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Merge pull request #5206 from carlaKC/4987-heightexpirywatcher

invoices: add height based expiry watcher
Olaoluwa Osuntokun 3 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
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@ -347,6 +347,8 @@ type Config struct {
GcCanceledInvoicesOnTheFly bool `long:"gc-canceled-invoices-on-the-fly" description:"If true, we'll delete newly canceled invoices on the fly."`
Invoices *lncfg.Invoices `group:"invoices" namespace:"invoices"`
Routing *lncfg.Routing `group:"routing" namespace:"routing"`
Gossip *lncfg.Gossip `group:"gossip" namespace:"gossip"`
@ -532,6 +534,9 @@ func DefaultConfig() Config {
MaxChannelUpdateBurst: discovery.DefaultMaxChannelUpdateBurst,
ChannelUpdateInterval: discovery.DefaultChannelUpdateInterval,
Invoices: &lncfg.Invoices{
HoldExpiryDelta: lncfg.DefaultHoldInvoiceExpiryDelta,
MaxOutgoingCltvExpiry: htlcswitch.DefaultMaxOutgoingCltvExpiry,
MaxChannelFeeAllocation: htlcswitch.DefaultMaxLinkFeeAllocation,
MaxCommitFeeRateAnchors: lnwallet.DefaultAnchorsCommitMaxFeeRateSatPerVByte,
@ -1389,6 +1394,18 @@ func ValidateConfig(cfg Config, usageMessage string,
return nil, err
// Log a warning if our expiry delta is not greater than our incoming
// broadcast delta. We do not fail here because this value may be set
// to zero to intentionally keep lnd's behavior unchanged from when we
// didn't auto-cancel these invoices.
if cfg.Invoices.HoldExpiryDelta <= lncfg.DefaultIncomingBroadcastDelta {
ltndLog.Warnf("Invoice hold expiry delta: %v <= incoming "+
"delta: %v, accepted hold invoices will force close "+
"channels if they are not canceled manually",
// Validate the subconfigs for workers, caches, and the tower client.
err = lncfg.Validate(


@ -797,6 +797,20 @@ type mockInvoiceRegistry struct {
cleanup func()
type mockChainNotifier struct {
// RegisterBlockEpochNtfn mocks a successful call to register block
// notifications.
func (m *mockChainNotifier) RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(*chainntnfs.BlockEpoch) (
*chainntnfs.BlockEpochEvent, error) {
return &chainntnfs.BlockEpochEvent{
Cancel: func() {},
}, nil
func newMockRegistry(minDelta uint32) *mockInvoiceRegistry {
cdb, cleanup, err := newDB()
if err != nil {
@ -805,7 +819,10 @@ func newMockRegistry(minDelta uint32) *mockInvoiceRegistry {
registry := invoices.NewRegistry(
clock.NewDefaultClock(), 0, 0, nil,
FinalCltvRejectDelta: 5,


@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import (
@ -34,6 +36,28 @@ func (e invoiceExpiryTs) Less(other queue.PriorityQueueItem) bool {
return e.Expiry.Before(other.(*invoiceExpiryTs).Expiry)
// Compile time assertion that invoiceExpiryHeight implements invoiceExpiry.
var _ invoiceExpiry = (*invoiceExpiryHeight)(nil)
// invoiceExpiryHeight holds information about an invoice which can be used to
// cancel it based on its expiry height.
type invoiceExpiryHeight struct {
paymentHash lntypes.Hash
expiryHeight uint32
// Less implements PriorityQueueItem.Less such that the top item in the
// priority queue is the lowest block height.
func (b invoiceExpiryHeight) Less(other queue.PriorityQueueItem) bool {
return b.expiryHeight < other.(*invoiceExpiryHeight).expiryHeight
// expired returns a boolean that indicates whether this entry has expired,
// taking our expiry delta into account.
func (b invoiceExpiryHeight) expired(currentHeight, delta uint32) bool {
return currentHeight+delta >= b.expiryHeight
// InvoiceExpiryWatcher handles automatic invoice cancellation of expried
// invoices. Upon start InvoiceExpiryWatcher will retrieve all pending (not yet
// settled or canceled) invoices invoices to its watcing queue. When a new
@ -49,6 +73,21 @@ type InvoiceExpiryWatcher struct {
// It is useful for testing.
clock clock.Clock
// notifier provides us with block height updates.
notifier chainntnfs.ChainNotifier
// blockExpiryDelta is the number of blocks before a htlc's expiry that
// we expire the invoice based on expiry height. We use a delta because
// we will go to some delta before our expiry, so we want to cancel
// before this to prevent force closes.
blockExpiryDelta uint32
// currentHeight is the current block height.
currentHeight uint32
// currentHash is the block hash for our current height.
currentHash *chainhash.Hash
// cancelInvoice is a template method that cancels an expired invoice.
cancelInvoice func(lntypes.Hash, bool) error
@ -56,6 +95,15 @@ type InvoiceExpiryWatcher struct {
// the next invoice to expire.
timestampExpiryQueue queue.PriorityQueue
// blockExpiryQueue holds blockExpiry items and is used to find the
// next invoice to expire based on block height. Only hold invoices
// with active htlcs are added to this queue, because they require
// manual cancellation when the hltc is going to time out. Items in
// this queue may already be in the timestampExpiryQueue, this is ok
// because they will not be expired based on timestamp if they have
// active htlcs.
blockExpiryQueue queue.PriorityQueue
// newInvoices channel is used to wake up the main loop when a new
// invoices is added.
newInvoices chan []invoiceExpiry
@ -67,11 +115,18 @@ type InvoiceExpiryWatcher struct {
// NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher creates a new InvoiceExpiryWatcher instance.
func NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(clock clock.Clock) *InvoiceExpiryWatcher {
func NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(clock clock.Clock,
expiryDelta, startHeight uint32, startHash *chainhash.Hash,
notifier chainntnfs.ChainNotifier) *InvoiceExpiryWatcher {
return &InvoiceExpiryWatcher{
clock: clock,
newInvoices: make(chan []invoiceExpiry),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
clock: clock,
notifier: notifier,
blockExpiryDelta: expiryDelta,
currentHeight: startHeight,
currentHash: startHash,
newInvoices: make(chan []invoiceExpiry),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
@ -91,8 +146,17 @@ func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) Start(
ew.started = true
ew.cancelInvoice = cancelInvoice
ntfn, err := ew.notifier.RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(&chainntnfs.BlockEpoch{
Height: int32(ew.currentHeight),
Hash: ew.currentHash,
if err != nil {
return err
go ew.mainLoop()
go ew.mainLoop(ntfn)
return nil
@ -122,6 +186,32 @@ func makeInvoiceExpiry(paymentHash lntypes.Hash,
case channeldb.ContractOpen:
return makeTimestampExpiry(paymentHash, invoice)
// If an invoice has active htlcs, we want to expire it based on block
// height. We only do this for hodl invoices, since regular invoices
// should resolve themselves automatically.
case channeldb.ContractAccepted:
if !invoice.HodlInvoice {
log.Debugf("Invoice in accepted state not added to "+
"expiry watcher: %v", paymentHash)
return nil
var minHeight uint32
for _, htlc := range invoice.Htlcs {
// We only care about accepted htlcs, since they will
// trigger force-closes.
if htlc.State != channeldb.HtlcStateAccepted {
if minHeight == 0 || htlc.Expiry < minHeight {
minHeight = htlc.Expiry
return makeHeightExpiry(paymentHash, minHeight)
log.Debugf("Invoice not added to expiry watcher: %v",
@ -151,18 +241,36 @@ func makeTimestampExpiry(paymentHash lntypes.Hash,
// makeHeightExpiry creates height-based expiry for an invoice based on its
// lowest htlc expiry height.
func makeHeightExpiry(paymentHash lntypes.Hash,
minHeight uint32) *invoiceExpiryHeight {
if minHeight == 0 {
log.Warnf("make height expiry called with 0 height")
return nil
return &invoiceExpiryHeight{
paymentHash: paymentHash,
expiryHeight: minHeight,
// AddInvoices adds invoices to the InvoiceExpiryWatcher.
func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) AddInvoices(invoices ...invoiceExpiry) {
if len(invoices) > 0 {
select {
case ew.newInvoices <- invoices:
log.Debugf("Added %d invoices to the expiry watcher",
if len(invoices) == 0 {
// Select on quit too so that callers won't get blocked in case
// of concurrent shutdown.
case <-ew.quit:
select {
case ew.newInvoices <- invoices:
log.Debugf("Added %d invoices to the expiry watcher",
// Select on quit too so that callers won't get blocked in case
// of concurrent shutdown.
case <-ew.quit:
@ -178,6 +286,23 @@ func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) nextTimestampExpiry() <-chan time.Time {
return nil
// nextHeightExpiry returns a channel that will immediately be read from if
// the top item on our queue has expired.
func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) nextHeightExpiry() <-chan uint32 {
if ew.blockExpiryQueue.Empty() {
return nil
top := ew.blockExpiryQueue.Top().(*invoiceExpiryHeight)
if !top.expired(ew.currentHeight, ew.blockExpiryDelta) {
return nil
blockChan := make(chan uint32, 1)
blockChan <- top.expiryHeight
return blockChan
// cancelNextExpiredInvoice will cancel the next expired invoice and removes
// it from the expiry queue.
func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) cancelNextExpiredInvoice() {
@ -198,6 +323,25 @@ func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) cancelNextExpiredInvoice() {
// cancelNextHeightExpiredInvoice looks at our height based queue and expires
// the next invoice if we have reached its expiry block.
func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) cancelNextHeightExpiredInvoice() {
if ew.blockExpiryQueue.Empty() {
top := ew.blockExpiryQueue.Top().(*invoiceExpiryHeight)
if !top.expired(ew.currentHeight, ew.blockExpiryDelta) {
// We always force-cancel block-based expiry so that we can
// cancel invoices that have been accepted but not yet resolved.
// This helps us avoid force closes.
ew.expireInvoice(top.paymentHash, true)
// expireInvoice attempts to expire an invoice and logs an error if we get an
// unexpected error.
func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) expireInvoice(hash lntypes.Hash, force bool) {
@ -226,6 +370,11 @@ func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) pushInvoices(invoices []invoiceExpiry) {
case *invoiceExpiryHeight:
if expiry != nil {
log.Errorf("unexpected queue item: %T", inv)
@ -234,12 +383,20 @@ func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) pushInvoices(invoices []invoiceExpiry) {
// mainLoop is a goroutine that receives new invoices and handles cancellation
// of expired invoices.
func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) mainLoop() {
defer ew.wg.Done()
func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) mainLoop(blockNtfns *chainntnfs.BlockEpochEvent) {
defer func() {
// We have two different queues, so we use a different cancel method
// depending on which expiry condition we have hit. Starting with time
// based expiry is an arbitrary choice to start off.
cancelNext := ew.cancelNextExpiredInvoice
for {
// Cancel any invoices that may have expired.
select {
@ -252,13 +409,29 @@ func (ew *InvoiceExpiryWatcher) mainLoop() {
select {
// Wait until the next invoice expires.
case <-ew.nextTimestampExpiry():
// Wait until the next invoice expires.
cancelNext = ew.cancelNextExpiredInvoice
case <-ew.nextHeightExpiry():
cancelNext = ew.cancelNextHeightExpiredInvoice
case newInvoices := <-ew.newInvoices:
// Consume new blocks.
case block, ok := <-blockNtfns.Epochs:
if !ok {
log.Debugf("block notifications " +
ew.currentHeight = uint32(block.Height)
ew.currentHash = block.Hash
case <-ew.quit:


@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import (
@ -19,13 +21,40 @@ type invoiceExpiryWatcherTest struct {
canceledInvoices []lntypes.Hash
type mockChainNotifier struct {
blockChan chan *chainntnfs.BlockEpoch
func newMockNotifier() *mockChainNotifier {
return &mockChainNotifier{
blockChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.BlockEpoch),
// RegisterBlockEpochNtfn mocks a block epoch notification, using the mock's
// block channel to deliver blocks to the client.
func (m *mockChainNotifier) RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(*chainntnfs.BlockEpoch) (
*chainntnfs.BlockEpochEvent, error) {
return &chainntnfs.BlockEpochEvent{
Epochs: m.blockChan,
Cancel: func() {},
}, nil
// newInvoiceExpiryWatcherTest creates a new InvoiceExpiryWatcher test fixture
// and sets up the test environment.
func newInvoiceExpiryWatcherTest(t *testing.T, now time.Time,
numExpiredInvoices, numPendingInvoices int) *invoiceExpiryWatcherTest {
mockNotifier := newMockNotifier()
test := &invoiceExpiryWatcherTest{
watcher: NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(clock.NewTestClock(testTime)),
watcher: NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
clock.NewTestClock(testTime), 0,
uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil, mockNotifier,
testData: generateInvoiceExpiryTestData(
t, now, 0, numExpiredInvoices, numPendingInvoices,
@ -84,7 +113,10 @@ func (t *invoiceExpiryWatcherTest) checkExpectations() {
// Tests that InvoiceExpiryWatcher can be started and stopped.
func TestInvoiceExpiryWatcherStartStop(t *testing.T) {
watcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(clock.NewTestClock(testTime))
watcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
clock.NewTestClock(testTime), 0, uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil,
cancel := func(lntypes.Hash, bool) error {
t.Fatalf("unexpected call")
return nil
@ -172,3 +204,115 @@ func TestInvoiceExpiryWhenAddingMultipleInvoices(t *testing.T) {
// TestExpiredHodlInv tests expiration of an already-expired hodl invoice
// which has no htlcs.
func TestExpiredHodlInv(t *testing.T) {
creationDate := testTime.Add(time.Hour * -24)
expiry := time.Hour
test := setupHodlExpiry(
t, creationDate, expiry, 0, channeldb.ContractOpen, nil,
test.assertCanceled(t, test.hash)
// TestAcceptedHodlNotExpired tests that hodl invoices which are in an accepted
// state are not expired once their time-based expiry elapses, using a regular
// invoice that expires at the same time as a control to ensure that invoices
// with that timestamp would otherwise be expired.
func TestAcceptedHodlNotExpired(t *testing.T) {
creationDate := testTime
expiry := time.Hour
test := setupHodlExpiry(
t, creationDate, expiry, 0, channeldb.ContractAccepted, nil,
defer test.watcher.Stop()
// Add another invoice that will expire at our expiry time as a control
// value.
tsExpires := &invoiceExpiryTs{
PaymentHash: lntypes.Hash{1, 2, 3},
Expiry: creationDate.Add(expiry),
Keysend: true,
test.mockClock.SetTime(creationDate.Add(expiry + 1))
// Assert that only the ts expiry invoice is expired.
test.assertCanceled(t, tsExpires.PaymentHash)
// TestHeightAlreadyExpired tests the case where we add an invoice with htlcs
// that have already expired to the expiry watcher.
func TestHeightAlreadyExpired(t *testing.T) {
expiredHtlc := []*channeldb.InvoiceHTLC{
State: channeldb.HtlcStateAccepted,
Expiry: uint32(testCurrentHeight),
test := setupHodlExpiry(
t, testTime, time.Hour, 0, channeldb.ContractAccepted,
defer test.watcher.Stop()
test.assertCanceled(t, test.hash)
// TestExpiryHeightArrives tests the case where we add a hodl invoice to the
// expiry watcher when it has no htlcs, htlcs are added and then they finally
// expire. We use a non-zero delta for this test to check that we expire with
// sufficient buffer.
func TestExpiryHeightArrives(t *testing.T) {
var (
creationDate = testTime
expiry = time.Hour * 2
delta uint32 = 1
// Start out with a hodl invoice that is open, and has no htlcs.
test := setupHodlExpiry(
t, creationDate, expiry, delta, channeldb.ContractOpen, nil,
defer test.watcher.Stop()
htlc1 := uint32(testCurrentHeight + 10)
expiry1 := makeHeightExpiry(test.hash, htlc1)
// Add htlcs to our invoice and progress its state to accepted.
// Progress time so that our expiry has elapsed. We no longer expect
// this invoice to be canceled because it has been accepted.
// Tick our mock block subscription with the next block, we don't
// expect anything to happen.
currentHeight := uint32(testCurrentHeight + 1)
test.announceBlock(t, currentHeight)
// Now, we add another htlc to the invoice. This one has a lower expiry
// height than our current ones.
htlc2 := currentHeight + 5
expiry2 := makeHeightExpiry(test.hash, htlc2)
// Announce our lowest htlc expiry block minus our delta, the invoice
// should be expired now.
test.announceBlock(t, htlc2-delta)
test.assertCanceled(t, test.hash)


@ -1118,6 +1118,16 @@ func (i *InvoiceRegistry) notifyExitHopHtlcLocked(
// If we have fully accepted the set of htlcs for this invoice,
// we can now add it to our invoice expiry watcher. We do not
// add invoices before they are fully accepted, because it is
// possible that we MppTimeout the htlcs, and then our relevant
// expiry height could change.
if res.outcome == resultAccepted {
expiry := makeInvoiceExpiry(ctx.hash, invoice)
i.hodlSubscribe(hodlChan, ctx.circuitKey)


@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -352,7 +353,11 @@ func TestSettleHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
FinalCltvRejectDelta: testFinalCltvRejectDelta,
Clock: clock.NewTestClock(testTime),
registry := NewRegistry(cdb, NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(cfg.Clock), &cfg)
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
cfg.Clock, 0, uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil, newMockNotifier(),
registry := NewRegistry(cdb, expiryWatcher, &cfg)
err = registry.Start()
if err != nil {
@ -521,7 +526,10 @@ func TestCancelHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
FinalCltvRejectDelta: testFinalCltvRejectDelta,
Clock: clock.NewTestClock(testTime),
registry := NewRegistry(cdb, NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(cfg.Clock), &cfg)
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
cfg.Clock, 0, uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil, newMockNotifier(),
registry := NewRegistry(cdb, expiryWatcher, &cfg)
err = registry.Start()
if err != nil {
@ -946,7 +954,9 @@ func TestInvoiceExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T) {
Clock: testClock,
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(cfg.Clock)
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
cfg.Clock, 0, uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil, newMockNotifier(),
registry := NewRegistry(cdb, expiryWatcher, &cfg)
// First prefill the Channel DB with some pre-existing invoices,
@ -1049,7 +1059,9 @@ func TestOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart(t *testing.T) {
GcCanceledInvoicesOnStartup: true,
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(cfg.Clock)
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
cfg.Clock, 0, uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil, newMockNotifier(),
registry := NewRegistry(cdb, expiryWatcher, &cfg)
// First prefill the Channel DB with some pre-existing expired invoices.
@ -1107,6 +1119,222 @@ func TestOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, expected, response.Invoices)
// TestHeightExpiryWithRegistry tests our height-based invoice expiry for
// invoices paid with single and multiple htlcs, testing the case where the
// invoice is settled before expiry (and thus not canceled), and the case
// where the invoice is expired.
func TestHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("single shot settled before expiry", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 1, true)
t.Run("single shot expires", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 1, false)
t.Run("mpp settled before expiry", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 2, true)
t.Run("mpp expires", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 2, false)
func testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T, numParts int, settle bool) {
defer timeout()()
ctx := newTestContext(t)
defer ctx.cleanup()
require.Greater(t, numParts, 0, "test requires at least one part")
// Add a hold invoice, we set a non-nil payment request so that this
// invoice is not considered a keysend by the expiry watcher.
invoice := *testInvoice
invoice.HodlInvoice = true
invoice.PaymentRequest = []byte{1, 2, 3}
_, err := ctx.registry.AddInvoice(&invoice, testInvoicePaymentHash)
require.NoError(t, err)
payLoad := testPayload
if numParts > 1 {
payLoad = &mockPayload{
mpp: record.NewMPP(testInvoiceAmt, [32]byte{}),
htlcAmt := invoice.Terms.Value / lnwire.MilliSatoshi(numParts)
hodlChan := make(chan interface{}, numParts)
for i := 0; i < numParts; i++ {
// We bump our expiry height for each htlc so that we can test
// that the lowest expiry height is used.
expiry := testHtlcExpiry + uint32(i)
resolution, err := ctx.registry.NotifyExitHopHtlc(
testInvoicePaymentHash, htlcAmt, expiry,
testCurrentHeight, getCircuitKey(uint64(i)), hodlChan,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, resolution, "did not expect direct resolution")
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
inv, err := ctx.registry.LookupInvoice(testInvoicePaymentHash)
require.NoError(t, err)
return inv.State == channeldb.ContractAccepted
}, time.Second, time.Millisecond*100)
// Now that we've added our htlc(s), we tick our test clock to our
// invoice expiry time. We don't expect the invoice to be canceled
// based on its expiry time now that we have active htlcs.
ctx.clock.SetTime(invoice.CreationDate.Add(invoice.Terms.Expiry + 1))
// The expiry watcher loop takes some time to process the new clock
// time. We mine the block before our expiry height, our mock will block
// until the expiry watcher consumes this height, so we can be sure
// that the expiry loop has run at least once after this block is
// consumed.
ctx.notifier.blockChan <- &chainntnfs.BlockEpoch{
Height: int32(testHtlcExpiry - 1),
// If we want to settle our invoice in this test, we do so now.
if settle {
err = ctx.registry.SettleHodlInvoice(testInvoicePreimage)
require.NoError(t, err)
for i := 0; i < numParts; i++ {
htlcResolution := (<-hodlChan).(HtlcResolution)
require.NotNil(t, htlcResolution)
settleResolution := checkSettleResolution(
t, htlcResolution, testInvoicePreimage,
require.Equal(t, ResultSettled, settleResolution.Outcome)
// Now we mine our htlc's expiry height.
ctx.notifier.blockChan <- &chainntnfs.BlockEpoch{
Height: int32(testHtlcExpiry),
// If we did not settle the invoice before its expiry, we now expect
// a cancelation.
expectedState := channeldb.ContractSettled
if !settle {
expectedState = channeldb.ContractCanceled
htlcResolution := (<-hodlChan).(HtlcResolution)
require.NotNil(t, htlcResolution)
t, htlcResolution, ResultCanceled,
// Finally, lookup the invoice and assert that we have the state we
// expect.
inv, err := ctx.registry.LookupInvoice(testInvoicePaymentHash)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expectedState, inv.State, "expected "+
"hold invoice: %v, got: %v", expectedState, inv.State)
// TestMultipleSetHeightExpiry pays a hold invoice with two mpp sets, testing
// that the invoice expiry watcher only uses the expiry height of the second,
// successful set to cancel the invoice, and does not cancel early using the
// expiry height of the first set that was canceled back due to mpp timeout.
func TestMultipleSetHeightExpiry(t *testing.T) {
defer timeout()()
ctx := newTestContext(t)
defer ctx.cleanup()
// Add a hold invoice.
invoice := *testInvoice
invoice.HodlInvoice = true
_, err := ctx.registry.AddInvoice(&invoice, testInvoicePaymentHash)
require.NoError(t, err)
mppPayload := &mockPayload{
mpp: record.NewMPP(testInvoiceAmt, [32]byte{}),
// Send htlc 1.
hodlChan1 := make(chan interface{}, 1)
resolution, err := ctx.registry.NotifyExitHopHtlc(
testInvoicePaymentHash, invoice.Terms.Value/2,
testCurrentHeight, getCircuitKey(10), hodlChan1, mppPayload,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, resolution, "did not expect direct resolution")
// Simulate mpp timeout releasing htlc 1.
ctx.clock.SetTime(testTime.Add(30 * time.Second))
htlcResolution := (<-hodlChan1).(HtlcResolution)
failResolution, ok := htlcResolution.(*HtlcFailResolution)
require.True(t, ok, "expected fail resolution, got: %T", resolution)
require.Equal(t, ResultMppTimeout, failResolution.Outcome,
"expected MPP Timeout, got: %v", failResolution.Outcome)
// Notify the expiry height for our first htlc. We don't expect the
// invoice to be expired based on block height because the htlc set
// was never completed.
ctx.notifier.blockChan <- &chainntnfs.BlockEpoch{
Height: int32(testHtlcExpiry),
// Now we will send a full set of htlcs for the invoice with a higher
// expiry height. We expect the invoice to move into the accepted state.
expiry := testHtlcExpiry + 5
// Send htlc 2.
hodlChan2 := make(chan interface{}, 1)
resolution, err = ctx.registry.NotifyExitHopHtlc(
testInvoicePaymentHash, invoice.Terms.Value/2, expiry,
testCurrentHeight, getCircuitKey(11), hodlChan2, mppPayload,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, resolution, "did not expect direct resolution")
// Send htlc 3.
hodlChan3 := make(chan interface{}, 1)
resolution, err = ctx.registry.NotifyExitHopHtlc(
testInvoicePaymentHash, invoice.Terms.Value/2, expiry,
testCurrentHeight, getCircuitKey(12), hodlChan3, mppPayload,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, resolution, "did not expect direct resolution")
// Assert that we've reached an accepted state because the invoice has
// been paid with a complete set.
inv, err := ctx.registry.LookupInvoice(testInvoicePaymentHash)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, channeldb.ContractAccepted, inv.State, "expected "+
"hold invoice accepted")
// Now we will notify the expiry height for the new set of htlcs. We
// expect the invoice to be canceled by the expiry watcher.
ctx.notifier.blockChan <- &chainntnfs.BlockEpoch{
Height: int32(expiry),
require.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool {
inv, err := ctx.registry.LookupInvoice(testInvoicePaymentHash)
require.NoError(t, err)
return inv.State == channeldb.ContractCanceled
}, testTimeout, time.Millisecond*100, "invoice not canceled")
// TestSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired tests that if an incoming payment has
// an invoice that requires the payment addr bit to be set, and the incoming
// payment doesn't include an mpp payload, then the payment is rejected.


@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ import (
@ -179,6 +181,7 @@ func newTestChannelDB(clock clock.Clock) (*channeldb.DB, func(), error) {
type testContext struct {
cdb *channeldb.DB
registry *InvoiceRegistry
notifier *mockChainNotifier
clock *clock.TestClock
cleanup func()
@ -193,7 +196,11 @@ func newTestContext(t *testing.T) *testContext {
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(clock)
notifier := newMockNotifier()
expiryWatcher := NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
clock, 0, uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil, notifier,
// Instantiate and start the invoice ctx.registry.
cfg := RegistryConfig{
@ -212,6 +219,7 @@ func newTestContext(t *testing.T) *testContext {
ctx := testContext{
cdb: cdb,
registry: registry,
notifier: notifier,
clock: clock,
t: t,
cleanup: func() {
@ -365,3 +373,111 @@ func checkFailResolution(t *testing.T, res HtlcResolution,
return failResolution
type hodlExpiryTest struct {
hash lntypes.Hash
state channeldb.ContractState
stateLock sync.Mutex
mockNotifier *mockChainNotifier
mockClock *clock.TestClock
cancelChan chan lntypes.Hash
watcher *InvoiceExpiryWatcher
func (h *hodlExpiryTest) setState(state channeldb.ContractState) {
defer h.stateLock.Unlock()
h.state = state
func (h *hodlExpiryTest) announceBlock(t *testing.T, height uint32) {
select {
case h.mockNotifier.blockChan <- &chainntnfs.BlockEpoch{
Height: int32(height),
case <-time.After(testTimeout):
t.Fatalf("block %v not consumed", height)
func (h *hodlExpiryTest) assertCanceled(t *testing.T, expected lntypes.Hash) {
select {
case actual := <-h.cancelChan:
require.Equal(t, expected, actual)
case <-time.After(testTimeout):
t.Fatalf("invoice: %v not canceled", h.hash)
// setupHodlExpiry creates a hodl invoice in our expiry watcher and runs an
// arbitrary update function which advances the invoices's state.
func setupHodlExpiry(t *testing.T, creationDate time.Time,
expiry time.Duration, heightDelta uint32,
startState channeldb.ContractState,
startHtlcs []*channeldb.InvoiceHTLC) *hodlExpiryTest {
mockNotifier := newMockNotifier()
mockClock := clock.NewTestClock(testTime)
test := &hodlExpiryTest{
state: startState,
watcher: NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
mockClock, heightDelta, uint32(testCurrentHeight), nil,
cancelChan: make(chan lntypes.Hash),
mockNotifier: mockNotifier,
mockClock: mockClock,
// Use an unbuffered channel to block on cancel calls so that the test
// does not exit before we've processed all the invoices we expect.
cancelImpl := func(paymentHash lntypes.Hash, force bool) error {
currentState := test.state
if currentState != channeldb.ContractOpen && !force {
return nil
select {
case test.cancelChan <- paymentHash:
case <-time.After(testTimeout):
return nil
require.NoError(t, test.watcher.Start(cancelImpl))
// We set preimage and hash so that we can use our existing test
// helpers. In practice we would only have the hash, but this does not
// affect what we're testing at all.
preimage := lntypes.Preimage{1}
test.hash = preimage.Hash()
invoice := newTestInvoice(t, preimage, creationDate, expiry)
invoice.State = startState
invoice.HodlInvoice = true
invoice.Htlcs = make(map[channeldb.CircuitKey]*channeldb.InvoiceHTLC)
// If we have any htlcs, add them with unique circult keys.
for i, htlc := range startHtlcs {
key := channeldb.CircuitKey{
HtlcID: uint64(i),
invoice.Htlcs[key] = htlc
// Create an expiry entry for our invoice in its starting state. This
// mimics adding invoices to the watcher on start.
entry := makeInvoiceExpiry(test.hash, invoice)
return test


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package lncfg
// DefaultHoldInvoiceExpiryDelta defines the number of blocks before the expiry
// height of a hold invoice's htlc that lnd will automatically cancel the
// invoice to prevent the channel from force closing. This value *must* be
// greater than DefaultIncomingBroadcastDelta to prevent force closes.
const DefaultHoldInvoiceExpiryDelta = DefaultIncomingBroadcastDelta + 2
// Invoices holds the configuration options for invoices.
type Invoices struct {
HoldExpiryDelta uint32 `long:"holdexpirydelta" description:"The number of blocks before a hold invoice's htlc expires that the invoice should be canceled to prevent a force close. Force closes will not be prevented if this value is not greater than DefaultIncomingBroadcastDelta."`


@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ import (
// testHoldInvoiceForceClose demonstrates that recipients of hold invoices
// will not release active htlcs for their own invoices when they expire,
// resulting in a force close of their channel.
// testHoldInvoiceForceClose tests cancelation of accepted hold invoices which
// would otherwise trigger force closes when they expire.
func testHoldInvoiceForceClose(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
ctxb, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
@ -94,38 +93,43 @@ func testHoldInvoiceForceClose(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
require.NoError(t.t, net.Alice.WaitForBlockchainSync(ctxb))
require.NoError(t.t, net.Bob.WaitForBlockchainSync(ctxb))
// Alice should have a waiting-close channel because she has force
// closed to time out the htlc.
assertNumPendingChannels(t, net.Alice, 1, 0)
// We should have our force close tx in the mempool.
mineBlocks(t, net, 1, 1)
// Ensure alice and bob are synced to chain after we've mined our force
// close.
require.NoError(t.t, net.Alice.WaitForBlockchainSync(ctxb))
require.NoError(t.t, net.Bob.WaitForBlockchainSync(ctxb))
// Our channel should not have been force closed, instead we expect our
// channel to still be open and our invoice to have been canceled before
// expiry.
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
chanInfo, err := getChanInfo(ctxt, net.Alice)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// At this point, Bob's channel should be resolved because his htlc is
// expired, so no further action is required. Alice will still have a
// pending force close channel because she needs to resolve the htlc.
assertNumPendingChannels(t, net.Alice, 0, 1)
assertNumPendingChannels(t, net.Bob, 0, 0)
fundingTxID, err := lnrpc.GetChanPointFundingTxid(chanPoint)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
chanStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", fundingTxID, chanPoint.OutputIndex)
require.Equal(t.t, chanStr, chanInfo.ChannelPoint)
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
err = waitForNumChannelPendingForceClose(ctxt, net.Alice, 1,
func(channel *lnrpcForceCloseChannel) error {
numHtlcs := len(channel.PendingHtlcs)
if numHtlcs != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected 1 htlc, got: "+
"%v", numHtlcs)
err = wait.NoError(func() error {
inv, err := net.Bob.LookupInvoice(ctxt, &lnrpc.PaymentHash{
RHash: payHash[:],
if err != nil {
return err
if inv.State != lnrpc.Invoice_CANCELED {
return fmt.Errorf("expected canceled invoice, got: %v",
for _, htlc := range inv.Htlcs {
if htlc.State != lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_CANCELED {
return fmt.Errorf("expected htlc canceled, "+
"got: %v", htlc.State)
return nil
require.NoError(t.t, err)
return nil
}, defaultTimeout)
require.NoError(t.t, err, "expected canceled invoice")
// Cleanup Alice's force close.
cleanupForceClose(t, net, net.Alice, chanPoint)
// Clean up the channel.
ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, channelCloseTimeout)
closeChannelAndAssert(ctxt, t, net, net.Alice, chanPoint, false)


@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ func testMultiHopRemoteForceCloseOnChainHtlcTimeout(net *lntest.NetworkHarness,
err = waitForNumChannelPendingForceClose(ctxt, bob, 0, nil)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// While we're here, we demonstrate some bugs in our handling of
// invoices that timeout on chain.
// While we're here, we assert that our expired invoice's state is
// correctly updated, and can no longer be settled.
assertOnChainInvoiceState(ctxb, t, carol, preimage)
// We'll close out the test by closing the channel from Alice to Bob,
@ -191,12 +191,8 @@ func testMultiHopRemoteForceCloseOnChainHtlcTimeout(net *lntest.NetworkHarness,
// assertOnChainInvoiceState asserts that we have some bugs with how we handle
// hold invoices that are expired on-chain.
// - htlcs accepted: despite being timed out, our htlcs are still in accepted
// state
// - can settle: our invoice that has expired on-chain can still be settled
// even though we don't claim any htlcs.
// assertOnChainInvoiceState asserts that we have the correct state for a hold
// invoice that has expired on chain, and that it can't be settled.
func assertOnChainInvoiceState(ctx context.Context, t *harnessTest,
node *lntest.HarnessNode, preimage lntypes.Preimage) {
@ -207,22 +203,12 @@ func assertOnChainInvoiceState(ctx context.Context, t *harnessTest,
require.NoError(t.t, err)
for _, htlc := range inv.Htlcs {
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_ACCEPTED, htlc.State)
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_CANCELED, htlc.State)
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_CANCELED, inv.State)
_, err = node.SettleInvoice(ctx, &invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceMsg{
Preimage: preimage[:],
require.NoError(t.t, err, "expected erroneous invoice settle")
inv, err = node.LookupInvoice(ctx, &lnrpc.PaymentHash{
RHash: hash[:],
require.NoError(t.t, err)
require.True(t.t, inv.Settled, "expected erroneously settled invoice") // nolint:staticcheck
for _, htlc := range inv.Htlcs {
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_SETTLED, htlc.State,
"expected htlcs to be erroneously settled")
require.Error(t.t, err, "should not be able to settle invoice")


@ -279,3 +279,5 @@
<time> [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.State/SubscribeState]: context canceled
<time> [ERR] NTFN: Failed to update rescan progress: database not open
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: process hodl queue: unable to update commitment: link shutting down with error: internal error
<time> [ERR] INVC: SettleHodlInvoice with preimage <hex>: invoice already canceled
<time> [ERR] RPCS: [/invoicesrpc.Invoices/SettleInvoice]: invoice already canceled


@ -1129,3 +1129,23 @@ litecoin.node=ltcd
; will accept over the channel update interval.
; gossip.max-channel-update-burst=10
; If a hold invoice has accepted htlcs that reach their expiry height and are
; not timed out, the channel holding the htlc is force closed to resolve the
; invoice's htlcs. To prevent force closes, lnd automatically cancels these
; invoices before they reach their expiry height.
; Hold expiry delta describes the number of blocks before expiry that these
; invoices should be canceled. Setting this value to 0 will ensure that hold
; invoices can be settled right up until their expiry height, but will result
; in the channel they are on being force closed if they are not resolved before
; expiry.
; Lnd goes to chain before the expiry for a htlc is reached so that there is
; time to resolve it on chain. This value needs to be greater than the
; DefaultIncomingBroadcastDelta set by lnd, otherwise the channel will be force
; closed anyway. A warning will be logged on startup if this value is not large
; enough to prevent force closes.
; invoices.holdexpirydelta=15


@ -443,11 +443,6 @@ func newServer(cfg *Config, listenAddrs []net.Addr,
readPool: readPool,
chansToRestore: chansToRestore,
invoices: invoices.NewRegistry(
remoteChanDB, invoices.NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(clock.NewDefaultClock()),
channelNotifier: channelnotifier.New(remoteChanDB),
identityECDH: nodeKeyECDH,
@ -484,11 +479,19 @@ func newServer(cfg *Config, listenAddrs []net.Addr,
subscribers: make(map[uint64]*preimageSubscriber),
_, currentHeight, err :=
currentHash, currentHeight, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expiryWatcher := invoices.NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
clock.NewDefaultClock(), cfg.Invoices.HoldExpiryDelta,
uint32(currentHeight), currentHash, cc.ChainNotifier,
s.invoices = invoices.NewRegistry(
remoteChanDB, expiryWatcher, &registryConfig,
s.htlcNotifier = htlcswitch.NewHtlcNotifier(time.Now)
s.htlcSwitch, err = htlcswitch.New(htlcswitch.Config{
