package chainntnfs

import (


// ConfNtfn represents a notifier client's request to receive a notification
// once the target transaction gets sufficient confirmations. The client is
// asynchronously notified via the ConfirmationEvent channels.
type ConfNtfn struct {
	// TxID is the hash of the transaction for which confirmation notifications
	// are requested.
	TxID *chainhash.Hash

	// NumConfirmations is the number of confirmations after which the
	// notification is to be sent.
	NumConfirmations uint32

	// Event contains references to the channels that the notifications are to
	// be sent over.
	Event *ConfirmationEvent

	// details describes the transaction's position is the blockchain. May be
	// nil for unconfirmed transactions.
	details *TxConfirmation

	// dispatched is false if the confirmed notification has not been sent yet.
	dispatched bool

// NewConfirmationEvent constructs a new ConfirmationEvent with newly opened
// channels.
func NewConfirmationEvent() *ConfirmationEvent {
	return &ConfirmationEvent{
		Confirmed:    make(chan *TxConfirmation, 1),
		NegativeConf: make(chan int32, 1),

// TxConfNotifier is used to register transaction confirmation notifications and
// dispatch them as the transactions confirm. A client can request to be
// notified when a particular transaction has sufficient on-chain confirmations
// (or be notified immediately if the tx already does), and the TxConfNotifier
// will watch changes to the blockchain in order to satisfy these requests.
type TxConfNotifier struct {
	// currentHeight is the height of the tracked blockchain. It is used to
	// determine the number of confirmations a tx has and ensure blocks are
	// connected and disconnected in order.
	currentHeight uint32

	// reorgSafetyLimit is the chain depth beyond which it is assumed a block
	// will not be reorganized out of the chain. This is used to determine when
	// to prune old confirmation requests so that reorgs are handled correctly.
	// The coinbase maturity period is a reasonable value to use.
	reorgSafetyLimit uint32

	// reorgDepth is the depth of a chain organization that this system is being
	// informed of. This is incremented as long as a sequence of blocks are
	// disconnected without being interrupted by a new block.
	reorgDepth uint32

	// confNotifications is an index of notification requests by transaction
	// hash.
	confNotifications map[chainhash.Hash][]*ConfNtfn

	// confTxsByInitialHeight is an index of watched transactions by the height
	// that they are included at in the blockchain. This is tracked so that
	// incorrect notifications are not sent if a transaction is reorganized out
	// of the chain and so that negative confirmations can be recognized.
	confTxsByInitialHeight map[uint32][]*chainhash.Hash

	// ntfnsByConfirmHeight is an index of notification requests by the height
	// at which the transaction will have sufficient confirmations.
	ntfnsByConfirmHeight map[uint32]map[*ConfNtfn]struct{}

	// quit is closed in order to signal that the notifier is gracefully
	// exiting.
	quit chan struct{}

// NewTxConfNotifier creates a TxConfNotifier. The current height of the
// blockchain is accepted as a parameter.
func NewTxConfNotifier(startHeight uint32, reorgSafetyLimit uint32) *TxConfNotifier {
	return &TxConfNotifier{
		currentHeight:          startHeight,
		reorgSafetyLimit:       reorgSafetyLimit,
		confNotifications:      make(map[chainhash.Hash][]*ConfNtfn),
		confTxsByInitialHeight: make(map[uint32][]*chainhash.Hash),
		ntfnsByConfirmHeight:   make(map[uint32]map[*ConfNtfn]struct{}),
		quit:                   make(chan struct{}),

// Register handles a new notification request. The client will be notified when
// the transaction gets a sufficient number of confirmations on the blockchain.
// If the transaction has already been included in a block on the chain, the
// confirmation details must be given as the txConf argument, otherwise it
// should be nil. If the transaction already has the sufficient number of
// confirmations, this dispatches the notification immediately.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) Register(ntfn *ConfNtfn, txConf *TxConfirmation) error {
	select {
	case <-tcn.quit:
		return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")

	if txConf == nil || txConf.BlockHeight > tcn.currentHeight {
		// Transaction is unconfirmed.
		tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID] =
			append(tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID], ntfn)
		return nil

	// If the transaction already has the required confirmations, dispatch
	// notification immediately, otherwise record along with the height at
	// which to notify.
	confHeight := txConf.BlockHeight + ntfn.NumConfirmations - 1
	if confHeight <= tcn.currentHeight {
		Log.Infof("Dispatching %v conf notification for %v",
			ntfn.NumConfirmations, ntfn.TxID)
		select {
		case <-tcn.quit:
			return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
		case ntfn.Event.Confirmed <- txConf:
			ntfn.dispatched = true
	} else {
		ntfn.details = txConf
		ntfnSet, exists := tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight]
		if !exists {
			ntfnSet = make(map[*ConfNtfn]struct{})
			tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight] = ntfnSet
		ntfnSet[ntfn] = struct{}{}

	// Unless the transaction is finalized, include transaction information in
	// confNotifications and confTxsByInitialHeight in case the tx gets
	// reorganized out of the chain.
	if txConf.BlockHeight+tcn.reorgSafetyLimit > tcn.currentHeight {
		tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID] =
			append(tcn.confNotifications[*ntfn.TxID], ntfn)
		tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight[txConf.BlockHeight] =
			append(tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight[txConf.BlockHeight], ntfn.TxID)

	return nil

// ConnectTip handles a new block extending the current chain. This checks each
// transaction in the block to see if any watched transactions are included.
// Also, if any watched transactions now have the required number of
// confirmations as a result of this block being connected, this dispatches
// notifications.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) ConnectTip(blockHash *chainhash.Hash,
	blockHeight uint32, txns []*btcutil.Tx) error {

	select {
	case <-tcn.quit:
		return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")

	if blockHeight != tcn.currentHeight+1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Received blocks out of order: "+
			"current height=%d, new height=%d",
			tcn.currentHeight, blockHeight)
	tcn.reorgDepth = 0

	// Record any newly confirmed transactions in ntfnsByConfirmHeight so that
	// notifications get dispatched when the tx gets sufficient confirmations.
	// Also record txs in confTxsByInitialHeight so reorgs can be handled
	// correctly.
	for _, tx := range txns {
		txHash := tx.Hash()
		for _, ntfn := range tcn.confNotifications[*txHash] {
			ntfn.details = &TxConfirmation{
				BlockHash:   blockHash,
				BlockHeight: blockHeight,
				TxIndex:     uint32(tx.Index()),

			confHeight := blockHeight + ntfn.NumConfirmations - 1
			ntfnSet, exists := tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight]
			if !exists {
				ntfnSet = make(map[*ConfNtfn]struct{})
				tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight] = ntfnSet
			ntfnSet[ntfn] = struct{}{}

			tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight[blockHeight] =
				append(tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight[blockHeight], tx.Hash())

	// Dispatch notifications for all transactions that are considered confirmed
	// at this new block height.
	for ntfn := range tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[tcn.currentHeight] {
		Log.Infof("Dispatching %v conf notification for %v",
			ntfn.NumConfirmations, ntfn.TxID)
		select {
		case ntfn.Event.Confirmed <- ntfn.details:
			ntfn.dispatched = true
		case <-tcn.quit:
			return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
	delete(tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight, tcn.currentHeight)

	// Clear entries from confNotifications and confTxsByInitialHeight. We
	// assume that reorgs deeper than the reorg safety limit do not happen, so
	// we can clear out entries for the block that is now mature.
	if tcn.currentHeight >= tcn.reorgSafetyLimit {
		matureBlockHeight := tcn.currentHeight - tcn.reorgSafetyLimit
		for _, txHash := range tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight[matureBlockHeight] {
			delete(tcn.confNotifications, *txHash)
		delete(tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight, matureBlockHeight)

	return nil

// DisconnectTip handles the tip of the current chain being disconnected during
// a chain reorganization. If any watched transactions were included in this
// block, internal structures are updated to ensure a confirmation notification
// is not sent unless the transaction is included in the new chain.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) DisconnectTip(blockHeight uint32) error {
	select {
	case <-tcn.quit:
		return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")

	if blockHeight != tcn.currentHeight {
		return fmt.Errorf("Received blocks out of order: "+
			"current height=%d, disconnected height=%d",
			tcn.currentHeight, blockHeight)

	for _, txHash := range tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight[blockHeight] {
		for _, ntfn := range tcn.confNotifications[*txHash] {
			// If notification has been dispatched with sufficient
			// confirmations, notify of the reversal.
			if ntfn.dispatched {
				select {
				case <-ntfn.Event.Confirmed:
					// Drain confirmation notification instead of sending
					// negative conf if the receiver has not processed it yet.
					// This ensures sends to the Confirmed channel are always
					// non-blocking.
				case ntfn.Event.NegativeConf <- int32(tcn.reorgDepth):
				case <-tcn.quit:
					return fmt.Errorf("TxConfNotifier is exiting")
				ntfn.dispatched = false

			confHeight := blockHeight + ntfn.NumConfirmations - 1
			ntfnSet, exists := tcn.ntfnsByConfirmHeight[confHeight]
			if !exists {
			delete(ntfnSet, ntfn)
	delete(tcn.confTxsByInitialHeight, blockHeight)

	return nil

// TearDown is to be called when the owner of the TxConfNotifier is exiting.
// This closes the event channels of all registered notifications that have
// not been dispatched yet.
func (tcn *TxConfNotifier) TearDown() {

	for _, ntfns := range tcn.confNotifications {
		for _, ntfn := range ntfns {
			if ntfn.dispatched {
