PKG := ESCPKG :=\/lightningnetwork\/lnd BTCD_PKG := GOVERALLS_PKG := LINT_PKG := GOACC_PKG := GO_BIN := ${GOPATH}/bin BTCD_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/btcd GOVERALLS_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/goveralls LINT_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/golangci-lint GOACC_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/go-acc BTCD_DIR :=${GOPATH}/src/$(BTCD_PKG) COMMIT := $(shell git describe --abbrev=40 --dirty) LDFLAGS := -ldflags "-X $(PKG)/build.Commit=$(COMMIT)" BTCD_COMMIT := $(shell cat go.mod | \ grep $(BTCD_PKG) | \ tail -n1 | \ awk -F " " '{ print $$2 }' | \ awk -F "/" '{ print $$1 }') GOACC_COMMIT := ddc355013f90fea78d83d3a6c71f1d37ac07ecd5 GOBUILD := GO111MODULE=on go build -v GOINSTALL := GO111MODULE=on go install -v GOTEST := GO111MODULE=on go test -v GOFILES_NOVENDOR = $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*") GOLIST := go list $(PKG)/... | grep -v '/vendor/' GOLISTCOVER := $(shell go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}' ./... | sed -e 's/^$(ESCPKG)/./') RM := rm -f CP := cp MAKE := make XARGS := xargs -L 1 include make/ DEV_TAGS := $(if ${tags},$(DEV_TAGS) ${tags},$(DEV_TAGS)) LINT = $(LINT_BIN) run GREEN := "\\033[0;32m" NC := "\\033[0m" define print echo $(GREEN)$1$(NC) endef default: scratch all: scratch check install # ============ # DEPENDENCIES # ============ $(GOVERALLS_BIN): @$(call print, "Fetching goveralls.") go get -u $(GOVERALLS_PKG) $(LINT_BIN): @$(call print, "Fetching linter") GO111MODULE=off go get -u $(LINT_PKG) $(GOACC_BIN): @$(call print, "Fetching go-acc") go get -u -v $(GOACC_PKG)@$(GOACC_COMMIT) $(GOINSTALL) $(GOACC_PKG) btcd: @$(call print, "Installing btcd.") GO111MODULE=on go get -v $(BTCD_PKG)@$(BTCD_COMMIT) $(GOINSTALL) $(BTCD_PKG) $(GOINSTALL) $(BTCD_PKG)/cmd/btcctl # ============ # INSTALLATION # ============ build: @$(call print, "Building debug lnd and lncli.") $(GOBUILD) -tags="$(DEV_TAGS)" -o lnd-debug $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lnd $(GOBUILD) -tags="$(DEV_TAGS)" -o lncli-debug $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lncli build-itest: @$(call print, "Building itest lnd and lncli.") $(GOBUILD) -tags="$(ITEST_TAGS)" -o lnd-itest $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lnd $(GOBUILD) -tags="$(ITEST_TAGS)" -o lncli-itest $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lncli install: @$(call print, "Installing lnd and lncli.") $(GOINSTALL) -tags="${tags}" $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lnd $(GOINSTALL) -tags="${tags}" $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lncli scratch: build # ======= # TESTING # ======= check: unit itest itest-only: @$(call print, "Running integration tests with ${backend} backend.") $(ITEST) itest: btcd build-itest itest-only unit: btcd @$(call print, "Running unit tests.") $(UNIT) unit-cover: $(GOACC_BIN) @$(call print, "Running unit coverage tests.") $(GOACC_BIN) $(COVER_PKG) -- -test.tags="$(DEV_TAGS) $(LOG_TAGS)" unit-race: @$(call print, "Running unit race tests.") env CGO_ENABLED=1 GORACE="history_size=7 halt_on_errors=1" $(UNIT_RACE) goveralls: $(GOVERALLS_BIN) @$(call print, "Sending coverage report.") $(GOVERALLS_BIN) -coverprofile=coverage.txt -service=travis-ci travis-race: lint btcd unit-race travis-cover: lint btcd unit-cover goveralls travis-itest: lint itest # ============= # FLAKE HUNTING # ============= flakehunter: build-itest @$(call print, "Flake hunting ${backend} integration tests.") while [ $$? -eq 0 ]; do $(ITEST); done flake-unit: @$(call print, "Flake hunting unit tests.") while [ $$? -eq 0 ]; do GOTRACEBACK=all $(UNIT) -count=1; done # ========= # UTILITIES # ========= fmt: @$(call print, "Formatting source.") gofmt -l -w -s $(GOFILES_NOVENDOR) lint: $(LINT_BIN) @$(call print, "Linting source.") $(LINT) list: @$(call print, "Listing commands.") @$(MAKE) -qp | \ awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^$$#\/\t=]*:([^=]|$$)/ {split($$1,A,/ /);for(i in A)print A[i]}' | \ grep -v Makefile | \ sort rpc: @$(call print, "Compiling protos.") cd ./lnrpc; ./ clean: @$(call print, "Cleaning source.$(NC)") $(RM) ./lnd-debug ./lncli-debug $(RM) ./lnd-itest ./lncli-itest $(RM) -r ./vendor .vendor-new .PHONY: all \ btcd \ default \ build \ install \ scratch \ check \ itest-only \ itest \ unit \ unit-cover \ unit-race \ goveralls \ travis-race \ travis-cover \ travis-itest \ flakehunter \ flake-unit \ fmt \ lint \ list \ rpc \ clean