# How to fuzz the Lightning Network Daemon's wire protocol using go-fuzz # This document will describe how to use the fuzz-testing library `go-fuzz` on the `lnd` wire protocol. ### Introduction ### Lnd uses its own wire protocol to send and receive messages of all types. There are 22 different message types, each with their own specific format. If a message is not in the correct format, lnd should logically reject the message and throw an error. But what if it doesn't? What if we could sneakily craft a custom message that could pass all the necessary checks and cause an error to go undetected? Chaos would ensue. However, crafting such a message would require an in-depth understanding of the many different cogs that make the wire protocol tick. A better solution is fuzz-testing. Fuzz-testing or fuzzing is when a program known as a fuzzer generates many, many inputs to a function or program in an attempt to cause it to crash. Fuzzing is surprisingly effective at finding bugs and a particular fuzzing program `AFL` is well-known for the amount of bugs it has found with its learned approach. The library we will be using, `go-fuzz`, is based on `AFL` and has quite a track record of finding bugs in a diverse set of go programs. `go-fuzz` takes a coverage-guided approach in an attempt to cover as many code paths as possible on an attack surface. We give `go-fuzz` real, valid inputs and it will essentially change bits until it achieves a crash! After reading this document, you too may be able to find errors in `lnd` with `go-fuzz`! ### Setup and Installation ### This section will cover setup and installation of `go-fuzz`. * First, we must get `go-fuzz`: ``` $ go get github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz/go-fuzz $ go get github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz/go-fuzz-build ``` * Next, create a folder in the `lnwire` package. You can name it whatever. ``` $ mkdir lnwire/<folder name here> ``` * Unzip `corpus.tar.gz` in the `docs/go-fuzz` folder and move it to the folder you just made. ``` $ tar -xzf docs/go-fuzz/corpus.tar.gz $ mv corpus lnwire/<folder name here> ``` * Now, move `wirefuzz.go` to the same folder you just created. ``` $ mv docs/go-fuzz/wirefuzz.go lnwire/<folder name here> ``` * Change the package name in `wirefuzz.go` from `wirefuzz` to `<folder name here>`. * Build the test program - this produces a `<folder name here>-fuzz.zip` (archive) file. ``` $ go-fuzz-build github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnwire/<folder name here> ``` * Now, run `go-fuzz`!!! ``` $ go-fuzz -bin=<.zip archive here> -workdir=lnwire/<folder name here> ``` `go-fuzz` will print out log lines every couple of seconds. Example output: ``` 2017/09/19 17:44:23 slaves: 8, corpus: 23 (3s ago), crashers: 1, restarts: 1/748, execs: 400690 (16694/sec), cover: 394, uptime: 24s ``` Corpus is the number of items in the corpus. `go-fuzz` may add valid inputs to the corpus in an attempt to gain more coverage. Crashers is the number of inputs resulting in a crash. The inputs, and their outputs are logged in: `<folder name here>/crashers`. `go-fuzz` also creates a `suppressions` directory of stacktraces to ignore so that it doesn't create duplicate stacktraces. Cover is a number representing coverage of the program being fuzzed. When I ran this earlier, `go-fuzz` found two bugs ([#310](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/310) and [#312](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/312)) within minutes! ### Corpus Notes ### You may wonder how I made the corpus that you unzipped in the previous step. It's quite simple really. For every message type that `lnwire_test.go` processed in `TestLightningWireProtocol`, I logged it (in `[]byte` format) to a .txt file. Within minutes, I had a corpus of valid `lnwire` messages that I could use with `go-fuzz`! `go-fuzz` will alter these valid messages to create the sneakily crafted message that I described in the introduction that manages to bypass validation checks and crash the program. I ran `go-fuzz` for several hours on the corpus I generated and found two bugs. I believe I have exhausted the current corpus, but there are still perhaps possible malicious inputs that `go-fuzz` has not yet reached and could reach with a slightly different generated corpus. ### Test Harness ### If you take a look at the test harness that I used, `wirefuzz.go`, you will see that it consists of one function: `func Fuzz(data []byte) int`. `go-fuzz` requires that each input in the corpus is in `[]byte` format. The test harness is also quite simple. It reads in `[]byte` messages into `lnwire.Message` objects, serializes them into a buffer, deserializes them back into `lnwire.Message` objects and asserts their equality. If the pre-serialization and post-deserialization `lnwire.Message` objects are not equal, the wire protocol has encountered a bug. Wherever a `0` is returned, `go-fuzz` will ignore that input as it has reached an unimportant code path caused by the parser catching the error. If a `1` is returned, the `[]byte` input was parsed successfully and the two `lnwire.Message` objects were indeed equal. This `[]byte` input is then added to the corpus as a valid message. If a `panic` is reached, serialiation or deserialization failed and `go-fuzz` may have found a bug. ### Conclusion ### Fuzzing is a powerful and quick way to find bugs in programs that works especially well with protocols where there is a strict format with validation rules. Fuzzing is important as an automated security tool and can find real bugs in real-world software. The fuzzing of `lnd` is by no means complete and there exist probably many more bugs in the software that may `go` undetected if left unfuzzed. Citizens, do your part and `go-fuzz` `lnd` today!