to exit. select { case resp := <-request.responseChan: return resp.uptime, resp.err case <-c.quit: return 0, errShuttingDown } }