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add new max channel size config option

- let users specify their MAXIMUM WUMBO with new config option which sets the maximum channel size lnd will accept
- current implementation is a simple check by the fundingManager rather than anything to do with the ChannelAcceptor
- Add test cases which verify that maximum channel limit is respected for wumbo/non-wumbo channels
- use --maxchansize 0 value to distinguish set/unset config. If user sets max value to 0 it will not do anything as 0 is currently used to indicate to the funding manager that the limit should not be enforced. This seems justifiable since --maxchansize=0 doesn't seem to make sense at first glance.
- add integration test case to ensure that config parsing and valiation is proper. I simplified the funding managers check electing to rely on config.go to correctly parse and set up either i) non wumbo default limit of 0.16 BTC OR ii) wumbo default soft limit of 10 BTC

Calvin Zachman 4 years ago
  1. 36
  2. 18
  3. 71
  4. 120
  5. 4
  6. 2
  7. 9
  8. 10
  9. 8
  10. 1


@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ type Config struct {
Alias string `long:"alias" description:"The node alias. Used as a moniker by peers and intelligence services"`
Color string `long:"color" description:"The color of the node in hex format (i.e. '#3399FF'). Used to customize node appearance in intelligence services"`
MinChanSize int64 `long:"minchansize" description:"The smallest channel size (in satoshis) that we should accept. Incoming channels smaller than this will be rejected"`
MaxChanSize int64 `long:"maxchansize" description:"The largest channel size (in satoshis) that we should accept. Incoming channels larger than this will be rejected"`
DefaultRemoteMaxHtlcs uint16 `long:"default-remote-max-htlcs" description:"The default max_htlc applied when opening or accepting channels. This value limits the number of concurrent HTLCs that the remote party can add to the commitment. The maximum possible value is 483."`
@ -387,6 +388,7 @@ func DefaultConfig() Config {
Alias: defaultAlias,
Color: defaultColor,
MinChanSize: int64(minChanFundingSize),
MaxChanSize: int64(0),
DefaultRemoteMaxHtlcs: defaultRemoteMaxHtlcs,
NumGraphSyncPeers: defaultMinPeers,
HistoricalSyncInterval: discovery.DefaultHistoricalSyncInterval,
@ -610,7 +612,7 @@ func ValidateConfig(cfg Config, usageMessage string) (*Config, error) {
// Ensure that the specified values for the min and max channel size
// don't are within the bounds of the normal chan size constraints.
// are within the bounds of the normal chan size constraints.
if cfg.Autopilot.MinChannelSize < int64(minChanFundingSize) {
cfg.Autopilot.MinChannelSize = int64(minChanFundingSize)
@ -622,6 +624,38 @@ func ValidateConfig(cfg Config, usageMessage string) (*Config, error) {
return nil, err
// Ensure that --maxchansize is properly handled when set by user.
// For non-Wumbo channels this limit remains 16777215 satoshis by default
// as specified in BOLT-02. For wumbo channels this limit is 1,000,000,000.
// satoshis (10 BTC). Always enforce --maxchansize explicitly set by user.
// If unset (marked by 0 value), then enforce proper default.
if cfg.MaxChanSize == 0 {
if cfg.ProtocolOptions.Wumbo() {
cfg.MaxChanSize = int64(MaxBtcFundingAmountWumbo)
} else {
cfg.MaxChanSize = int64(MaxBtcFundingAmount)
// Ensure that the user specified values for the min and max channel
// size make sense.
if cfg.MaxChanSize < cfg.MinChanSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid channel size parameters: "+
"max channel size %v, must be no less than min chan size %v",
cfg.MaxChanSize, cfg.MinChanSize,
// Don't allow superflous --maxchansize greater than
// BOLT 02 soft-limit for non-wumbo channel
if !cfg.ProtocolOptions.Wumbo() && cfg.MaxChanSize > int64(MaxFundingAmount) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid channel size parameters: "+
"maximum channel size %v is greater than maximum non-wumbo"+
" channel size %v",
cfg.MaxChanSize, MaxFundingAmount,
// Ensure a valid max channel fee allocation was set.
if cfg.MaxChannelFeeAllocation <= 0 || cfg.MaxChannelFeeAllocation > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid max channel fee allocation: "+


@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ const (
// in the real world.
MaxBtcFundingAmount = btcutil.Amount(1<<24) - 1
// MaxBtcFundingAmountWumbo is a soft-limit on the maximum size of wumbo
// channels. This limit is 10 BTC and is the only thing standing between
// you and limitless channel size (apart from 21 million cap)
MaxBtcFundingAmountWumbo = btcutil.Amount(1000000000)
// maxLtcFundingAmount is a soft-limit of the maximum channel size
// currently accepted on the Litecoin chain within the Lightning
// Protocol.
@ -360,6 +365,11 @@ type fundingConfig struct {
// due to fees.
MinChanSize btcutil.Amount
// MaxChanSize is the largest channel size that we'll accept as an
// inbound channel. We have such a parameter, so that you may decide how
// WUMBO you would like your channel.
MaxChanSize btcutil.Amount
// MaxPendingChannels is the maximum number of pending channels we
// allow for each peer.
MaxPendingChannels int
@ -1269,13 +1279,11 @@ func (f *fundingManager) handleFundingOpen(fmsg *fundingOpenMsg) {
// We'll reject any request to create a channel that's above the
// current soft-limit for channel size, but only if we're rejecting all
// wumbo channel initiations.
if f.cfg.NoWumboChans && msg.FundingAmount > MaxFundingAmount {
// Ensure that the remote party respects our maximum channel size.
if amt > f.cfg.MaxChanSize {
fmsg.peer, fmsg.msg.PendingChannelID,
lnwallet.ErrChanTooLarge(amt, f.cfg.MaxChanSize),


@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ func createTestFundingManager(t *testing.T, privKey *btcec.PrivateKey,
ZombieSweeperInterval: 1 * time.Hour,
ReservationTimeout: 1 * time.Nanosecond,
MaxChanSize: MaxFundingAmount,
MaxPendingChannels: lncfg.DefaultMaxPendingChannels,
NotifyOpenChannelEvent: evt.NotifyOpenChannelEvent,
OpenChannelPredicate: chainedAcceptor,
@ -3212,6 +3213,75 @@ func expectOpenChannelMsg(t *testing.T, msgChan chan lnwire.Message) *lnwire.Ope
return openChannelReq
func TestMaxChannelSizeConfig(t *testing.T) {
// Create a set of funding managers that will reject wumbo
// channels but set --maxchansize explicitly lower than soft-limit.
// Verify that wumbo rejecting funding managers will respect --maxchansize
// below 16777215 satoshi (MaxFundingAmount) limit.
alice, bob := setupFundingManagers(t, func(cfg *fundingConfig) {
cfg.NoWumboChans = true
cfg.MaxChanSize = MaxFundingAmount - 1
// Attempt to create a channel above the limit
// imposed by --maxchansize, which should be rejected.
updateChan := make(chan *lnrpc.OpenStatusUpdate)
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
initReq := &openChanReq{
targetPubkey: bob.privKey.PubKey(),
chainHash: *fundingNetParams.GenesisHash,
localFundingAmt: MaxFundingAmount,
pushAmt: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(0),
private: false,
updates: updateChan,
err: errChan,
// After processing the funding open message, bob should respond with
// an error rejecting the channel that exceeds size limit.
alice.fundingMgr.initFundingWorkflow(bob, initReq)
openChanMsg := expectOpenChannelMsg(t, alice.msgChan)
bob.fundingMgr.processFundingOpen(openChanMsg, alice)
assertErrorSent(t, bob.msgChan)
// Create a set of funding managers that will reject wumbo
// channels but set --maxchansize explicitly higher than soft-limit
// A --maxchansize greater than this limit should have no effect.
tearDownFundingManagers(t, alice, bob)
alice, bob = setupFundingManagers(t, func(cfg *fundingConfig) {
cfg.NoWumboChans = true
cfg.MaxChanSize = MaxFundingAmount + 1
// We expect Bob to respond with an Accept channel message.
alice.fundingMgr.initFundingWorkflow(bob, initReq)
openChanMsg = expectOpenChannelMsg(t, alice.msgChan)
bob.fundingMgr.processFundingOpen(openChanMsg, alice)
assertFundingMsgSent(t, bob.msgChan, "AcceptChannel")
// Verify that wumbo accepting funding managers will respect --maxchansize
// Create the funding managers, this time allowing
// wumbo channels but setting --maxchansize explicitly.
tearDownFundingManagers(t, alice, bob)
alice, bob = setupFundingManagers(t, func(cfg *fundingConfig) {
cfg.NoWumboChans = false
cfg.MaxChanSize = btcutil.Amount(100000000)
// Attempt to create a channel above the limit
// imposed by --maxchansize, which should be rejected.
initReq.localFundingAmt = btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin + 1
// After processing the funding open message, bob should respond with
// an error rejecting the channel that exceeds size limit.
alice.fundingMgr.initFundingWorkflow(bob, initReq)
openChanMsg = expectOpenChannelMsg(t, alice.msgChan)
bob.fundingMgr.processFundingOpen(openChanMsg, alice)
assertErrorSent(t, bob.msgChan)
// TestWumboChannelConfig tests that the funding manager will respect the wumbo
// channel config param when creating or accepting new channels.
func TestWumboChannelConfig(t *testing.T) {
@ -3260,6 +3330,7 @@ func TestWumboChannelConfig(t *testing.T) {
tearDownFundingManagers(t, alice, bob)
alice, bob = setupFundingManagers(t, func(cfg *fundingConfig) {
cfg.NoWumboChans = false
cfg.MaxChanSize = MaxBtcFundingAmountWumbo
// We should now be able to initiate a wumbo channel funding w/o any


@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// +build rpctest
package itest
import (
// testMaxChannelSize tests that lnd handles --maxchansize parameter
// correctly. Wumbo nodes should enforce a default soft limit of 10 BTC by
// default. This limit can be adjusted with --maxchansize config option
func testMaxChannelSize(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
// We'll make two new nodes, both wumbo but with the default
// limit on maximum channel size (10 BTC)
wumboNode, err := net.NewNode(
"wumbo", []string{"--protocol.wumbo-channels"},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create new node: %v", err)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, wumboNode)
wumboNode2, err := net.NewNode(
"wumbo2", []string{"--protocol.wumbo-channels"},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create new node: %v", err)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, wumboNode2)
// We'll send 11 BTC to the wumbo node so it can test the wumbo soft limit.
ctxb := context.Background()
err = net.SendCoins(ctxb, 11*btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin, wumboNode)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to send coins to wumbo node: %v", err)
// Next we'll connect both nodes, then attempt to make a wumbo channel
// funding request, which should fail as it exceeds the default wumbo
// soft limit of 10 BTC.
err = net.EnsureConnected(ctxb, wumboNode, wumboNode2)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to connect peers: %v", err)
chanAmt := lnd.MaxBtcFundingAmountWumbo + 1
_, err = net.OpenChannel(
ctxb, wumboNode, wumboNode2, lntest.OpenChannelParams{
Amt: chanAmt,
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected channel funding to fail as it exceeds 10 BTC limit")
// The test should show failure due to the channel exceeding our max size.
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exceeds maximum chan size") {
t.Fatalf("channel should be rejected due to size, instead "+
"error was: %v", err)
// Next we'll create a non-wumbo node to verify that it enforces the
// BOLT-02 channel size limit and rejects our funding request.
miniNode, err := net.NewNode("mini", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create new node: %v", err)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, miniNode)
err = net.EnsureConnected(ctxb, wumboNode, miniNode)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to connect peers: %v", err)
_, err = net.OpenChannel(
ctxb, wumboNode, miniNode, lntest.OpenChannelParams{
Amt: chanAmt,
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected channel funding to fail as it exceeds 0.16 BTC limit")
// The test should show failure due to the channel exceeding our max size.
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exceeds maximum chan size") {
t.Fatalf("channel should be rejected due to size, instead "+
"error was: %v", err)
// We'll now make another wumbo node with appropriate maximum channel size
// to accept our wumbo channel funding.
wumboNode3, err := net.NewNode(
"wumbo3", []string{"--protocol.wumbo-channels",
fmt.Sprintf("--maxchansize=%v", int64(lnd.MaxBtcFundingAmountWumbo+1))},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create new node: %v", err)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, wumboNode3)
// Creating a wumbo channel between these two nodes should succeed.
err = net.EnsureConnected(ctxb, wumboNode, wumboNode3)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to connect peers: %v", err)
chanPoint := openChannelAndAssert(
ctxb, t, net, wumboNode, wumboNode3,
Amt: chanAmt,
closeChannelAndAssert(ctxb, t, net, wumboNode, chanPoint, false)


@ -14374,6 +14374,10 @@ var testsCases = []*testCase{
name: "wumbo channels",
test: testWumboChannels,
name: "maximum channel size",
test: testMaxChannelSize,
// TestLightningNetworkDaemon performs a series of integration tests amongst a


@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func testWumboChannels(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
// The test should indicate a failure due to the channel being too
// large.
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "channel too large") {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exceeds maximum chan size") {
t.Fatalf("channel should be rejected due to size, instead "+
"error was: %v", err)


@ -203,6 +203,15 @@
<time> [ERR] FNDG: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=channel too large
<time> [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/OpenChannel]: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=channel too large
<time> [ERR] RPCS: unable to open channel to NodeKey(<hex>): received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=channel too large
<time> [ERR] FNDG: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 0.16777216 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 0.16777215 BTC
<time> [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/OpenChannel]: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 0.16777216 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 0.16777215 BTC
<time> [ERR] RPCS: unable to open channel to NodeKey(<hex>): received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 0.16777216 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 0.16777215 BTC
<time> [ERR] FNDG: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 10.00000001 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 10 BTC
<time> [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/OpenChannel]: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 10.00000001 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 10 BTC
<time> [ERR] RPCS: unable to open channel to NodeKey(<hex>): received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 10.00000001 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 10 BTC
<time> [ERR] FNDG: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 10.00000001 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 0.16777215 BTC
<time> [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/OpenChannel]: received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 10.00000001 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 0.16777215 BTC
<time> [ERR] RPCS: unable to open channel to NodeKey(<hex>): received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=chan size of 10.00000001 BTC exceeds maximum chan size of 0.16777215 BTC
<time> [ERR] NTNF: unable to get hash from block with height <height>
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to add new channel <chan_point> with peer <hex>: canceled adding new channel
<time> [ERR] RPCS: WS: error closing upgraded conn: write tcp4 <ip>-><ip>: write: connection reset by peer


@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ func ErrChanTooSmall(chanSize, minChanSize btcutil.Amount) ReservationError {
// ErrChanTooLarge returns an error indicating that an incoming channel request
// was too large. We'll reject any incoming channels if they're above our
// configured value for the max channel size we'll accept.
func ErrChanTooLarge(chanSize, maxChanSize btcutil.Amount) ReservationError {
return ReservationError{
fmt.Errorf("chan size of %v exceeds maximum chan size of %v",
chanSize, maxChanSize),
// ErrHtlcIndexAlreadyFailed is returned when the HTLC index has already been
// failed, but has not been committed by our commitment state.
type ErrHtlcIndexAlreadyFailed uint64


@ -171,6 +171,14 @@
; channels smaller than this will be rejected, default value 20000.
; minchansize=
; The largest channel size (in satoshis) that we should accept. Incoming
; channels larger than this will be rejected. For non-Wumbo channels this
; limit remains 16777215 satoshis by default as specified in BOLT-0002.
; For wumbo channels this limit is 1,000,000,000 satoshis (10 BTC).
; Set this config option explicitly to restrict your maximum channel size
; to better align with your risk tolerance
; maxchansize=
; The duration that a peer connection must be stable before attempting to send a
; channel update to reenable or cancel a pending disables of the peer's channels
; on the network. (default: 19m0s)


@ -1168,6 +1168,7 @@ func newServer(cfg *Config, listenAddrs []net.Addr,
ZombieSweeperInterval: 1 * time.Minute,
ReservationTimeout: 10 * time.Minute,
MinChanSize: btcutil.Amount(cfg.MinChanSize),
MaxChanSize: btcutil.Amount(cfg.MaxChanSize),
MaxPendingChannels: cfg.MaxPendingChannels,
RejectPush: cfg.RejectPush,
NotifyOpenChannelEvent: s.channelNotifier.NotifyOpenChannelEvent,
