language: go cache: directories: - ~/bitcoin/bitcoin-0.17.1/bin - $GOCACHE - $GOPATH/pkg/mod - $GOPATH/src/ - $GOPATH/src/ - $GOPATH/src/ go: - "1.12.x" env: global: - GOCACHE=$HOME/.go-build matrix: - RACE=true - ITEST=true - NEUTRINO_ITEST=true - COVER=true sudo: required script: - export GO111MODULE=on - bash ./scripts/ # Run unit tests with race condition detector. - 'if [ "$RACE" = true ]; then make travis-race ; fi' # Run btcd integration tests. - 'if [ "$ITEST" = true ]; then make travis-itest; fi' # Run neutrino integration tests. - 'if [ "$NEUTRINO_ITEST" = true ]; then make travis-itest backend=neutrino; fi' # Run unit tests and generate coverage report. - 'if [ "$COVER" = true ]; then make travis-cover; fi' after_script: - echo "Uploading to" && find *.log | xargs -I{} sh -c "cat {} | nc 9999 | xargs -r0 printf '{} uploaded to %s'" - echo "Uploading to" && tar -zcvO *.log | curl -s -F 'file=@-;filename=logs.tar.gz' | xargs -r0 printf 'logs.tar.gz uploaded to %s\n'