package routing import ( "fmt" "" "" "" ) // PaymentSession is used during SendPayment attempts to provide routes to // attempt. It also defines methods to give the PaymentSession additional // information learned during the previous attempts. type PaymentSession interface { // RequestRoute returns the next route to attempt for routing the // specified HTLC payment to the target node. RequestRoute(payment *LightningPayment, height uint32, finalCltvDelta uint16) (*route.Route, error) // ReportVertexFailure reports to the PaymentSession that the passsed // vertex failed to route the previous payment attempt. The // PaymentSession will use this information to produce a better next // route. ReportVertexFailure(v route.Vertex) // ReportEdgeFailure reports to the PaymentSession that the passed edge // failed to route the previous payment attempt. A minimum penalization // amount is included to attenuate the failure. This is set to a // non-zero value for channel balance failures. The PaymentSession will // use this information to produce a better next route. ReportEdgeFailure(failedEdge edge, minPenalizeAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi) // ReportEdgePolicyFailure reports to the PaymentSession that we // received a failure message that relates to a channel policy. For // these types of failures, the PaymentSession can decide whether to to // keep the edge included in the next attempted route. The // PaymentSession will use this information to produce a better next // route. ReportEdgePolicyFailure(failedEdge edge) } // paymentSession is used during an HTLC routings session to prune the local // chain view in response to failures, and also report those failures back to // MissionControl. The snapshot copied for this session will only ever grow, // and will now be pruned after a decay like the main view within mission // control. We do this as we want to avoid the case where we continually try a // bad edge or route multiple times in a session. This can lead to an infinite // loop if payment attempts take long enough. An additional set of edges can // also be provided to assist in reaching the payment's destination. type paymentSession struct { additionalEdges map[route.Vertex][]*channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy bandwidthHints map[uint64]lnwire.MilliSatoshi // errFailedFeeChans is a map of the short channel IDs that were the // source of policy related routing failures during this payment attempt. // We'll use this map to prune out channels when the first error may not // require pruning, but any subsequent ones do. errFailedPolicyChans map[nodeChannel]struct{} mc *MissionControl preBuiltRoute *route.Route preBuiltRouteTried bool pathFinder pathFinder } // A compile time assertion to ensure paymentSession meets the PaymentSession // interface. var _ PaymentSession = (*paymentSession)(nil) // ReportVertexFailure adds a vertex to the graph prune view after a client // reports a routing failure localized to the vertex. The time the vertex was // added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the shared view after a period of // vertexDecay. However, the vertex will remain pruned for the *local* session. // This ensures we don't retry this vertex during the payment attempt. // // NOTE: Part of the PaymentSession interface. func (p *paymentSession) ReportVertexFailure(v route.Vertex) { } // ReportEdgeFailure adds a channel to the graph prune view. The time the // channel was added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the global view after a // period of edgeDecay. However, the edge will remain pruned for the duration // of the *local* session. This ensures that we don't flap by continually // retrying an edge after its pruning has expired. // // TODO(roasbeef): also add value attempted to send and capacity of channel // // NOTE: Part of the PaymentSession interface. func (p *paymentSession) ReportEdgeFailure(failedEdge edge, minPenalizeAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi) {, minPenalizeAmt) } // ReportEdgePolicyFailure handles a failure message that relates to a // channel policy. For these types of failures, the policy is updated and we // want to keep it included during path finding. This function does mark the // edge as 'policy failed once'. The next time it fails, the whole node will be // pruned. This is to prevent nodes from keeping us busy by continuously sending // new channel updates. // // NOTE: Part of the PaymentSession interface. // // TODO(joostjager): Move this logic into global mission control. func (p *paymentSession) ReportEdgePolicyFailure(failedEdge edge) { key := nodeChannel{ node: failedEdge.from, channel:, } // Check to see if we've already reported a policy related failure for // this channel. If so, then we'll prune out the vertex. _, ok := p.errFailedPolicyChans[key] if ok { // TODO(joostjager): is this aggressive pruning still necessary? // Just pruning edges may also work unless there is a huge // number of failing channels from that node? p.ReportVertexFailure(key.node) return } // Finally, we'll record a policy failure from this node and move on. p.errFailedPolicyChans[key] = struct{}{} } // RequestRoute returns a route which is likely to be capable for successfully // routing the specified HTLC payment to the target node. Initially the first // set of paths returned from this method may encounter routing failure along // the way, however as more payments are sent, mission control will start to // build an up to date view of the network itself. With each payment a new area // will be explored, which feeds into the recommendations made for routing. // // NOTE: This function is safe for concurrent access. // NOTE: Part of the PaymentSession interface. func (p *paymentSession) RequestRoute(payment *LightningPayment, height uint32, finalCltvDelta uint16) (*route.Route, error) { switch { // If we have a pre-built route, use that directly. case p.preBuiltRoute != nil && !p.preBuiltRouteTried: p.preBuiltRouteTried = true return p.preBuiltRoute, nil // If the pre-built route has been tried already, the payment session is // over. case p.preBuiltRoute != nil: return nil, fmt.Errorf("pre-built route already tried") } // If a route cltv limit was specified, we need to subtract the final // delta before passing it into path finding. The optimal path is // independent of the final cltv delta and the path finding algorithm is // unaware of this value. var cltvLimit *uint32 if payment.CltvLimit != nil { limit := *payment.CltvLimit - uint32(finalCltvDelta) cltvLimit = &limit } // TODO(roasbeef): sync logic amongst dist sys // Taking into account this prune view, we'll attempt to locate a path // to our destination, respecting the recommendations from // MissionControl. path, err := p.pathFinder( &graphParams{ graph:, additionalEdges: p.additionalEdges, bandwidthHints: p.bandwidthHints, }, &RestrictParams{ ProbabilitySource:, FeeLimit: payment.FeeLimit, OutgoingChannelID: payment.OutgoingChannelID, CltvLimit: cltvLimit, PaymentAttemptPenalty:, MinProbability:, },, payment.Target, payment.Amount, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } // With the next candidate path found, we'll attempt to turn this into // a route by applying the time-lock and fee requirements. sourceVertex := route.Vertex( route, err := newRoute( payment.Amount, sourceVertex, path, height, finalCltvDelta, ) if err != nil { // TODO(roasbeef): return which edge/vertex didn't work // out return nil, err } return route, err } // nodeChannel is a combination of the node pubkey and one of its channels. type nodeChannel struct { node route.Vertex channel uint64 }