package wtmock import ( "net" "sync" "sync/atomic" "" "" "" ) type towerPK [33]byte // ClientDB is a mock, in-memory database or testing the watchtower client // behavior. type ClientDB struct { nextTowerID uint64 // to be used atomically mu sync.Mutex summaries map[lnwire.ChannelID]wtdb.ClientChanSummary activeSessions map[wtdb.SessionID]wtdb.ClientSession towerIndex map[towerPK]wtdb.TowerID towers map[wtdb.TowerID]*wtdb.Tower nextIndex uint32 indexes map[wtdb.TowerID]uint32 } // NewClientDB initializes a new mock ClientDB. func NewClientDB() *ClientDB { return &ClientDB{ summaries: make(map[lnwire.ChannelID]wtdb.ClientChanSummary), activeSessions: make(map[wtdb.SessionID]wtdb.ClientSession), towerIndex: make(map[towerPK]wtdb.TowerID), towers: make(map[wtdb.TowerID]*wtdb.Tower), indexes: make(map[wtdb.TowerID]uint32), } } // CreateTower initialize an address record used to communicate with a // watchtower. Each Tower is assigned a unique ID, that is used to amortize // storage costs of the public key when used by multiple sessions. If the tower // already exists, the address is appended to the list of all addresses used to // that tower previously and its corresponding sessions are marked as active. func (m *ClientDB) CreateTower(lnAddr *lnwire.NetAddress) (*wtdb.Tower, error) { defer var towerPubKey towerPK copy(towerPubKey[:], lnAddr.IdentityKey.SerializeCompressed()) var tower *wtdb.Tower towerID, ok := m.towerIndex[towerPubKey] if ok { tower = m.towers[towerID] tower.AddAddress(lnAddr.Address) towerSessions, err := m.listClientSessions(&towerID) if err != nil { return nil, err } for id, session := range towerSessions { session.Status = wtdb.CSessionActive m.activeSessions[id] = *session } } else { towerID = wtdb.TowerID(atomic.AddUint64(&m.nextTowerID, 1)) tower = &wtdb.Tower{ ID: wtdb.TowerID(towerID), IdentityKey: lnAddr.IdentityKey, Addresses: []net.Addr{lnAddr.Address}, } } m.towerIndex[towerPubKey] = towerID m.towers[towerID] = tower return copyTower(tower), nil } // RemoveTower modifies a tower's record within the database. If an address is // provided, then _only_ the address record should be removed from the tower's // persisted state. Otherwise, we'll attempt to mark the tower as inactive by // marking all of its sessions inactive. If any of its sessions has unacked // updates, then ErrTowerUnackedUpdates is returned. If the tower doesn't have // any sessions at all, it'll be completely removed from the database. // // NOTE: An error is not returned if the tower doesn't exist. func (m *ClientDB) RemoveTower(pubKey *btcec.PublicKey, addr net.Addr) error { defer tower, err := m.loadTower(pubKey) if err == wtdb.ErrTowerNotFound { return nil } if err != nil { return err } if addr != nil { tower.RemoveAddress(addr) m.towers[tower.ID] = tower return nil } towerSessions, err := m.listClientSessions(&tower.ID) if err != nil { return err } if len(towerSessions) == 0 { var towerPK towerPK copy(towerPK[:], pubKey.SerializeCompressed()) delete(m.towerIndex, towerPK) delete(m.towers, tower.ID) return nil } for id, session := range towerSessions { if len(session.CommittedUpdates) > 0 { return wtdb.ErrTowerUnackedUpdates } session.Status = wtdb.CSessionInactive m.activeSessions[id] = *session } return nil } // LoadTower retrieves a tower by its public key. func (m *ClientDB) LoadTower(pubKey *btcec.PublicKey) (*wtdb.Tower, error) { defer return m.loadTower(pubKey) } // loadTower retrieves a tower by its public key. // // NOTE: This method requires the database's lock to be acquired. func (m *ClientDB) loadTower(pubKey *btcec.PublicKey) (*wtdb.Tower, error) { var towerPK towerPK copy(towerPK[:], pubKey.SerializeCompressed()) towerID, ok := m.towerIndex[towerPK] if !ok { return nil, wtdb.ErrTowerNotFound } tower, ok := m.towers[towerID] if !ok { return nil, wtdb.ErrTowerNotFound } return copyTower(tower), nil } // LoadTowerByID retrieves a tower by its tower ID. func (m *ClientDB) LoadTowerByID(towerID wtdb.TowerID) (*wtdb.Tower, error) { defer if tower, ok := m.towers[towerID]; ok { return copyTower(tower), nil } return nil, wtdb.ErrTowerNotFound } // ListTowers retrieves the list of towers available within the database. func (m *ClientDB) ListTowers() ([]*wtdb.Tower, error) { defer towers := make([]*wtdb.Tower, 0, len(m.towers)) for _, tower := range m.towers { towers = append(towers, copyTower(tower)) } return towers, nil } // MarkBackupIneligible records that particular commit height is ineligible for // backup. This allows the client to track which updates it should not attempt // to retry after startup. func (m *ClientDB) MarkBackupIneligible(chanID lnwire.ChannelID, commitHeight uint64) error { return nil } // ListClientSessions returns the set of all client sessions known to the db. An // optional tower ID can be used to filter out any client sessions in the // response that do not correspond to this tower. func (m *ClientDB) ListClientSessions( tower *wtdb.TowerID) (map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession, error) { defer return m.listClientSessions(tower) } // listClientSessions returns the set of all client sessions known to the db. An // optional tower ID can be used to filter out any client sessions in the // response that do not correspond to this tower. func (m *ClientDB) listClientSessions( tower *wtdb.TowerID) (map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession, error) { sessions := make(map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession) for _, session := range m.activeSessions { session := session if tower != nil && *tower != session.TowerID { continue } sessions[session.ID] = &session } return sessions, nil } // CreateClientSession records a newly negotiated client session in the set of // active sessions. The session can be identified by its SessionID. func (m *ClientDB) CreateClientSession(session *wtdb.ClientSession) error { defer // Ensure that we aren't overwriting an existing session. if _, ok := m.activeSessions[session.ID]; ok { return wtdb.ErrClientSessionAlreadyExists } // Ensure that a session key index has been reserved for this tower. keyIndex, ok := m.indexes[session.TowerID] if !ok { return wtdb.ErrNoReservedKeyIndex } // Ensure that the session's index matches the reserved index. if keyIndex != session.KeyIndex { return wtdb.ErrIncorrectKeyIndex } // Remove the key index reservation for this tower. Once committed, this // permits us to create another session with this tower. delete(m.indexes, session.TowerID) m.activeSessions[session.ID] = wtdb.ClientSession{ ID: session.ID, ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{ SeqNum: session.SeqNum, TowerLastApplied: session.TowerLastApplied, TowerID: session.TowerID, KeyIndex: session.KeyIndex, Policy: session.Policy, RewardPkScript: cloneBytes(session.RewardPkScript), }, CommittedUpdates: make([]wtdb.CommittedUpdate, 0), AckedUpdates: make(map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID), } return nil } // NextSessionKeyIndex reserves a new session key derivation index for a // particular tower id. The index is reserved for that tower until // CreateClientSession is invoked for that tower and index, at which point a new // index for that tower can be reserved. Multiple calls to this method before // CreateClientSession is invoked should return the same index. func (m *ClientDB) NextSessionKeyIndex(towerID wtdb.TowerID) (uint32, error) { defer if index, ok := m.indexes[towerID]; ok { return index, nil } m.nextIndex++ index := m.nextIndex m.indexes[towerID] = index return index, nil } // CommitUpdate persists the CommittedUpdate provided in the slot for (session, // seqNum). This allows the client to retransmit this update on startup. func (m *ClientDB) CommitUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID, update *wtdb.CommittedUpdate) (uint16, error) { defer // Fail if session doesn't exist. session, ok := m.activeSessions[*id] if !ok { return 0, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound } // Check if an update has already been committed for this state. for _, dbUpdate := range session.CommittedUpdates { if dbUpdate.SeqNum == update.SeqNum { // If the breach hint matches, we'll just return the // last applied value so the client can retransmit. if dbUpdate.Hint == update.Hint { return session.TowerLastApplied, nil } // Otherwise, fail since the breach hint doesn't match. return 0, wtdb.ErrUpdateAlreadyCommitted } } // Sequence number must increment. if update.SeqNum != session.SeqNum+1 { return 0, wtdb.ErrCommitUnorderedUpdate } // Save the update and increment the sequence number. session.CommittedUpdates = append(session.CommittedUpdates, *update) session.SeqNum++ m.activeSessions[*id] = session return session.TowerLastApplied, nil } // AckUpdate persists an acknowledgment for a given (session, seqnum) pair. This // removes the update from the set of committed updates, and validates the // lastApplied value returned from the tower. func (m *ClientDB) AckUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID, seqNum, lastApplied uint16) error { defer // Fail if session doesn't exist. session, ok := m.activeSessions[*id] if !ok { return wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound } // Ensure the returned last applied value does not exceed the highest // allocated sequence number. if lastApplied > session.SeqNum { return wtdb.ErrUnallocatedLastApplied } // Ensure the last applied value isn't lower than a previous one sent by // the tower. if lastApplied < session.TowerLastApplied { return wtdb.ErrLastAppliedReversion } // Retrieve the committed update, failing if none is found. We should // only receive acks for state updates that we send. updates := session.CommittedUpdates for i, update := range updates { if update.SeqNum != seqNum { continue } // Remove the committed update from disk and mark the update as // acked. The tower last applied value is also recorded to send // along with the next update. copy(updates[:i], updates[i+1:]) updates[len(updates)-1] = wtdb.CommittedUpdate{} session.CommittedUpdates = updates[:len(updates)-1] session.AckedUpdates[seqNum] = update.BackupID session.TowerLastApplied = lastApplied m.activeSessions[*id] = session return nil } return wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound } // FetchChanSummaries loads a mapping from all registered channels to their // channel summaries. func (m *ClientDB) FetchChanSummaries() (wtdb.ChannelSummaries, error) { defer summaries := make(map[lnwire.ChannelID]wtdb.ClientChanSummary) for chanID, summary := range m.summaries { summaries[chanID] = wtdb.ClientChanSummary{ SweepPkScript: cloneBytes(summary.SweepPkScript), } } return summaries, nil } // RegisterChannel registers a channel for use within the client database. For // now, all that is stored in the channel summary is the sweep pkscript that // we'd like any tower sweeps to pay into. In the future, this will be extended // to contain more info to allow the client efficiently request historical // states to be backed up under the client's active policy. func (m *ClientDB) RegisterChannel(chanID lnwire.ChannelID, sweepPkScript []byte) error { defer if _, ok := m.summaries[chanID]; ok { return wtdb.ErrChannelAlreadyRegistered } m.summaries[chanID] = wtdb.ClientChanSummary{ SweepPkScript: cloneBytes(sweepPkScript), } return nil } func cloneBytes(b []byte) []byte { if b == nil { return nil } bb := make([]byte, len(b)) copy(bb, b) return bb } func copyTower(tower *wtdb.Tower) *wtdb.Tower { t := &wtdb.Tower{ ID: tower.ID, IdentityKey: tower.IdentityKey, Addresses: make([]net.Addr, len(tower.Addresses)), } copy(t.Addresses, tower.Addresses) return t }