TEST_TAGS = debug TEST_FLAGS = # If specific package is being unit tested, construct the full name of the # subpackage. ifneq ($(pkg),) UNITPKG := $(PKG)/$(pkg) UNIT_TARGETED = yes endif # If a specific unit test case is being target, construct test.run filter. ifneq ($(case),) TEST_FLAGS += -test.run=$(case) UNIT_TARGETED = yes endif # Define the integration test.run filter if the icase argument was provided. ifneq ($(icase),) TEST_FLAGS += -test.run=TestLightningNetworkDaemon/$(icase) endif # If a timeout was requested, construct initialize the proper flag for the go # test command. ifneq ($(timeout),) TEST_FLAGS += -test.timeout=$(timeout) endif # UNIT_TARGTED is undefined iff a specific package and/or unit test case is # not being targeted. UNIT_TARGETED ?= no # If a specific package/test case was requested, run the unit test for the # targeted case. Otherwise, default to running all tests. ifeq ($(UNIT_TARGETED), yes) UNIT := $(GOTEST) -tags="$(TEST_TAGS)" $(TEST_FLAGS) $(UNITPKG) UNIT_RACE := $(GOTEST) -tags="$(TEST_TAGS)" $(TEST_FLAGS) -race $(UNITPKG) endif ifeq ($(UNIT_TARGETED), no) UNIT := $(GOLIST) | $(XARGS) $(GOTEST) -tags="$(TEST_TAGS)" $(TEST_FLAGS) UNIT_RACE := $(UNIT) -race endif # Construct the integration test command with the added build flags. ITEST_TAGS := $(TEST_TAGS) rpctest ITEST := $(GOTEST) -tags="$(ITEST_TAGS)" $(TEST_FLAGS) -logoutput