package kvdb

// BoltBackendName is the name of the backend that should be passed into
// kvdb.Create to initialize a new instance of kvdb.Backend backed by a live
// instance of bbolt.
const BoltBackendName = "bdb"

// EtcdBackendName is the name of the backend that should be passed into
// kvdb.Create to initialize a new instance of kvdb.Backend backed by a live
// instance of etcd.
const EtcdBackendName = "etcd"

// BoltConfig holds bolt configuration.
type BoltConfig struct {
	NoFreeListSync bool `long:"nofreelistsync" description:"If true, prevents the database from syncing its freelist to disk"`

// EtcdConfig holds etcd configuration.
type EtcdConfig struct {
	Host string `long:"host" description:"Etcd database host."`

	User string `long:"user" description:"Etcd database user."`

	Pass string `long:"pass" description:"Password for the database user."`

	CertFile string `long:"cert_file" description:"Path to the TLS certificate for etcd RPC."`

	KeyFile string `long:"key_file" description:"Path to the TLS private key for etcd RPC."`

	InsecureSkipVerify bool `long:"insecure_skip_verify" description:"Whether we intend to skip TLS verification"`

	CollectStats bool `long:"collect_stats" description:"Whether to collect etcd commit stats."`