package wtdb

import (


// CSessionStatus is a bit-field representing the possible statuses of
// ClientSessions.
type CSessionStatus uint8

const (
	// CSessionActive indicates that the ClientSession is active and can be
	// used for backups.
	CSessionActive CSessionStatus = 0

	// CSessionInactive indicates that the ClientSession is inactive and
	// cannot be used for backups.
	CSessionInactive CSessionStatus = 1

// ClientSession encapsulates a SessionInfo returned from a successful
// session negotiation, and also records the tower and ephemeral secret used for
// communicating with the tower.
type ClientSession struct {
	// ID is the client's public key used when authenticating with the
	// tower.
	// NOTE: This value is not serialized with the body of the struct, it
	// should be set and recovered as the ClientSession's key.
	ID SessionID


	// CommittedUpdates is a sorted list of unacked updates. These updates
	// can be resent after a restart if the updates failed to send or
	// receive an acknowledgment.
	// NOTE: This list is serialized in it's own bucket, separate from the
	// body of the ClientSession. The representation on disk is a key value
	// map from sequence number to CommittedUpdateBody to allow efficient
	// insertion and retrieval.
	CommittedUpdates []CommittedUpdate

	// AckedUpdates is a map from sequence number to backup id to record
	// which revoked states were uploaded via this session.
	// NOTE: This map is serialized in it's own bucket, separate from the
	// body of the ClientSession.
	AckedUpdates map[uint16]BackupID

	// Tower holds the pubkey and address of the watchtower.
	// NOTE: This value is not serialized. It is recovered by looking up the
	// tower with TowerID.
	Tower *Tower

	// SessionPrivKey is the ephemeral secret key used to connect to the
	// watchtower.
	// NOTE: This value is not serialized. It is derived using the KeyIndex
	// on startup to avoid storing private keys on disk.
	SessionPrivKey *btcec.PrivateKey

// ClientSessionBody represents the primary components of a ClientSession that
// are serialized together within the database. The CommittedUpdates and
// AckedUpdates are serialized in buckets separate from the body.
type ClientSessionBody struct {
	// SeqNum is the next unallocated sequence number that can be sent to
	// the tower.
	SeqNum uint16

	// TowerLastApplied the last last-applied the tower has echoed back.
	TowerLastApplied uint16

	// TowerID is the unique, db-assigned identifier that references the
	// Tower with which the session is negotiated.
	TowerID TowerID

	// KeyIndex is the index of key locator used to derive the client's
	// session key so that it can authenticate with the tower to update its
	// session. In order to rederive the private key, the key locator should
	// use the keychain.KeyFamilyTowerSession key family.
	KeyIndex uint32

	// Policy holds the negotiated session parameters.
	Policy wtpolicy.Policy

	// Status indicates the current state of the ClientSession.
	Status CSessionStatus

	// RewardPkScript is the pkscript that the tower's reward will be
	// deposited to if a sweep transaction confirms and the sessions
	// specifies a reward output.
	RewardPkScript []byte

// Encode writes a ClientSessionBody to the passed io.Writer.
func (s *ClientSessionBody) Encode(w io.Writer) error {
	return WriteElements(w,

// Decode reads a ClientSessionBody from the passed io.Reader.
func (s *ClientSessionBody) Decode(r io.Reader) error {
	var (
		towerID uint64
		status  uint8
	err := ReadElements(r,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.TowerID = TowerID(towerID)
	s.Status = CSessionStatus(status)

	return nil

// BackupID identifies a particular revoked, remote commitment by channel id and
// commitment height.
type BackupID struct {
	// ChanID is the channel id of the revoked commitment.
	ChanID lnwire.ChannelID

	// CommitHeight is the commitment height of the revoked commitment.
	CommitHeight uint64

// Encode writes the BackupID from the passed io.Writer.
func (b *BackupID) Encode(w io.Writer) error {
	return WriteElements(w,

// Decode reads a BackupID from the passed io.Reader.
func (b *BackupID) Decode(r io.Reader) error {
	return ReadElements(r,

// String returns a human-readable encoding of a BackupID.
func (b BackupID) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("backup(%v, %d)", b.ChanID, b.CommitHeight)

// CommittedUpdate holds a state update sent by a client along with its
// allocated sequence number and the exact remote commitment the encrypted
// justice transaction can rectify.
type CommittedUpdate struct {
	// SeqNum is the unique sequence number allocated by the session to this
	// update.
	SeqNum uint16


// CommittedUpdateBody represents the primary components of a CommittedUpdate.
// On disk, this is stored under the sequence number, which acts as its key.
type CommittedUpdateBody struct {
	// BackupID identifies the breached commitment that the encrypted blob
	// can spend from.
	BackupID BackupID

	// Hint is the 16-byte prefix of the revoked commitment transaction ID.
	Hint blob.BreachHint

	// EncryptedBlob is a ciphertext containing the sweep information for
	// exacting justice if the commitment transaction matching the breach
	// hint is broadcast.
	EncryptedBlob []byte

// Encode writes the CommittedUpdateBody to the passed io.Writer.
func (u *CommittedUpdateBody) Encode(w io.Writer) error {
	err := u.BackupID.Encode(w)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return WriteElements(w,

// Decode reads a CommittedUpdateBody from the passed io.Reader.
func (u *CommittedUpdateBody) Decode(r io.Reader) error {
	err := u.BackupID.Decode(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return ReadElements(r,