syntax = "proto3"; package chainrpc; message ConfRequest { /* The transaction hash for which we should request a confirmation notification for. If set to a hash of all zeros, then the confirmation notification will be requested for the script instead. */ bytes txid = 1; /* An output script within a transaction with the hash above which will be used by light clients to match block filters. If the transaction hash is set to a hash of all zeros, then a confirmation notification will be requested for this script instead. */ bytes script = 2; /* The number of desired confirmations the transaction/output script should reach before dispatching a confirmation notification. */ uint32 num_confs = 3; /* The earliest height in the chain for which the transaction/output script could have been included in a block. This should in most cases be set to the broadcast height of the transaction/output script. */ uint32 height_hint = 4; } message ConfDetails { // The raw bytes of the confirmed transaction. bytes raw_tx = 1; // The hash of the block in which the confirmed transaction was included in. bytes block_hash = 2; // The height of the block in which the confirmed transaction was included in. uint32 block_height = 3; // The index of the confirmed transaction within the transaction. uint32 tx_index = 4; } message Reorg { // TODO(wilmer): need to know how the client will use this first. } message ConfEvent { oneof event { /* An event that includes the confirmation details of the request (txid/ouput script). */ ConfDetails conf = 1; /* An event send when the transaction of the request is reorged out of the chain. */ Reorg reorg = 2; } } message Outpoint { // The hash of the transaction. bytes hash = 1; // The index of the output within the transaction. uint32 index = 2; } message SpendRequest { /* The outpoint for which we should request a spend notification for. If set to a zero outpoint, then the spend notification will be requested for the script instead. */ Outpoint outpoint = 1; /* The output script for the outpoint above. This will be used by light clients to match block filters. If the outpoint is set to a zero outpoint, then a spend notification will be requested for this script instead. */ bytes script = 2; /* The earliest height in the chain for which the outpoint/output script could have been spent. This should in most cases be set to the broadcast height of the outpoint/output script. */ uint32 height_hint = 3; // TODO(wilmer): extend to support num confs on spending tx. } message SpendDetails { // The outpoint was that spent. Outpoint spending_outpoint = 1; // The raw bytes of the spending transaction. bytes raw_spending_tx = 2; // The hash of the spending transaction. bytes spending_tx_hash = 3; // The input of the spending transaction that fulfilled the spend request. uint32 spending_input_index = 4; // The height at which the spending transaction was included in a block. uint32 spending_height = 5; } message SpendEvent { oneof event { /* An event that includes the details of the spending transaction of the request (outpoint/output script). */ SpendDetails spend = 1; /* An event sent when the spending transaction of the request was reorged out of the chain. */ Reorg reorg = 2; } } message BlockEpoch { // The hash of the block. bytes hash = 1; // The height of the block. uint32 height = 2; } service ChainNotifier { /* RegisterConfirmationsNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that registers an intent for a client to be notified once a confirmation request has reached its required number of confirmations on-chain. A client can specify whether the confirmation request should be for a particular transaction by its hash or for an output script by specifying a zero hash. */ rpc RegisterConfirmationsNtfn (ConfRequest) returns (stream ConfEvent); /* RegisterSpendNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that registers an intent for a client to be notification once a spend request has been spent by a transaction that has confirmed on-chain. A client can specify whether the spend request should be for a particular outpoint or for an output script by specifying a zero outpoint. */ rpc RegisterSpendNtfn (SpendRequest) returns (stream SpendEvent); /* RegisterBlockEpochNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that registers an intent for a client to be notified of blocks in the chain. The stream will return a hash and height tuple of a block for each new/stale block in the chain. It is the client's responsibility to determine whether the tuple returned is for a new or stale block in the chain. A client can also request a historical backlog of blocks from a particular point. This allows clients to be idempotent by ensuring that they do not missing processing a single block within the chain. */ rpc RegisterBlockEpochNtfn (BlockEpoch) returns (stream BlockEpoch); }