package lnwallet import ( "" ) const ( // The weight(weight), which is different from the !size! (see BIP-141), // is calculated as: // Weight = 4 * BaseSize + WitnessSize (weight). // BaseSize - size of the transaction without witness data (bytes). // WitnessSize - witness size (bytes). // Weight - the metric for determining the weight of the transaction. // P2WSHSize 34 bytes // - OP_0: 1 byte // - OP_DATA: 1 byte (WitnessScriptSHA256 length) // - WitnessScriptSHA256: 32 bytes P2WSHSize = 1 + 1 + 32 // P2WPKHSize 22 bytes // - OP_0: 1 byte // - OP_DATA: 1 byte (PublicKeyHASH160 length) // - PublicKeyHASH160: 20 bytes P2WPKHSize = 1 + 1 + 20 // MultiSigSize 71 bytes // - OP_2: 1 byte // - OP_DATA: 1 byte (pubKeyAlice length) // - pubKeyAlice: 33 bytes // - OP_DATA: 1 byte (pubKeyBob length) // - pubKeyBob: 33 bytes // - OP_2: 1 byte // - OP_CHECKMULTISIG: 1 byte MultiSigSize = 1 + 1 + 33 + 1 + 33 + 1 + 1 // WitnessSize 222 bytes // - NumberOfWitnessElements: 1 byte // - NilLength: 1 byte // - sigAliceLength: 1 byte // - sigAlice: 73 bytes // - sigBobLength: 1 byte // - sigBob: 73 bytes // - WitnessScriptLength: 1 byte // - WitnessScript (MultiSig) WitnessSize = 1 + 1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 73 + 1 + MultiSigSize // FundingInputSize 41 bytes // - PreviousOutPoint: // - Hash: 32 bytes // - Index: 4 bytes // - OP_DATA: 1 byte (ScriptSigLength) // - ScriptSig: 0 bytes // - Witness <---- we use "Witness" instead of "ScriptSig" for // transaction validation, but "Witness" is stored // separately and weight for it size is smaller. So // we separate the calculation of ordinary data // from witness data. // - Sequence: 4 bytes FundingInputSize = 32 + 4 + 1 + 4 // CommitmentDelayOutput 43 bytes // - Value: 8 bytes // - VarInt: 1 byte (PkScript length) // - PkScript (P2WSH) CommitmentDelayOutput = 8 + 1 + P2WSHSize // CommitmentKeyHashOutput 31 bytes // - Value: 8 bytes // - VarInt: 1 byte (PkScript length) // - PkScript (P2WPKH) CommitmentKeyHashOutput = 8 + 1 + P2WPKHSize // HTLCSize 43 bytes // - Value: 8 bytes // - VarInt: 1 byte (PkScript length) // - PkScript (PW2SH) HTLCSize = 8 + 1 + P2WSHSize // WitnessHeaderSize 2 bytes // - Flag: 1 byte // - Marker: 1 byte WitnessHeaderSize = 1 + 1 // BaseCommitmentTxSize 125 43 * num-htlc-outputs bytes // - Version: 4 bytes // - WitnessHeader <---- part of the witness data // - CountTxIn: 1 byte // - TxIn: 41 bytes // FundingInput // - CountTxOut: 1 byte // - TxOut: 74 + 43 * num-htlc-outputs bytes // OutputPayingToThem, // OutputPayingToUs, // ....HTLCOutputs... // - LockTime: 4 bytes BaseCommitmentTxSize = 4 + 1 + FundingInputSize + 1 + CommitmentDelayOutput + CommitmentKeyHashOutput + 4 // BaseCommitmentTxWeight 500 weight BaseCommitmentTxWeight = blockchain.WitnessScaleFactor * BaseCommitmentTxSize // WitnessCommitmentTxWeight 224 weight WitnessCommitmentTxWeight = WitnessHeaderSize + WitnessSize // HTLCWeight 172 weight HTLCWeight = blockchain.WitnessScaleFactor * HTLCSize // HtlcTimeoutWeight is the weight of the HTLC timeout transaction // which will transition an outgoing HTLC to the delay-and-claim state. HtlcTimeoutWeight = 663 // HtlcSuccessWeight is the weight of the HTLC success transaction // which will transition an incoming HTLC to the delay-and-claim state. HtlcSuccessWeight = 703 // MaxHTLCNumber is the maximum number HTLCs which can be included in a // commitment transaction. This limit was chosen such that, in the case // of a contract breach, the punishment transaction is able to sweep // all the HTLC's yet still remain below the widely used standard // weight limits. MaxHTLCNumber = 967 ) // estimateCommitTxWeight estimate commitment transaction weight depending on // the precalculated weight of base transaction, witness data, which is needed // for paying for funding tx, and htlc weight multiplied by their count. func estimateCommitTxWeight(count int, prediction bool) int64 { // Make prediction about the size of commitment transaction with // additional HTLC. if prediction { count++ } htlcWeight := int64(count * HTLCWeight) baseWeight := int64(BaseCommitmentTxWeight) witnessWeight := int64(WitnessCommitmentTxWeight) return htlcWeight + baseWeight + witnessWeight }