<time> [ERR] BRAR: Unable to register for conf for txid(<hex>): TxNotifier is exiting
<time> [ERR] BTCN: Broadcast attempt failed: rejected by <ip>: replacement transaction <hex> has an insufficient absolute fee: needs <amt>, has <amt>
<time> [ERR] BTCN: Broadcast attempt failed: rejected by <ip>: replacement transaction <hex> has an insufficient fee rate: needs more than <amt>, has <amt>
<time> [ERR] BTCN: Unable to process block connected (height=<height>, hash=<hex>): out of order block <hex>: expected PrevBlock <hex>, got <hex>
<time> [ERR] BTCN: Unknown connid=<id>
<time> [ERR] CHFT: Close channel <chan_point> unknown to store
<time> [ERR] CNCT: *contractcourt.commitSweepResolver(<chan_point>): unable to sweep input: remote party swept utxo
<time> [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(<chan_point>): unable to advance state: channel not found
<time> [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(<chan_point>): unable to broadcast close tx: Transaction rejected: output already spent
<time> [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(<chan_point>): unable to force close: channel not found
<time> [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(<chan_point>): unable to progress *contractcourt.commitSweepResolver: remote party swept utxo
<time> [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(<chan_point>): unable to progress *contractcourt.htlcOutgoingContestResolver: chain notifier shutting down
<time> [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(<chan_point>): unable to progress *contractcourt.htlcOutgoingContestResolver: chainntnfs: system interrupt while attempting to register for block epoch notification.
<time> [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(<chan_point>): unable to progress *contractcourt.htlcOutgoingContestResolver: resolver canceled
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance pending state of ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): error waiting for funding confirmation for ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): epoch client shutting down
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance pending state of ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): error waiting for funding confirmation for ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): funding manager shutting down
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance pending state of ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): error waiting for funding confirmation for ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): waiting for fundingconfirmation failed
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance state(<chan_point>): error sending channel announcement: channel announcement failed: channel announcement proof for short_chan_id=<hex> isn't valid: can't verify first bitcoin signature
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance state(<chan_point>): error sending channel announcement: channel announcement failed: funding manager shutting down
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance state(<chan_point>): error sending channel announcement: channel announcement failed: gossiper is shutting down
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance state(<chan_point>): error sending channel announcement: channel announcement failed: router shutting down
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance state(<chan_point>): error sending channel announcement: channel announcement failed: unable add proof to the channel chanID=<hex>: edge marked as zombie
<time> [ERR] FNDG: Unable to advance state(<chan_point>): error sending channel announcement: channel announcement failed: unable add proof to the channel chanID=<hex>: edge not found
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): received error from peer: chan_id=<hex>, err=invalid update with error: remote error
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: unable to handle upstream settle HTLC: Invalid payment preimage <hex> for hash <hex> with error: invalid update
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: unable to synchronize channel states: ChannelPoint(<chan_point>) with CommitPoint(<hex>) had possible local commitment state data loss with error: unable to resume channel, recovery required
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: unable to synchronize channel states: possible remote commitment state data loss with error: sync error
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: unable to synchronize channel states: Unable to send chan sync message for ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): peer exiting with error: unable to resume channel, recovery required
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: unable to synchronize channel states: unable to send chan sync message for ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): set tcp <ip>: use of closed network connection with error: unable to resume channel, recovery required
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: unable to synchronize channel states: Unable to send chan sync message for ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): write tcp <ip>-><ip>: use of closed network connection with error: unable to resume channel, recovery required
<time> [ERR] HSWC: ChannelLink(<chan>): failing link: unable to synchronize channel states: Unable to send chan sync message for ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): write tcp <ip>-><ip>: write: broken pipe with error: unable to resume channel, recovery required
<time> [ERR] HSWC: unable to find target channel for HTLC fail: channel ID = <chan>, HTLC ID = <id>
<time> [ERR] HSWC: Unable to forward resolution msg: unable to find target channel for HTLC fail: channel ID = <chan>, HTLC ID = <id>
<time> [ERR] HSWC: unable to process onion packet: sphinx packet replay attempted
<time> [ERR] HSWC: UnknownNextPeer
<time> [ERR] LNWL: ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): sync failed with local data loss: remote believes our tail height is <height>, while we have <height>!
<time> [ERR] LNWL: ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): sync failed: remote believes our tail height is <height>, while we have <height>!
<time> [ERR] LNWL: ChannelPoint(<chan_point>): sync failed: remote's next commit height is <height>, while we believe it is <height>!
<time> [ERR] LNWL: Neutrino rescan ended with error: rescan exited
<time> [ERR] LNWL: Notifying unmined tx notification (<hex>) while creating notification for blocks
<time> [ERR] LTND: Unable to lookup witness: no witnesses
<time> [ERR] NANN: Unable to retrieve chan status for Channel(<chan_point>): edge not found
<time> [ERR] NANN: Unable to retrieve chan status for Channel(<chan_point>): unable to extract ChannelUpdate for channel <chan_point>
<time> [ERR] NANN: Unable to sign update disabling channel(<chan_point>): edge not found
<time> [ERR] NTFN: Error during rescan: rescan exited
<time> [ERR] NTFN: Rescan to determine the spend details of <chan_point> failed: the client has been shutdown
<time> [ERR] NTFN: Unable to fetch block header: the client has been shutdown
<time> [ERR] NTFN: unable to find blockhash for height=<height>: -1: Block number out of range
<time> [ERR] NTFN: unable to get block: the client has been shutdown
<time> [ERR] NTFN: unable to get missed blocks: starting height <height> is greater than ending height <height>
<time> [ERR] NTFN: Unable to rewind chain from height <height> to height <height>: unable to find blockhash for disconnected height=<height>: -1: Block number out of range
<time> [ERR] PEER: resend failed: unable to fetch channel sync messages for peer <hex>@<ip>: unable to find closed channel summary
<time> [ERR] PEER: unable to force close link(<chan>): ChainArbitrator exiting
<time> [ERR] PEER: unable to force close link(<chan>): channel not found
<time> [ERR] PEER: unable to force close link(<chan>): unable to find arbitrator
<time> [ERR] PEER: unable to get best block: the client has been shutdown
<time> [ERR] PEER: unable to send msg to remote peer: peer exiting
<time> [ERR] PEER: unable to send msg to remote peer: write tcp <ip>-><ip>: write: broken pipe
<time> [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeChannelGraph]: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called
<time> [ERR] RPCS: Failed sending error response: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called
<time> [ERR] RPCS: Failed sending response: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called
<time> [ERR] RPCS: unable to open channel to NodeKey(<hex>): received funding error from <hex>: chan_id=<hex>, err=Number of pending channels exceed maximum