# Installation ### Preliminaries In order to work with [`lnd`](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd), the following build dependencies are required: * **Go:** `lnd` is written in Go. To install, run one of the following commands: **Note**: The minimum version of Go supported is Go 1.8. On Linux: ``` sudo apt-get install golang-1.8-go ``` On Mac OS X ``` brew install go ``` Alternatively, one can download the pre-compiled binaries hosted on the [golang download page](https://golang.org/dl/). If one seeks to install from source, then more detailed installation instructions can be found [here](http://golang.org/doc/install). At this point, you should set your `$GOPATH` environment variable, which represents the path to your workspace. By default, `$GOPATH` is set to `~/go`. You wll also need to add `$GOPATH/bin` to your `PATH`. This ensures that your shell will be able to detect the binaries you install. ```bash export GOPATH=~/gocode export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin ``` We recommend placing the above in your .bashrc or in a setup script so that you can avoid typing this every time you open a new terminal window. * **Glide:** This project uses `Glide` to manage dependencies as well as to provide *reproducible builds*. To install `Glide`, execute the following command (assumes you already have Go properly installed): ``` go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide ``` ### Installing lnd With the preliminary steps completed, to install `lnd`, `lncli`, and all related dependencies run the following commands: ``` git clone https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd glide install go install . ./cmd/... ``` **Updating** To update your version of `lnd` to the latest version run the following commands: ``` cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd git pull && glide install go install . ./cmd/... ``` **Tests** To check that `lnd` was installed properly run the following command: ``` go install; go test -v -p 1 $(go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') ``` ### Installing btcd `lnd` currently requires `btcd` with segwit support, which is not yet merged into the master branch. Instead, [roasbeef](https://github.com/roasbeef/btcd) maintains a fork with his segwit implementation applied. To install, run the following commands: Install **btcd**: (must be from roasbeef fork, not from btcsuite) ``` git clone https://github.com/roasbeef/btcd $GOPATH/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd glide install go install . ./cmd/... ``` ### Starting btcd Running the following command will create `rpc.cert` and default `btcd.conf`. ``` btcd --testnet --txindex --rpcuser=kek --rpcpass=kek ``` If you want to use `lnd` on testnet, `btcd` needs to first fully sync the testnet blockchain. Depending on your hardware, this may take up to a few hours. (NOTE: It may take several minutes to find segwit-enabled peers.) While `btcd` is syncing you can check on its progress using btcd's `getinfo` RPC command: ``` btcctl --testnet --rpcuser=kek --rpcpass=kek getinfo { "version": 120000, "protocolversion": 70002, "blocks": 1114996, "timeoffset": 0, "connections": 7, "proxy": "", "difficulty": 422570.58270815, "testnet": true, "relayfee": 0.00001, "errors": "" } ``` Additionally, you can monitor btcd's logs to track its syncing progress in real time. You can test your `btcd` node's connectivity using the `getpeerinfo` command: ``` btcctl --testnet --rpcuser=kek --rpcpass=kek getpeerinfo | more ``` ### lnd #### Simnet vs. Testnet Development If you are doing local development, such as for the tutorial, you'll want to start both `btcd` and `lnd` in the `simnet` mode. Simnet is similar to regtest in that you'll be able to instantly mine blocks as needed to test `lnd` locally. In order to start either daemon in the `simnet` mode use `simnet` instead of `testnet`, adding the `--bitcoin.simnet` flag instead of the `--bitcoin.testnet` flag. Another relevant command line flag for local testing of new `lnd` developments is the `--debughtlc` flag. When starting `lnd` with this flag, it'll be able to automatically settle a special type of HTLC sent to it. This means that you won't need to manually insert invoices in order to test payment connectivity. To send this "special" HTLC type, include the `--debugsend` command at the end of your `sendpayment` commands. There are currently two primary ways to run `lnd`, one requires a local `btcd` instance with the RPC service exposed, and the other uses a fully integrate light client powered by [neutrino](https://github.com/lightninglabs/neutrino). #### Running lnd in light client mode In order to run `lnd` in its light client mode, you'll need to locate a full-node which is capable of serving this new light client mode. A [BIP draft](https://github.com/Roasbeef/bips/blob/master/gcs_light_client.mediawiki) exists, and will be finalized in the near future, but for now you'll need to be running `roasbeef`'s fork of btcd. A public instance of such a node can be found at `faucet.lightning.community`. To run lnd in neutrino mode, run `lnd` with the following arguments, (swapping in `--bitcoin.simnet` for `simnet` mode if needed), and also your own `btcd` node if available: ``` lnd --bitcoin.active --bitcoin.testnet --debuglevel=debug --neutrino.active --neutrino.connect=faucet.lightning.community ``` #### Running lnd using the btcd backend If you are on testnet, run this command after `btcd` has finished syncing. Otherwise, replace `--bitcoin.testnet` with `--bitcoin.simnet`. If you installing `lnd` in preparation for the [tutorial](http://dev.lightning.community/tutorial), you may skip this step. ``` lnd --bitcoin.active --bitcoin.testnet --debuglevel=debug --bitcoin.rpcuser=kek --bitcoin.rpcpass=kek --externalip=X.X.X.X ``` #### Network Reachability If you'd like to signal to other nodes on the network that you'll accept incoming channels (as peers need to connect inbound to initiate a channel funding workflow), then the `--externalip` flag should be set to your publicly reachable IP address. # Creating an lnd.conf (Optional) Optionally, if you'd like to have a persistent configuration between `lnd` launches, allowing you to simply type `lnd --bitcoin.testnet --bitcoin.active` at the command line, you can create an `lnd.conf`. **On MacOS, located at:** `/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Lnd/lnd.conf` **On Linux, located at:** `~/.lnd/lnd.conf` Here's a sample `lnd.conf` to get you started: ``` [Application Options] debuglevel=trace debughtlc=true maxpendingchannels=10 [Bitcoin] bitcoin.active=1 ``` Notice the `[Bitcoin]` section. This section houses the parameters for the Bitcoin chain. `lnd` also supports Litecoin testnet4 (but not both BTC and LTC at the same time), so when working with Litecoin be sure to set to parameters for Litecoin accordingly. # Accurate as of: - _roasbeef/btcd commit:_ `f8c02aff4e7a807ba0c1349e2db03695d8e790e8` - _roasbeef/btcutil commit:_ `a259eaf2ec1b54653cdd67848a41867f280797ee` - _lightningnetwork/lnd commit:_ `08de2becf8d77fae192205172c4fb17bb09bd0dbf49e64aa323b2fcbf9fe2a35`