package lnpeer

import (


// Peer is an interface which represents the remote lightning node inside our
// system.
type Peer interface {
	// SendMessage sends a variadic number of message to remote peer. The
	// first argument denotes if the method should block until the message
	// has been sent to the remote peer.
	SendMessage(sync bool, msg ...lnwire.Message) error

	// AddNewChannel adds a new channel to the peer. The channel should fail
	// to be added if the cancel channel is closed.
	AddNewChannel(channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel, cancel <-chan struct{}) error

	// WipeChannel removes the channel uniquely identified by its channel
	// point from all indexes associated with the peer.
	WipeChannel(*wire.OutPoint) error

	// PubKey returns the serialized public key of the remote peer.
	PubKey() [33]byte

	// IdentityKey returns the public key of the remote peer.
	IdentityKey() *btcec.PublicKey

	// Address returns the network address of the remote peer.
	Address() net.Addr

	// QuitSignal is a method that should return a channel which will be
	// sent upon or closed once the backing peer exits. This allows callers
	// using the interface to cancel any processing in the event the backing
	// implementation exits.
	QuitSignal() <-chan struct{}