package routing import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // vertexDecay is the decay period of colored vertexes added to // missionControl. Once vertexDecay passes after an entry has been // added to the prune view, it is garbage collected. This value is // larger than edgeDecay as an edge failure typical indicates an // unbalanced channel, while a vertex failure indicates a node is not // online and active. vertexDecay = time.Duration(time.Minute * 5) // edgeDecay is the decay period of colored edges added to // missionControl. Once edgeDecay passed after an entry has been added, // it is garbage collected. This value is smaller than vertexDecay as // an edge related failure during payment sending typically indicates // that a channel was unbalanced, a condition which may quickly change. // // TODO(roasbeef): instead use random delay on each? edgeDecay = time.Duration(time.Second * 5) ) // missionControl contains state which summarizes the past attempts of HTLC // routing by external callers when sending payments throughout the network. // missionControl remembers the outcome of these past routing attempts (success // and failure), and is able to provide hints/guidance to future HTLC routing // attempts. missionControl maintains a decaying network view of the // edges/vertexes that should be marked as "pruned" during path finding. This // graph view acts as a shared memory during HTLC payment routing attempts. // With each execution, if an error is encountered, based on the type of error // and the location of the error within the route, an edge or vertex is added // to the view. Later sending attempts will then query the view for all the // vertexes/edges that should be ignored. Items in the view decay after a set // period of time, allowing the view to be dynamic w.r.t network changes. type missionControl struct { // failedEdges maps a short channel ID to be pruned, to the time that // it was added to the prune view. Edges are added to this map if a // caller reports to missionControl a failure localized to that edge // when sending a payment. failedEdges map[uint64]time.Time // failedVertexes maps a node's public key that should be pruned, to // the time that it was added to the prune view. Vertexes are added to // this map if a caller reports to missionControl a failure localized // to that particular vertex. failedVertexes map[Vertex]time.Time graph *channeldb.ChannelGraph selfNode *channeldb.LightningNode queryBandwidth func(*channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo) lnwire.MilliSatoshi sync.Mutex // TODO(roasbeef): further counters, if vertex continually unavailable, // add to another generation // TODO(roasbeef): also add favorable metrics for nodes } // newMissionControl returns a new instance of missionControl. // // TODO(roasbeef): persist memory func newMissionControl(g *channeldb.ChannelGraph, selfNode *channeldb.LightningNode, qb func(*channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo) lnwire.MilliSatoshi) *missionControl { return &missionControl{ failedEdges: make(map[uint64]time.Time), failedVertexes: make(map[Vertex]time.Time), selfNode: selfNode, queryBandwidth: qb, graph: g, } } // graphPruneView is a filter of sorts that path finding routines should // consult during the execution. Any edges or vertexes within the view should // be ignored during path finding. The contents of the view reflect the current // state of the wider network from the PoV of mission control compiled via HTLC // routing attempts in the past. type graphPruneView struct { edges map[uint64]struct{} vertexes map[Vertex]struct{} } // GraphPruneView returns a new graphPruneView instance which is to be // consulted during path finding. If a vertex/edge is found within the returned // prune view, it is to be ignored as a goroutine has had issues routing // through it successfully. Within this method the main view of the // missionControl is garbage collected as entries are detected to be "stale". func (m *missionControl) GraphPruneView() graphPruneView { // First, we'll grab the current time, this value will be used to // determine if an entry is stale or not. now := time.Now() m.Lock() // For each of the vertexes that have been added to the prune view, if // it is now "stale", then we'll ignore it and avoid adding it to the // view we'll return. vertexes := make(map[Vertex]struct{}) for vertex, pruneTime := range m.failedVertexes { if now.Sub(pruneTime) >= vertexDecay { log.Tracef("Pruning decayed failure report for vertex %v "+ "from Mission Control", vertex) delete(m.failedVertexes, vertex) continue } vertexes[vertex] = struct{}{} } // We'll also do the same for edges, but use the edgeDecay this time // rather than the decay for vertexes. edges := make(map[uint64]struct{}) for edge, pruneTime := range m.failedEdges { if now.Sub(pruneTime) >= edgeDecay { log.Tracef("Pruning decayed failure report for edge %v "+ "from Mission Control", edge) delete(m.failedEdges, edge) continue } edges[edge] = struct{}{} } m.Unlock() log.Debugf("Mission Control returning prune view of %v edges, %v "+ "vertexes", len(edges), len(vertexes)) return graphPruneView{ edges: edges, vertexes: vertexes, } } // paymentSession is used during an HTLC routings session to prune the local // chain view in response to failures, and also report those failures back to // missionControl. The snapshot copied for this session will only ever grow, // and will now be pruned after a decay like the main view within mission // control. We do this as we want to avoid the case where we continually try a // bad edge or route multiple times in a session. This can lead to an infinite // loop if payment attempts take long enough. An additional set of edges can // also be provided to assist in reaching the payment's destination. type paymentSession struct { pruneViewSnapshot graphPruneView additionalEdges map[Vertex][]*channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy bandwidthHints map[uint64]lnwire.MilliSatoshi mc *missionControl haveRoutes bool preBuiltRoutes []*Route } // NewPaymentSession creates a new payment session backed by the latest prune // view from Mission Control. An optional set of routing hints can be provided // in order to populate additional edges to explore when finding a path to the // payment's destination. func (m *missionControl) NewPaymentSession(routeHints [][]HopHint, target *btcec.PublicKey) (*paymentSession, error) { viewSnapshot := m.GraphPruneView() edges := make(map[Vertex][]*channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy) // Traverse through all of the available hop hints and include them in // our edges map, indexed by the public key of the channel's starting // node. for _, routeHint := range routeHints { // If multiple hop hints are provided within a single route // hint, we'll assume they must be chained together and sorted // in forward order in order to reach the target successfully. for i, hopHint := range routeHint { // In order to determine the end node of this hint, // we'll need to look at the next hint's start node. If // we've reached the end of the hints list, we can // assume we've reached the destination. endNode := &channeldb.LightningNode{} if i != len(routeHint)-1 { endNode.AddPubKey(routeHint[i+1].NodeID) } else { endNode.AddPubKey(target) } // Finally, create the channel edge from the hop hint // and add it to list of edges corresponding to the node // at the start of the channel. edge := &channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy{ Node: endNode, ChannelID: hopHint.ChannelID, FeeBaseMSat: lnwire.MilliSatoshi( hopHint.FeeBaseMSat, ), FeeProportionalMillionths: lnwire.MilliSatoshi( hopHint.FeeProportionalMillionths, ), TimeLockDelta: hopHint.CLTVExpiryDelta, } v := NewVertex(hopHint.NodeID) edges[v] = append(edges[v], edge) } } // We'll also obtain a set of bandwidthHints from the lower layer for // each of our outbound channels. This will allow the path finding to // skip any links that aren't active or just don't have enough // bandwidth to carry the payment. sourceNode, err := m.graph.SourceNode() if err != nil { return nil, err } bandwidthHints, err := generateBandwidthHints( sourceNode, m.queryBandwidth, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &paymentSession{ pruneViewSnapshot: viewSnapshot, additionalEdges: edges, bandwidthHints: bandwidthHints, mc: m, }, nil } // NewPaymentSessionFromRoutes creates a new paymentSession instance that will // skip all path finding, and will instead utilize a set of pre-built routes. // This constructor allows callers to specify their own routes which can be // used for things like channel rebalancing, and swaps. func (m *missionControl) NewPaymentSessionFromRoutes(routes []*Route) *paymentSession { return &paymentSession{ pruneViewSnapshot: m.GraphPruneView(), haveRoutes: true, preBuiltRoutes: routes, mc: m, } } // generateBandwidthHints is a helper function that's utilized the main // findPath function in order to obtain hints from the lower layer w.r.t to the // available bandwidth of edges on the network. Currently, we'll only obtain // bandwidth hints for the edges we directly have open ourselves. Obtaining // these hints allows us to reduce the number of extraneous attempts as we can // skip channels that are inactive, or just don't have enough bandwidth to // carry the payment. func generateBandwidthHints(sourceNode *channeldb.LightningNode, queryBandwidth func(*channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo) lnwire.MilliSatoshi) (map[uint64]lnwire.MilliSatoshi, error) { // First, we'll collect the set of outbound edges from the target // source node. var localChans []*channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo err := sourceNode.ForEachChannel(nil, func(tx *bolt.Tx, edgeInfo *channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo, _, _ *channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy) error { localChans = append(localChans, edgeInfo) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Now that we have all of our outbound edges, we'll populate the set // of bandwidth hints, querying the lower switch layer for the most up // to date values. bandwidthHints := make(map[uint64]lnwire.MilliSatoshi) for _, localChan := range localChans { bandwidthHints[localChan.ChannelID] = queryBandwidth(localChan) } return bandwidthHints, nil } // ReportVertexFailure adds a vertex to the graph prune view after a client // reports a routing failure localized to the vertex. The time the vertex was // added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the shared view after a period of // vertexDecay. However, the vertex will remain pruned for the *local* session. // This ensures we don't retry this vertex during the payment attempt. func (p *paymentSession) ReportVertexFailure(v Vertex) { log.Debugf("Reporting vertex %v failure to Mission Control", v) // First, we'll add the failed vertex to our local prune view snapshot. p.pruneViewSnapshot.vertexes[v] = struct{}{} // With the vertex added, we'll now report back to the global prune // view, with this new piece of information so it can be utilized for // new payment sessions.[v] = time.Now() } // ReportChannelFailure adds a channel to the graph prune view. The time the // channel was added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the global view after a // period of edgeDecay. However, the edge will remain pruned for the duration // of the *local* session. This ensures that we don't flap by continually // retrying an edge after its pruning has expired. // // TODO(roasbeef): also add value attempted to send and capacity of channel func (p *paymentSession) ReportChannelFailure(e uint64) { log.Debugf("Reporting edge %v failure to Mission Control", e) // First, we'll add the failed edge to our local prune view snapshot. p.pruneViewSnapshot.edges[e] = struct{}{} // With the edge added, we'll now report back to the global prune view, // with this new piece of information so it can be utilized for new // payment sessions.[e] = time.Now() } // RequestRoute returns a route which is likely to be capable for successfully // routing the specified HTLC payment to the target node. Initially the first // set of paths returned from this method may encounter routing failure along // the way, however as more payments are sent, mission control will start to // build an up to date view of the network itself. With each payment a new area // will be explored, which feeds into the recommendations made for routing. // // NOTE: This function is safe for concurrent access. func (p *paymentSession) RequestRoute(payment *LightningPayment, height uint32, finalCltvDelta uint16) (*Route, error) { switch { // If we have a set of pre-built routes, then we'll just pop off the // next route from the queue, and use it directly. case p.haveRoutes && len(p.preBuiltRoutes) > 0: nextRoute := p.preBuiltRoutes[0] p.preBuiltRoutes[0] = nil // Set to nil to avoid GC leak. p.preBuiltRoutes = p.preBuiltRoutes[1:] return nextRoute, nil // If we were instantiated with a set of pre-built routes, and we've // run out, then we'll return a terminal error. case p.haveRoutes && len(p.preBuiltRoutes) == 0: return nil, fmt.Errorf("pre-built routes exhausted") } // Otherwise we actually need to perform path finding, so we'll obtain // our current prune view snapshot. This view will only ever grow // during the duration of this payment session, never shrinking. pruneView := p.pruneViewSnapshot log.Debugf("Mission Control session using prune view of %v "+ "edges, %v vertexes", len(pruneView.edges), len(pruneView.vertexes)) // TODO(roasbeef): sync logic amongst dist sys // Taking into account this prune view, we'll attempt to locate a path // to our destination, respecting the recommendations from // missionControl. path, err := findPath( nil,, p.additionalEdges,, payment.Target, pruneView.vertexes, pruneView.edges, payment.Amount, p.bandwidthHints, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } // With the next candidate path found, we'll attempt to turn this into // a route by applying the time-lock and fee requirements. sourceVertex := Vertex( route, err := newRoute( payment.Amount, payment.FeeLimit, sourceVertex, path, height, finalCltvDelta, ) if err != nil { // TODO(roasbeef): return which edge/vertex didn't work // out return nil, err } return route, err } // ResetHistory resets the history of missionControl returning it to a state as // if no payment attempts have been made. func (m *missionControl) ResetHistory() { m.Lock() m.failedEdges = make(map[uint64]time.Time) m.failedVertexes = make(map[Vertex]time.Time) m.Unlock() }